E-Journal Universitas PGRI Madiun (Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia)
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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan teknik dan kualitas penerjemahan epigraf dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. Sumber datanya adalah buku berbahasa Inggris karya Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, dan Patty Hansen berjudul “CSFTS Divorce and Recovery” dalam berbahasa Inggris dan telah dialihbahasakan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Susi Purwoko dengan judul “CSFTS Menyembuhkan Luka Perceraian”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui teknik penerjemahan serta menganalisis tingkat keakuratan, keberterimaan, dan keterbacaan hasil terjemahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan cara mengambil sampel epigraf dari sejumlah bab untuk dianalisis teknik dan kualitas terjemahannya. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendapat Molina dan Albir tentang 18 teknik penerjemahan (adaptasi, amplifikasi, peminjaman, kalke, kompensasi, deskripsi, kreasi diskursif, padanan lazim, generalisasi, amplifikasi linguistik, kompresi linguistik, terjemahan harfiah, modulasi, partikularisasi, reduksi, substitusi, transposisi, dan variasi). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa penerjemah menggunakan penerjemahan literal, transposisi, kompensasi, reduksi, amplifikasi, modulasi, padanan lazim, kreasi diskursif, dan peminjaman. Sedangkan untuk kualitas terjemahan, peneliti menggunakan teori dari Nababan, Nuraeni dan Sumardiono mengenai 3 aspek kualitas terjemahan (keakuratan, keberterimaan, dan keterbacaan). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat 18 data akurat dan 5 data kurang akurat; 10 data berterima, 9 data kurang berterima, dan 4 data tidak berterima; 21 data dengan tingkat keterbacaan tinggi, 2 data dengan tingkat keterbacaan sedang

    Exploring Theological and Biblical perspectives on wealth and poverty

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    The subject of wealth and poverty is one of the major themes in the JudeoChristian Scriptures. The continent of Africa is one of the regions hugely affected by poverty. As such, there is an ongoing discourse about the biblical view of wealth and how it may be used in tackling the canker of poverty. At one breath, our contemporary materialistic culture is seducing Christians to accept the idea that poverty is a curse from God, whilst on the other extreme, wealth is viewed as an impediment to entering the kingdom of God. While a complete eradication of poverty remains a formidable challenge, particularly in vulnerable contexts, there exists an opportunity for more concerted efforts to alleviate the plight of the impoverished. As a contribution to the scholarly discourse, this paper examined what the Bible reveals about wealth and poverty and made relevant theological deductions for African church in dealing with wealth and poverty. This is timely against the backdrop that the “centre of gravity” of Christianity is in Africa which makes it befitting to address the menace of poverty from the biblical standpoint. The paper conducted a theological study of relevant biblical passages. The fact that one’s wealth does not necessarily indicate their acceptance by God and the need to share material resources were emphasized. Though the authors had the African continent in mind, the paper also applies to other contexts which share Africa’s socio-economic realities

    Kebijakan moneter terhadap stabilitas pasar modal di Indonesia

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    Pasar modal Indonesia merupakan sebuah pasar yang berkembang. Perkembangannya sangat sensitif tidak hanya terhadap situasi makro ekonomi secara umum, namun juga terhadap situasi perekonomian dunia dan pasar modal dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini diperuntukkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebijakan moneter terhadap stabilitas pasar modal di indonesia. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis linear berganda dengan melakukan uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis.analisis ini digunakan dengan bantuan software SPSS. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 33 data resmi yang telah terdaftar melalui publikasi Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia pada tahun 2021-2023. uji signifikan simultan yaitu uji F, menunjukkan inflasi, suku bunga, kurs, dan operasi pasar terbuka memiliki pengaruh secara simultan terhadap indeks saham, uji t menunjukkan bahwa inflasi, suku bunga memiliki pengaruh secara signifikanterhadap indeks saham, sedangkan kurs dan operaasi pasar terbuka tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap indeks saham


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    Abstract. Mira Village is famous for its strong culture. The culture of Mira Village is the result of inheritance from ancestors, such as marriage culture, celebrations and handicrafts. The craftsmen in Mira Village produce a variety of crafts that are culturally valuable and also authentically typical of North Maluku. One of them is a typical North Maluku handicraft made from bamboo, namely susuru. Based on the importance of preserving local culture and the need for suriu craftsmen which are becoming increasingly scarce, training activities for making susiru handicrafts were initiated by Khairun University. This activity received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture for Community Service in 2023 through the Community Empowerment by Students (PMM) scheme. The training will be held in August 2023 in 5 meetings. The initial activity location was at the Mira Village hall and the next meeting was at the residents' homes. The target of this activity is Mira Village housewives. The aim of this activity is to provide basic training in making susiru so that it is hoped that public interest can increase and increase the number of susiru craftsmen in Mira Village. The result of this activity is an increase in community understanding and skills. After this activity was completed, there were 5 craftsmen who were active in making susuru handicrafts.Abstrak. Desa Mira terkenal dengan budaya yang kental. Budaya Desa Mira merupakan hasil warisan dari nenek moyang seperti budaya perkawinan, hajatan sampai dengan kerajinan tangan. Para pengrajin di Desa Mira menghasilkan beragam kerajinan yang bernilai budaya dan juga otentik khas Maluku Utara. Salah satunya adalah kerajinan tangan khas Maluku Utara yang terbuat dari bambu yaitu susiru. Berdasarkan pentingnya melestarikan budaya lokal dan kebutuhan dari pengrajin suriu yang semakin hari semakin sedikit, maka kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan kerajinan tangan susiru diinisiasi oleh Universitas Khairun. Kegiatan ini memperoleh pendanaan Kemdikbudristek Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat tahun 2023 melalui skim Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa (PMM). Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2023 sebanyak 5 kali pertemuan. Tempat kegiatan perdana di balai Desa Mira dan pertemuan berikutnya di rumah warga. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah ibu- ibu rumah tangga Desa Mira. Tujuan dilaksanakan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dasar pembuatan susiru sehingga diharapkan ketertarikan masyarakat dapat meningkat dan menambah pengrajin susiru di Desa Mira. Hasil kegiatan berdasarkan hasil evaluasi adalah adalah pemahaman dan skill yang meningkat. Setelah kegiatan ini selesai, ada 5 pengrajin yang aktif membuat kerajinan tangan susiru. 


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    Abstract. The important role of animal husbandry where its activities are part of agriculture that includes both processing, production facilities, cultivation, handling of maintenance and post-harvest periods and related marketing of its products. In Indonesia, goats are one of the most widely recognized small ruminants with very high productivity potential. Goats are used as small factories that produce meat and milk by some people in rural areas, in addition to meat and milk the results obtained from goats are skin and manure that can be used as fertilizer. The problems faced by farmers in Dusun Solot are the process of managing orders, expanding the market and managing waste from livestock. The objectives and benefits of this service activity are to provide knowledge and skills to farmers related to the use of digital technology in marketing activities such as the use of websites and social media and improve the ability of farmers to see business opportunities for beef goats and the use of livestock waste into organic fertilizer. The service method applied includes: preparation, implementation and assistance and evaluation. The results of this service activity on the utilization of  digital technology as a marketing communication strategy and the management and utilization of livestock waste provide new knowledge and skill for farmers in utilizing digital technology for marketing activities such as the use of website and social media, the ability of farmers to see business opportunities for beef goats and the utilization of livestock waste into organic fertilizer.  Abstrak. Peran penting peternakan dimana kegiatannya merupakan bagian dari pertanian yang mencakup usaha baik pengolahan, sarana produksi, budidaya, penanganan masa pemeliharaan dan pasca panen serta terkait pemasaran hasil produksinya. Di Indonesia, kambing adalah salah satu jenis ternak ruminansia kecil yang cukup dikenal luas dengan potensi produktivitas yang sangat tinggi. Kambing ini dimanfaatkan sebagai pabrik kecil yang menghasilkan daging dan susu oleh sebagian masyarakat di pedesaan, selain daging dan susu hasil yang didapat dari ternak kambing adalah kulit dan kotorannya yang dapat difungsikan sebagai pupuk. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh peternak yang ada di Dusun Solot yaitu proses mengelola pesanan, perluasan pasar serta pengelolaan limbah dari ternak. Adapun tujuan dan manfaat dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada peternak terkait pemanfaatan teknologi digital dalam kegiatan pemasaran seperti penggunaan website dan media social dan meningkatkan kemampuan peternak dalam melihat peluang usaha kambing potong serta pemanfaatan limbah ternak menjadi pupuk organik. Metode pengabdian yang diterapkan meliputi: persiapan, pelaksanaan dan pendampingan serta evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian pemanfaatan teknologi digital sebagai strategi komunikasi pemasaran dan pengelolaan serta pemanfaatan limbah ternak ini memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru bagi para peternak dalam pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk kegiatan pemasaran seperti penggunaan website dan media social, kemampuan peternak dalam melihat peluang usaha kambing potong serta pemanfaatan limbah ternak menjadi pupuk organik

    A scoping functionalist reflections on the implementation of affirmative action in Higher Education Institutions in South Africa

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    The scoping review was carried out to investigate the functionalist perspective on affirmative action for women in the workplace in the Eastern Cape Province’s selected South African universities. Given that university-specific information is available on affirmative action for women in the workplace, this scoping review employed a systematic review to investigate the implementation of the legislative framework for affirmative action policy in African-selected universities and ways to make improvements. Purposive sampling was used to select four higher education institutions (HEIs), in which there were two historically black and two historically white institutions, for representativeness. Evidently, affirmative action is indeed an existing policy in the selected institutions to redress the exclusion of women in senior positions in the past. While this review revealed the heightened visibility of women in executive positions in the four universities, women tend to be represented more than men in some executive categories. This demonstrates that the implementation of affirmative action for women has largely been successful in the country. Although with some challenges, the inclusion of women, without gender discrimination and biases, is a necessary ingredient for the sustainability of higher education administration in the country from a functionalist perspective

    Indonesia's Regulation and Implementation of Subsidies in View of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 1995-WTO

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    Regulation and implementation of subsidies in Indonesia is in the form of financial assistance provided by the government either directly or indirectly to companies, industries, industrial groups or exporters. With the aim of increasing export activities and reducing import activities for the welfare of the people and not violating the provisions of the 1945 Constitution, as the definition of subsidies is explained in the PP. Number 34 of 2011 concerning Anti-Dumping Measures, Compensatory Measures and Trade Security Measures Article 1 paragraph 8. In the Indonesian Government's policy, subsidies are given as long as they are to achieve people's welfare, and do not violate the order in the 1945 Constitution. However, in terms of government policy to improving people's welfare and protecting the domestic economy, often causing problems in the scope of international trade. This article aims to examine and understand how subsidies are regulated and implemented in Indonesia in terms of the Agreement On Subsidies And Countervailing Measures 1995-WTO. This research is normative legal research which examines written law based on applicable laws and regulations. The results of this research are that based on the policy issued by the Indonesian government, subsidies are given in order to realize the domestic economy, so based on this policy, basically the Agreement On Subsidies And Countervailng Measures 1995-WTO limits subsidies, so that their use does not cause harm to other countries' industries

    Mobile technology, farmer education and performance of agricultural projects: A case of the digifarm sunflower project in Makueni County, Kenya.

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    Mobile technology in agriculture offers an effective and economical means of expanding knowledge sharing and exchange. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to establish the influence of mobile technology on the performance of agricultural projects in Makueni County, Kenya. Specifically, the study remit was mobile applications and mobile money transfers. This study adopted a mixed-methods approach to ensure a comprehensive assembly and triangulation of requisite data to respond to the survey objectives. The target population for this study was all sunflower farmers in Makueni County who subscribed to the DigiFarm platform. The sample size for this study was 208. The results were presented using descriptive statistics and correlations between the variables studied. Mobile applications presented weak positive correlations with the performance of agricultural projects, while Mobile money presented a strong positive correlation with agricultural projects

    Memajukan UMKM Lokal: Pendampingan UMKM Dalam Penggunaan Digital Marketing, Digitalisasi Keuangan, dan Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Camilane Ifa, Wonoasri, Madiun

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    Penelitian ini menyoroti permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UMKM "Susu Kedelai Maknyus" yang meliputi kendala dalam pemasaran yang belum terdigitalisasi, manajemen sumber daya manusia yang belum optimal, serta pencatatan keuangan yang masih manual. Melalui keterlibatan mahasiswa, solusi yang ditawarkan mencakup pendampingan dalam pengembangan produk, pemasaran terintegrasi dengan pendekatan digital, pelatihan dalam penggunaan aplikasi digital untuk manajemen keuangan, serta pengenalan format laporan keuangan digital. Metode penelitian melibatkan serangkaian tahapan terstruktur mulai dari observasi, pengumpulan informasi, pemetaan masalah, hingga implementasi solusi yang direncanakan. Hasil dari pendampingan UMKM ini mencakup inovasi produk, strategi pemasaran yang lebih luas dan terintegrasi, peningkatan kemampuan manajemen keuangan, serta transformasi dari pencatatan keuangan tradisional menjadi digital. Diharapkan, hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi pertumbuhan dan peningkatan efisiensi operasional UMKM "Susu Kedelai Maknyus" dalam menghadapi tantangan di era digital.Kata Kunci: UMKM, Pemasaran, Susu Kedelai, Pendampingan Masyarakat


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    AbstrakMamaca merupakan salah satu tradisi lisan yang ada di Madura. Namun tradisi ini mulai dilupakan oleh masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat Sampang. Oleh sebab itu tradisi mamaca perlu untuk dihidupkan kembali melalui pembelajaran Sastra Lama di STKIP PGRI Sampang. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) untuk mendeskripsikan hambatan dalam pembelajaran mamaca melalui mata kuliah Sastra Lama di STKIP PGRI Sampang, dan 2) untuk mendeskripsikan solusi atas hambatan dalam pembelajaran mamaca melalui mata kuliah Sastra Lama di STKIP PGRI Sampang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara secara mendalam kepada dosen pengampu mata kuliah dan mahasiswa. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa pembelajaran mamaca pada praktiknya mengalami hambatan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan 60% mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran mamaca mendapatkan nilai kurang memuaskan. Hambatan pembelajaran mamaca berasal dari internal dosen dan mahasiswa serta dari eksternal seperti keterbatasan sumber belajar, layang yang dipelajari, serta durasi belajar yang terbatas. Selain hambatan, terdapat solusi yang  dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah: 1) bergabung dengan kelompok mamaca di sekitar Sampang, 2) memilih layang berbahasa Madura, 3) mengadakan pelatihan mamaca, dan 4) tampil dalam kegiatan atau acara kampus. Abstract Mamaca is an oral tradition in Madura. However, this tradition is starting to be forgotten by the people, especially the people of Sampang. Therefore, the mamaca tradition needs to be revived through the study of Old Literature at STKIP PGRI Sampang. The aims of this research are: 1) to describe the obstacles in learning mamaca through the Old Literature course at STKIP PGRI Sampang, and 2) to describe solutions to the obstacles in learning mamaca through the Old Literature course at STKIP PGRI Sampang. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with course lecturers and students. The results show that in practice learning mamaca experiences obstacles. This is shown by 60% of students who took part in the Mamaca study getting unsatisfactory grades. Mamaca's learning obstacles come from internal lecturers and students as well as from external sources such as limited learning resources, courses being studied, and limited learning duration. Apart from the obstacles, some solutions can be done, including 1) joining a mamaca group around Sampang, 2) choosing Madurese language kites, 3) holding mamaca training, and 4) appearing in campus activities or events.


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