369 research outputs found

    The Students Ability In Writing Descriptive Text Using Mind Mapping Technique At The 10th Graders Of SMAN-3 Palangka Raya Academic Year 2013/2014

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    This research was aimed to measure the effectiveness of using mind mapping technique in teaching writing descriptive text at the 10th graders of SMAN-3 Palangka Raya academic year 2013/2014. The populations of study were all of the 10th SMAN-3 Palangka Raya. The number of population were 249 students. From the populations, it was taken a class consist of 22 students as sample of the study. They were X-IBBU (Bahasa) In this study, the writer applied quantitative approach and descriptive as research design to collect data. The instrument of study was test. Before giving the test, the writer conducted a try out to know the reliability and index of difficulty. The result of the study showed that the students’ ability in writing descriptive text using mind mapping technique at the 10th graders of X-IBBU (Bahasa) of SMAN-3 Palangka Raya was fair level. It is proved by the averages score of students in first test were 81.82% or classified in fair level. From the fact concluded that the students who obtain acceptable score. There were 9.00%-14.00% students who obtain the Less score. In the second test 77.27% or classified in fair level. In the third test 9.09% or classified in fair level. It can be seen that in third test there wasn’t student got Less or Poor score Indonesia Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur keefektipan siswa dalam mengajarkan menulis teks deskriptif. Populasinya adalah seluruh siswa kelas 10 di SMA-3 Palangka Raya yang berjumlah 249 siswa. Dari populasi tersebut, diambil 1 kelas terdiri dari 22 siswa sebagai sampel. Kelas yang diambil sebagai sampel adalah kelas X-IBBU (Bahasa) Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan deskripsi dalam pengumpulan data. Instrument penelitian data berupa tes, sebelum melakukan tes, penulis melakukan uji coba soal untuk mengetahui validitas, relibilitas dan tingkat kesukaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa-siswa pada teknik pemetaan ide dalam menulis teks deskriptif pada siswa kelas 10 SMAN-3 Palangka Raya adalah dalam tingkat sedang. Hal ini dibuktikan dari nilai rata-rata siswa dalam tes pertama adalah 81.82% atau diklasifikasikan dalam tingkat sedang. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut disimpulkan bahwa skor siswa yang dapat diterima. Ada 9.00%-14.00% siswa yang mendapatkan nilai yang kurang. Pada tes kedua, 77.27% atau diklasifikasikan dalam tingkat sedang. Pada tes ketiga, 9.09% atau diklasifikasikan dalam tingkat sedang. Dapat dilihat bahwa pada tes ketiga tidak ada satupun siswa yang mendapatkan nilai sedang atau kuran

    Phosphorylation of C6- and C3-positions of glucosyl residues in starch is catalysed by distinct dikinases

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    AbstractGlucan, water dikinase (GWD) and phosphoglucan, water dikinase (PWD) are required for normal starch metabolism. We analysed starch phosphorylation in Arabidopsis wild-type plants and mutants lacking either GWD or PWD using 31P NMR. Phosphorylation at both C6- and C3-positions of glucose moieties in starch was drastically decreased in GWD-deficient mutants. In starch from PWD-deficient plants C3-bound phosphate was reduced to levels close to the detection limit. The latter result contrasts with previous reports according to which GWD phosphorylates both C6- and C3-positions. In these studies, phosphorylation had been analysed by HPLC of acid-hydrolysed glucans. We now show that maltose-6-phosphate, a product of incomplete starch hydrolysis, co-eluted with glucose-3-phosphate under the chromatographic conditions applied. Re-examination of the specificity of the dikinases using an improved method demonstrates that C6- and C3-phosphorylation is selectively catalysed by GWD and PWD, respectively

    Arabidopsis plants perform arithmetic division to prevent starvation at night

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    Photosynthetic starch reserves that accumulate in Arabidopsis leaves during the day decrease approximately linearly with time at night to support metabolism and growth. We find that the rate of decrease is adjusted to accommodate variation in the time of onset of darkness and starch content, such that reserves last almost precisely until dawn. Generation of these dynamics therefore requires an arithmetic division computation between the starch content and expected time to dawn. We introduce two novel chemical kinetic models capable of implementing analog arithmetic division. Predictions from the models are successfully tested in plants perturbed by a night-time light period or by mutations in starch degradation pathways. Our experiments indicate which components of the starch degradation apparatus may be important for appropriate arithmetic division. Our results are potentially relevant for any biological system dependent on a food reserve for survival over a predictable time period.Comment: To be published in eLIF

    Economic rationalisation of health behaviours: the dangers of attempting policy discussions in a vacuum

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    When analysing the health behaviours of any group of people, understanding the constraints and possibilities for individual agency as shaped by the broader societal context is critical. In recent decades, our understanding of the ways in which physical and social environments influence health and health behaviours has expanded greatly. The authors of a recent analysis of Australian Aboriginal health data using an economic ‘rational choice model,’ published in this journal, claim to make a useful contribution to policy discussions relating to Aboriginal health, but neglect context. By doing so, they neglect the very factors that determine the success or failure of policy change. Notwithstanding the technical sophistication of the analyses, by ignoring most relevant determinants of health, the conclusions misrepresent the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and therefore risk perpetuating harm, rather than improving health.Rachel Reilly, Kevin Rowley Joanne Luke Joyce Doyle Rebecca Ritte Rebekah O, Shea Alex Brow

    Genome-Wide Identification of Powdery Mildew Resistance in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been utilized to detect genetic variations related to several agronomic traits and disease resistance in common bean. However, its application in the powdery mildew (PM) disease to identify candidate genes and their location in the common bean genome has not been fully addressed. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping with a BeadChip containing 5398 SNPs was used to detect genetic variations related to PM disease resistance in a panel of 211 genotypes grown under two field conditions for two consecutive years. Significant SNPs identified on chromosomes Pv04 and Pv10 were repeatable, ensuring the phenotypic data’s reliability and the causal relationship. A cluster of resistance genes was revealed on the Pv04 of the common bean genome, coiled-coil-nucleotide-binding site–leucine-rich repeat (CC-NBS-LRR, CNL), and Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-nucleotide-binding site–leucine-rich repeat type (TIR-NBS-LRR, TNL)-like resistance genes were identified. Furthermore, two resistance genes, Phavu_010G1320001g and Phavu_010G136800g, were also identified on Pv10. Further sequence analysis showed that these genes were homologs to the disease-resistance protein (RLM1A-like) and the putative disease-resistance protein (At4g11170.1) in Arabidopsis. Significant SNPs related to two LRR receptor-like kinases (RLK) were only identified on Pv11 in 2018. Many genes encoding the auxin-responsive protein, TIFY10A protein, growth-regulating factor five-like, ubiquitin-like protein, and cell wall RBR3-like protein related to PM disease resistance were identified nearby significant SNPs. These results suggested that the resistance to PM pathogen involves a network of many genes constitutively co-expressed

    Health and wellbeing outcomes of programs for Indigenous Australians that include strategies to enable the expression of cultural identities: a systematic review

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    Indigenous people have long maintained that strong cultural identities are critical to health and wellbeing. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine whether interventions that entail strategies to enable expression of cultural identities for Australian Indigenous peoples are associated with measurable improvements in health and wellbeing. Peer-reviewed articles that reported quantitatively expressed health and wellbeing outcomes involving Indigenous Australian participants only were included. The cultural intervention component was defined and assessed by Indigenous researchers on the team. A narrative analysis was conducted. The protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42015027387). Thirteen articles describing eleven studies were identified, including one randomised control trial (RCT), one cluster RCT and two studies with non-randomised controls. Other studies reported on case series or cross-sectional studies. All except two studies described multiple intervention strategies. Eight studies showed significant improvement in at least one psychosocial, behavioural or clinical measure, with two showing a positive direction of effect and one showing no improvement. Publication bias may discourage researchers to report negative findings of these interventions. Although studies vary in quality, this review provides evidence that interventions that include opportunities for expression of cultural identities can have beneficial effects for Australian Indigenous peoples

    A plastid-localized glycogen synthase kinase 3 modulates stress tolerance and carbohydrate metabolism

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    Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) was originally identified as a regulator of glycogen synthesis in mammals. Like starch in plants, glycogen is a polymer of glucose, and serves as an energy and carbon store. Starch is the main carbohydrate store in plants. Regulation of starch metabolism, in particular in response to environmental cues, is of primary importance for carbon and energy flow in plants but is still obscure. Here, we provide evidence that MsK4, a novel Medicago sativa GSK-3-like kinase, connects stress signalling with carbon metabolism. MsK4 was found to be a plastid-localized protein kinase that is associated with starch granules. High-salt stress rapidly induced the in vivo kinase activity of MsK4. Metabolic profiling of MsK4 over-expressor lines revealed changes in sugar metabolism, including increased amounts of maltose, the main degradation product of starch in leaves. Plants over-expressing MsK4 showed improved tolerance to salt stress. Moreover, under high-salinity conditions, MsK4-over-expressing plants accumulated significantly more starch and showed modified carbohydrate content compared with wild-type plants. Overall, these data indicate that MsK4 is an important regulator that adjusts carbohydrate metabolism to environmental stress

    Thioredoxin-regulated β-amylase (BAM1) triggers diurnal starch degradation in guard cells, and in mesophyll cells under osmotic stress

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    BAM1 is a plastid-targeted β-amylase of Arabidopsis thaliana specifically activated by reducing conditions. Among eight different chloroplast thioredoxin isoforms, thioredoxin f1 was the most efficient redox mediator, followed by thioredoxins m1, m2, y1, y2, and m4. Plastid-localized NADPH-thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) was also able partially to restore the activity of oxidized BAM1. Promoter activity of BAM1 was studied by reporter gene expression (GUS and YFP) in Arabidopsis transgenic plants. In young (non-flowering) plants, BAM1 was expressed both in leaves and roots, but expression in leaves was mainly restricted to guard cells. Compared with wild-type plants, bam1 knockout mutants were characterized by having more starch in illuminated guard cells and reduced stomata opening, suggesting that thioredoxin-regulated BAM1 plays a role in diurnal starch degradation which sustains stomata opening. Besides guard cells, BAM1 appears in mesophyll cells of young plants as a result of a strongly induced gene expression under osmotic stress, which is paralleled by an increase in total β-amylase activity together with its redox-sensitive fraction. Osmotic stress impairs the rate of diurnal starch accumulation in leaves of wild-type plants, but has no effect on starch accumulation in bam1 mutants. It is proposed that thioredoxin-regulated BAM1 activates a starch degradation pathway in illuminated mesophyll cells upon osmotic stress, similar to the diurnal pathway of starch degradation in guard cells that is also dependent on thioredoxin-regulated BAM1