139 research outputs found

    Effets de la pratique d'activité physique et de méditation de pleine conscience sur les performances cognitives et le stress d'élèves du primaire

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    Les manifestations de stress semblent de plus en plus présentes chez nos jeunes. C’est pourquoi des interventions pouvant amener une réduction de stress sont pertinentes à intégrer dans nos écoles. Parallèlement, toujours avec le souci d’aider les jeunes dans leur réussite éducative, des interventions favorisant l’apprentissage et les performances académiques sont tout aussi importantes à intégrer dans nos réseaux éducatifs. L’activité physique et la méditation de pleine conscience semblent être des activités prometteuses à ces égards. L’objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer auprès de jeunes l’effet immédiat sur les performances cognitives et le stress perçu des interventions suivantes : 1- Quinze minutes d’activité physique; 2- Quinze minutes de méditation de pleine conscience; 3- Quinze minutes d’activité physique et de méditation de pleine conscience; 4- Quinze minutes d’écoute passive d’un documentaire. Pour ce faire, 82 participants ont été recrutés dans une école primaire de la région de Sherbrooke. Chaque participant a effectué chacune de ces conditions à une seule reprise. Pour mesurer les performances cognitives, les tests de Stroop et du Tracé ont été utilisés alors que le stress perçu a été mesuré à l’aide d’une échelle visuelle analogique. Une amélioration significative des performances cognitives a été remarquée pour les jeunes ayant performé sous la médiane lors de la condition témoin. De plus, toutes les interventions, y compris l’intervention témoin, ont engendré une réduction significative du stress perçu et aucune différence significative entre les interventions n’a été observée. Ces résultats soutiennent l’utilisation des interventions d’activité physique et de méditation de pleine conscience dans les écoles primaires. De plus, cette recherche répond à plusieurs critiques effectuées dans la littérature scientifique. En effet, les interventions comprenant de la pleine conscience ont été dans le cadre de cette étude standardisées et elles sont complètement reproductibles. Les participants ont aussi indiqué leur niveau d’appréciation ainsi que la fréquence à laquelle ils désireraient pratiquer de la méditation de pleine conscience. Finalement, ce projet de recherche innove en mesurant des effets immédiats chez les jeunes de l’intervention de méditation de pleine conscience en plus de combiner la pratique d’activité physique et celle de la méditation de pleine conscience

    Lifelong learning: perceptions on b-learning in the initial pedagogical training of trainers

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    O artigo explora as perceções de formandos sobre a Formação Pedagógica Inicial de Formadores na modalidade b-learning num centro de formação de Portugal. A análise da perceção dos formandos objetiva a possibilidade de estudar o b-learning como modalidade de ensino que promove a formação e os processos de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, bem como o acesso à inclusão digital. Os dados relativos ao percurso de aprendizagem em regime de b-learning foram recolhidos por um questionário direcionado aos formandos e através de análise de documentos disponibilizados pelo centro de formação entre 2012 e 2018. A análise dos dados trouxe resultados relativamente ao aumento da procura pelo b-learning, uma breve caraterização dos que optam por essa modalidade e considerações feitas pelos formandos sobre a sua experiência de formação. Os formandos evidenciam que, na modalidade b-learning,houve uma melhor adaptação às tecnologias, melhor conciliação de horários e impacto positivo em perspetivas relacionadas à recolocação no mercado de trabalho. O estudo destas práticas educativas inovadoras enquadra-se nos objetivos da Agenda 2030 e torna-se ainda mais relevante diante do contexto pandémico motivado pela COVID-19, onde a formação híbrida ganha destaque face às restrições sanitárias.The article explores trainees' perceptions of Initial Pedagogical Training of Trainers in the b-learning modality at a training center in Portugal. The analysis of the trainees' perception aims at the possibility of studying b-learning as a teaching modality that promotes training and lifelong learning processes, as well as access to digital inclusion. Data relating to the b-learning learning path were collected through a questionnaire aimed at trainees and through the analysis of documents made available by the training center between 2012 and 2018. Data analysis brought results regarding the increase in demand for the modality b-learning, a brief description of those who opt for this modality and considerations made by the trainees about their training experience. The trainees show that, in the b-learning modality, there was a better adaptation to technologies, better conciliation of schedules and a positive impact on perspectives related to replacement in the labor market. The study of these innovative educational practices fall within the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and becomes even more relevant in the face of the pandemic context motivated by COVID-19 where hybrid training is highlighted in the face of health restrictions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Évaluation de la résistance des strongles gastro-intestinaux aux anthelminthiques dans sept élevages ovins allaitants du Limousin

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    A l’aide du test de réduction de l’excrétion fécale (FECRT), la résistance aux anthelminthiques a été évaluée dans sept élevages ovins allaitants du Limousin. Six molécules ont été testées : le fenbendazole, le lévamisole, l’ivermectine, la moxidectine, le monépantel et le closantel. Des coprocultures et une identification des larves obtenues par qPCR ont été réalisés. Aucune résistance au closantel n’a été trouvée dans l’espèce H. contortus. Dans les 7 élevages, une résistance au fenbendazole a été mise en évidence chez H.contortus, T. circumcinta et T. colubriformis. Dans 6 élevages, un statut douteux ou avéré de résistance au lévamisole a été montré. Les autres molécules (ivermectine, moxidectine et monépantel) semblent encore efficaces même si des défauts d’efficacité sont signalés pour chacune d’elles dans des élevages différents ; T. circumcincta semble être l’espèce la plus souvent incriminée. Une évaluation de la faisabilité de l’utilisation de coprologies de mélange dans le FECRT en lieu et place des coproscopies individuelles a été réalisée et les résultats sont prometteurs

    Formação pedagógica inicial de formadores: experiências presenciais e em b-learning

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    A presente investigação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado de Educação e Formação deAdultos da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, tendopor objetivo geral compreender como são formados os adultos envolvidos em processos deFormação Pedagógica Inicial de Formadores (FPIF). Além de descrever as ferramentas emétodos que são utilizados para a realização desta formação profissional no contexto português,procurou-se saber quais os efeitos, expectáveis e reais, inerentes a este processo uma vez queestamos a falar de uma atividade que pode ser realizada em diferentes formatos, designadamentepresencial ou a distância, e ainda perceber os fatores que influenciam os formandos a escolheremo seu formato de aprendizagem. Buscou-se também a construção de um perfil do formando queescolhe a formação b-learning, no sentido de perceber suas principais motivações para aderir aeste formato. A construção do referencial teórico foi feita a partir da revisão da literaturaexistente, passando pela educação de adultos, aprendizagem ao longo da vida e formaçãoprofissional, bem como exploração de conceitos como o de educação digital. No que se refereos métodos de investigação, estes baseiam-se na metodologia qualitativa, com entrevistassemiestruturadas direcionadas aos formadores e coordenadores do FPIF, onde a interpretaçãodos resultados aconteceu a partir da análise de conteúdo. Em relação aos formandos, foiadminsitrado inquérito, enviado a formadores certificados entre os anos de 2012 e 2018, comperguntas de caráter sócio-demográfico, fundamentais para a construção do perfil estudado,além de outras questões relacionadas com os fatores de escolha do formato frequentado e asexperiências vivenciadas durante a formação. As considerações geradas pela presenteinvestigação vêm agregar valor ao contexto da formação profissional em Portugal, considerandoque no âmbito da formação FPIF e sua execução no formato b-learning, foi possível traçar operfil dos formandos, bem como recolher através dos formadores sugestões de melhoria para oprocesso formativo

    C3G is upregulated in hepatocarcinoma, contributing to tumor growth and progression and to HGF/MET pathway activation

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    [EN]The complexity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) challenges the identification of disease-relevant signals. C3G, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap and other Ras proteins, plays a dual role in cancer acting as either a tumor suppressor or promoter depending on tumor type and stage. The potential relevance of C3G upregulation in HCC patients suggested by database analysis remains unknown. We have explored C3G function in HCC and the underlying mechanisms using public patient data and in vitro and in vivo human and mouse HCC models. We found that C3G is highly expressed in progenitor cells and neonatal hepatocytes, whilst being down-regulated in adult hepatocytes and re-expressed in human HCC patients, mouse HCC models and HCC cell lines. Moreover, high C3G mRNA levels correlate with tumor progression and a lower patient survival rate. C3G expression appears to be tightly modulated within the HCC program, influencing distinct cell biological properties. Hence, high C3G expression levels are necessary for cell tumorigenic properties, as illustrated by reduced colony formation in anchorage-dependent and -independent growth assays induced by permanent C3G silencing using shRNAs. Additionally, we demonstrate that C3G down-regulation interferes with primary HCC tumor formation in xenograft assays, increasing apoptosis and decreasing proliferation. In vitro assays also revealed that C3G down-regulation enhances the pro-migratory, invasive and metastatic properties of HCC cells through an epithelial-mesenchymal switch that favors the acquisition of a more mesenchymal phenotype. Consistently, a low C3G expression in HCC cells correlates with lung metastasis formation in mice. However, the subsequent restoration of C3G levels is associated with metastatic growth. Mechanistically, C3G down-regulation severely impairs HGF/MET signaling activation in HCC cells. Collectively, our results indicate that C3G is a key player in HCC. C3G promotes tumor growth and progression, and the modulation of its levels is essential to ensure distinct biological features of HCC cells throughout the oncogenic program. Furthermore, C3G requirement for HGF/MET signaling full activation provides mechanistic data on how it works, pointing out the relevance of assessing whether high C3G levels could identify HCC responders to MET inhibitors

    Combined drug action of 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives on cancer cells according to their oncogenic molecular signatures

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    International audienceThe development of targeted molecular therapies has provided remarkable advances into the treatment of human cancers. However, in most tumors the selective pressure triggered by anticancer agents encourages cancer cells to acquire resistance mechanisms. The generation of new rationally designed targeting agents acting on the oncogenic path(s) at multiple levels is a promising approach for molecular therapies. 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives have been highlighted for their properties of targeting oncogenic Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. In this study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of one of the most active imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl moiety-based agents, Triflorcas, on a panel of cancer cells with distinct features. We show that Triflorcas impairs in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis of cancer cells carrying Met mutations. Moreover, Triflorcas hampers survival and anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells characterized by "RTK swapping" by interfering with PDGFRβ phosphorylation. A restrained effect of Triflorcas on metabolic genes correlates with the absence of major side effects in vivo. Mechanistically, in addition to targeting Met, Triflorcas alters phosphorylation levels of the PI3K-Akt pathway, mediating oncogenic dependency to Met, in addition to Retinoblastoma and nucleophosmin/B23, resulting in altered cell cycle progression and mitotic failure. Our findings show how the unusual binding plasticity of the Met active site towards structurally different inhibitors can be exploited to generate drugs able to target Met oncogenic dependency at distinct levels. Moreover, the disease-oriented NCI Anticancer Drug Screen revealed that Triflorcas elicits a unique profile of growth inhibitory-responses on cancer cell lines, indicating a novel mechanism of drug action. The anti-tumor activity elicited by 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives through combined inhibition of distinct effectors in cancer cells reveal them to be promising anticancer agents for further investigation

    Combined drug action of 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives on cancer cells according to their oncogenic molecular signatures

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    The development of targeted molecular therapies has provided remarkable advances into the treatment of human cancers. However, in most tumors the selective pressure triggered by anticancer agents encourages cancer cells to acquire resistance mechanisms. The generation of new rationally designed targeting agents acting on the oncogenic path(s) at multiple levels is a promising approach for molecular therapies. 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives have been highlighted for their properties of targeting oncogenic Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. In this study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of one of the most active imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl moiety-based agents, Triflorcas, on a panel of cancer cells with distinct features. We show that Triflorcas impairs in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis of cancer cells carrying Met mutations. Moreover, Triflorcas hampers survival and anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells characterized by 'RTK swapping' by interfering with PDGFRβ phosphorylation. A restrained effect of Triflorcas on metabolic genes correlates with the absence of major side effects in vivo. Mechanistically, in addition to targeting Met, Triflorcas alters phosphorylation levels of the PI3K-Akt pathway, mediating oncogenic dependency to Met, in addition to Retinoblastoma and nucleophosmin/B23, resulting in altered cell cycle progression and mitotic failure. Our findings show how the unusual binding plasticity of the Met active site towards structurally different inhibitors can be exploited to generate drugs able to target Met oncogenic dependency at distinct levels. Moreover, the disease-oriented NCI Anticancer Drug Screen revealed that Triflorcas elicits a unique profile of growth inhibitory-responses on cancer cell lines, indicating a novel mechanism of drug action. The anti-tumor activity elicited by 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives through combined inhibition of distinct effectors in cancer cells reveal them to be promising anticancer agents for further investigation

    Natural clusters of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND): new findings from the TOSCA TAND research project.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) have unique, individual patterns that pose significant challenges for diagnosis, psycho-education, and intervention planning. A recent study suggested that it may be feasible to use TAND Checklist data and data-driven methods to generate natural TAND clusters. However, the study had a small sample size and data from only two countries. Here, we investigated the replicability of identifying natural TAND clusters from a larger and more diverse sample from the TOSCA study. METHODS: As part of the TOSCA international TSC registry study, this embedded research project collected TAND Checklist data from individuals with TSC. Correlation coefficients were calculated for TAND variables to generate a correlation matrix. Hierarchical cluster and factor analysis methods were used for data reduction and identification of natural TAND clusters. RESULTS: A total of 85 individuals with TSC (female:male, 40:45) from 7 countries were enrolled. Cluster analysis grouped the TAND variables into 6 clusters: a scholastic cluster (reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, visuo-spatial difficulties, disorientation), a hyperactive/impulsive cluster (hyperactivity, impulsivity, self-injurious behavior), a mood/anxiety cluster (anxiety, depressed mood, sleep difficulties, shyness), a neuropsychological cluster (attention/concentration difficulties, memory, attention, dual/multi-tasking, executive skills deficits), a dysregulated behavior cluster (mood swings, aggressive outbursts, temper tantrums), and an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)-like cluster (delayed language, poor eye contact, repetitive behaviors, unusual use of language, inflexibility, difficulties associated with eating). The natural clusters mapped reasonably well onto the six-factor solution generated. Comparison between cluster and factor solutions from this study and the earlier feasibility study showed significant similarity, particularly in cluster solutions. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this TOSCA research project in an independent international data set showed that the combination of cluster analysis and factor analysis may be able to identify clinically meaningful natural TAND clusters. Findings were remarkably similar to those identified in the earlier feasibility study, supporting the potential robustness of these natural TAND clusters. Further steps should include examination of larger samples, investigation of internal consistency, and evaluation of the robustness of the proposed natural clusters

    Treatment Patterns and Use of Resources in Patients With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Insights From the TOSCA Registry

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    Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a rare autosomal-dominant disorder caused by mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes. Patients with TSC may suffer from a wide range of clinical manifestations; however, the burden of TSC and its impact on healthcare resources needed for its management remain unknown. Besides, the use of resources might vary across countries depending on the country-specific clinical practice. The aim of this paper is to describe the use of TSC-related resources and treatment patterns within the TOSCA registry. A total of 2,214 patients with TSC from 31 countries were enrolled and had a follow-up of up to 5 years. A search was conducted to identify the variables containing both medical and non-medical resource use information within TOSCA. This search was performed both at the level of the core project as well as at the level of the research projects on epilepsy, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA), lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), and renal angiomyolipoma (rAML) taking into account the timepoints of the study, age groups, and countries. Data from the quality of life (QoL) research project were analyzed by type of visit and age at enrollment. Treatments varied greatly depending on the clinical manifestation, timepoint in the study, and age groups. GAB Aergics were the most prescribed drugs for epilepsy, and mTOR inhibitors are dramatically replacing surgery in patients with SEGA, despite current recommendations proposing both treatment options. mTOR inhibitors are also becoming common treatments in rAML and LAM patients. Forty-two out of the 143 patients (29.4%) who participated in the QoL research project reported inpatient stays over the last year. Data from non-medical resource use showed the critical impact of TSC on job status and capacity. Disability allowances were more common in children than adults (51.1% vs 38.2%). Psychological counseling, social services and social worker services were needed by <15% of the patients, regardless of age. The long-term nature, together with the variability in its clinical manifestations, makes TSC a complex and resource-demanding disease. The present study shows a comprehensive picture of the resource use implications of TSC

    Clinical Characteristics of Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

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    BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the characteristics of subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) entered into the TuberOus SClerosis registry to increase disease Awareness (TOSCA). METHODS: The study was conducted at 170 sites across 31 countries. Data from patients of any age with a documented clinical visit for TSC in the 12 months preceding enrollment or those newly diagnosed with TSC were entered. RESULTS: SEGA were reported in 554 of 2,216 patients (25%). Median age at diagnosis of SEGA was 8 years (range, 18 years. SEGA were symptomatic in 42.1% of patients. Symptoms included increased seizure frequency (15.8%), behavioural disturbance (11.9%), and regression/loss of cognitive skills (9.9%), in addition to those typically associated with increased intracranial pressure. SEGA were significantly more frequent in patients with TSC2 compared to TSC1 variants (33.7 vs. 13.2 %, p < 0.0001). Main treatment modalities included surgery (59.6%) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors (49%). CONCLUSIONS: Although SEGA diagnosis and growth typically occurs during childhood, SEGA can occur and grow in both infants and adults
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