202 research outputs found

    Vulnerability to Ventricular Arrhythmias in Cardiomyopathy:Insights from PET and CMR

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    Rossum, A.C. van [Promotor]Allaart, C.P. [Copromotor]Knaapen, P. [Copromotor

    Dietary calcium decreases but short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides increase colonic permeability in rats

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    An increased intestinal permeability is associated with several diseases. Nutrition can influence gut permeability. Previously, we showed that dietary Ca decreases whereas dietary short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) increase intestinal permeability in rats. However, it is unknown how and where in the gastrointestinal tract Ca and scFOS exert their effects. Rats were fed a Western low-Ca control diet, or a similar diet supplemented with either Ca or scFOS. Lactulose plus mannitol and Cr-EDTA were added to the diets to quantify small and total gastrointestinal permeability, respectively. Additionally, colonic tissue was mounted in Ussing chambers and exposed to faecal water of these rats. Dietary Ca immediately decreased urinary Cr-EDTA excretion by 24 % in Ca-fed rats compared with control rats. Dietary scFOS increased total Cr-EDTA permeability gradually with time, likely reflecting relatively slow gut microbiota adaptations, which finally resulted in a 30 % increase. The lactulose: mannitol ratio was 15 % higher for Ca-fed rats and 16 % lower for scFOS-fed rats compared with control rats. However, no dietary effect was present on individual urinary lactulose and mannitol excretion. The faecal waters did not influence colonic permeability in Ussing chambers. In conclusion, despite effects on the lactulose: mannitol ratio, individual lactulose values did not alter, indicating that diet did not influence small-intestinal permeability. Therefore, both nutrients affect permeability only in the colon: Ca decreases, while scFOS increase colonic permeability. As faecal water did not influence permeability in Ussing chambers, probably modulation of mucins and/or microbiota is important for the in vivo effects of dietary Ca and scFOS

    Hypoallergenicity assessment of an extensively hydrolyzed whey‐protein formula in cow’s milk allergic infants

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    Background Extensively hydrolyzed formulas are recommended for the dietary management of infants with cow's milk allergy (CMA). Objectives Hypoallergenicity, growth, and gastrointestinal (GI) tolerability of a new extensively hydrolyzed whey-protein formula (eHWF) in CMA children were assessed. Methods In this prospective, randomized, international, multi-center study (Trial NL3889), 34 children with confirmed CMA (74% IgE-mediated) underwent a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) with an eHWF developed with non-porcine enzymes, supplemented with prebiotic short-chain galacto- and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (0.8 g/L, ratio 9:1), arachidonic acid (0.35/100 g), and docosahexaenoic acid (0.35/100 g). If tolerant to the eHWF, children participated in a 7-day open food challenge with this eHWF. Anthropometrics and GI tolerability were assessed in an optional 16-weeks follow-up. Results Of the 34 children who started the DBPCFC with the eHWF, 25 subjects (19 boys, mean age: 61 weeks, 18 with IgE-mediated CMA) completed the DBPCFC and 7-day open challenge without major protocol deviations and tested negative at both challenges. One child experienced a late moderate eczematous allergic reaction in the optional follow-up period, indicating the need for close monitoring of subjects starting new formula. Weight and length gain followed the World Health Organization growth curves. Changes in frequency and consistency of stools upon test formula intake were transient. Conclusions The newly developed eHWF is a suitable option in CMA treatment as all subjects tolerated the product. This result is in line with the international criteria for hypoallergenicity (American Academy of Pediatrics) that state that more than 90% of CMA children must tolerate the formula. Use of the formula is also associated with normal growth curves and GI tolerability

    An Infant Formula with Partially Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Supports Adequate Growth and Is Safe and Well-Tolerated in Healthy, Term Infants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Equivalence Trial

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    The current study evaluates the safety and tolerance of a partially hydrolyzed whey protein-based infant formula (PHF) versus an in intact cow's milk protein formula (IPF). Breastfed infants were included as a reference group. In a multi-country, multicenter, randomized, double-blinded, controlled clinical trial, infants whose mothers intended to fully formula feed were randomized to PHF (n= 134) or IPF (n= 134) from <= 14 days to 17 weeks of age. The equivalence analysis of weight gain per day within margins of +/-3 g/d (primary outcome), the recorded adverse events, growth and gastro-intestinal tolerance parameters were considered for the safety evaluation. Equivalence of weight gain per day from enrolment until 17 weeks of age was demonstrated in the PHF group compared to the IPF group (difference in means -1.2 g/d; 90% CI (-2.42; 0.02)), with estimated means (SE) of 30.2 (0.5) g/d and 31.4 (0.5) g/d, respectively. No significant differences in growth outcomes, the number, severity or type of (serious) adverse events and tolerance outcomes, were observed between the two formula groups. A partially hydrolyzed whey protein-based infant formula supports adequate infant growth, with a daily weight gain equivalent to a standard intact protein-based formula; it is also safe for use and well-tolerated in healthy term infants

    Місце адміністративної юстиції в системі права України

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    Стаття присвячена питанням місця норм, що регулюють порядок діяльності адміністративних судів в Україні, у національній системі права. Окрему увагу приділено проблемі існування адміністративного процесуального права та варіантам йог існування.Статья посвящена вопросам места норм, регулирующих порядок деятельности административных судов в Украине, в национальной системе права. Отдельное внимание уделено проблеме существования административного процессуального права и вариантам его существования.Article is devoted to substantiation of the place of norms, regulating the order of activity of administrative courts in Ukraine in the national system of law. Separate attention is given to the problem of existence of administrative process law and variants of it's existence