182 research outputs found

    Pasos en la nieve en la trayectoria poética de Jaime Siles

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    En la trayectoria poética de Jaime Siles, Pasos en la nieve (Tusquets 2004) constituye un reflejo de la evolución de un quehacer poético, que desde el diálogo con la tradición se dirige hacia un tipo de poesía más discursiva y meditativa. El poeta vuelve a un rasgo cultivado con anterioridad: la integración de la racionalidad reflexiva que incide en reflexiones filosóficas en torno de los grandes temas existenciales de la condición humana. Las referencias y temas utilizados, cercanos a la anécdota vital, trascienden la materialidad de lo vivido para ceder paso a una poesía metafísica, a una poética del conocimiento de amplia resonancia conceptual, en la que sobresale el gusto por la linealidad y exactitud, la presencia de términos de alta densidad conceptual y vocablos procedentes de la física o matemática. In his career as a poet, Jaime Siles shows with Pasos en la nieve (Tusquets 2004) the trace of poetry making. In this work, there is a dialogue with tradition to that ends up in more discursive and reflexive poetry. The poet comes back with a known feature: the integration of a reflexive rationality that deepens inside the great questions of the human being. The references and theme, close to vital anecdote, go from the ordinary living to a metaphysical poetry. A poetry of the knowledge appears that enhances the taste for lines and exactitude. Furthermore, a great number of terms from the mathematics and physic sciences are presented

    Poética del laberinto en El cerco oblicuo

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of El cerco oblicuo, by Gonzalo Hidalgo Bayal. We are in front of an extremely intricate work, not only because of its subject matter and structural components, but also due to the remarkable complexity of its narrative. The Goldberg Variations and Moëbius’s Bandare are two of the axes on which structure this novel is built. The image of the labyrinth is shown as a mythical space (material labyrinth), as an evocation of the search for the meaning of life (moral or mental labyrinth) and as a linguistic and literary construction (verbal labyrinth). This analysis has been carried out taking into account some of the key elements present in the narrative style of Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, who is Hidalgo Bayal’s mentor.  Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de El cerco oblicuo, de Gonzalo Hidalgo Bayal. Nos encontramos ante una obra laberíntica, debido no solo a sus componentes temáticos y estructurales, sino también a su notable complejidad narrativa. Las Variaciones Goldberg y el Anillo de Moëbius son dos de los ejes que estructuran esta novela, donde se despliega la imagen del laberinto como espacio mítico (laberinto material), como evocación de la búsqueda de sentido de la existencia (laberinto moral o mental) y como construcción lingüístico-literaria (laberinto verbal). Su análisis ha sido realizado tomando como eje vertebral de la lectura algunas de las claves que presiden la concepción narrativa de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, maestro del escritor extremeño.

    Fragmentariedad del yo y semiótica del cuerpo en «Clavícula», de Marta Sanz

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    Starting from the fact that corporality constantly nourishes Marta Sanz’s narrative, we analyze the imaginary of the body as a socio-cultural semiotic space in Clavícula. After an autobiographical process of bodily pain exploration, the author conquers the territory of the body’s textuality through a fragmentary structure impregnated with generic hybridism, from which she reflects on the political power of language and claims some of the narrative imaginaries that structure her own imaginary: the sovereignty of corporality, anatomy as a form of language, the legitimacy of criticism, social discomfort, the vulnerability of women, etc.Partiendo de que la corporalidad nutre de manera constante la narrativa de Marta Sanz, analizamos el imaginario del cuerpo como espacio semiótico sociocultural en Clavícula. Tras un proceso autobiográfico de exploración sobre el dolor corporal, la autora conquista el territorio de la textualidad del cuerpo mediante una estructura fragmentaria impregnada de hibridismo genérico, a partir de la cual reflexiona sobre el poder político del lenguaje y reivindica algunos de los imaginarios narrativos que vertebran su imaginario: la soberanía de la corporalidad, la anatomía como forma del lenguaje, la legitimidad de la queja, el malestar social, la vulnerabilidad de la mujer, etc

    "Las perplejidades de la posmodernidad en el pensamiento de José Jiménez Lozano"

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    Partiendo del análisis de las ideas diseminadas en los cuadernos de notas y reflejadas en sus libros de relatos, nos detenemos en el estudio de los ejes que presiden la concepción del oficio de escribir de José Jiménez Lozano, en los que reside la respuesta ética y estética del escritor a los cuestionamientos de la posmodernidad: la primacía de la memoria como fuente de conocimiento, la confianza en la palabra para hablar de lo esencialmente humano y, por lo tanto, el protagonismo de la narración de pequeñas historias memorables. Encontramos en él no solo la deslegitimación del Gran Relato de la modernidad occidental, de Walter Benjamin, sino su reivindicación de la memoria y del protagonismo de los vencidos para alcanzar una verdadera representación del pasado

    Contribution of autochthonous maize populations for adaptation to European conditions

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    Early vigor, earliness and cold tolerance are the main potential contributions of European maize (Zea mays L.) for breeding programs for adaptation to areas with short growing seasons and cold springs. The objective of this research was to determine the potential contributions of populations from different European regions to breeding for adaptation. Six Spanish and six French maize populations differing on variability for earliness, vigor and cold tolerance were crossed in a complete diallel without reciprocals. The populations and their crosses were evaluated in the field and in a cold chamber. Minimum temperatures were the main environmental trait affecting genotype × environment interaction, probably due to the cold sensitivity of the genotypes with the best performance in the field. The best population cross, based on specific heterosis for adaptation-related traits in the field, was Viana × Rastrojero, but this cross was cold sensitive. Tuy × Lazcano should be the best choice for a breeding program for adaptation, based on performance in the field and cold tolerance. As conclusions, there was variability for earliness, vigor and cold tolerance among the populations and crosses involved in this study, being tolerant to cold conditions the populations with medium growing cycle originated in areas with short growing seasons. The highest yielding crosses were cold sensitive.Research supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref. HF1999-0138), the Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche, the Committee for Science and Technology of Spain (Project AGL2004-06776), the Autonomous government of Galicia (PGIDIT04RAG403006PR), the Excma. Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra, and the European Union (RESGEN 88 CT96).Peer reviewe

    Sustainable Tourism Development and Economic Growth: Bibliometric Review and Analysis

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    Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest in studying the impact of sustain- able tourism development on economic growth. However, despite its recent scope, the scientific literature published so far has not evaluated the performance of the scientific activity of this rela- tionship. Consequently, this study analyzes the 668 articles published to date in the Web of Science database on the effect that sustainable tourism development has on the overall long-term progress of the economy. To this end, we carry out an analysis of the most recognized authors, regions with the highest percentage of scientific production, most influential organizations, the co-occurrence of keywords, most prominent citations, publications, and co-authorship among the most recognized authors. The results obtained show the trend and impact of the literature published to date and the established and emerging research groups. Also, they identify key research topics in a way that provides a planning framework for further research in this field.2020-2

    Comparison of Figulla Flex® and Amplatzer™ devices for atrial septal defect closure: A meta-analysis

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    Background: Atrial septal defect (ASD) is one of the most common congenital heart diseases. Percutaneousclosure is the preferred treatment, but certain complications remain a concern. The most common devices are AMPLATZER™ (ASO) (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN, USA) and Figulla Flex® septal occluders (FSO) (Occlutech GmbH, Jena, Germany). The present study aimed to assess main differences in outcomes.Methods: A systematic search in Pubmed and Google scholarship was performed by two independent reviewers for any study comparing ASO and FSO. Searched terms were “Figulla”, “Amplatzer”, and “atrial septal defect”. A random-effects model was used.Results: A total of 11 studies including 1770 patients (897 ASO; 873 FSO) were gathered. Baseline clinical and echocardiographic characteristics were comparable although septal aneurysm was more often reported in patients treated with ASO (32% vs. 25%; p = 0.061). Success rate (94% vs. 95%; OR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.38–1.71; p = 0.58) and peri-procedural complications were comparable. Procedures were shorter, requiring less fluoroscopy time with an FSO device (OR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.20–0.97; p = 0.003). Although the global rate of complications in long-term was similar, the ASO device was associated with a higher rate of supraventricular arrhythmias (14.7% vs. 7.8%, p = 0.009).Conclusions: Percutaneous closure of ASD is a safe and effective, irrespective of the type of device. No differences exist regarding procedural success between the ASO and FSO devices but the last was associated to shorter procedure time, less radiation, and lower rate of supraventricular arrhythmias in follow-up. Late cardiac perforation did not occur and death in the follow-up was exceptional

    Aplastic anemia and severe pancytopenia during treatment with peg-interferon, ribavirin and telaprevir for chronic hepatitis C

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    Telaprevir and Boceprevir are the first direct acting antivirals approved for chronic hepatitis C in combination with peg-interferon alfa and ribavirin. Pancytopenia due to myelotoxicity caused by these drugs may occur, but severe hematological abnormalities or aplastic anemia (AA) have not been described. We collected all cases of severe pancytopenia observed during triple therapy with telaprevir in four Spanish centers since approval of the drug in 2011. Among 142 cirrhotic patients receiving treatment, 7 cases of severe pancytopenia (5%) were identified and three were consistent with the diagnosis of AA. Mean age was 59 years, five patients had compensated cirrhosis and two patients had severe hepatitis C recurrence after liver transplantation. Severe pancytopenia was diagnosed a median of 10 wk after the initiation of therapy. Three patients had pre-treatment hematological abnormalities related to splenomegaly. In six patients, antiviral treatment was interrupted at the onset of hematological abnormalities. Two patients died due to septic complications and one patient due to acute alveolar hemorrhage. The remaining patients recovered. Severe pancytopenia and especially AA, are not rare during triple therapy with telaprevir in patients with advanced liver disease. Close monitoring is imperative in this setting to promptly detect serious hematological disorders and to prevent further complications

    Association mapping for maize stover yield and saccharification efficiency using a multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population

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    Cellulosic ethanol derived from fast growing C4 grasses could become an alternative to finite fossil fuels. With the potential to generate a major source of lignocellulosic biomass, maize has gained importance as an outstanding model plant for studying the complex cell wall network and also to optimize crop breeding strategies in bioenergy grasses. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted using a subset of 408 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) from a Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Intercross (MAGIC) Population in order to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with yield and saccharification efficiency of maize stover. We identified 13 SNPs significantly associated with increased stover yield that corresponded to 13 QTL, and 2 SNPs significantly associated with improved saccharification efficiency, that could be clustered into 2 QTL. We have pointed out the most interesting SNPs to be implemented in breeding programs based on results from analyses of averaged and yearly data. Association mapping in this MAGIC population highlight genomic regions directly linked to traits that influence the final use of maize. Markers linked to these QTL could be used in genomic or marker-assisted selection programs to improve biomass quality for ethanol production. This study opens a possible optimisation path for improving the viability of second-generation biofuelsPlan Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología de España | Ref. RTI2018–096776-B-C21Plan Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología de España | Ref. RTI2018–096776-B-C2