23 research outputs found

    Spatial Resolution of Double-Sided Silicon Microstrip Detectors for the PAMELA Apparatus

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    The PAMELA apparatus has been assembled and it is ready to be launched in a satellite mission to study mainly the antiparticle component of cosmic rays. In this paper the performances obtained for the silicon microstrip detectors used in the magnetic spectrometer are presented. This subdetector reconstructs the curvature of a charged particle in the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet and consequently determines momentum and charge sign, thanks to a very good accuracy in the position measurements (better than 3 um in the bending coordinate). A complete simulation of the silicon microstrip detectors has been developed in order to investigate in great detail the sensor's characteristics. Simulated events have been then compared with data gathered from minimum ionizing particle (MIP) beams during the last years in order to tune free parameters of the simulation. Finally some either widely used or original position finding algorithms, designed for such kind of detectors, have been applied to events with different incidence angles. As a result of the analysis, a method of impact point reconstruction can be chosen, depending on both the particle's incidence angle and the cluster multiplicity, so as to maximize the capability of the spectrometer in antiparticle tagging.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

    Launch of the Space experiment PAMELA

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    PAMELA is a satellite borne experiment designed to study with great accuracy cosmic rays of galactic, solar, and trapped nature in a wide energy range protons: 80 MeV-700 GeV, electrons 50 MeV-400 GeV). Main objective is the study of the antimatter component: antiprotons (80 MeV-190 GeV), positrons (50 MeV-270 GeV) and search for antimatter with a precision of the order of 10^-8). The experiment, housed on board the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite, was launched on June, 15, 2006 in a 350*600 km orbit with an inclination of 70 degrees. The detector is composed of a series of scintillator counters arranged at the extremities of a permanent magnet spectrometer to provide charge, Time-of-Flight and rigidity information. Lepton/hadron identification is performed by a Silicon-Tungsten calorimeter and a Neutron detector placed at the bottom of the device. An Anticounter system is used offline to reject false triggers coming from the satellite. In self-trigger mode the Calorimeter, the neutron detector and a shower tail catcher are capable of an independent measure of the lepton component up to 2 TeV. In this work we describe the experiment, its scientific objectives and the performance in the first months after launch.Comment: Accepted for publication on Advances in Space Researc

    PAMELA - A Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics

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    The PAMELA experiment is a satellite-borne apparatus designed to study charged particles in the cosmic radiation with a particular focus on antiparticles. PAMELA is mounted on the Resurs DK1 satellite that was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on June 15th 2006. The PAMELA apparatus comprises a time-of-flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, a silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter, an anticoincidence system, a shower tail catcher scintillator and a neutron detector. The combination of these devices allows antiparticles to be reliably identified from a large background of other charged particles. This paper reviews the design, space qualification and on-ground performance of PAMELA. The in-orbit performance will be discussed in future publications.The PAMELA experiment is a satellite-borne apparatus designed to study charged particles in the cosmic radiation with a particular focus on antiparticles. PAMELA is mounted on the Resurs DK1 satellite that was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on June 15th 2006. The PAMELA apparatus comprises a time-of-flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, a silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter, an anticoincidence system, a shower tail catcher scintillator and a neutron detector. The combination of these devices allows antiparticles to be reliably identified from a large background of other charged particles. This paper reviews the design, space qualification and on-ground performance of PAMELA. The in-orbit performance will be discussed in future publications

    The high energy cosmic ray particle spectra measurements with the PAMELA calorimeter

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    Abstract Up until now there has been limited, contradictive data on the high energy range of the cosmic ray electron-positron, proton and helium spectra. Due to the limitations of the use of a magnetic spectrometer, over 8 years experimental data was processed using information from a sampling electro-magnetic calorimeter, a neutron detector and scintillator detectors. The use of these devices allowed us to successfully obtain the high energy cosmic ray particle spectra measurements. The results of this study clarify previous findings and greaten our understanding of the origin of cosmic rays

    Deuteron spectrum measurements under radiation belt with PAMELA instrument

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    Abstract In this work the results of data analysis of the deuteron albedo radiation obtained in the PAMELA experiment are presented. PAMELA is an international space experiment carried out on board of the satellite Resurs DK-1. The high precision detectors allow to register and identify cosmic ray particles in a wide energy range. The albedo deuteron spectrum in the energy range 70 – 600 MeV/nucleon has been measured

    PAMELA Observation of the 2012 May 17 GLE Event

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    The PAMELA (Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics) satellite-borne experiment has been collecting data in orbit since July 2006, providing accurate measurements of the energy spectra and composition of the cosmic radiation from a few hundred MeVn up to hundred GeVn. This wide interval of measured energies makes PAMELA a unique instrument for Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) observations. Not only does it span the energy range between the ground-based neutron monitor data and the observations of SEPs from space, but also PAMELA carries out the first direct measurements of the composition for the highest energy SEP events, including those causing Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs). PAMELA has registered many SEP events in solar cycle 24 including the 2012 May 17 GLE event (GLE 71), offering unique opportunities to address the question of high-energy SEP origin. Experimental performances and preliminary results on the 2012 May 17 events will be presented. We will discuss the derived particle injection time and compare with other time scales at the Sun including the flare and CME onset times

    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) for high-energy astroparticle physics on the International Space Station

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    The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a space experiment, currently under development by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, which will measure the flux of cosmic-ray electrons (and positrons) up to 20 TeV energy, of gamma rays up to 10 TeV, of nuclei with Z from 1 to 40 up to 1 PeV energy, and will detect gamma-ray bursts in the 7 keV to 20 MeV energy range during a 5 year mission. These measurements are essential to investigate possible nearby astrophysical sources of high energy electrons, study the details of galactic particle propagation and search for dark matter signatures. The main detector of CALET, the Calorimeter, consists of a module to identify the particle charge, followed by a thin imaging calorimeter (3 radiation lengths) with tungsten plates interleaving scintillating fibre planes, and a thick energy measuring calorimeter (27 radiation lengths) composed of lead tungstate logs. The Calorimeter has the depth, imaging capabilities and energy resolution necessary for excellent separation between hadrons, electrons and gamma rays. The instrument is currently being prepared for launch (expected in 2015) to the International Space Station ISS, for installation on the Japanese Experiment Module - Exposure Facility (JEM-EF)

    Prove di compatibilità elettromagnetica per la qualificazione spaziale del sistema di alte tensioni dell’apparato CALET - Electromagnetic compatibility tests for the space qualification of the high-voltage system of CALET apparatus

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    L’Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara” (IFAC), con supporto finanziario da parte dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana ASI e con il coordinamento del dott. Guido Castellini, ha curato lo sviluppo del sistema di alimentazione di alta tensione dell’apparato CALET per la rivelazione dei raggi cosmici a bordo della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ISS. In particolare, il personale IFAC che afferisce al Laboratorio di Sicurezza e Compatibilità Elettromagnetica (LabSeCEM)ha effettuato direttamente tutte le prove di interferenza e compatibilità elettromagnetica (EMI/EMC) richieste dallo specifico impiego in ambito spaziale, utilizzando le strutture a disposizione in sede. Infatti il laboratorio LabSeCEM possiede tutta la strumentazione specialistica necessaria ad effettuare tali tipi di prove. Nelle sezioni seguenti vengono descritte dapprima le principali caratteristiche dell’apparato CALET e in particolare del sistema di alta tensione (sez. 1), quindi il laboratorio LabSeCem e la sequenza di prove EMI/EMC effettuate (sez. 2). Seguono due appendici che raccolgono informazioni tecniche più dettagliate, sul sistema di alte tensioni (app. 1) e su procedure e risultati delle singole prove EMI/EMC (app. 2)

    Cosmic rays studies with the PAMELA space experiment

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    The instrument PAMELA, in orbit since June 15th, 2006 on board the Russian satellite Resurs DK1, is delivering to ground 16 Gigabytes of data per day. The apparatus is designed to study charged particles in the cosmic radiation, with a particular focus on antiparticles as a possible signature of dark matter annihilation in the galactic halo; the combination of a magnetic spectrometer and different detectors—indeed—allows antiparticles to be reliably identified from a large background of other charged particles. New results on the antiproton-to-proton and positron-to-all-electron ratios over a wide energy range (1–100GeV) have been recently released by the PAMELA Collaboration, and will be summarized in this paper. While the antiproton-to-proton ratio does not show particular differences from an antiparticle standard secondary production, in the positron-to-all-electron ratio an enhancement is clearly seen at energies above 10 GeV. Possible interpretations of this effect will be briefly discussed