589 research outputs found

    Rebranding empresarial: lançamento de uma marca nacional

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    A marca deve ser entendida como um património da empresa, evidenciando as qualidades do produto ou dos serviços por esta oferecidos, fortalecendo a sua imagem comercial perante o consumidor e/ou potencial cliente. O seu valor é manipulado do ponto de vista estratégico, como marco distintivo ou diferenciador, localizando-se e ganhando expressão no contexto que serve. O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de um rebranding de uma marca nacional que presta serviços nas áreas de design, branding e produto. Pretende, igualmente, analisar e enquadrar o lançamento da marca, a sua inserção no mercado e todo o contexto envolvente, no sentido de perceber o estatuto da mesma, bem como o seu posicionamento relativamente a outras marcas, que partilham o mesmo mercado e a mesma área de intervenção, nos panoramas nacional e internacional. Pretende-se, também, que seja uma marca de referência, com o objectivo de promover o valor estratégico do design, tanto através da colaboração com designers nacionais e internacionáis A presente dissertação desenrola-se essencialmente em de três fases: enquadramento teórico, estudo de casos e aplicação do modelo de identidade. Foi feita ainda uma pesquisa de modelos de identidade corporativa, tendo o autor selecionodo dois modelos, fazendo a fusão dos mesmo, por forma a adaptar-se melhor ao seu caso prático. De forma a cumprir os objectivos deste estudo, irá ser feito um rebranding à marca do atelier Pedro Gomes Design, através da integração no seu contexto empresarial. Para além da pesquisa em torno da temática da criação de marcas, será necessária a elaboração de estudos de enquadramento e estabelecimento da mesma, visibilidade, projecção e outros que se afirmem pertinentes nesta fase de criação do projecto empresarial. Em paralelo, será estudado o processo de trabalho do designer e criador do atelier, Pedro Gomes, tal como o seu percurso profissional, a sua relação com casos semelhantes de óptica empreendedora, de formação e criação de atelier próprio. Por fim, irão ser apresentados todos os elementos gráficos constituintes da marca e todo o fundamento da mesma

    Editorial EJKM Volume 18 Issue 3: Advances in Health Knowledge Management: New Perspectives

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    Editorial EJKM Volume 18 Issue 3: Advances in Health Knowledge Management: New Perspectives by Maria Jose Sousa, Francesca Dal Mas and Renato Lopes Da Cost

    Knowledge translation in the healthcare sector. A structured literature review

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    Knowledge translation can be understood as the ability to translate concepts between different contexts by stakeholders who have different skills, aims, and even feelings in their relation to such concepts. Knowledge translation tools allow for the effective transfer of existing knowledge as well as the emergence of new knowledge of value to some or all of the stakeholders involved in the process. Knowledge translation is particularly challenging in healthcare and medicine, where different practitioners (e.g. physicians, biologists, engineers, researchers) and professionals need methodologies and tools to communicate and share knowledge among them and with patients in an effective manner. To better understand this phenomenon, we conducted a Structured Literature Review (SLR). The concepts knowledge, translation and either healthcare or medicine were used as search terms in the title, abstract or keywords on Scopus, which highlighted more than 2,000 contributions in the medical literature and only 22 in Business and Management. Our review of these documents revealed a need in the healthcare sector for better managerial and organisational practices to cope with the various challenges related to the sharing of knowledge among stakeholders. At the same time, the business and management communities appear to have made significant progress in addressing the same issues. We therefore decided to concentrate our analysis on the works published by the business and management community as a mean to highlight future research directions for the healthcare management sector. Thus, our research identifies areas of relevance which are currently underdeveloped, provides insights on both theoretical and empirical developments and offers a critique of the approaches, research frameworks and methods used, as well as emerging trends in these domains. Despite a lack of an agreed definition of the term Knowledge Translation, our findings highlight a growing interest in the topic, with most of thecontributions published after 2015. Scholars have approached the term from a variety of perspectives depending on the nature of the stakeholders of relevance to their studies. Whilst there does not seem to be a predominant framework, the literature reveals several tools and techniques that are effective in enhancing Knowledge Translation in different contexts.New research opportunities in this domain emerge in terms of underinvestigated areas within the healthcare sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A pesquisa aborda a economia criativa, termo complexo que contempla a cultura em diversos aspectos e promove o desenvolvimento. Justifica-se face às necessárias mudanças sociais que são impactadas pela economia criativa, capaz de modificar cenários e alcançar desenvolvimentos. Objetiva demonstrar a possibilidade da sociedade se desenvolver sustentavelmente por meio da economia criativa, e destaca o potencial agregador que o Brasil possui. Destaca a transversalidade da economia criativa, a partir da instrumentalização da cultura em programas de transformação social, utilizados como vetor estratégico de desenvolvimento para sociedade. Utilizou-se o método dedutivo com base em pesquisa bibliográfic

    REP18 Atlantic - A Large Scale Exercise Using Unmanned Systems, Field Report

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    We describe the 2018 edition of the Recognised Environmental Picture exercise (REP18). Every year, the Portuguese Navy hosts an international exercise where challenging and novel operational scenarios are tested in a controlled environment. This is done to achieve a readiness level that allows the use of those developments in future real-world scenarios. The objectives range from military to different scientific purposes, always aiming for the use of innovative though operational technologies. In this paper we document the 2018 objectives and results, as well as innovations that helped resolving the challenges posed by this oper

    The use of the code of document classification of archive of the National Council of Archives

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    Estudo sobre o uso do Código de Classificação de Documentos de Arquivo elaborado pelo Conselho Nacional de Arquivos (Conarq) para ser aplicado nos arquivos dos órgãos públicos da Administração Federal. Procurou-se conhecer a real utilização do Código de Classificação do Conarq nos Ministérios instalados em Brasília, tanto do ponto de vista quantitativo quanto qualitativo. Buscou-se, nos órgãos que utilizam o instrumento, saber as principais dificuldades encontradas em sua aplicação, a existência de treinamento e o nível de assistência oferecida pelo Arquivo Nacional. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTStudy on the use of the Code of Document Classification of Archive elaborated for the National Council of Archives (Conarq) to be applied in the archives of the public agencies of the Federal Administration. It was looked to know the real use of the Code of Classification of the Conarq in the Ministries installed in Brasilia, as much of how much qualitative the quantitative point of view. One searched, in the agencies that use the instrument, to know the main difficulties found in its application, the existence of training and the level of assistance offered for the National Archive

    Síndrome hemorrágica pulmonar em cão associada à leptospirose

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    Background: Leptospirosis is probably the most widespread and prevalent zoonosis in the world, being classified as an emerging infectious disease for humans and dogs. Sporadically, dogs may present with cough and dyspnea, indicative of pulmonary involvement, associated with interstitial pneumonia and pulmonary hemorrhage with alveolar consolidation. Such changes stem from pulmonary haemorrhagic syndrome, which has emerged as a fatal complication, being documented in some areas in Europe and little described in North America. In this sense, the present study aims to report pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome in a dog with leptospirosis.Case: A dog with no defined breed, aged 45 days, weighing 2.2 kg, with a history of apathy, anorexia, jaundice, hematochezia and vocalisation with a two day evolution was seen. Physical examination revealed a rectal temperature of 37.2°C, icteric mucosa, capillary filling time of two seconds, respiratory rate of 80 movements per minute and heart rate of 140 beats per minute, dehydration rate estimated at 8%, prostration, adequate body score, normal cardiac sounds and clean lung fields, in addition to petechiae in the abdominal region, whose palpation evidenced the presence of fluid in intestinal loops. The blood sample sent to the macroscopic serum agglutination was reagent for the serovar Icterohaemorragiae, titration of 200. Blood count revealed leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, with left-sided deviation, eosinopenia, presence of rare hypersegmentated neutrophils, rare toxic neutrophils, mild cytoplasmic basophilia and rare reactive lymphocytes. Platelet estimation demonstrated thrombocytopenia. No haemoparasites were seen. Regarding the biochemical evaluation, there were changes in liver enzymes and markers of renal failure. Fluid therapy was used with 0.9% NaCl solution, 5 mg/ kg doxycycline intravenously every 12 h and nasogastric probe for administration of nutritional support. One day after the initial evaluation, hemoptysis and diffuse crackling occurred in pulmonary lobes on auscultation. In the radiograph of the chest, pulmonary fields were characterized by a diffuse interstitial bronchial pattern and a focal area, located in the left caudal lobe, with opacification tending to the alveolar pattern. Due to pulmonary alterations, the animal presented respiratory arrest and evolved to death. During necropsy, the macroscopic evaluation revealed a pinkish coloration pattern, with multifocal reddish areas with coalescent interspersed in the parenchyma and hypocrepitation. Regarding the morphology, multifocal hemorrhagic pneumonia was observed, focally extensive, moderate to severe.Discussion: Recently, pulmonary haemorrhagic syndrome has emerged as a severe form of leptospirosis in many species, including humans and dogs. Patients may develop fulminant pulmonary haemorrhage and result in a high mortality rate. Physiopathogenesis is poorly understood, however, it is believed that there is a multifactorial pathogenesis involving factors related to both pathogen and host, such as immunological mechanisms and coagulopathies. Studies in humans have shown a better evolution after the use of cyclophosphamide, but the benefits of this therapy have not yet been determined in dogs. Therefore, pulmonary haemorrhagic syndrome should be considered in patients with leptospirosis who show respiratory changes, due to the severity of the clinical signs and the high lethality associated with this clinical condition


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    A área de Preservação Permanente, na qual foi realizado o trabalho, encontra-se no “Parque Recreio”, na cidade de Ituverava, SP. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o levantamento de espécies arbóreas da área, visando a compreensão da estrutura e diversidade da comunidade vegetal. Para os indivíduos amostrados, foram anotados, além do dap (diâmetro altura do peito) a 130m, se são nativos ou exóticos; e pioneiros, secundários ou climáticos. Para identificação taxonômica desses indivíduos, foi consultada literatura especializada e feita a comparação com exsicatas do herbário da Faculdade “Dr. Francisco Maeda” – FAFRAM em ituverava, SP. O interesse pelo estudo foi devido à ação antrópica que tem ocorrido há mais de cem anos e que pode ser um fator devastador da vegetação na região

    Clitoridectomy and Urethrostomy in a Pseudohermaphrodite Dog

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    Background: Hermaphroditism is a rare congenital disease that causes ambiguous sexual features. True hermaphrodites have testicular and ovarian tissue, whereas pseudohermaphrodites have only one type of gonadal tissue, genitalia, but secondary characteristics of the opposite sex. Pseudohermaphrodites are classified as male or female according to their gonads. Treatment of pseudohermaphroditism consists of surgical removal of the gonads including reconstruction of abnormal genitalia, especially if the urethra is involved. Therefore, the objective of this report is to describe a case of a male pseudohermaphrodite in a dog treated with clitoridectomy with urethrostomy.Case: A 7-month-old, mixed-breed dog was referred due to the presence of a flaccid structure similar to a small penis, containing an os clitoris, bulbourethral glands, and urethra protruding from the vulva. Physical examination, complete blood count and serum biochemistry were within normal ranges. Hormonal levels of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone were 56.39 pg/mL, 127.9 ng/mL, and 0.892 ng/mL, respectively. The abdominal ultrasound and posteriorly the exploratory celiotomy found a normal size prostate and two round organs resembling testicles connected to a uterus-like tubular structure. The patient underwent surgical abdominal exploration that confirmed the ultrasonographic findings and led to gonadohysterectomy. Also, clitoridectomy and urethrostomy were performed to excise the protruded structure and maintain normal urethral patency. The histopathological examination of the clitoris and penis confirmed it was a male genital organ, however, the abdominal structures were compatible with the testicles, epididymis, uterus, and even a broad ligament. These organs are normally found in cases of male pseudohermaphroditism. The testicles were histologically composed of regular seminiferous tubules, single layer Sertoli cells but there were no spermatogenic cells. After ten months of follow-up, the patient was alive, without urination impairment or any other clinical signs.Discussion: The animal presented the protrusion of the penile structure as the sole clinical sign. The reproductive system had a female origin, been possible its masculinization due to high testosterone concentration that induced the development of Wolff ducts, resulting in the formation of the epididymis, deferent ducts, and seminal vesicles. In these cases, it led to an enlarged clitoris. The patient described had hormonal levels compatible with a neutered male/female or a female in anestrus. The clinical signs become evident as the clitoris gets hypertrophied increasing the sensibility, resulting in constant licking of the mucosa, chronic inflammation, and mucopurulent discharge. This patient was diagnosed with male pseudohermaphroditism as it had cryptorchid male gonads along with the uterus and external genitalia of a female dog but containing traces of male genitals such as the os clitoris. Surgery is indicated when there are clinical signs or when the clitoris had an os clitoris or urethra due to an intersex abnormality. The surgical resection of the external male genitalia associated with the excision of the internal reproductive tract treated while preserving the urethra in this animal. Clitorectomy is a simple technique and creates a normal female anatomy ending the clinical signs of the exposed clitoris and improving the quality of life.Clitoridectomy and Urethrostomy in a Pseudohermaphrodite Do

    Clinical and epidemiological factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth : a multicentre cohort of low risk nulliparous women

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    The objective of this study was to determine incidence and risk factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB). It was a prospective multicentre cohort study performed in fve Brazilian referral maternity hospitals and enrolling nulliparous women at 19–21 weeks. Comprehensive maternal data collected during three study visits were addressed as potentially associated factors for sPTB. Bivariate and multivariate analysis estimated risk ratios. The main outcomes measures were birth before 37 weeks due to spontaneous preterm labour or premature rupture of membranes (sPTB). The comparison group was comprised of women with term births (≥37weeks). Outcome data was available for 1,165 women, 6.7% of whom had sPTB, 16% had consumed alcohol and 5% had used other illicit drugs during the frst half of pregnancy. Current drinking at 19–21 weeks (RR 3.96 95% CI [1.04–15.05]) and a short cervix from 18–24 weeks (RR 4.52 95% CI [1.08–19.01]) correlated with sPTB on bivariate analysis. Increased incidence of sPTB occurred in underweight women gaining weight below quartile 1 (14.8%), obese women gaining weight above quartile 3 (14.3%), women with a short cervix (<25mm) at 18–24 weeks (31.2%) and those with a short cervix and vaginal bleeding in the frst half of pregnancy (40%). Cervical length (RRadj 4.52 95% CI [1.08–19.01]) was independently associated with sPTB. In conclusion, the incidence of sPTB increased in some maternal phenotypes, representing potential groups of interest, the focus of preventive strategies. Similarly, nulliparous women with a short cervix in the second trimester require further exploration