118 research outputs found

    Evaluation of different rotary devices on bone repair in rabbits

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    In oral surgery, the quality of bone repair may be influenced by several factors that can increase the morbidity of the procedure. The type of equipment used for ostectomy can directly affect bone healing. The aim of this study was to evaluate bone repair of mandible bone defects prepared in rabbits using three different rotary devices. Fifteen New Zealand rabbits were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=5) according to type of rotary device used to create bone defects: I - pneumatic low-speed rotation engine, II - pneumatic high-speed rotation engine, and III - electric low-speed rotation engine. The anatomic pieces were surgically obtained after 2, 7 and 30 days and submitted to histological and morphometric analysis. The morphometric results were expressed as the total area of bone remodeling matrix using an image analysis system. Increases in the bone remodeling matrix were noticed with time along the course of the experiment. No statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were observed among the groups at the three sacrificing time points considering the total area of bone mineralized matrix, although the histological analysis showed a slightly advanced bone repair in group III compared to the other two groups. The findings of the present study suggest that the type of rotary device used in oral and maxillofacial surgery does not interfere with the bone repair process.A ostectomia é uma manobra cirúrgica fundamental que pode afetar a reparação tecidual de modo a aumentar a morbidade do procedimento. O tipo de equipamento e/ou instrumental utilizado para a ostectomia pode influenciar diretamente no reparo ósseo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o processo de reparação óssea em defeitos realizados em mandíbula de coelho com três diferentes equipamentos. Quinze coelhos foram aleatoriamente divididos em 3 grupos (n=5) de acordo com o equipamento usado para preparacão de 3 cavidades ósseas com brocas padronizadas: I) motor de baixa rotação pneumático, II) motor de alta rotação pneumático e III) motor de baixa rotação elétrico, todos com refrigeração constante. Após os períodos experimentais de 2, 7e 30 dias, as peças anatômicas foram removidas e submetidas a análises microscópica e histomorfométrica. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p>0,05) entre os grupos nos 3 períodos experimentais, considerando-se a área total de matriz óssea mineralizada, embora a análise microscópica tenha revelado uma tendência a um processo de reparação óssea um pouco mais adiantado no grupo III, quando comparado aos demais grupos. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o tipo de equipamento rotatório utilizado em cirurgia bucomaxilofacial não interfere no reparo ósseo.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Sacred Heart University Department of Oral SurgeryFederal University of São Paulo Department of Health SciencesUNIFESP, Department of Health SciencesSciEL

    Photoelastic analysis of conventional and locking system for treatment of mandibular angle fractures with a single plate

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    This photoelastic analysis evaluated stress distribution in different osteosynthesis systems, conventional and locking, used for treatment of mandibular angle fractures with a single plate. Angle fractures were simulated in mandibles made of photoelasti

    PIDA (12.5; 8.7), PIDN (47.1; 40.1), NDF (714.4; 749.5) and ADF (396.0; 419.0) were obtained by EI in relation to BB

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    Productivity and nutritional quality of Flechinha grass (Echinolaena inflexa), native grass of Brazilian Cerrado Ciência Rural, vol. 46, núm. 6, junio, 2016Rural, vol. 46, núm. 6, junio, , pp. 1100Rural, vol. 46, núm. 6, junio, -1106 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Santa Maria, Brasil CP (75.3; 73.5 in the RS and DS), PIDA (12.5; 8.7), PIDN (47.1; 40.1), NDF (714.4; 749.5) and ADF (396.0; 419.0) were obtained by EI in relation to BB (CP (60.3; 33.5), PIDA (6.0; 3.5), PIDN (21.4; 10.8), NDF (673.0; 675.1) and ADF (335.5; 351.4) (PB; 60,3 e 33,5), PIDA (6,0 e 3.5), PIDN (21,4 e 10,8), FDN (673,0 e 675,1) e FDA (335,5 e 351,4

    Viabilidade celular de probióticos microencaspulados adicionados a barras de cereais / Cellular viability of microencapsulated probiotics added to cereal bars

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    O uso de micro-organismos probióticos tem aumentado, nos últimos anos, em função de seus efeitos terapêuticos diversos, o que tem impulsionado a indústria alimentícia à sua utilização em alimentos processados.  O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar barras de cereais adicionadas de probióticos microencapsulados, verificar sua viabilidade nestes produtos e analisa-las sensorialmente. Foram elaboradas três amostras, das quais, uma amostra controle e duas adicionadas de probióticos Lactobacillus gasseri e Bifidobacterium lactis, respectivamente. As barras de cereais foram analisadas quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos, pH, atividade de água e sólidos solúveis; viabilidade celular das bactérias probióticas e análises de contaminantes no 1º e 28º dias; e ainda análise sensorial para verificar a aceitabilidade das barras. Os resultados apontaram diferenças entres as barras quanto a alguns parâmetros físico-químicos, em especial quanto a atividade de água e sólidos solúveis. A barra adicionada de L. gasseri mostrou potencialidade probiótica em 28 dias de armazenamento, atingindo 4x106 UFC g-1 de barra de cereal. Considerando os atributos aparência e textura, estes receberam pontuações significativamente menores para as barras adicionadas de L. gasseri, comparados às amostras controle e com B. lactis. Para os demais atributos, não houve diferenças entre as três amostras, sendo que os provadores atribuíram notas acima de 6,0 para o aroma, o sabor e a avaliação global, o que na escala hedônica utilizada como instrumento de avaliação, corresponde a notas positivas na aceitabilidade. Considerando os dois probióticos testados nas barras, o L. gasseri foi mais resistente às condições do meio, comparado ao B. lactis. 

    O perfil dos licenciados em Publicidade em Portugal : uma perspectiva dos estudantes, dos professores e dos profissionais

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    O objectivo geral deste estudo consiste em compreender de que forma o ensino da publicidade está a ser efectuado em Portugal e em que medida vai ao encontro das necessidades do mercado. A pesquisa envolveu a administração de um questionário a uma amostra de alunos, docentes e profissionais portugueses, em Lisboa, no Porto e na Covilhã, no sentido de recolher as perspectivas destes 3 intervenientes neste processo. De um modo geral, constatou-se que a universidade tem acompanhado o mercado, no entanto, deve procurar estreitar a ligação com aquele universo. Concluiuse que o perfil idealizado pelos entrevistados no que concerne aos licenciados aponta para traços individuais como a "integração na equipa", o "dinamismo" e também para conhecimentos técnicos como por exemplo a "estratégia publicitária" e a "criatividade".El propósito de este estudio es comprender cómo se está implementando la enseñanza de la Publicidad en Portugal y en qué medida los cursos satisfacen las necesidades del mercado laboral. Así, administramos un cuestionario a una muestra de estudiantes, profesores y profesionales en Lisboa, Oporto y Covilhã, con el objetivo de reunir las perspectivas de estos tres actores en este proceso. De forma general, constatamos que la universidad ha ido al encuentro de las necesidades del mercado, si bien debe aún procurar estrechar vínculos con la realidad profesional. Igualmente, concluimos que el perfil trazado por los entrevistados en relación a los licenciados en Publicidad apunta a rasgos individuales, tales como "integración en el equipo" o "dinamismo", así como a conocimientos técnicos, como "estrategia publicitaria" o "creatividad".The purpose of this study is to know how the universities are teaching Advertising in Portugal and the way they are following the market. The research involved the administration of a questionnaire to a sample of students, professors and professionals in Lisbon, Porto and Covilhã in order to gather the perspectives of these three players in this process. In general we verified that universities have been following the market but need to be more linked with that universe. We also concluded that the best advertising graduate profile should include individual traces such as "team work" and "dynamism" and also technical knowledge like "advertising strategy" and "creativity"

    Recent Forest Fire Related Accidents in Europe

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    Forest fires can cause injuries and death to fire fighters and to population affected by them. The analysis of these accidents can provide a better insight about their causes and circumstances and develop guidelines to improve safety of all those at the fire line. These events are also a challenge for researchers as we try to better understand how fire and people behave and with this knowledge contribute to avoid these accidents. Some recent cases involving fatal accidents in five different countries are described and analyzed in this book. Common elements among them are the fact that both several fatalities and fire eruptions occurred in all of them. The number of victims ranges from two in Palasca (France) accident to 27 in Arthemida (Greece) case and they include professional and well experienced fire fighters and members of the population, in some cases even children. May these cases be a reminder that every person can be endangered by forest fires and a call to enforce the common goal of preventing them.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Radio astronomy and Space science in Azores: enhancing the Atlantic VLBI infrastructure cluster

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    Radio astronomy and Space Infrastructures in the Azores have a great scientific and industrial interest because they benefit from a unique geographical location in the middle of the North Atlantic allowing a vast improvement in the sky coverage. This fact obviously has a very high added value for: i) the establishment of space tracking and communications networks for the emergent global small satellite fleets ii) it is invaluable to connect the radio astronomy infrastructure networks in Africa, Europe and America continents using Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) techniques, iii) it allows excellent potential for monitoring space debris and Near Earth Objects (NEOs). There is in S. Miguel island a 32-metre SATCOM antenna that could be integrated in advanced VLBI networks and be capable of additional Deep Space Network ground support. This paper explores the space science opportunities offered by the upgrade of the S. Miguel 32-metre SATCOM antenna into a world-class infrastructure for radio astronomy and space exploration: it would enable a Deep Space Network mode and would constitute a key space facility for data production, promoting local digital infrastructure investments and the testing of cutting-edge information technologies. Its Atlantic location also enables improvements in angular resolution, provides many baseline in East-West and North-South directions connecting the emergent VLBI stations in America to Europe and Africa VLBI arrays therefore contributing for greater array imaging capabilities especially for sources or well studied fields close to or below the celestial equator, where ESO facilities, ALMA, SKA and its precursors do or will operate and observe in the coming decades.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for Publication at Advances in Space Research, COSPAR, Elsevie

    Design, Environmental and Sustainability Constraints of new African Observatories: The example of the Mozambique Radio Astronomy Observatory

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    The Mozambique Radio Astronomy Observatory (MRAO) will be a first milestone towards development of radioastronomy in Mozambique. Development of MRAO will constitute a preparation step towards participation in the upcoming Africa VLBI Network and the Square Kilometer Array project. The MRAO first antenna is planned to serve as a capacitation and training facility and will be installed after the conversion of a 7-meter telecom dish in South Africa. Therefore, this first radiotelescope design has to comply with local spectral and environmental constraints. Furthermore, power availability and long term sustainability with potential inclusion of solar power and control of Radio Frequency Interference are analyzed. Here we outline some of the design, environmental and power sustainability constraints.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figures; Proceedings of the URSI BEJ Session 'Large Scale Science Projects: Europa-Africa Connects', IEEE Africon 2013 Conference Mauritius (9-12 Sep) 2013, Accepted for Publication at IEEE Xplorer, Nov 201