6,579 research outputs found

    Central Government Transfers and Regional Convergence in Portugal

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    Over the last decades, the Portuguese economy exhibited an outstanding growth performance. This period of fast economic growth allowed the country to consistently reduce its income gap with respect to the EU average. In spite of this, regions in Portugal exhibited large differences between each other in terms of GDP per capita. Yet, the Portuguese government did make attempts at regional intervention by means of some policy instruments, namely public transfers to local (and regional) government. How successful these policies have been in terms of achieving their goal is still an open question, especially as far as Portuguese Central Government transfers are concerned. The main purpose of the paper is to evaluate if the system of Central Government transfers has affected the intra-regional Portuguese convergence. We haven’t found unquestionable evidence that these policies have been effective at stimulating convergence among Portuguese regions and at improving the overall economies of the poorer regions. Keywords: Regional convergence, Central Government transfers, Regional policy JEL Classification: H71; O18; R58

    Promoting sustainability: Environmental education activities in a social institution

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    Environmental education should not only act in the context of formal education but can also be applied in informal contexts, allowing a multipurpose application, serving to raise awareness, and transmit knowledge, allowing individuals to develop attitudes and behaviors that go against a more eco-centric posture. Given this fact, we developed a series of activities within the spectrum of environmental education applied in a social IPSS (social solidarity private institution), Obra Social Padre Miguel in the City of Bragança in Portugal. In this work, we used a qualitative approach, specifically study of exploratory nature, since it involved users and employees of the entity in the developed action, subsequently, we collected statements through interviews. A short interview script was drawn up and validated by professionals. In the development of these actions, we collect some data, such as water saving, food waste, and testimonials from users and employees. In the development of this work, we can observe that there was a decrease in the ecological footprint of the institution, and these actions can serve as an example that can be replicated by other entities. Given the results of this work, we conclude that the application of these actions in environmental education in addition to helping those involved in environmental awareness, can help entities to reduce their ecological footprint.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phase-slips and vortex dynamics in Josephson oscillations between Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the relation between Josephson dynamics and topological excitations in a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a double-well trap. We show that the phase slips responsible for the self-trapping regime are created by vortex rings entering and annihilating inside the weak-link region or created at the center of the barrier and expanding outside the system. Large amplitude oscillations just before the onset of self-trapping are also strictly connected with the dynamics of vortex rings at the edges of the inter-well barrier. Our results extend and analyze the dynamics of the vortex-induced phase slippages suggested a few decades ago in relation to the "ac" Josephson effect of superconducting and superfluid helium systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Modelo matemático para la determinación de las tarifas sociales destinadas a los clientes residenciales del servicio eléctrico

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal mostrar, a los estudiantes de los niveles superiores, los procedimientos principales de construcción de modelos matemáticos para resolver situaciones problemáticas que se manifiestan en la realidad cotidiana en el desarrollo de una determinada actividad profesional y como objetivo específico establecer alternativas de tarifas sociales con destino a núcleos de clientes perfectamente identificados en cuanto a su calidad, por su escasa capacidad de pago, y aproximadamente delimitados en cuanto a la cantidad. Bajo la denominación de tarifa social de cualquier servicio público se entiende a aquellas tarifas que, siguiendo distintos mecanismos, se subsidian implícita o explícitamente, parcial o totalmente, para beneficiar a ciertos sectores de usuarios con un determinado fin. Para tener una herramienta de análisis que permita simular distintas escenarios con el fin de fijar los subsidios a la tarifa de los clientes residenciales y tomar decisiones al respecto, se elaboró un modelo matemático que describe esta situación. Después del análisis de validación del modelo, mediante el trazado de superficies y curvas de nivel con la ayuda del medio lógico Derive, se realizó una simulación numérica a fin de acotar los resultados posibles que satisfagan los requerimientos impuestos por la situación problemática a resolver. Finalmente se concluye el trabajo con la especificación de la tarifa social buscada

    Development of an in vitro platform for a 3D microphysiological systems of human iPS-derived endothelial cells

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    ix In this work, we presented the original development of a chip for co-culture of cells to build up a 3D microvascular networks. The chip layout was designed in Auto-desk AutoCAD2020 to obtain three interconnected tissue chambers where the cells will be seeding and growing. The cell compartments are interconnected and fed with culture medium through the hourglass shaped side pores of the chamber (two pores for each chamber). The cell chambers are connected with inlet/outlet pairs for medium, which is delivered by an automatic feeding system. One of the initial goals for this work was to have the vessels grow towards both pores, so a pressure gradient was necessary. A medium delivery system was designed in, built with a 3D printer, and operated by a digital actuator connected to a microcon-troller board. The oscillating system maintains a difference of level (static pressure) be-tween the two culture medium containers, changing their positions automatically by previously defined time intervals, promoting uniform cell growth. The level height difference of culture medium and the time between changes can be adjusted by the programmable control system. Furthermore, the design of the chip layout allows for the growth of cells towards mimicking a 3D network of blood vessels. After seeding and polymerization of the fibrin gel, the cells grew occupying all the chamber space. That can be observed by microscopy without stopping the culture, as the chip support is transparent. These indicate that a suitable platform for biological assays using different cell types in co-culture (e.g. fibro-blast with human endothelial cells) can be carried on.Neste trabalho apresentamos o desenvolvimento original de um chip para co-cultura de células para a construção de redes microvasculares 3D. O layout do chip foi projetado no Autodesk AutoCAD2020 para obter 3 câmaras de tecido interconectadas onde as células serão semeadas e irão crescer. Os compartimentos das células são interligados e alimentados com o meio de cultura através dos poros laterais em forma de ampulheta (dois poros para cada câmara). As câmaras celulares estão conectadas à entrada/saída de meio, que é entregue por um sistema de alimentação automático. Um dos objetivos iniciais deste trabalho era fazer com que os vasos crescessem em direção a ambos os poros, para isso um gradiente de pressão era necessário. Um sistema de entrega de meio foi projetado e construído com uma impressora 3D e operado por um atuador digital com uma placa microcontrolador. O sistema oscilante mantém uma diferença de nível (pressão estática) entre os dois recipientes do meio de cultura, mudando as suas posições automaticamente por intervalos de tempo previamente definidos, promovendo um crescimento celular uniforme. A diferença de altura do meio de cultura e o tempo entre as mudanças podem ser ajustados pelo sistema de controle programável. Para além disso, o design do layout do chip permite o crescimento de células para simular uma rede 3D de vasos sanguíneos. Após a semeação e polimerização do gel de fibrina, as células cresceram ocupando todo o espaço da câmara. Isto pode ser observado por microscopia sem interrupção da cultura, pois o suporte do chip é transparente. Estes indicam que, uma plataforma adequada para ensaios biológicos usando diferentes tipos de células em co-cultura (por exemplo, fibroblasto com células endoteliais humanas) pode ser realizada

    Summarization of Films and Documentaries Based on Subtitles and Scripts

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    We assess the performance of generic text summarization algorithms applied to films and documentaries, using the well-known behavior of summarization of news articles as reference. We use three datasets: (i) news articles, (ii) film scripts and subtitles, and (iii) documentary subtitles. Standard ROUGE metrics are used for comparing generated summaries against news abstracts, plot summaries, and synopses. We show that the best performing algorithms are LSA, for news articles and documentaries, and LexRank and Support Sets, for films. Despite the different nature of films and documentaries, their relative behavior is in accordance with that obtained for news articles.Comment: 7 pages, 9 tables, 4 figures, submitted to Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier

    Cardiomiopatía mitocondrial de presentación neonatal

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    La función cardíaca depende principalmente de la producción de energía por parte de las mitocondrias. De allí que casi el 30% de la masa miocárdica corresponde a estas organelas. La cardiomiopatía mitocondrial neonatal o infantil resulta de una disfunción en alguno de los pasos de generación de energía a nivel de esa organela y frecuentemente se presenta con las características de una cardiopatía hipertrófica. En muchas oportunidades la heteroplasmía y heterogeneidad mitocondrial genera confusión para el diagnóstico por lo que el mismo requiere una investigación en forma multidisciplinaria. Presentamos el caso de un RN con una cardiomiopatía mitocondrial típica cuyo diagnóstico fue corroborado por los hallazgos clínicos, de laboratorio y anátomo-patológico

    Lapso Experience

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, Treball Final de Grau - TFG. Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Arnau Gifreu i Mariona GranéEl siguiente documento tiene como objetivo ofrecer al lector información acerca de los pasos que hemos seguido mi compañera y yo a la hora de realizar nuestro trabajo de Final de Grado. Nuestro objetivo desde el primer momento ha sido plasmar los conocimientos adquiridos durante los cuatro años de carrera en un solo trabajo, y después de la realización del mismo podemos concretar que lo hemos conseguido. Nuestro trabajo consiste en la creación de la empresa Lapso Experience, cuyo objetivo es ofrecer al público la oportunidad de congelar un momento de su vida, ya sea un cumpleaños, un aniversario o cualquier otro día del año. A través de una página web diseñada para este fin, ofrecemos al usuario cajas personalizadas, álbumes de fotos, dispositivos electrónicos e incluso sencillas cámaras instantáneas para perpetuar momentos únicos. Este proyecto implica, además de una página web, el diseño corporativo y gráfico de la marca y un plan de comunicación y de medios sociales para presentarla al público.Plan de marketing: Lapso Experience es un proyecto empresarial que consiste, fundamentalmente, en la venta de cajas denominadas "experiencias" con las que, a través de los elementos que la componen, se pueden inmortalizar momentos, guardar datos, objetos, jugar e interactuar con otras personas. Al completar la "experiencia", ésta se debe guardar para poder abrirla pasados unos años y revivir todo aquello que se dejó plasmado en su interior. El proyecto está inspirado en el concepto de cápsula del tiempo. El presente trabajo se compone de un exhaustivo análisis situacional en el que se investiga la competencia, se hace una reflexión interna y se evalúa el entorno de consumo óptimo para el producto. Por otro lado se definen los objetivos de los que se parte para elaborar una estrategia de marketing sólida. Seguidamente se profundiza en la estrategia de marketing online, sus objetivos específicos y las plataformas por las que se hará visible el proyecto. Finalmente se concibe un plan de acción inicial y se termina con una breve aproximación a la parte económica

    Molecular Networks in Dynamic Multilevel Systems

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    Dynamic multilevel systems can be assembled from molecular building blocks through two or more reversible reactions that form covalent bonds. Molecular networks of dynamic multilevel systems can exhibit different connectivities between nodes. The design and creation of molecular networks in multilevel systems require control of the crossed reactivity of the functional groups (how to connect nodes) and the conditions of the reactions (when to connect nodes). In recent years, the combination of orthogonal and communicating reactions, which can be simultaneous or individually activated, has produced a variety of systems that have given rise to macrocycles and cages, as well as molecular motors and multicomponent architectures on surfaces. A given set of reactions can lead to systems with unique responsiveness, compositions, and functions as a result of the relative reactivities. In this Concept article, different molecular networks from synthetic systems that can be produced by combinations of different reaction types are discussed. Moreover, applications of this chemistry are highlighted, and future perspectives are envisioned.Fil: Orrillo, Alfredo Gastón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; ArgentinaFil: Escalante, Andrea Marta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; ArgentinaFil: Martinez Amezaga, Maitena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; ArgentinaFil: Cabezudo, Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; ArgentinaFil: Furlan, Ricardo Luis Eugenio. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin