915 research outputs found

    Observations on the urban ecology of the Neotropical stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/melittology/indexTetragonisca angustula (Latreille) is a small, docile, cavity-nestingstingless bee that is widely distributed in the Neotropical region. This speciesis particularly abundant in disturbed environments, including humansettlements. Between August 2005 and March 2006, we located and followed duringeight months 59 nests of this species in Medellín, the second most populatedcity in Colombia. Herein, we document their foraging behavior, mortality, andincidence of predators and natural enemies. Also, to determine if higherambient temperature and light intensity in urban environments affect the dailyforaging activity of T. angustula, wecompared the daily foraging activity of bees from nests found in open areas in thecity and bees from nests from a nearby covered, forested area. Likewise, todetermine if urban nests of T. angustulaare largely undetected and undisturbed by people, we experimentally made themvisible by adding a ring color (white, red, or black) around the nest entrance tube.Our observations indicate that higher ambient temperature and light intensity inurban environments do not significantly affect the daily foraging activity of T. angustula. Nearly half of the markednests disappeared, thus suggesting that nests of T. angustula are often undetected by people in Medellín. We discussbriefly some features of the biology of T.angustula that might contribute to its success in urban environments

    A new paracolletine bee from Colombia (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), with an updated checklist of the tropical Andean bee fauna

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    A new species of the paracolletine genus Lonchopria Vachal, Lonchopria (Biglossa) comforti Gonzalez & Engel, new species, from high elevations in the Central Andes of Colombia is described and figured.  A preliminary key to the species of the Lonchopria subgenus Biglossa Friese is presented.  Recent records of bees occurring at elevations above 2500 m in Colombia and other Andean countries are also summarized

    Recovery of acetone rinsed lichen thalli of Cladonia foliacea = Cladonia foliacea zuzmótelepek regenerálódása acetonos kezelést követően

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    The optimal period for applying acetone (best for extraction and shortest possible for avoiding detrimental effects), was established for dry lichen thalli rinsed in acetone following the methods by Solhaug and Gauslaa applied in 2001. Secondary lichen substances (usnic and fumarprotocetraric acids) were analysed by HPTLC and HPLC, the detrimental effect of acetone was tested by chlorophyll fluorescence measurement. The optimal duration for acetone rinsing proved to be around 1– 2(–5) days in the samples collected in summer. The determined Fv/Fm values of Cladonia foliacea remained relatively high even after 1024 hours compared to any of the 12 species studied previously. A seasonal difference between summer and winter collected thalli was found. According to our results the thalli collected in winter are more sensitive to acetone rinsing. Therefore the summer period – when lichens are more frequently in dry condition and therefore photosynthetically active for a shorter period – is more advantageous for collecting samples for transplantation experiments combined with acetone rinsing. Higher concentrations of usnic acid and fumarprotocetraric acid were found in winter samples than in summer ones. The considerable variability is possibly due to a natural variability among the samples (substance content among and within thalli) and partly to the preparation methods. However, homogenised (lyophilised, then ground) samples showed no difference in usnic acid content if extracted for 15, 30, 40 or 50 minutes. The thalli re-placed in controlled field condition after acetone rinsing experiments were observed monthly. The digital images showed serious damage already after 1–2 months at most of the treated thalli. Samples were investigated after a 6 months recovery period. The results confirm the advantage of summer collecting. Though both winter and summer collected samples rinsed in acetone less than 16/32 hours showed similar, good vitality based on Fv/Fm measurements, however photosynthetically active parts of thalli were smaller in case of winter collected samples. Supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA 81232, 101713, the Research Centre of Excellence – 11476-3/2016/FEKUT and the project NKFI K 124341 financed by the National Research Development and Innovation Fund

    Desenvolvimento de método analítico indicativo de estabilidade para o controle de qualidade químico e biofarmacêutico de linagliptina

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    Linagliptina (LGT) é um fármaco membro da classe de gliptinas que inibe a enzima dipeptidil - peptidase - 4 . Elas são usadas para reduzir os níveis de glicose no sangue em pacientes com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Devido a seu recente desenvolvimento e lançamento no mercado, a LGT não tem monografia em compêndio oficial, nem em registros nacionais ou internacionais disponíveis para determinações qualitativas e quantitativas indicativas de estabilidade do fármaco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método cromatográfico para caracterizar LGT em forma de comprimido contendo 5 mg do fármaco, avaliar a cinética de degradação de LGT frente à condição alcalina (padrão e amostra), determinar a possível citotoxicidade dos produtos de degradação, tanto do fármaco quanto do padrão, em células mononucleares e sugerir os possíveis principais produtos de degradação, além de desenvolver método de dissolução para os comprimidos. Um método simples por cromatografia líquida de fase reversa indicativo de estabilidade foi otimizado e validado de acordo com o International Conference on Harmonization sob os critérios de aceitação como especificidade, linearidade, precisão, exatidão, robustez e adequabilidade do sistema. A coluna analítica C8 (150 mm x 4,6 mm x 5 μm) foi utilizada a 30 °C com uma mistura de água (trietilamina 1,0 %, ajustado para pH 4,5 com ácido ortofosfórico) e de acetonitrila (80:20, v/v), com vazão de 1,2 mL.min-1 e a detecção a 293 nm. Os excipientes não interferiram na determinação da LGT. Além disso, em estudos de degradação forçada, não foi observada interferência no pico do fármaco. A cinética de degradação em meio básico sob aquecimento a 60 °C foi determinada e tanto padrão e amostra seguem cinética de primeira ordem com constante (k) igual a 0,25 h-1 e 0,21 h-1, t ½ igual a 2,77 h e 3,31 h e coeficiente de determinação igual a 0,9153 e 0,9775 para o padrão e amostra, respectivamente. Foram avaliados os danos da membrana celular provocados pela LGT a 100 mg mL-1 e pelos produtos de degradação formados. Nas concentrações avaliadas e na degradação forçada até 50% e 100% dos comprimidos, não foi verificado nenhum dano celular tanto à luz UV-C quanto na condição alcalina. As estruturas moleculares foram sugeridas a partir de análises de espectro de massa para a identificação dos produtos de degradação formados. A LGT foi obtida após 6,3 min de análise e a resposta foi linear na faixa de 1-50 μg mL-1 (r = 0,9998 ), observou-se regressão linear significativa e desvio da linearidade não significativa por meio de análise de variância. O método foi preciso (DPR intradia e interdia < 1,10 %), exatidão (média de recuperação = 98,6%), e robusto. Limite de detecção e limite de quantificação foram de 0,14 e 0,45 mg.mL-1, respectivamente. Para análise biofarmacêutica foi desenvolvido método de dissolução utilizando meio citrato pH 3,5 com aparato cesta, velocidade de agitação de 75 rpm à temperatura de 37 ± 0,5 °C. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o fármaco pode ser um candidato à bioisenção. As condições propostas foram aplicadas com sucesso para a análise quantitativa da LGT em comprimido, o que ajudará a melhorar o controle de qualidade de medicamentos e contribuir para estudos de estabilidade desta gliptina.Linagliptin (LGT) is drug a member of the class of gliptins that inhibits the enzyme dipeptidyl-peptidase-4. They are used to reduce glucose blood levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Due to its recent development and market launching, LGT has no official compendium monograph, national or international, or available registries for qualitative and quantitative determinations of this drug. The objective of this work was to develop a LC method to characterize LGT in tablet dosage form containing 5 mg, evaluating the kinetics of degradation of LGT (standard and sample), determining the possible cell membrane damage of drug degradation products in mononuclear cells and suggest the possible major degradation products. A simple and stability-indicating reversed-phase liquid chromatography method was optimized and validated according to International Conference on Harmonization acceptance criteria for specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness and system suitability. A C8 analytical column (150 mm x 4.6 mm x 5 μm) was operated at 30 °C with a mixture of triethylamine 1.0% and acetonitrile (80:20, v/v), adjusted to pH 4.5 with ortophosphoric acid, at a flow rate of 1.2 mL min-1 and detection at 293 nm. The excipients did not interfere in the determination of LGT. Furthermore, in forced degradation studies no interference in the drug peak was observed. The kinetics of degradation in basic medium under heating at 60 °C was determined and standard both standard and sample follows first order kinetic with constant (k) equal to 0,25 h-1 and 0,21 h-1, t½ equal to 2,77 h and 3,31 h and coefficient of determination equal to 0,9153 and 0,9775 for standard and sample, respectively. The cell membrane damage of LGT at 100 μg mL-1 and the formed products by its degradation were evaluated. At the appraised concentration and at forced degradation until 50% and 100% of the tablets, both UV-C light and alkaline conditions, no cell damage was verified. Structures were suggested for identifying the degradation products formed from mass spectral analyzes. The chromatography was obtained within 6.3 min and the response was linear in the range of 1–50 μg mL-1 (r= 0.9998) showed significant linear regression and non-significant linearity deviation by analysis of variance. The method was precise (intra-day relative standard deviation (RSD) and inter-day RSD values < 1.10%), accurate (mean recovery = 98.6%), and robust. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 0.14 and 0.45 μg mL-1, respectively. For biopharmaceutical analysis, a dissolution method was developed using citrate medium pH 3.5, basket apparatus, stirring rate of 75 rpm at temperature of 37 ± 0.5 °C. According to the results, the drug may be a biowaiver candidate. The proposed conditions were successfully applied for the quantitative analysis of LGT in tablet dosage form, which will help improving the drug quality control and contribute to stability studies of this gliptin


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    Resumo: Atualmente, na área de planejamento urbano e regional, os estudos climáticos assumem importância fundamental, auxiliando na definição de diretrizes para melhorias ambientais urbanas, principalmente nas questões de conforto e eficiência. Um dos principais fenômenos observados nos centros urbanos, com cada vez mais frequência, é a formação de ilhas de calor, a qual interfere diretamente no conforto ambiental urbano. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho buscou analisar a possibilidade de ocorrência desse fenômeno em uma cidade de pequeno porte, decorrente das dinâmicas territoriais e elementos da forma urbana. A cidade abordada no estudo é Erechim, localizada na região Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo visa apresentar dados que, posteriormente, possam vir a servir como base para ações de planejamento e gestão urbana da cidade. Para a análise, foram definidos dois recortes de estudo, os quais estão delimitados na área central. Um dos recortes localiza-se próximo ao Parque Longines Malinowski, o qual possui área vegetada de aproximadamente 22 hectares, influenciando de forma direta no microclima urbano. O outro recorte elencado engloba a Praça da Bandeira, considerada um marco central, e as avenidas importantes que estão localizadas em seu entorno. Como método, analisou-se questões referentes às superfícies que formam a área urbanizada dos recortes e o uso do solo, categorizando as áreas que possuem cobertura vegetal, as áreas pavimentadas e as áreas edificadas. Como resultados, pode-se observar que as características das áreas contribuem para a formação de ilhas de calor. Palavras-chaves: Ilhas de calor; Análises urbanas; Conforto ambiental urbano; Estudos climáticos

    Tactile Language for a Head-Mounted Sensory Augmentation Device

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    Sensory augmentation is one of the most exciting domains for research in human-machine biohybridicity. The current paper presents the design of a 2nd generation vibrotactile helmet as a sensory augmentation prototype that is being developed to help users to navigate in low visibility environments. The paper outlines a study in which the user navigates along a virtual wall whilst the position and orientation of the user’s head is tracked by a motion capture system. Vibrotactile feedback is presented according to the user’s distance from the virtual wall and their head orientation. The research builds on our previous work by developing a simplified “tactile language” for communicating navigation commands. A key goal is to identify language tokens suitable to a head-mounted tactile interface that are maximally informative, minimize information overload, intuitive, and that have the potential to become ‘experientially transparent


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    Linagliptin (LGT) is a member of the class of gliptins that inhibit the enzyme dipeptidyl-peptidase-4. They are used to reduce glucose blood levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Due to its recent development and launching on the market, LGT has no official compendium monograph, national or international, or available registries for the qualitative determination of this drug. The objective of this work was to characterize LGT by using thermal techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass and infrared spectrometry, liquid chromatography and ultraviolet spectrophotometry to be used as a chemical reference substance. The range and melting point obtained are in accordance with that described in the literature. The main groups of LGT molecule were observed in infrared spectroscopy and the molecular ion m/z 473.25 ratio was found in mass spectroscopy analysis. In UV spectroscopy, the maximum wavelength absorption of the substance in different solvents can be observed. The chromatographic methods provide selectivity for LGT and can be used to analyze it qualitatively. The proposed conditions have been successfully applied for identification and qualitative analysis of LGT as a chemical reference substance, contributing to studies of this gliptin, and to the quality control of medicines that contain it.Linagliptin (LGT) is a member of the class of gliptins that inhibit the enzyme dipeptidyl-peptidase-4. They are used to reduce glucose blood levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Due to its recent development and launching on the market, LGT has no official compendium monograph, national or international, or available registries for the qualitative determination of this drug. The objective of this work was to characterize LGT by using thermal techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance, mass and infrared spectrometry, liquid chromatography and ultraviolet spectrophotometry to be used as a chemical reference substance. The range and melting point obtained are in accordance with that described in the literature. The main groups of LGT molecule were observed in infrared spectroscopy and the molecular ion m/z 473.25 ratio was found in mass spectroscopy analysis. In UV spectroscopy, the maximum wavelength absorption of the substance in different solvents can be observed. The chromatographic methods provide selectivity for LGT and can be used to analyze it qualitatively. The proposed conditions have been successfully applied for identification and qualitative analysis of LGT as a chemical reference substance, contributing to studies of this gliptin, and to the quality control of medicines that contain it