2,326 research outputs found

    Cultura, open source y nuevos modos de educar(se)

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    Este texto busca introducir, abusando del breve espacio comprometido, algunas ideas y proyectos que ejempliflcan el valor de la cooperación y el open source en los cambios de las practicas creativas y educacionales. Vivimos en una sociedad basada en la idea de comperencia, donde se dan incentivos a las personas para seguir sus intereses individuales. Pensar y actuar de manera individual y aislada seria ideal si viviéramos solos en una isla desierra, pero vivimos en sociedades complejas, en constante interacción entre nosotros, de uno a uno, de uno a muchos, o de muchos a muchos. Esta noción tiene diversos orígenes, pero es principalmente el economista escocés Adam Smith quien planteó la idea sobre la maximización del beneficio individual, lo que da pie a la manera en que vemos y conformamos una sociedad. Smith plamea que apelando al egoismo de los individuos para perseguir sus propios intereses se lograría el bienestar general de la sociedad. Asi, la idea de individuos compitiendo constantemente se instala en los hábitos sociales de producción como algo absolutamente natural

    Consecuencias legales derivadas de un accidente laboral

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2014/201

    Depresión y riesgo cardiovascular en adultos mayores : una comparación entre áreas urbanas y rurales

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    Older adults represent a growing population in our country, which has been forgotten both in epidemiological studies and in national health and prevention programs. Despite being a group with multiple risk factors for depression and cardiovascular disease...Los adultos mayores representan una población creciente en nuestro país, misma que ha sido olvidada tanto en estudios epidemiológicos como en programas de salud nacional y de prevención. A pesar de ser un grupo con múltiples factores de riesgo para depresión y enfermedad cardiovascular..

    Conjuntos construibles en modelos valuados en retículos

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    We investigate different set-theoretic constructions in Residuated Logic based on Fitting’s work on Intuitionistic Kripke models of Set Theory. Firstly, we consider constructable sets within valued models of Set Theory. We present two distinct constructions of the constructable universe: L B and L B , and prove that the they are isomorphic to V (von Neumann universe) and L (Gödel’s constructible universe), respectively. Secondly, we generalize Fitting’s work on Intuitionistic Kripke models of Set Theory using Ono and Komori’s Residuated Kripke models. Based on these models, we provide a general- ization of the von Neumann hierarchy in the context of Modal Residuated Logic and prove a translation of formulas between it and a suited Heyting valued model. We also propose a notion of universe of constructable sets in Modal Residuated Logic and discuss some aspects of it.Investigamos diferentes construcciones de la teoría de conjuntos en Lógica Residual basados en el trabajo de Fitting sobre los modelos intuicionistas de Kripke de la Teoría de Conjuntos. En primer lugar, consideramos conjuntos construibles dentro de modelos valuados de la Teoría de Conjuntos. Presentamos dos construcciones distintas del universo construible: L B y L B , y demostramos que son isomorfos a V (universo von Neumann) y L (universo construible de Gödel), respectivamente. En segundo lugar, generalizamos el trabajo de Fitting sobre los modelos intuicionistas de Kripke de la teoría de conjuntos utilizando los modelos residuados de Kripke de Ono y Komori. Con base en estos modelos, proporcionamos una generalización de la jerarquía de von Neumann en el contexto de la Lógica Modal Residuada y demostramos una traducción de fórmulas entre ella y un modelo Heyting valuado adecuado. También proponemos una noción de universo de conjuntos construibles en Lógica Modal Residuada y discutimos algunos aspectos de la misma. (Texto tomado de la fuente)MaestríaMagíster en Ciencias - MatemáticasLógica matemática, teoría de conjunto

    Instrumentos aplicados en la evaluación psicológica realizada en el deporte

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    M. Roffé, Evaluación psicodeportológica. 30 Test psicométricos y proyectivo

    Passion and exercise addiction: Healthier profiles in team than in individual sports

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    New evidence suggests that passion is linked to exercise addiction. The objective of this work was to determine the strength of the relationship between exercise addiction, obsessive passion, and harmonious passion in team versus individual sports. Athletes (n = 190) from three team and three individual sports were examined. Results of hierarchical multiple regressions revealed that obsessive passion and harmonious passion were significant (p < .001) predictors (R2 = .39) of exercise addiction. Obsessive passion accounted for 25% and 50% of the variance in team and individual sports, respectively. Harmonious passion added little to the shared variance (3–4%). The levels of risk for exercise addiction were identical (15%) in the two groups. In team sports, harmonious passion was higher than in individual sports (p < .001). The current results suggest that profiles of passion in team sports are superior to those in individual sports, while the risk for exercise addiction is similar

    Methodological and conceptual limitations in exercise addiction research

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    The aim of this brief analytical review is to highlight and disentangle research dilemmas in the field of exercise addiction. Research examining exercise addiction is primarily based on self-reports, obtained by questionnaires (incorporating psychometrically validated instruments), and interviews, which provide a range of risk scores rather than diagnosis. Survey methodology indicates that the prevalence of risk for exercise addiction is approximately 3 percent among the exercising population. Several studies have reported a substantially greater prevalence of risk for exercise addiction in elite athletes compared to those who exercise for leisure. However, elite athletes may assign a different interpretation to the assessment tools than leisure exercisers. The present paper examines the: 1) discrepancies in the classification of exercise addiction; 2) inconsistent reporting of exercise addiction prevalence; and 3) varied interpretation of exercise addiction diagnostic tools. It is concluded that there is the need for consistent terminology, to follow-up results derived from exercise addiction instruments with interviews, and to follow a theory-driven rationale in this area of research

    Hypoxia in the Initiation and Progression of Neuroblastoma Tumours

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    Neuroblastoma is the most frequent extracranial solid tumour in children, causing 10% of all paediatric oncology deaths. It arises in the embryonic neural crest due to an uncontrolled behaviour of sympathetic nervous system progenitors, giving rise to heterogeneous tumours. Low local or systemic tissue oxygen concentration has emerged as a cellular stimulus with important consequences for tumour initiation, evolution and progression. In neuroblastoma, several evidences point towards a role of hypoxia in tumour initiation during development, tumour cell differentiation, survival and metastatic spreading. However, the heterogeneous nature of the disease, its developmental origin and the lack of suitable experimental models have complicated a clear understanding of the effect of hypoxia in neuroblastoma tumour progression and the molecular mechanisms implicated. In this review, we have compiled available evidences to try to shed light onto this important field. In particular, we explore the effect of hypoxia in neuroblastoma cell transformation and differentiation. We also discuss the experimental models available and the emerging alternatives to study this problem, and we present hypoxia-related therapeutic avenues being explored in the field.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation SAF program (grant number SAF2016-80412-P