857 research outputs found

    The impact of unemployment insurance on job creation

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    Unemployment insurances are perceived as major benefits to support workers in their job findings. This thesis contributes to the pre-existent literature through researching the impact of the unemployment benefits on the companies’ hirings and permanent layoffs, due to a lack of research on this matter. Using state and firm-specific variables, this study analyses the absolute and percentage impact on number of companies’ employees. For two of the overall performed regression models, higher amounts of unemployment insurances seem to impact positively the number of companies’ employees

    O assédio laboral : responsabilidade civil no assédio laboral horizontal e o assédio enquanto acidente de trabalho

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    A dissertação que se apresenta tem por objeto o estudo do fenómeno do assédio laboral, relativamente a algumas das suas modalidades e características. O assédio laboral tem vindo a assumir cada vez mais atualidade e importância, não só porque a evolução do mercado de trabalho e a organização/concorrência das empresas tem potenciado a prática de tal comportamento, como ainda porque as suas consequências são extremamente nocivas para a saúde e o bem-estar do trabalhador, para o ambiente e a produtividade da empresa, e para a sociedade em geral. Na primeira parte do estudo que se apresenta é feita uma análise do conceito e da natureza do assédio laboral, bem como das várias formas e modalidades que pode revestir, e expõe-se ainda a evolução histórica do nosso ordenamento jurídico sobre tal matéria. De seguida, no âmbito do assédio laboral horizontal, procede-se a uma análise e apreciação sobre a responsabilidade civil do trabalhador assediante e do empregador, relativamente à vítima. Por fim, estabelece-se o confronto e a diferenciação entre as figuras do “assédio laboral” e do “acidente de trabalho”, concluindo-se serem inconciliáveis entre si, já que o primeiro exige reiteração de atos, e o segundo pressupõe subitaneidade e imprevisibilidade do evento causador do sinistro. Refere-se, ainda, que o trabalhador vitima de assédio ficaria melhor protegido se lhe fosse aplicável o regime jurídico dos acidentes de trabalho (regime das contingências profissionais) e não o regime da responsabilidade civil, ou se entre ambos houvesse uma maior aproximação, mas tal solução dependerá da iniciativa do legislador.This dissertation’s main objective is the study of labor harassment phenomenon, relatively to some of its modalities and characteristics. Labor harassment has been assuming a more actual and important role, not only due to the evolution of labor market and business organization/competition have enhanced the practice of such behavior, but also because its consequences are extremely harmful to workers health and welfare, to the environment and productivity of the company, and to society in general. In the first part of this study it was made an analysis of the concept and nature of labor harassment, as well as the several forms and modalities that may exist. It was also made an introduction of the historical evolution of our legal system. Then, in the context of horizontal labor harassment, an analysis and appreciation, is carried out about the civil responsibility of the harassing worker and the employer, in relation to the victim. Finally, the confrontation and differentiation is established, between the concepts of labor harassment and employment related accident, concluding to be irreconcilable to each, since the first demands “reiteration” of the acts and the second assumes “suddenness” and “unpredictability” of the accident causing event. It also states that the harassment victim employee would be better protected if the legal regime of occupational accidents (occupational contingencies plan) was applicable and not the civil responsibility one, or if there was a bigger approach between them, but such solution would depend on legislator’s iniciative

    A formação da identidade nacional e o nazismo na Alemanha

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, 2018.Esta dissertação trata da construção da identidade nacional alemã e sua possível ligação com os elementos presentes no Nazismo e nos ideais de Hitler. Para concluir tal objetivo, essa monografia se propõe a analisar os elementos que fomentaram a construção da identidade nacional alemã e se é possível encontrar elementos do pensamento pieto-romântico da classe intelectual responsável pela criação do nacionalismo alemão no regime ditatorial de Hitler. Além disso, será utilizada a identidade nacional alemã para observar como o antissemitismo se transformou em uma manifestação de ódio tão violenta na Alemanha do período nazista. O que se encontrou como resultado do presente estudo é que há elementos do período da construção da identidade nacional alemã no regime nazista, mas que este não foi uma consequência única e certa do nacionalismo do século XIX. O Antissemitismo também é diferente do presente na Europa, muito mais manipulado e extremado por Hitler.This dissertation deals with the construction of the German national identity and its possible connection with the elements present in the Nazism and in the ideals of Hitler. To conclude this objective, this monograph proposes to analyze the elements that fomented the construction of the German national identity and if one can find elements of the pieto- romantic thought in the dictatorial regime of Hitler. In addition, the German national identity will be used to observe how anti-semitism has turned into a manifestation of such violent hatred in Germany during the Nazi period. What has been found as a result of the present study is that there are elements of the period of the construction of German national identity in the Nazi regime, but that this was not a single and certain consequence of nineteenth- century nationalism. Anti-semitism is also diferent from the present in Europe, much more manipulated and extreme by Hitler

    Rapid Sap Nutrient Analysis Methods in Malus Domestica Borkh Cv. ‘Gala’

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    Sap quick tests are well established in vegetable crops. However, there is less equivalent investigation for perennial crops, such as apple trees. Accessing the nutrient content, as opposed to the foliar analysis, would increase the opportunity of adjusting the fertilization, along the growing cycle. This work evaluates the relation between the NO3 −, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, PO4 3- and NH4 + contents in apple petiole sap, measured with the RQflex® test strips and laboratory methods to assess the possibility of using this tool with accuracy in in-situ sap analysis. Petiole samples were collected from six apple tree orchards, frozen and pressed. Dilution was mandatory for all nutrient determination, except NO3 −. The dilution factor varied with the stage of the annual cycle. The levels of NO3 −, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ followed the same pattern during the growing cycle, with both methods. Regression analysis resulted in high determination coefficients for NO3 − (R2 = 0.85), K+ (R2 = 0.86), Mg2+ (R2 = 0.81) and Ca2+ (R2 = 0.95), between RQflex® and laboratory methods. No equivalent relation was found for ammonium and phosphate determination. These tests can be useful tools for rational fertilization management, mainly in high-density apple orchards. The calcium content in 45 DAFB leaves correlated well with the calcium content in sap at the same timinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficiency in Brazilian Refineries Under Different DEA Technologies

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    This paper aims to assess the environmental efficiency of refineries in the public sector with emphasis on generated effluents and water consumption in the production process. In order to conduct this research, the addressed method was quantitative with a qualitative approach to the environmental aspects of controllable and uncontrollable variables implemented in two classical models of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), considering only desirable outputs and two DEA models which include undesirable outputs. The sample consists of ten refineries considering the following as input variables: idleness percentage of the operating plant, the amount of water consumed; and the following as outputs: refinery production volume and generated effluents, desirable and undesirable, respectively, besides the uncontrollable variable, the refinery age. With the comparison result between the models, we observed the clear importance of the environmental variable for a more realistic analysis of the production process

    Full Informed Digital Transformation - Simpler, Maybe Better

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    The digital age is upon us and challenges many of today’s businesses. To succeed with digitalization, it is needed a well-integrated enterprise and Information Technology organization that works seamlessly and thrives towards common goals. This is easy to say, but harder to achieve. Digital Transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how one operates and delivers value to customers. It is also a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experimenting and coming to terms with doing something rather than making it perfect. This will be the focus of this work, which will be delivered as a computational agency integrating the phases of data gathering, the anticipation of a logic representation of uncertainty and vagueness, as well as the phases of data processing and analysis of results

    Overview of the organization of protease genes in the genome of Leishmania spp

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    Background: The genus Leishmania includes protozoan parasites that are able to infect an array of phlebotomine and vertebrate species. Proteases are related to the capacity of these parasites to infect and survive in their hosts and are therefore classified as virulence factors. Findings: By analyzing protease genes annotated in the genomes of four Leishmania spp [Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, L. (L.) major, L. (L.) mexicana and L. (Viannia) braziliensis], these genes were found on every chromosome of these protozoa. Four protease classes were studied: metallo-, serine, cysteine and aspartic proteases. Metalloprotease genes predominate in the L. (V.) braziliensis genome, while in the other three species studied, cysteine protease genes prevail. Notably, cysteine and serine protease genes were found to be very abundant, as they were found on all chromosomes of the four studied species. In contrast, only three aspartic protease genes could be detected in these four species. Regarding gene conservation, a higher number of conserved alleles was observed for cysteine proteases (42 alleles), followed by metalloproteases (35 alleles) and serine proteases (15 alleles). Conclusions: The present study highlights substantial differences in the organization of protease genes among L. (L.) infantum, L. (L.) major, L. (L.) mexicana and L. (V.) braziliensis. We observed significant distinctions in many protease features, such as occurrence, quantity and conservation. These data indicate a great diversity of protease genes among Leishmania species, an aspect that may be related to their adaptations to the peculiarities of each microenvironment they inhabit, such as the gut of phlebotomines and the immune cells of vertebrate hosts

    Acesso ao mercado de arrendamento em Portugal: Um retrato a partir do programa de arrendamento acessível

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    Com o objectivo de reagir à actual crise no acesso à habitação em Portugal, o governo lançou o Programa de Arrendamento Acessível (PAA), que visa dar resposta às populações de rendimentos intermédios com dificuldades para aceder a habitação em condições de mercado. O programa é acompanhado por um conjunto de dados estatísticos e critérios que permitem monitorizar o mercado de arrendamento e calcular taxas de esforço máximas. O presente artigo parte desses dados e critérios para: 1) quantificar e territorializar o desfasamento entre mercado de arrendamento e rendimento das famílias; e 2) avaliar o impacto que uma adopção generalizada do PAA teria na mitigação desse desfasamento. Para além de apontar limitações na adequação do programa à heterogeneidade dos territórios, as análises permitem perceber que, em grande parte do território, o PAA poderá dar resposta a uma camada relativamente delimitada, mas significativa, da população (cerca de 10%) com rendimentos medianos. Contudo, nas áreas sob maior pressão urbanística, esta camada reduz-se para metade, passando a corresponder às camadas de rendimentos mais elevados. De um modo geral, identifica-se um largo segmento da população que permanece sem resposta. Conclui-se que o PAA pode ser um instrumento útil, mas por si só não permite dar resposta a todo o segmento da população ao qual se destina. O artigo termina com uma reflexão sobre a necessidade e caminhos possíveis para uma política de habitação mais abrangente e capaz de responder aos actuais desafios. Em termos metodológicos, o trabalho apresenta um conjunto de cartografias produzidas a partir de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica que permitem visualizar o modo como tanto os problemas como as oportunidades se territorializam (sendo a inexistência de dados para algumas áreas e a variável escala de desagregação dos mesmos tanto um condicionante dos exercícios como um descritivo do funcionamento do país). Em termos de resultados, pretende-se não só quantificar a magnitude e localização dos problemas como reflectir sobre o papel que podem ter os vários actores que intervêm no problema e que podem fazer parte de uma solução que, entendemos, deve estar ancorada na acção colectiva, catalisada pelo poder público

    Efeito da aromaterapia sobre a qualidade de vida de pacientes em cuidados paliativos: revisão sistemática

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    Understanding the complexity of cancer patients in palliative care and the space of action that alternative and complementary practices have at SUS for treatments with holistic approaches, this systematic review aims to analyze the effect of Aromatherapy on the quality of life of these subjects. For this, a systematic search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Library, up until the period of July/2021, with the words “Care Palliative”, “Neoplasms”, “Aromatherapy” and their synonyms. Three out of the 139 articles found were selected for analysis and discussion. We concluded that the use aromatherapy, in combination with massage or isolated as a fragrance, for patients in palliative care is beneficial to improve the quality of life. Furthermore, more studies in the area are needed.Pesquisa sem auxílio de agências de fomentoEntendendo a complexidade de pacientes oncológicos em cuidados paliativos e o espaço de atuação que as práticas alternativas e complementares têm no SUS para tratamentos com abordagens holísticas, esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo analisar o efeito da aromaterapia na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos em questão. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e Cochrane Library até o período de julho/2021 com as palavras “Care Palliative”, “Neoplasms”, “Aromatherapy” e seus sinônimos. De 139 artigos encontrados, 3 foram selecionados para análise e discussão. Concluímos que é benéfico o uso da Aromaterapia de forma combinada com massagem ou isolada como fragrância para pacientes em cuidados paliativos no intuito de melhorar a qualidade de vida. Concluímos também que mais estudos na área são necessários

    Iodinated contrast material impact in arterial blood pressure and cardiac frequency

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of iodinated contrast material (ICM) in arterial blood pressure (ABP) and cardiac frequency (CF) during the several scans of the computerized tomography (CT), and relate these changes to sociodemographic factors and administration conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio