332 research outputs found

    Charge fluctuations in nano-scale capacitors

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    The fluctuations of the charge on an electrode contain information on the microscopic correlations within the adjacent fluid and their effect on the electronic properties of the interface. We investigate these fluctuations using molecular dynamics simulations in a constant-potential ensemble with histogram reweighting techniques. This approach offers in particular an efficient, accurate and physically insightful route to the differential capacitance that is broadly applicable. We demonstrate these methods with three different capacitors: pure water between platinum electrodes, and a pure as well as a solvent-based organic electrolyte each between graphite electrodes. The total charge distributions with the pure solvent and solvent-based electrolytes are remarkably Gaussian, while in the pure ionic liquid the total charge distribution displays distinct non-Gaussian features, suggesting significant potential-driven changes in the organization of the interfacial fluid


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and I saw that there lay upon the golden carpet, in the very middle of the rich lustre thrown from the censer, a shadow — a faint, indefinite shadow of angelic aspect — such as might be fancied for the shadow of a shade. E. A. Poe, « Ligeia » Wildly, I pursued the shadow of her infidelity ; but the scent I travelled upon was so slight as to be practically undistinguishable from a madman’s fancy. V. Nabokov, Lolita Il s’agira ici de cheminer parmi les ombres, d’en approcher les mystĂšres, les ..

    Binding of serum response factor to cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator CArG-like elements, as a new potential CFTR transcriptional regulation pathway

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    CFTR expression is tightly controlled by a complex network of ubiquitous and tissue-specific cis-elements and trans-factors. To better understand mechanisms that regulate transcription of CFTR, we examined transcription factors that specifically bind a CFTR CArG-like motif we have previously shown to modulate CFTR expression. Gel mobility shift assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses demonstrated the CFTR CArG-like motif binds serum response factor both in vitro and in vivo. Transient co-transfections with various SRF expression vector, including dominant-negative forms and small interfering RNA, demonstrated that SRF significantly increases CFTR transcriptional activity in bronchial epithelial cells. Mutagenesis studies suggested that in addition to SRF other co-factors, such as Yin Yang 1 (YY1) previously shown to bind the CFTR promoter, are potentially involved in the CFTR regulation. Here, we show that functional interplay between SRF and YY1 might provide interesting perspectives to further characterize the underlying molecular mechanism of the basal CFTR transcriptional activity. Furthermore, the identification of multiple CArG binding sites in highly conserved CFTR untranslated regions, which form specific SRF complexes, provides direct evidence for a considerable role of SRF in the CFTR transcriptional regulation into specialized epithelial lung cells

    Application of ToF-SIMS for sulfur isotopic fractionation in sulfide phases of iron corrosion layers: determination of bacterial impact on the formation of these phases

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    International audienceTo a better understanding of the iron corrosion mechanisms, it is crucial to elucidate the role of bacteria. Thus, in order to have a diagnosis of the action of bacteria in the iron corrosion, the objective of this study is to determine by ToF-SIMS the isotopic sulfur fractionation ÎŽ 34 S in iron sulfides of (sub)micrometric size located in the corrosion product layers of the ferrous objects corroded in anoxic soils and marine environment. These iron sulfides may have two origins: an abiotic origin resulting in the dissolution/reprecipitation of sulfides from the surrounding medium (for example from pyrite in a soil) or a biotic origin by the action of the sulfate-reducing bacteria that reduce sulfate ions into sulfides leading to the formation of iron sulfides with ferrous ions issued from the aqueous dissolution of metal iron. A difference in the isotopic sulfur fractionation ÎŽ 34 S in the sulfur phases according to the abiotic or biotic origin of these phases is reported in the literature. Thus in this study, the isotopic sulfur fractionation ÎŽ 34 S in the iron sulfides formed in the corrosion product layers of iron was determined to identify the formation origin of these phases and the role of bacteria in the iron corrosion. After characterization of the distribution of the different iron sulfides within the layers (optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, ÎŒRaman spectroscopy), the local isotopic fractionation of sulfur is measured by the imaging and spectroscopy ToF-SIMS technique. Some important results have been obtained. First of all, the reproducibility and the accuracy of the method were established by the choice and the validation of a hydrothermal pyrite sample calibrated relatively to the international sulfur isotopic standard Canon Diablo Troilite. Secondly, it was observed that there was no or little variation in the isotopic sulfur fractionation ÎŽ 34 S with the degree of oxidation of sulfur. Finally, a noticeable difference in the isotopic sulfur fractionation ÎŽ 34 S between iron sulfides formed in laboratory under abiotic or biotic conditions was evidenced: ÎŽ 34 S is close to 0 in abiotic conditions whereas in biotic conditions it is shifted from 0 with values up to up to some tens per mil. These first results being promising, the study is actually in progress to determine the formation origin (abiotic/biotic) of the Fe-S present in the corrosion product layers of natural systems of iron corrosion, from soils, subaquatic and marine environments

    Is the beta3-adrenoceptor (ADRB3) a potential target for uterorelaxant drugs?

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    The management of premature birth still remains unsatisfactory. Since the relative lack of efficiency and/or safety of current tocolytic agents have been highlighted, it is necessary to develop new uterorelaxant drugs deprived of important maternal and foetal side effects. Our work reported in this review focuses on a potential new target for tocolytic drugs, the ÎČ3-adrenoceptor (ADRB3). This third type of ADRB is shown to be present and functional in human myometrium. We demonstrated that ADRB3 agonists are able to inhibit in-vitro spontaneous contractions of myometrial strips, via a cyclic AMP-mediated pathway. Furthermore, we established that ADRB3 is the predominant subtype over the ADRB2 in human myometrium and that its expression is increased in near-term myometrium, compared to non-pregnant myometrium. Finally, we reported that contrary to ADRB2, the human myometrial ADRB3 is resistant to long-term agonist-induced desensitisation. These compelling data confirm the clinical potential interest of ADRB3 agonists in the pharmacological management of preterm labour

    SchizophrĂ©nie, approche spĂ©cialisĂ©e et continuitĂ© de soins. Le programme spĂ©cifique d’intervention Premier-Épisode de l’HĂŽtel-Dieu de LĂ©vis

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    La schizophrénie est une maladie complexe à caractÚre évolutif. Reposant sur un cadre conceptuel d'orientation cognitive, le programme spécifique d'intervention Premier épisode de l'HÎtel-Dieu de Lévis fournit une évaluation complÚte et standardisée au plan individuel et familial. Puis sont rendues disponibles différentes modalités de traitement, selon une approche individuelle (psycho-éducation, psychothérapie) et de groupe (intervention psychologique au plan cognitif ou Integrated Psychological Therapy, de Brenner). L'intervention psycho-éducative familiale est également offerte aux familles. Les structures et la démarche décrites s'harmonisent avec celles qui étaient en place avant la création du programme, ce qui offre une continuité de soins. Le cadre conceptuel sous-jacent et les modalités du fonctionnement du programme sont aussi présentés.Schizophrenia is a complex illness with an evolutive character. Based on a conceptual framework of cognitive orientation, the specific intervention program First Episode of HÎtel-Dieu in Lévis includes a complete and standardized assessment to an individualized and family plan. Different methods of treatment acording to an individualized approach (psyhco-education, psychotherapy) as well as group therapy (psychological intervention at the cognitive level or Brenner's Integrated psychological therapy) are then proposed. Psycho-education intervention for families is also offered. Structures and different steps described here, harmonize with those already in place before the program's creation thus offering a continuity in care. The underlying conceptual framework and the different methods of functioning of the program are also presented.La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad compleja da caracter evolu-tivo. El programa especifico de intervention Primer episodio de HÎtel-Dieu de Lévis que reposa en un marco conceptual de orientaciÎn cognoscitiva, ofrece una evaluaciÎn compléta y estandarizada a nivel individual y familiar. Ademùs se ofrecen diferentes modalidades de tratamiento, segûn un enfoque individual (psicoeducaciÎn, psicoterapia) y de grupo (intervenciÎn psicolÎgica a nivel cognoscitivo o Integrated psychological therapy, de Brenner). Igualmente se le ofrece a las fami-lias, la IntervenciÎn psioeducativa familiar. Las estructuras y los pasos a seguir que se describen se armonizan a las que ya existian antes de la creation del programa, Io que ofrece una continuidad de tratamiento. Son presentados, el marco conceptual subyacente y las modalidades del fucionamiento des programa
