211 research outputs found

    Validación de un instrumento de medición que analiza la cultura organizacional desde dos perspectivas

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    La cultura organizacional se entiende como el conjunto de creencias y significados que han sido naturalizados por los miembros de la organización en el marco de un orden hegemónico, convirtiéndose en simbolismo de interpretación, orientador de conductas y prácticas. Con este enfoque, el presente estudio se interesa en validar un instrumento de medición que permite analizar la cultura organizacional desde dos perspectivas: la real e ideal, y reconocer cómo las personas que laboran en una organización entienden e interpretan su experiencia y cómo se conectan en su entorno, es decir, con la comunicación existente, los conflictos, la creatividad, cómo los discursos y prácticas que circulan en la organización están inmersos en relaciones de poder y por supuesto, en la lucha por el control, por lo que se realiza una validez de criterio al correlacionar las puntuaciones de los participantes obteniendo una correlación positiva cercana a la media. En una primera aproximación se comprueba, para 35 casos de estudio, que existe una asociación positiva entre las culturas ideal y real percibida por los integrantes de la organización, posteriormente, y con miras hacia una cultura óptima o necesaria, se hace uso de la distancia de Hamming la que permitió visualizar una mayor apreciación en la administración de conflictos y una menor apreciación para la planeación. Conocer esta relación es fundamental, ya que a partir de la determinación del gap o brecha existente entre ambas culturas se podrán plantear acciones para cerrarla


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    El propósito    de la presente Investigación fue valorar la creatividad de los profesores en el proceso docente-educativo  del Curso Básico de Enfermería en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Ganma, Ciudad de Manzanillo, en el estudio participaron 18 profesores de las diferentes disciplinas del plan  de formación para  la carrera de Enfermería. Para la recolección de la información se le realizó a los docentes una entrevista simultánea con revisión de documentos y registros docentes. Se valora  su competencia en el dominio  y la aplicación de las vías o formas que estimulan la creatividad. Se pudo  evaluar que los profesores dominaban las vías para estimular la creatividad y fueron las más utilizadas: la presentación de casos, las investigaciones científicas, las consultas bibliográficas, las prácticas de laboratorio y solución de problemas. Además, se realizó una valoración de los principales problemas y necesidades que pueden afectar la estimulación  de la creatividad en el proceso docente educativo.The objective of the present investigation was to value the creativeness of professors in the teaching learning process of nursery basic course in the faculty of medical sciences of Granma in Manzanillo. 18 professors from different subjects of the formation plan for this career participated in the research to compile the information, it was applied an interview to the teachers and at the same time. It was carried out a revision of documents and teaching registers. It could be evaluated that professors mastered the ways to stimulate creativeness and the most frequently used were: presentation of cases, scientific researches, bibliographic consults, laboratory practices and solution of problems. Besides it was fulfilled a valuation of the main problems and needs that may affect the estimulation of creativeness in the teaching learning process

    Synthetic measure of association to determinate the business size of SMEs

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    [ESP] Las PyMEs desempeñan un papel preponderante en toda economía actual contribuyendo tanto a la generación de riqueza como a la creación de empleos, por lo que toma sentido el presente estudio al mostrar el nivel de asociación entre ratios financieros para construir una medida sintética que explique el tamaño empresarial para una muestra dePyMEs catalanas. Para ello se utilizaron tres técnicas de análisis de datos;primero se utilizó la técnica de Conglomerados en Dos Fases (CDF) para definir una correspondencia con el tamaño empresarial, una vez obtenido el número óptimo de clusters se estimó, a través de un análisis fuzzyclustering, el tamaño empresarial más probable para cada empresa. Los resultados obtenidos arrojan evidencias de que los grupos iniciales no deberían ser tres sino dos para las 12,658 PyMEs de Cataluña donde una gran parte de las denominadas pequeñas empresas presentan información financiera que bien pudiesen clasificarlas como empresas medianas. El estudio aporta una forma diferente para considerar el tamaño empresarial. [ENG] SMEs play a major role in today’s economy all contributing both to the generation of wealth and the creation of jobs, so it makes sense this study to show the level of association between financial ratios to construct a synthetic measure that explains the size business for a sample of Catalan SMEs. To do three techniques of data analysis were used; Technical Cluster was first used in two phases (CDF) to define a correspondence with firm size, after obtaining the optimal number of clusters was estimated through a fuzzy analysis clustering, business size most likely for each company. The results yield evidence that the initial groups should not be three but two for 12,658 SMEs in Catalonia where a large proportion of small businesses called present financial information that might well classify as medium enterprises. The study provides a different way to consider business size

    Estrategia Nacional de Seguridad

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    According to the former president Felipe Calderon, the National Security Strategy designed to overcome the danger posed by the organized crime was able to curb the tendency of violence by the end of his Administration. This article intends to evaluate such statement using data published by INEGI and the Finance Ministry. We correlate the amounts of public money spent in security tasks with the number of homicides per year to estimate the level of efficiency; we also focus on those federal entities, which received more support by the National Security Strategy and analyze them in terms of homicides in three different periods. At the end, other variables like kidnappings, extortion and unemployment are included in the analysis to see to what extent they could probably have been part of the violence during 2006–2012.que la Estrategia Nacional de Seguridad puesta en marcha por su gobierno para combatir la inseguridad logró revertir los niveles de violencia al concluir su gobierno El presente artículo se propone contrastar tal afirmación con las bases de datos publicadas por el INEGI y la SHCP en materia de homicidios y recursos públicos destinados a los rubros de seguridad. De esta manera, se correlacionan los fondos públicos asignados a los rubros de seguridad con el número de homicidios; se evalúa la tendencia de homicidios en las entidades más favorecidas por la Estrategia Nacional de Seguridad comparándola con la década de los 90 y el periodo del expresidente Vicente Fox y, por último, se analiza el papel que pudieron jugar el secuestro, la extorsión y el desempleo en los altos niveles de violencia registrados durante 2006–2012

    Safety and Efficacy of Oral Mirodenafil in Mexican with Erectile Dysfunction

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    Abstract Erectile dysfunction is treated with 5-phospodiesterase inhibitors as Mirodenafil, which has shown its efficacy and safety in Koreans, however; no information in other populations is available. An open clinical trial study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety in real life of a fixed-dose of Mirodenafil in Mexican patients with erectile dysfunction. Forty-seven male patients received a 100 mg tablet of Mirodenafil, during 12 weeks. Primary outcome efficacy measure was the percentage of male patients with successful intercourse. Secondary outcomes measures included patient satisfaction, mood and self-esteem level. Safety assessments included laboratory tests, vital signs, physical examination, 12-lead electrocardiogram recordings, and incidence of adverse events by patients. Oral administration of Mirodenafil improved in an 80% -90% the number of successful intercourses from 7 to 84 days of treatment. Moreover, patients reported a significant increment in their sexual satisfaction, mood and self-esteem. Mirodenafil treatment did not modify vital signs nor anthropometric parameters during 84 days. Mild headache was the most frequent adverse event (17.0%) and there were no severe adverse events during pharmacological treatment. Data suggest that oral Mirodenafil is safety, well tolerated and effective in the Mexican population with erectile dysfunction

    Salud física y mental en estudiantes con problemas de rezago estudiantil en la licenciatura de químico farmacéutico biólogo de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

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    La correcta formación académica de los futuros profesionales requiere un estado óptimo de salud mental y física. Sin embargo, esta condición no siempre se cumple, ya que factores como el exceso de trabajo, la falta de tiempo, o la incompatibilidad entre las relaciones personales y las obligaciones académicas, crean una alta prevalencia de malestar psicológico dentro de la población universitaria, el perfil epidemiológico que más impacta a los jóvenes, está caracterizado por un sinfín de conductas de riesgo y estilos de vida que conllevan a una serie de problemáticas de salud, tanto física como psíquica que ha tomado auge a lo largo del tiempo, los estudiantes comúnmente son sometidos a periodos de alta carga emocional como en la aplicación de exámenes y entrega de trabajos finales inciden en variantes psicosomáticas que determinan su bienestar físico y desempeño académico

    Niveles De Motivación Y Las Competencias Laborales Específicas De Los Trabajadores A Distancia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between motivation and specific job skills of teleworkers. The methodology was applied, descriptive and correlational. The study was hypothetical deductive, non experimental, transactional and quantitative. The sampling was non probabilistic by quotas, was included telecommuters from different companies that use this type of work, located in the interior of Mexico, USA and Canada. The sample size was 27 teleworkers. A questionnaire of 52 questions was used as a measuring tool. The data analysis was descriptive and chi square test was used to identify the relationship of the independent variable motivation with the dependent variable specific job skills of teleworkers. The main results showed that motivation is high and teleworkers have a high development in most of their job skills. Also among the most outstanding results it was found that the variable motivation in the three indicators analyzed: the need for existence, value and growth, have a closer relationship with labor competition autonomy, than the rest of labor skills analyzed

    Blood biomarkers associated to complete pathologicalresponse on NSCLC patients treated with neoadjuvantchemoimmunotherapy included in NADIM clinical trial

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    Background:Immunotherapy is being tested in early-stage non-small cell lungcancer (NSCLC), and achieving higher rates of complete pathological responses(CPR) as compared to standard of care. Early identification of CPR patients hasvital clinical implications. In this study, we focused on basal peripheral immunecells and their treatment-related changes to find biomarkers associated toCPR.Methods:Blood from 29 stage IIIA NSCLC patients participating in the NADIMtrial (NCT03081689) was collected at diagnosis and post neoadjuvant treatment.More than 400 parameters of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) phe-notype and plasma soluble factors were analyzed.Results:Neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy altered more than 150 immuneparameters. At diagnosis, 11 biomarkers associated to CPR were described, withan area under the ROC curve>0.70 andp-value<.05. CPR patients had sig-nificantly higher levels of CD4+PD-1+cells, NKG2D, and CD56 expression onT CD56 cells, intensity of CD25 expression on CD4+CD25hi+cells and CD69expression on intermediate monocytes; but lower levels of CD3+CD56–CTLA-4+cells, CD14++CD16+CTLA-4+cells, CTLA-4 expression on T CD56 cells andlower levels of b-NGF, NT-3, and VEGF-D in plasma compared to non-CPR. Posttreatment, CPR patients had significantly higher levels of CD19 expression on Bcells, BCMA, 4-1BB, MCSF, and PARC and lower levels of MPIF-1 and Flt-3L inplasma compared to non-CPR.Conclusions:Patients achieving CPR seem to have a distinctive peripheralblood immune status at diagnosis, even showing different immune response totreatment.TheseresultsreinforcethedifferentbiologybehindCPRandnon-CPRresponses

    Acuaporins in the cardiovascular and nervous systems: Experimental evidence of their fisiological and pathological roles

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    Las acuaporinas son proteínas de las membranas celulares que forman poros y por las cuales pasan varios tipos de moléculas, pero principalmente estas proteínas se encargan del transporte del agua. La acuaporinas se encuentran en las células de los diferentes tejidos del cuerpo y son parte importante de los mecanismos de homeostasis, del manejo de los líquidos corporales y el volumen celular. Participan en funciones tan diversas como la angiogénesis o patologías como el edema, la epilepsia o las enfermedades de Parkinson y Alzheimer. En esta revisión se mencionan algunas de las evidencias que se han acumulado en los últimos años y que relacionan a las acuaporinas con los procesos fisiológicos o patológicos en el sistema cardiovascular y el sistema nervioso.Aquaporins are membrane proteins that form channels through which various types of molecules pass, but mainly, these proteins are responsible for the transport of water. Aquaporins are found in almost all cells of different tissues of the body and are an important part of the homeostatic mechanisms of body fluid management and cell volume. They participate in functions as diverse as angiogenesis or learning, and their high or low expression has been related to pathologies such as edema, epilepsy or Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s diseases. This review will mention some of the evidences that have accumulated and that relate aquaporins with physiological or pathological processes in the cardiovascular and nervous system.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de Medicin

    Effect of Diclofenac with B Vitamins on the Treatment of Acute Pain Originated by Lower-Limb Fracture and Surgery

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    The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of diclofenac, for the treatment of acute pain originated by lower-limb fracture and surgery, with that of diclofenac plus B vitamins. This was a single-center, prospective, randomized, and double-blinded clinical trial. Patients with lower-limb closed fractures rated their pain on a 10 cm visual analog scale (VAS). Patients were then randomized to receive diclofenac or diclofenac plus B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin) intramuscularly twice daily. Patient evaluations of pain intensity were recorded throughout two periods: twenty-four hours presurgery and twenty-four hours postsurgical. One hundred twenty-two patients completed the study. The subjects' assessments of limb pain on the VAS showed a significant reduction from baseline values regardless of the treatment group. Diclofenac plus B vitamins combination was more effective to reduce the pain than diclofenac alone. The results showed that the addition of B vitamins to diclofenac increased its analgesic effect. The novelty of this paper consists in that diclofenac and diclofenac plus B vitamins were useful for treatment of acute pain originated by lower-limb fracture and surgery