248 research outputs found

    Impact of Laparoscopic Fundoplication for the Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: Review of the Literature

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    Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is part of the so-called extraesophageal manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is presented by unspecific symptoms and signs and is believed to be caused by the reflux of gastric content to the proximal esophagus and larynx. However, evidence considering the role of the antireflux surgery for LPR has failed to demonstrate results comparable to those for GERD. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature regarding the impact of laparoscopic fundoplication for the treatment of LPR

    kNACking on heaven’s door: how important are NAC transcription factors for leaf senescence and Fe/Zn remobilization to seeds?

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    Senescence is a coordinated process where a plant, or a part of it, engages in programmed cell death to salvage nutrients by remobilizing them to younger tissues or to developing seeds. As Fe and Zn deficiency are the two major nutritional disorders in humans, increased concentration of these nutrients through biofortification in cereal grains is a long-sought goal. Recent evidences point to a link between the onset of leaf senescence and increased Fe and Zn remobilization. In wheat, one member of the NAC (NAM, ATAF, and CUC) transcription factor (TF) family (NAM-B1) has a major role in the process, probably regulating key genes for the early onset of senescence, which results in higher Fe and Zn concentrations in grains. In rice, the most important staple food for nearly half of the world population, the NAM-B1 ortholog does not have the same function. However, other NAC proteins are related to senescence, and could be playing roles on the same remobilization pathway. Thus, these genes are potential tools for biofortification strategies in rice. Here we review the current knowledge on the relationship between senescence, Fe and Zn remobilization and the role of NAC TFs, with special attention to rice. We also propose a working model for OsNAC5, which would act on the regulation of nicotianamine (NA) synthesis and metal–NA remobilization

    Transcriptional plasticity buffers genetic variation in zinc homeostasis

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    In roots of Arabidopsis thaliana, Zn can be either loaded into the xylem for translocation to the shoot or stored in vacuoles. Vacuolar storage is achieved through the action of the Zn/Cd transporter HMA3 (Heavy Metal Atpase 3). The Col-0 accession has an HMA3 loss-of-function allele resulting in high shoot Cd, when compared to accession CSHL-5 which has a functional allele and low shoot Cd. Interestingly, both Col-0 and CSHL-5 have similar shoot Zn concentrations. We hypothesize that plants sense changes in cytosolic Zn that are due to variation in HMA3 function, and respond by altering expression of genes related to Zn uptake, transport and compartmentalisation, in order to maintain Zn homeostasis. The expression level of genes known to be involved in Zn homeostasis were quantified in both wild-type Col-0 and Col-0::HMA3CSHL-5 plants transformed with the functional CSHL-5 allele of HMA3. We observed significant positive correlations between expression of HMA3 and of genes known to be involved in Zn homeostasis, including ZIP3, ZIP4, MTP1, and bZIP19. The results support our hypothesis that alteration in the level of function of HMA3 is counterbalanced by the fine regulation of the Zn homeostasis gene network in roots of A. thaliana

    Transcriptional plasticity bufers genetic variation in zinc homeostasis

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    In roots of Arabidopsis thaliana, Zn can be either loaded into the xylem for translocation to the shoot or stored in vacuoles. Vacuolar storage is achieved through the action of the Zn/Cd transporter HMA3 (Heavy Metal Atpase 3). The Col-0 accession has an HMA3 loss-of-function allele resulting in high shoot Cd, when compared to accession CSHL-5 which has a functional allele and low shoot Cd. Interestingly, both Col-0 and CSHL-5 have similar shoot Zn concentrations. We hypothesize that plants sense changes in cytosolic Zn that are due to variation in HMA3 function, and respond by altering expression of genes related to Zn uptake, transport and compartmentalisation, in order to maintain Zn homeostasis. The expression level of genes known to be involved in Zn homeostasis were quantified in both wildtype Col-0 and Col-0::HMA3CSHL-5 plants transformed with the functional CSHL-5 allele of HMA3. We observed significant positive correlations between expression of HMA3 and of genes known to be involved in Zn homeostasis, including ZIP3, ZIP4, MTP1, and bZIP19. The results support our hypothesis that alteration in the level of function of HMA3 is counterbalanced by the fine regulation of the Zn homeostasis gene network in roots of A. thaliana

    Elemental profiling of rice FOX lines leads to characterization of a new Zn plasma membrane transporter, OsZIP7

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    Iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) are essential micronutrients required for proper development in both humans and plants. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains are the staple food for nearly half of the world’s population, but a poor source of metals such as Fe and Zn. Populations that rely on milled cereals are especially prone to Fe and Zn deficiencies, the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies in humans. Biofortification is a cost-effective solution for improvement of the nutritional quality of crops. However, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying grain accumulation of mineral nutrients is required before this approach can achieve its full potential. Characterization of gene function is more time-consuming in crops than in model species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Aiming to more quickly characterize rice genes related to metal homeostasis, we applied the concept of high throughput elemental profiling (ionomics) to Arabidopsis lines heterologously expressing rice cDNAs driven by the 35S promoter, named FOX (Full Length Over-eXpressor) lines. We screened lines expressing candidate genes that could be used in the development of biofortified grain. Among the most promising candidates, we identified two lines ovexpressing the metal cation transporter OsZIP7. OsZIP7 expression in Arabidopsis resulted in a 25% increase in shoot Zn concentrations compared to non-transformed plants. We further characterized OsZIP7 and showed that it is localized to the plasma membrane and is able to complement Zn transport defective (but not Fe defective) yeast mutants. Interestingly, we showed that OsZIP7 does not transport Cd, which is commonly transported by ZIP proteins. Importantly, OsZIP7-expressing lines have increased Zn concentrations in their seeds. Our results indicate that OsZIP7 is a good candidate for developing Zn biofortified rice. Moreover, we showed the use of heterologous expression of genes from crops in A. thaliana as a fast method for characterization of crop genes related to the ionome and potentially useful in biofortification strategies

    Arabidopsis thaliana zinc accumulation in leaf trichomes is correlated with zinc concentration in leaves

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    Zinc (Zn) is a key micronutrient for plants and animals, and understanding Zn homeostasis in plants can improve both agriculture and human health. While root Zn transporters in plant model species have been characterized in detail, comparatively little is known about shoot processes controlling Zn concentrations and spatial distribution. Previous work showed that Zn hyperaccumulator species such as Arabidopsis halleri accumulate Zn and other metals in leaf trichomes. To date there is no systematic study regarding Zn accumulation in the trichomes of the non-accumulating, genetic model species A. thaliana. Here, we used Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence mapping to show that Zn accumulates at the base of trichomes of A. thaliana. Using transgenic and natural accessions of A thaliana that vary in bulk leaf Zn concentration, we demonstrate that higher leaf Zn increases total Zn found at the base of trichome cells. Our data indicates that Zn accumulation in trichomes is a function of the Zn status of the plant, and provides the basis for future studies on a genetically tractable plant species to understand the molecular steps involved in Zn spatial distribution in leaves

    Epidemiological profile of esophageal cancer mortality in Rio Grande do Sul and its health Regions

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    Introduction: Malignant esophageal neoplasia is a rare tumor, but it has high morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and intensive treatment associated with surgical approach remains the best treatment for the disease. Its epidemiology is extremely diverse in the world, even in the same country.Methodology: This was a retrospective analysis made from 2000-2015, analyzing the mortality rates of malignant esophageal neoplasia in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) in its 30 Health Regions and in Brazil. The mortality data were collected in the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the population data in the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).Results: The esophageal cancer mortality rate was 8.61 (95% CI, 8.49-8.73) per 100,000 inhabitants in RS, while the national rate was 3.66 (95% CI, 3, 49- 3.82), with a significant difference (p <0.0001). The regional distribution was variable, and the West Border region presented the highest rate, 12.91 (95% CI, 12.05-13.77). However, even regions with lower mortality presented twice as much deaths than the national rate. Mortality increased with aging, with the oldest age groups (≥80 years) presenting 69.62 (95% CI, 64.9-74) deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Conclusion: Esophageal neoplasia is still a very serious condition in the state of RS, being associated with an almost 3-fold higher mortality rate compared to the national rate. Even within the state different epidemiological patterns are found.Keywords: Esophageal cancer; epidemiology; mortalit