
Recent Forest Fire Related Accidents in Europe


Forest fires can cause injuries and death to fire fighters and to population affected by them. The analysis of these accidents can provide a better insight about their causes and circumstances and develop guidelines to improve safety of all those at the fire line. These events are also a challenge for researchers as we try to better understand how fire and people behave and with this knowledge contribute to avoid these accidents. Some recent cases involving fatal accidents in five different countries are described and analyzed in this book. Common elements among them are the fact that both several fatalities and fire eruptions occurred in all of them. The number of victims ranges from two in Palasca (France) accident to 27 in Arthemida (Greece) case and they include professional and well experienced fire fighters and members of the population, in some cases even children. May these cases be a reminder that every person can be endangered by forest fires and a call to enforce the common goal of preventing them.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

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