900 research outputs found

    Variation of Cholinesterase-Based Biosensor Sensitivity to Inhibition by Organophosphate Due To Ionizing Radiation

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    A cholinesterase based biosensor was constructed in order to assess the effects of ionizing radiation on exposed AChE. Although the primary objective of the experiment was to investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on the activity of the biosensor, no changes in cholinesterase activity were observed. Current provided by oxidation of thiocholine previously created from acetylthiocholine by enzyme catalyzed reaction was in a range 395–455 nA. No significant influence of radiation on AChE activity was found, despite the current variation. However, a surprising phenomenon was observed when a model organophosphate paraoxon was assayed. Irradiated biosensors seem to be more susceptible to the inhibitory effects of paraoxon. Control biosensors provided a 94 ± 5 nA current after exposure to 1 ppm paraoxon. The biosensors irradiated by a 5 kGy radiation dose and exposed to paraoxon provided a current of 49 ± 6 nA. Irradiation by doses ranging from 5 mGy to 100 kGy were investigated and the mentioned effect was confirmed at doses above 50 Gy. After the first promising experiments, biosensors irradiated by 5 kGy were used for calibration on paraoxon and compared with the control biosensors. Limits of detection 2.5 and 3.8 ppb were achieved for irradiated and non-irradiated biosensors respectively. The overall impact of this effect is discussed

    New Types of Boundary Conditions for Solution of Fluid Structure Interaction Problems and their Implementation in Commercial Simulation Software

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    V této práci je popsán nový přístup k výpočtovému modelování dynamických vlastností elastických těles nacházejících se v nestlačitelné viskózní neproudící tekutině. Výpočet je založen na určení konstantních přídavných účinků (přídavná hmotnost a přídavné tlumení), které jsou vloženy do modelu tělesa a nahrazují působení tekutiny. Je při tom využito běžných komerčních výpočtových programů. Jeho podstatou je stanovení dvou tlakových polí v tekutině. Jedno pro případ pohybu tělesa jednotkovým zrychlením a druhé pro pohyb jednotkovou rychlostí. Ze silového působení těchto polí na těleso jsou následně určeny přídavné účinky. V praxi se ovšem ukázalo, že pro určování přídavného tlumení se bude nutné odchýlit od předpokladů lineárního proudění a použít model nelineární (Navier-Stokesova rovnice ve formě ALE). Pak je vypočtené přídavné tlumení platné pouze pro případ kmitání s předem zvolenou amplitudou.New approach for computational modeling of the dynamic behavior of elastic body immersed in incompressible viscous stagnant fluid is described in this work. It is based on determination of added effects (added mass and added damping). This effects are inserted into computational model and it replace influence of the fluid. Commonly used commercial computational software may be used. Approach is based on assumption appropriate for the linear flow. Two pressure field are determined. One for movement of the unite acceleration of the fluid boundary and the second for unite velocity. Nonlinear model (Navier-Stokes equation in ALE form) had to be used for determination of the added damping, hence results are valid only for pre-selected amplitude of vibration.

    Multi-funkcional building, Brno

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    Zadání bakalářské práce zpracovává projekt polyfunkčního domu, nacházející se v jihovýchodní části od centra Brna. Daný objekt se nachází mezi ulicemi Kopečná a Studánka pod Šilingrovým náměstím. Okolní zástavbu tvoří bytové a kancelářské domy. Navržené řešení vychází ze stávající situace parcely a celkové situace místa. Situování parcely v dané lokalitě odráží celkový charakter a zakomponování stavby do stávající zástavby. Objekt je průchozí z obou ulic. Hmotové řešení objektů se odvíjí od nepravidelné výškové úrovně sousedících objektů. Objekt je řešen jako stěnový systém podélný. Dispozice vnitřních prostor je řešena jako dispoziční dvojtrakt. Architektonické řešení a vnitřní dispozice se odráží od charakteru nízkopodlažní zástavbě sousedního objektu z jižní části. Ve druhém nadzemním podlaží je navržena kavárna. Ve zbývajících podlaží jsou navržené byty různých kategorií. Vzhledové řešení objektu je provedeno bílou fasádní barvou, jednak pro svůj moderní vzhled, ale i pro svou neutralitu vůči okolní zástavbě, kombinované s travertinovým obložením.The bachelor thesis assignment handles the project of the multifunctional house, located in the southeastern part near the Brno city center. The object is located between the Kopečná street and the Studánka street under the Šilinger square. Surrounding development consists of residential and office buildings. The proposed solution is based on the current parcel situation and of the overall situation of place. Location of parcel in the given locality reflects overall character and incorporation of the building to the existing built. The object is accessible through the both streets. Material solution of the object is based on the irregular height of neighboring buildings. The building is designed as a longitudinal wall system. Layout of the interior is designed as a dispozitional double tracts. Architectonic solution and interior layout reflects the nature of the neighboring low-rise buildings situated on the south side. On the second floor is proposed coffee shop. For the remaining floors are designed flats of various categories. Outward of the object is made with white masonry paint, partly for its modern look and partly for its neutrality to the nearby development, combined with travertine paneling.

    Evaluation of Cholinesterase Activities During in Vivo Intoxication Using an Electrochemical Sensor Strip – Correlation With Intoxication Symptoms

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    Cholinesterase activity in blood of laboratory rats was monitored. Rats were intoxicated with paraoxon at dosis of 0 – 65 – 125 – 170 – 250 – 500 nmol. The 250 nmol dose was found to be the LD50. An electrochemical sensor was found useful to provide information about cholinesterase activity. The decrease of cholinesterase activity was correlated to intoxication symptoms and mortality level. It was found that the symptoms of intoxication are not observed while at least 50% of cholinesterase activity in blood remains. The minimal cholinesterase activity essential to survival is around 10%, when compared with the initial state. No changes in levels of low moleculary weight antioxidants were observed

    Parental Rights vs. Best Interests of the Child: A False Dichotomy in the Context of Adoption

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    I. Introduction: Identifying the Controversy The mythology of adoption involves a scenario in which a teenage girl gets pregnant, and neither she nor the father is ready to raise a child. Upon birth, these young parents voluntarily relinquish the baby to an upwardly mobile couple who have been waiting years to adopt. The adoptive parents become, in essence, the birth parents to the baby who grows up happy and well-adjusted. The birth parents vanish from the picture, perhaps eventually marrying and having additional children. No one looks back. But what happens to this myth when the birth mother changes her mind or misidentifies the father, when the adoptee is not a baby but a ten-year-old foster child, when the adoptive parents abuse the child, when the adoptive parents are the baby\u27s grandparents, or when the adoptee begins asking questions about her family of origin? If ever the reality of adoption fit this myth, it certainly does not today. Adoption, as with every issue involving families, is much more complicated and diverse than the above scenario suggests. Indeed, most adoptions do not even involve infants, but instead concern older children who have lived with multiple families. 1 Moreover, it is now widely recognized that even children adopted as infants do not have just one family, but are always physically and existentially related to their birth families. 2 It is against this backdrop of contemporary adoption that courts are increasingly being called upon to resolve contested adoptions involving competing adults. ..

    Design of Cooling Units for Heat Treatment

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    Antidiabetic Therapy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients on Hemodialysis

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    Amperometrijski biosenzor za određivanje D-laktata

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    A carbon paste electrode biosensor for D-lactic acid analysis in biological samples was developed. D-lactate cytochrome c oxidoreductase from baker’s yeast (EC was used as biorecognition element of the electrode in combination with phenazine methosulphate (PMS)–Reinecke’s salt precipitate as mediator. The enzyme was bound on paste due to Enzacryl using glutardialdehyde. The electrode response to D-lactate addition was linear in the concentration range of 0.015–100 mM. Limit of detection was equal to 56 μM when signal vs. noise criterium (S/N=3) is considered. Specificity for only D-lactate was proven. Relative standard deviation of 6.6 % for 12 mM D-lactate was found. The biosensor exerts long-term stability and also good stability during repeated measuring cycles. The electrode has a good potential for use in practical samples.Za određivanje D-laktata u biološkim uzorcima razvijen je biosenzor s elektrodom od ugljikove paste. Kao element biološkog prepoznavanja na elektrodi korišten je D-laktat citokrom c oksidoreduktaza iz pekarskog kvasca (EC 1.12.4) u kombinaciji s fenazin metosulfatom istaloženim s Reinecke soli. Enzim je vezan na pastu na polimer Enzacryl te učvršćen glutaraldehidom. Odziv elektrode na dodatak D-laktata bio je linearan u rasponu koncentracije od 0,015 do 100 mM. Limit detekcije pri omjeru S/N=3 signala i šuma iznosio je 56 μM. Dokazana je specifičnost elektrode za D-laktat, te je utvrđena relativna standardna devijacija od 6,6 % za 12 mM D-laktata. Biosenzor je pokazao dugoročnu stabilnost, te dobru stabilnost pri ponavljanju ciklusa mjerenja. Elektroda se može primijeniti u praksi za analizu uzoraka

    Cholinesterase based amperometric biosensors for assay of anticholinergic compounds

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    Biosensors are analytical devices being approachable for multiple analytes assay. Here, biosensors with intercepted acetylcholinesterase (AChE) or butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) are presented as tool for assay of anticholinergic compounds such as pesticides, nerve agents and some natural toxins. Principle of assay is based on evaluation of cholinesterase activity and its pertinent decrease in presence of analyte. Nerve agents, pesticides, anticholinergic drugs useable for treatment of Alzheimer′s disease as well as myasthenia gravis and aflatoxins are enlisted as compounds simply analyzable by cholinesterase biosensors

    ELISA Detection of Francisella tularensis using Polyclonaland Monoclonal Antibodies

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    The mouse monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were produced for the detection of intracellular pathogenand potential warfare agent Francisella tularensis. Antibody titers obtained were 1:640 for polyclonal antibodiesand 1:320 for monoclonal antibodies. Both antibodies were used in the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay (ELISA) found to detect F. tularensis whole cells. The limit of detection was 5.4×106 CFU/ml for polyclonalantibodies and 6.9×106 CFU/ml for monoclonal antibodies. The value sample could  be distinguished from anyconcentration of another gram-negative bacterium: Escherichia coli.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.698-702, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.169