1,028 research outputs found

    Lives on hold : the experiences of asylum seekers in moria refugee camp

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    Of the hundreds of thousands of people that formed the huge migratory flow of the refugee crisis, many are living in refugee camps, at times without basic conditions. This research aims to describe the experience of asylum seekers in the transitional context. Being a qualitative study, the data was collected with 15 asylum seekers in Kara Tepe refugee camp (Greece), through semi-structured interviews and participant observation in the natural context. The main results point to a negative experience in Moria refugee camp, with reports of overcrowding, hunger, lack of hygiene conditions and health support, insecurity and violence. The psychological impact of the high number of adverse experiences in this population living under these circumstances stood out, with negative emotional experiences and the risk of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms. These results show how crucial it is to implement changes by addressing basic needs, but also in the way the asylum applications are processed.Das centenas de milhares de pessoas que formaram o enorme fluxo migratório da crise de refugiados, muitos encontram-se a viver em campos de refugiados, por vezes sem condições básicas. Esta investigação tem como objetivo descrever a experiência dos requerentes de asilo no contexto de transição. Tratando-se de um estudo qualitativo, os dados foram recolhidos junto de 15 requerentes de asilo no campo de refugiados de Kara Tepe (Grécia), através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação-participante no contexto natural. Os principais resultados sugerem uma experiência negativa no campo de refugiados de Moria, com relatos de sobrelotação, fome, ausência de condições de higiene e apoio médico, insegurança e violência. Destacou-se o impacto psicológico do elevado número de situações adversas experienciadas pela população a viver nestas circunstâncias, com experiências emocionais negativas e um risco de sintomatologia depressiva, ansiosa e de stress pós-traumático. Estes resultados demonstram o quão crucial é a implementação de mudanças, assegurando as necessidades básicas e reformulando o processamento dos pedidos de asilo

    Induced pluripotent stem cell line (INSAi001-A) from a Gaucher disease type 3 patient compound heterozygote for mutations in the GBA1 gene

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    Gaucher Disease (GD) type 3 is a neurological form of a multisystemic autosomal recessive disorder belonging to the group of lysosomal storage diseases. Causal mutations in the glucocerebrosidase 1 (GBA1) commonly lead to abnormal protein and GD, heterozygosity is a genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease. This work describes the use of a non-integrative approach using Sendai Virus delivery to establish induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts from a GD type 3 patient. Differentiation of iPSCs can be employed to generate a variety of complex cell types with a high degree of genetic complexity that would otherwise be unattainable.Funding Agency Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology PTDC/BIM-MEC/4762/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medicinal Plants in Pregnancy and Lactation: Perception of the Health Risk and Practical Educational Group in Araraquara, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    The use of medicinal plants among pregnant women and lactating is a common practice in diverse countries. However, many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating, due to various adverse effects, such as teratogenic, embryotoxic and abortive effects, exposing these women, their fetus and babies to health unknown risks. Thus, the purpose of this commentary, was to analyze the perception about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women and lactating registered in the "baby on board" NGO, Araraquara, São Paulo state, Brazil, between 2010 at 2013. The group was constituted by 48 women, between the first and last trimester of pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. Information was collected during group meetings by oral interview, using a questionnaire, as script. The nature of the study was a qualitative analysis. The results were based on reports about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women during group meetings: use, indication of use, knowledge about risks. All participants received written and oral information about the study and they gave a written informed consent. The use of medicinal plants is a reality among pregnant and lactating women of the "baby on board" NGO. They reported that they feel that "natural" products are not harmful for their health. The primary information sources for the majority of women about medicinal plants during pregnancy are family, neighbors and herbalists. The plants most cited were: senna, chamomile, boldo, lemon balm, lemon grass. They were used mainly for: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal and abdominal pain, anxiety, intestinal constipation and low milk production. The pregnant and lactating women lacked knowledge about the health risks of the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation. They also reported difficulties in clarifying some questions about the use of medicinal plants with their doctors. The results of the present study showed that educative actions about the rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and breastfeeding could be part of the operating protocols to promote the maternal and child health programs in Araraquara. Thus, our results also suggest the importance of creating institutionalized places, to the implementation of continued education programs about rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and lactation. These targeted programs are not only for health professionals, but also for community members, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Our results pointed out the importance of guidance of doctors and healthcare professionals on the scientific studies about medicinal plants and herbal medicines and the risk/benefit of using herbs during pregnancy. Finally, it is noted the importance of the health professionals to inform women of childbearing on risks to their health, as well as on possibilities of utilization of herbs during fertile period, giving special attention to the potential risk of self-medication

    (Não) Adesão à terapêutica da pessoa com perturbação mental na comunidade

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    Mestrado em Enfermagem, Área de especialização: Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e PsiquiátricaA elaboração do presente relatório vislumbra o percurso formativo desempenhado no estágio do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem, na área de especialização de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica e do trabalho desenvolvido. O tema definido vai ao encontro do desafio que os profissionais de saúde se deparam diariamente, o fenómeno da adesão à terapêutica. Ir-se-á promover a entrevista motivacional pela sua aplicabilidade em contexto comunitário e pela melhoria quanto ao comportamento de adesão. Existem diversos fatores que atuam como barreiras na adesão. O enfermeiro especialista em saúde mental e psiquiátrica detém as ferramentas necessárias, quer de conhecimentos quer na relação terapêutica, para promover a modificação de comportamentos que visem o aumento da adesão à terapêutica e, consequentemente, uma melhoria da qualidade de vida. A pessoa com perturbação mental tem uma participação ativa no seu tratamento e caminha lado a lado com o enfermeiro, sendo detentora da tomada de decisão acerca do seu plano terapêutico. Assim sendo, após identificada a necessidade com a colaboração da equipa de cuidados, foi desenvolvido um protocolo de atuação para a modificação de comportamentos de (Não) Adesão à terapêutica, através da Entrevista Motivacional aos utentes.This report looks at the training course carried out at the stage of the master´s degree in nursing, in the area of specialization of mental and psychiatric health and the work developed. The defined theme meets the challenge that health professionals face daily, the phenomenon of adherence to therapy. Motivational interview will be promoted for its applicability in several contexts and for the demonstrated improvement in adherence behavior. There are several factors that act as barriers in adhesion. The nurse specialist in mental and psychiatric health has the necessary tools, both in terms of knowledge and in the therapeutic relationship, to promote the modification of behaviors aimed at increasing adherence to therapy and, consequently, an improvement in the quality of life. The person with mental disorder has an active participation in their treatment and walks side by side with the nurse, being the decision maker about their therapeutic plan. Therefore, after identifying the need with the collaboration of the care team, an action protocol was developed for the modification of behaviors of (Non) Adherence to therapy, through the Motivational Interview to the users

    In silico analysis of missense mutations as a first step in functional studies: examples from two sphingolipidoses

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6275066/Note: Where it reads BBB-BMD/6301, should be PTDC/BIM-MEC/4762/2014. Erro de edição, tendo sido solicitado correção.In order to delineate a better approach to functional studies, we have selected 23 missense mutations distributed in different domains of two lysosomal enzymes, to be studied by in silico analysis. In silico analysis of mutations relies on computational modeling to predict their effects. Various computational platforms are currently available to check the probable causality of mutations encountered in patients at the protein and at the RNA levels. In this work we used four different platforms freely available online (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer- PROVEAN, PolyPhen-2, Swiss-model Expert Protein Analysis System-ExPASy, and SNAP2) to check amino acid substitutions and their effect at the protein level. The existence of functional studies, regarding the amino acid substitutions, led to the selection of the distinct protein mutants. Functional data were used to compare the results obtained with different bioinformatics tools. With the advent of next-generation sequencing, it is not feasible to carry out functional tests in all the variants detected. In silico analysis seems to be useful for the delineation of which mutants are worth studying through functional studies. Therefore, prediction of the mutation impact at the protein level, applying computational analysis, confers the means to rapidly provide a prognosis value to genotyping results, making it potentially valuable for patient care as well as research purposes. The present work points to the need to carry out functional studies in mutations that might look neutral. Moreover, it should be noted that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), occurring in coding and non-coding regions, may lead to RNA alterations and should be systematically verified. Functional studies can gain from a preliminary multi-step approach, such as the one proposed here.Financial support was received from the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT), project PTDC/BIM-MEC/4762/2014 (PI-O.A.) Diogo Ribeiro and Luciana Moreira were grant recipients from FCT under the same project. Ana Duarte was a PhD student with grant a FCTSFRH/BD/118009/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Propranolol in the treatment of an extensive facial and orbital infantile hemangioma: case report

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    An infantile hemangioma, a common benign vascular tumor of infancy, can cause significant visual function impairment and/or relevant disfigurement. We report the successful outcome with oral propranolol treatment, with no adverse events related to the treatment, in a 2-month-old boy who presented with a complicated extensive infantile hemangioma of the right hemiface with deep intraorbital involvement, extending to the middle cranial fossa and pterygopalatine fossa