140 research outputs found

    Smart Environments for Assisted Living: A Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Engineering and Architecture Education

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    This paper presents a description of a collaborative project based on the integration of technology development in the built environment for assisted living. The multidisciplinary collaboration is developed as a cooperative commitment to provide support for cross-border, collective projects. It was initiated as a project-based learning setting between undergraduate engineering students, and four years later the program shifted to include undergraduate architecture students and engineering master’s students. The learning experience opens the gate to a completely new collaborative setting, yet to be established, independent from its predecessor setting of project-based learning, focusing now towards an interdisciplinarity setting in cross-border collaboration. The new collaborative projects focus on smart environments for assisted living, with an emphasis on technology development and retrofitting of the built environment. The four participating programs are from three different leaders higher education institutions, from both sides of the US and Mexico border. Smart Environments (SmE), design, and technology applications are relevant topics across multiple and diverse disciplines and areas of contemporary life. Different kinds of SmE in the domain of smart homes have been developed in academia and industry. For healthcare and assisted living development highlights include monitoring the behavior, emergency detection, cognitive and physical information, emotional information, etc., to offer a variety of useful services, solutions or benefits to patients, disabled and the elderly. This is relevant because it has been suggested as a viable solution to maintain independence, functionality, well-being and higher quality of life of elders who will increase in number worldwide by approximately 20% by 2050. However, incorporating physical and digital technologies (technologies 4.0) into building retrofitting is a feature of scalability and configurability for a future generation of smart applications. This paper summarizes the current applications of multidisciplinary collaboration in the Computer Systems Engineering, Architectural, and Engineering Technology fields. It describes a work in progress as a key element in international, multidisciplinary research in undergraduate education, with the aim of sharing challenges, lessons learned, and future work

    Propuesta didáctica para prevenir el estrés en tiempos de pandemia en los estudiantes del segundo grado de educación secundaria de una institución educativa pública del distrito de Sincos, Provincia de Jauja, departamento de Junín

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    El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional que a continuación se presenta, tiene como objetivo diseñar una propuesta didáctica para prevenir el estrés en tiempos de pandemia en los estudiantes del segundo grado del nivel secundaria de la institución educativa pública Coronel PNP “Marco Puente Llanos” del distrito de Sincos, provincia de Jauja, departamento de Junín. Para ello, se basa en el Paradigma Sociocognitivo Humanista de: Jean Piaget, David Ausubel y Jerome Bruner (cognitivos), Lev Vygostsky, Reaven Feuerstein, Albert Bandura y Lawrence Kohlberg (Socio-cultural-contextual), Robert Sternberg, Martiniano Román y Eloísa Díez (Teoría de la Inteligencia). A través de esta propuesta, el estudiante se vincula con dimensiones y aspectos de la tutoría; donde no solo se realiza el acompañamiento socioafectivo y cognitivo, sino también aprende valores para que pueda relacionarse con su entorno. En tal sentido, el primer capítulo contiene la planificación del trabajo de suficiencia profesional, el segundo capítulo el marco teórico y como último capítulo la programación general de tutoría.The present work of professional sufficiency that is presented below, aims to design a didactic proposal to prevent stress in times of pandemic in second grade students of the secondary level of the public educational institution Coronel PNP "Marco Puente Llanos" of the district of Sincos, province of Jauja, department of Junín. For this, it is based on the Humanist Sociocognitive Paradigm of: Jean Piaget, David Ausubel and Jerome Bruner (cognitive), Lev Vygostsky, Reuven Feuerstein, Albert Bandura and Lawrence Kohlberg (Socio-cultural-contextual), Robert Sternberg, Martiniano Román and Eloísa Ten (Theory of intelligence). Through this proposal, the student is linked to the dimensions and aspects of tutoring; where not only the socio-affective and cognitive accompaniment is carried out, but also learns values so that they can relate to their environment. In this sense, the first chapter contains the planning of the work of professional sufficiency, the second chapter the theoretical framework and as the last chapter the programming of the general tutoring

    Dimorphic Fungal Coinfection as a Cause of Chronic Diarrhea and Pancolitis

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    Histoplasma capsulatum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis are dimorphic fungi that cause systemic mycosis mostly in tropical South America and some areas of North America. Gastrointestinal involvement is not uncommon among these fungal diseases, but coinfection has not previously been reported. We report a patient with chronic diarrhea and pancolitis caused by paracoccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis

    Chronic Diarrhea and Pancolitis Caused by Paracoccidioidomycosis: A Case Report

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    South American blastomycosis is a systemic micosis caused by infection with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The most frequently affected sites are the lower lip buccal mucous membrane, palate, tongue, sublingual region, lymph glands, and lungs. However, colonic involvement is not a common expression of Paracoccidioidomycosis. We report a case of chronic diarrhea and pancolitis caused by Paracoccidioidomycosis with fatal outcome

    SAM: Una exploración de la depresión y la nostalgia desde una mirada audiovisual

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    “Sam” es un cortometraje de ficción que explora el mundo interior de un joven con depresión y retrata la nostalgia de un pasado que no se puede recuperar. A través de una carta el narrador nos guía a través de su sentir y nos introduce a su mundo. En la presente investigación, se busca analizar cómo aporta cada área del audiovisual a retratar y visibilizar una de las tantas caras de la depresión. Además, se quiere explorar cómo se planea lograr que el espectador se adentre en las emociones del personaje a través de las distintas técnicas audiovisuales. Es importante realizar esta investigación debido a la temática del cortometraje y lo vital que es para las personas visibilizar esta problemática y que se hable más del tema. Es por ello que “Sam” presenta esta propuesta exploratoria de un personaje y su sentir a través de la dirección de fotografía, el arte, el sonido, la edición y otros elementos que serán analizados en esta investigación.“Sam” is a fictional short film that explores the inner world of a young man with depression and portrays the nostalgia of a past that cannot be recovered. Through a letter, the narrator guides us through his feelings and introduces us to his own world. In this research, we seek to analyze how each audiovisual area contributes to portraying and making visible one of the many faces of depression. In addition, we want to explore how is it planned to get the viewer to merge with the character's emotions through different audiovisual techniques. It is important to continue with this research due to the theme of the short film and how vital it is for people to make this problem visible and to talk more about it. That is why "Sam" presents this exploratory proposal of a character and his feelings through the direction of photography, art, sound, editing and other elements that will be analyzed in this investigation.Trabajo de investigació

    El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la educación médica: adaptabilidad y experiencia con enseñanza a distancia de la Sociedad Médica Peruano Americana

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    The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on medical care and medical education in Peru.  In response, the Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS), a charitable medical organization based in the USA, pursued its medical and educational missions in Peru by adopting virtual learning technology. We developed closer collaborative relationships with several medical schools and the Peruvian Association of Medical Schools (ASPEFAM) while offering a faculty panel of twenty-four members to provide lectures and multidisciplinary webinars in Spanish. We conducted 19 webinars including COVID -19 and non-COVID-19 related topics that over the last two years attracted 14,489 participants from 23 countries. They were the foundation for twenty publications in Peruvian medical journals. Our clinical investigations competition was positively received as was our pilot project on research mentorship. The COVID -19 pandemic had a positive effect on the educational mission of PAMS in Peru.La pandemia del COVID-19 tuvo un impacto significativo en el cuidado y la educación médicos en el Perú. En respuesta, la Sociedad Médica Peruano Americana (PAMS), una organización médica benéfica con sede en los EE. UU., adoptó sus misiones médicas y educativas en Perú usando estrategias virtuales. Desarrollamos colaboración con varias facultades de medicina y la Asociación Peruana de Facultades de Medicina (ASPEFAM) y ofrecimos un panel de veinte y cuatro miembros para brindar conferencias y seminarios multidisciplinarios en español. Hicimos 19 seminarios, incluyendo temas relacionados y no relacionados al COVID-19, que en los últimos dos años atrajo a 14 489 participantes de 23 países. Ellas fueron la base de 20 publicaciones en revistas médicas peruanas. Nuestro concurso de investigaciones clínicas y nuestro proyecto piloto de mentoría de investigación fueron recibidos positivamente. La pandemia del COVID-19 tuvo un efecto positivo en la misión educativa de PAMS en Perú

    Analysis of Microplastics in Food Samples

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    This chapter presents a compilation of the analytical techniques used to detect and analyze microplastics in food. A detailed description of microplastics found in different samples is provided as well as an estimate of the annual intake of these particles. A total of 22–37 milligrams of microplastics per year was found. The factors that can influence the presence of particles in food, especially table salt, are discussed, showing that a background presence of microplastics in the environment can explain a large amount of experimental data.Support for this work was provided by the CTQ2016-76608-R project from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain) and by the University of Alicante under the project UAUSTI18-06

    El grupu neandertal de la Cueva d'El Sidrón (Borines, Piloña).

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    Na monografía clásica de Puig y Larraz (1896: 250-252) amiéntense delles cavidaes del Conceyu de Piloña2 , pero non la Cueva d’El Sidrón (Fig. 1). Esta conocíase, ensin dulda, dende la Guerra Civil y el maquis al servir d’abellugu a persiguíos políticos, y guarda una alcordanza imborrable nuna de les sos múltiples entraes, yá qu’ellí ta enterrada Olvido Otero González (1908-1938). Per El Sidrón pasaron munches persones a lo llargo de los años, pero en 1994 prodúxose’l descubrimientu per parte d’unos espeleólogos xixoneses d’unos güesos humanos que dieron un importante xiru a la conocencia de los nuesos antepasaos neandertale

    Recent results on Heavy-Ion induced reactions of interest for 0νββ decay

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    An updated overview of recent results on Heavy-Ion induced reactions of interest for neutrinoless double beta decay is reported in the framework of the NUMEN project. The NUMEN idea is to study heavy-ion induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions with the aim to get information on the nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay. Moreover, to infer the neutrino average masses from the possible measurement of the half- life of 0νββ decay, the knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements is a crucial aspec

    A Drosophila-centric view of protein tyrosine phosphatases

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    AbstractMost of our knowledge on protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) is derived from human pathologies and mouse knockout models. These models largely correlate well with human disease phenotypes, but can be ambiguous due to compensatory mechanisms introduced by paralogous genes. Here we present the analysis of the PTP complement of the fruit fly and the complementary view that PTP studies in Drosophila will accelerate our understanding of PTPs in physiological and pathological conditions. With only 44 PTP genes, Drosophila represents a streamlined version of the human complement. Our integrated analysis places the Drosophila PTPs into evolutionary and functional contexts, thereby providing a platform for the exploitation of the fly for PTP research and the transfer of knowledge onto other model systems