6 research outputs found

    A low-cost biological agglutination assay for medical diagnostic applications

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    Affordable, easy-to-use diagnostic tests that can be readily deployed for point-of-care (POC) testing are key in addressing challenges in the diagnosis of medical conditions and for improving global health in general. Ideally, POC diagnostic tests should be highly selective for the biomarker, user-friendly, have a flexible design architecture and a low cost of production. Here we developed a novel agglutination assay based on whole E. coli cells surface-displaying nanobodies which bind selectively to a target protein analyte. As a proof-of-concept, we show the feasibility of this design as a new diagnostic platform by the detection of a model analyte at nanomolar concentrations. Moreover, we show that the design architecture is flexible by building assays optimized to detect a range of model analyte concentrations supported using straight-forward design rules and a mathematical model. Finally, we re-engineer E. coli cells for the detection of a medically relevant biomarker by the display of two different antibodies against the human fibrinogen and demonstrate a detection limit as low as 10 pM in diluted human plasma. Overall, we demonstrate that our agglutination technology fulfills the requirement of POC testing by combining low-cost nanobody production, customizable detection range and low detection limits. This technology has the potential to produce affordable diagnostics for both field-testing in the developing world, emergency or disaster relief sites as well as routine medical testing and personalized medicine

    BeQuIK (Biosensor Engineered Quorum Induced Killing): designer bacteria for destroying recalcitrant biofilms.

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    This opinion piece describes a new design for the remediation of recalcitrant biofilms. It builds on previous work to develop engineered E. coli that recognize quorum sensing signals from pathogens in a biofilm and secrete toxins in response. To solve the challenge of dilute signalling molecules, we propose to use nanobodies and enzymes displayed on the surface of the cells to localize them to the biofilm and degrade the extracellular polymeric substances, thus creating a solution with better 'seek and destroy' capabilities

    Financiamento de rodovias por meio da cobrança de pedágio : uma avaliação da Empresa Gaúcha de Rodovias

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    O presente trabalho discorre a respeito dos métodos de financiamento empregados em rodovias, com maior enfoque na cobrança de pedágio, e faz uma análise da eficiência econômica e operacional da Empresa Gaúcha de Rodovias (EGR), uma empresa estatal que atua na cobrança de pedágio em rodovias do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Após uma revisão da literatura sobre os métodos de financiamento de rodovias e de um breve panorama da situação atual das rodovias no Brasil, foram elencadas empresas privadas concessionárias de rodovias para servirem de base para comparações e futura análise do desempenho da EGR. Foram estudados, além da EGR, os grupos Triunfo e EcoRodovias, representados pelos seus setores de concessão de rodovias, nos anos de 2013 e 2014. As comparações e análises foram baseadas em indicadores de desempenho desenvolvidos ao longo do trabalho, os quais abrangeram elementos como número de acidentes, número de atendimentos, extensão dos trechos administrados, volume de tráfego, custo dos serviços prestados, despesas operacionais das empresas e volume total arrecadado. A definição dos indicadores foi limitada pela disponibilidade de dados, os quais foram coletados a partir de pesquisa documental realizada junto às empresas e à Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT). Os indicadores apontaram que as rodovias administradas pela EGR, quando comparadas com as das demais empresas estudadas, apresentam bom desempenho no quesito segurança. Entretanto, todos os demais indicadores foram desfavoráveis à empresa, concluindo-se, por fim, que a Empresa Gaúcha de Rodovias apresenta, de um modo geral, desempenhos econômico e operacional inferiores quando comparada com empresas privadas concessionárias de rodovias de porte semelhante

    Whole-cell biosensor with tuneable limit of detection enables low-cost agglutination assays for medical diagnostic applications

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    Whole-cell biosensors can form the basis of affordable, easy-to-use diagnostic tests that can be readily deployed for point-of-care (POC) testing, but to date, the detection of analytes such as proteins that cannot easily diffuse across the cell membrane has been challenging. Here we developed a novel biosensing platform based on cell agglutination using an E. coli whole-cell biosensor surface-displaying nanobodies which bind selectively to a target protein analyte. As a proof-of-concept, we show the feasibility of this design can detect a model analyte at nanomolar concentrations. Moreover, we show that the design architecture is flexible by building assays optimized to detect a range of model analyte concentrations using straight-forward design rules and a mathematical model. Finally, we re-engineer our whole-cell biosensor for the detection of a medically relevant biomarker by the display of two different nanbodies against human fibrinogen and demonstrate a detection limit as low as 10 pM in diluted human plasma. Overall, we demonstrate that our agglutination technology fulfills the requirement of POC testing by combining low-cost nanobody production, customizable detection range and low detection limits. This technology has the potential to produce affordable diagnostics for field-testing in the developing world, emergency or disaster relief sites as well as routine medical testing and personalized medicine