658 research outputs found

    Sistem Bikameral di Lembaga Legislatif Berdasarkan Tugas dan Kewenangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (Perbandingan dengan Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan Argentina)

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    The role of the legislature as a representation of the people has been much improved. The duties and functions and forms of this institution are also developing which has the system of state government and the form of its state. The legislature as an institution must exist in the system of government and any state form applied in the countries of the world. But the development of the chamber that is applied by each country is sometimes different from each other despite having the same governmental system and state for

    A Change Talk Model for Abstinence Based on Web-Based Anonymous Gambler Chat Meeting Data by Using an Automatic Change Talk Classifier : Development Study

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    Background: Change and sustain talks (negative and positive comments) on gambling have been relevant for determining gamblers’ outcomes but they have not been used to clarify the abstinence process in anonymous gambler meetings. Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a change talk model for abstinence based on data extracted from web-based anonymous gambler chat meetings by using an automatic change talk classifier. Methods: This study used registry data from the internet. The author accessed web-based anonymous gambler chat meetings in Japan and sampled 1.63 million utterances (two-sentence texts) from 267 abstinent gamblers who have remained abstinent for at least three years and 1625 nonabstinent gamblers. The change talk classifier in this study automatically classified gamblers’ utterances into change and sustain talks. Results: Abstinent gamblers showed higher proportions of change talks and lower probability of sustain talks compared with nonabstinent gamblers. The change talk model for abstinence, involving change and sustain talks, classified abstinent and nonabstinent gamblers through the use of a support vector machine with a radial basis kernel function. The model also indicated individual evaluation scores for abstinence and the ideal proportion of change talks for all participants according to their previous utterances. Conclusions: Abstinence likelihood among gamblers can be increased by providing personalized evaluation values and indicating the optimal proportion of change talks. Moreover, this may help to prevent severe mental, social, and financial problems caused by the gambling disorder

    Tanggung Jawab Konsultan dalam Pembuatan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

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    The purposes of this research are: first, to identify and analyze the arrangement of the consultant responsibilities in making the AMDAL in Indonesia; second, to analyze and criticize the implementation of the consultant responsibilities in making the AMDAL in Bangka Belitung. Based on these purposes, so the issues that have been discussed are: first, how the arrangement of the consultant responsibilities in making the AMDAL in Indonesia?; second, how the implementation of the consultant responsibilities in making the AMDAL in Bangka Belitung?. To discuss these issues, conducted empirical legal research with the type of research the effectiveness of the law. This research proved, that: first, the consultant responsibilities in making the AMDAL regulated by the Act Number 32 of 2009 years, and the Environment Minister Regulation Number 7 of 2010 years; second, the consultant responsibilities in makin AMDAL will be completed to the extent of agreement with the proponent. Therefore, the recommendations of this research are: first, needed to optimize the enforcement of the Act Number 32 of 2009 years, and the Environment Minister Regulation Number 7 of 2010 years; second, needed more specifically regulation concerning the recognition in makin the AMDAL document


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    Permasalahan perizinan dan pengelolaan lingkungan khususnya pertambangan di wilayah Provinsi Bangka Belitung, diawali sejak munculnya Izin Usaha Penambangan atau IUP. Dampak perizinan yang diberikan masih banyak yang tidak memenuhi standar pemulihan lahan pertambangan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dalam permasalahan pertambangan darat dan laut yang terjadi di provinsi Bangka Belitung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis adanya pihak yang melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum dalam penyalahgunaan izin pertambangan, dan untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum terhadap masyarakat akibat kerusakan lingkungan hidup di Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah (pusat maupun daerah) yang mengeluarkan Izin Usaha Penambangan (IUP). Pelaksanaan penambangan tersebut, diharuskan memperhatikan ekosistem lingkungan yang ada disekitar wilayah pertambangan. Pelaksanaan penambangan yang dimulai dari Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal), akibat rusaknya lingkungan tersebut, warga tidak bisa menikmati lingkungan hidup yang laik sesuai dengan amanah UUD NRI Tahun 1945 Pasal 28 H ayat (1). Perlindungan hukum yang sekarang masih digunakan adalah melalui UUPPLH yang secara isi atau materinya masih relevan

    Pembukaan Lahan Perkebunan Perspektif Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok Agraria (Studi terhadap Pembukaan Lahan Perkebunan Lada di Desa Pasirputih, Kecamatan Tukak Sadai, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan)

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    Most People around this country must have their own ways and mechanism for land issues before the form of written legislation is being publicized including people in Bangka Island. For example, the plantation land in Pasirputih Village, Tukak Sadai District, South Bangka Regency is arranged orderly. There are several requirements that must be obey in order to open the plantation land, such as they must be ‘herenteng' (equal) between one plantation land and others. Besides, there are several prohibitions when opening the plantation land that shouldn't be break by the people, those are ‘apit' and ‘kaet'. These prohibitions are not written, but still being obeyed by the people. Something that is still maintained in this area is interesting to examine from the perspective of law number 5 of 1960 that is concerning the Basic Regulations of Agrarian (UUPA)

    Advantage of empty-chair dialogue over emotion-focused couples therapy

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    Couples with marital infidelity have received many therapies, but the effective therapies for them were still unclear. The present case study utilized Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) and Empty-Chair Dialogue Intervention (ECDI) for a couple with marital infidelity and aimed to show advantages of ECDI over EFCT. Our case was a Japanese heterosexual couple with husband’s infidelity. The husband also had alcohol abuse and bipolar disorder, whereas the wife assaulted him physically. During the first 6 monthly sessions, they were peaceful but wife’s physical assault suddenly occurred and interrupted the therapy. During the next 5 monthly sessions, EFCT was applied for them, but his hypomanic episode and her physical assault disturbed their emotionally responsive communication during the sessions. During the last 5 biweekly sessions, ECDI was applied for the wife. She imaginary dialogued with the husband’s extramarital lovers, rather than the husband. During the ECDI sessions, she had been able to fall asleep during night and her physical assault on him had been disappeared. Even after the three-year follow up since the ECDI session, her physical assault and his marital infidelity had not occurred. Comparative advantages of ECDI over EFCT were discussed


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    Effective self-protective behaviors, such as victim's physical resistance for avoiding sexual victimization have been studied. However, effective self-protective behavioral sequences, such as offender's physical violence followed by victim's physical resistance, have not been studied often. Our study aims to clarify these sequences through supervised machine learning approach. The samples consisted of 88 official documents on sexual crimes regarding women committed by male offenders incarcerated in a Japanese local prison. The crimes were classified as completed or attempted cases based on judges’ evaluation. All phrases in each crime description were also partitioned and coded according to the Japanese Penal Code. The Support Vector Machine learned the most likely sequences of behaviors to predict completed and attempted cases. Around 90% of cases were correctly predicted through the identification of sequences of behaviors. The sequence involving the offender’s violence followed by victim’s physical resistance predicted attempted sexual crime. However, the sequence involving victim’s general resistance followed by the offender’s violence predicted completed sexual crime. Timing of victim’s resistance and offender’s violence could affect potential avoidance of sexual victimization


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    Reforms in Indonesia has led to many changes, one change in the state administration system in Indonesia. Post authoritarian era, hopes to form a power ideally through the constitution amendment to be the only way to improve the existing system by step abolish one by one to the authority of the executive power into shades executive heavy, in order to power the institution country to be more balanced with a pattern of horizontal separation between state institution
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