9 research outputs found

    Vitamin D and the Athlete-Patient: State of the Art

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    Vitamin D deficiency is common in athletes. The conventional measurement of vitamin D levels provides a general indicator of body stores. However, there are nuances in its interpretation as values of 25(OH)D do not correlate absolutely with the amount of 'bioavailable' vitamin to the cells. Vitamin D should be regarded as a hormone and influences between 5% and 10% of our total genome. Determining the precise effect of the vitamin, isolated from the actions of other cofactors, is not straightforward and restricts our complete understanding of all of its actions. Deficiency has harmful effects on not only bone and muscle but also wider areas, including immunity and respiratory and neurological activities. More caution should be applied regarding the ability of supranormal vitamin D levels to elevate athletic performance. Hopefully, future research will shed more light on optimal levels of vitamin D and supplementation regimes, and improved understanding of its intracellular control of our genetic mechanisms and how extrinsic influences modify its activity. [Abstract copyright: © International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 2021. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

    Numerical analysis

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    Hemorroidectomia híbrida: uma nova abordagem no tratamento das hemorróidas mistas Hybrid hemorrhoidectomy: a new approach in the treatment of hemorrhoids

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma nova abordagem mini-invasiva das Hemorróidas Mistas, a Hemorroidectomia Híbrida, que consiste na associação da Ligadura Elástica (LE) das Hemorróidas Internas com a ressecção complementar dos Plicomas Externos sob anestesia local. Num universo de 326 cirurgias orificiais realizadas na Proctoclínica num período de 4 anos, 300 (92%) foram submetidos a procedimentos mini-invasivos, 223 (68,40%) foram submetidos a LE como tratamento exclusivo e 77 (23,60%) à Hemoirroidectomia Híbrida) e 26 (8%) foram submetidos a outros procedimentos cirúrgicos (Hemorroidectomias a Milligan-Morgan, Fistulectomias etc. A abordagem proposta permite absenteísmo mínimo ao trabalho, mini-invasividade e baixa morbidade pós-operatória, ressaltando-se ainda a realização ambulatorial, excelente tolerabilidade e baixos custos.<br>The goal of this work is to present a new mini-invasive approach of the Internal and External Hemorrhoids Treatment, the Hybrid Hemorrhoidectomy, that consists of an association of the Rubber Band Ligation (RBL) of the Internal Hemorrhoids with complementary withdraw of the External Piles under local anesthesia. In a universe of 326 anal surgeries carried through in Proctoclínica in a period of 4 years, a number of 300 patients (92%) had been submitted to mini-invasive procedures (223 (68,40%) had been submitted to RBL as exclusive treatment and 77 (23,60%) to Hybrid Hemorrhoidectomy) and 26 patients (8%) had been submitted to other surgical procedures (Hemorrhoidectomy Milligan-Morgan, Fistulectomy, etc.) The proposal approach allows minimum absenteism to the work, mini-invasivity and low pos-operative morbidity with the advantage of office and outpatient procedures, excellent tolerability and low costs