133 research outputs found

    Compliance with Guidelines-Recommended Processes in Pneumonia: Impact of Health Status and Initial Signs

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    Initial care has been associated with improved survival of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). We aimed to investigate patient comorbidities and health status measured by the Charlson index and clinical signs at diagnosis associated with adherence to recommended processes of care in CAP. We studied 3844 patients hospitalized with CAP. The evaluated recommendations were antibiotic adherence to Spanish guidelines, first antibiotic dose 65 (OR, 1.51) and COPD (OR, 1.80) were protective factors. The combination of antibiotic adherence and timing <6 hours was negatively associated with confusion (OR, 0.69) and a high Charlson score (OR, 0.92) adjusting for severity and hospital effect, whereas age was not an independent factor. Deficient health status and confusion, rather than age, are associated with lower compliance with antibiotic therapy recommendations and timing, thus identifying a subpopulation more prone to receiving lower quality care

    Influence of genetic variability at the surfactant proteins A and D in community-acquired pneumonia : a prospective, observational, genetic study

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    Introduction: Genetic variability of the pulmonary surfactant proteins A and D may affect clearance of microorganisms and the extent of the inflammatory response. The genes of these collectins (SFTPA1, SFTPA2 and SFTPD) are located in a cluster at 10q21-24. The objective of this study was to evaluate the existence of linkage disequilibrium (LD) among these genes, and the association of variability at these genes with susceptibility and outcome of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). We also studied the effect of genetic variability on SP-D serum levels. Methods: Seven non-synonymous polymorphisms of SFTPA1, SFTPA2 and SFTPD were analyzed. For susceptibility, 682 CAP patients and 769 controls were studied in a case-control study. Severity and outcome were evaluated in a prospective study. Haplotypes were inferred and LD was characterized. SP-D serum levels were measured in healthy controls. Results: The SFTPD aa11-C allele was significantly associated with lower SP-D serum levels, in a dose-dependent manner. We observed the existence of LD among the studied genes. Haplotypes SFTPA1 6A2 (P = 0.0009, odds ration (OR) = 0.78), SFTPA2 1A0 (P = 0.002, OR = 0.79), SFTPA1-SFTPA2 6A2-1A0 (P = 0.0005, OR = 0.77), and SFTPD-SFTPA1-SFTPA2 C-6A2-1A0 (P = 0.00001, OR = 0.62) were underrepresented in patients, whereas haplotypes SFTPA2 1A10 (P = 0.00007, OR = 6.58) and SFTPA1-SFTPA2 6A3-1A (P = 0.0007, OR = 3.92) were overrepresented. Similar results were observed in CAP due to pneumococcus, though no significant differences were now observed after Bonferroni corrections. 1A10 and 6A-1A were associated with higher 28-day and 90-day mortality, and with multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) respectively. SFTPD aa11-C allele was associated with development of MODS and ARDS. Conclusions: Our study indicates that missense single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes of SFTPA1, SFTPA2 and SFTPD are associated with susceptibility to CAP, and that several haplotypes also influence severity and outcome of CAP

    Prevenció de la infecció respiratòria

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    Infecció respiratòria; Prevenció; Atenció sanitàriaInfección respiratória; Prevención; Atención sanitáriaRespiratory infection; Prevention; Health careMonografia sobre temes concrets relacionats amb la prevenció de la infecció respiratòria relacionada amb l‟atenció sanitària. Ha estat elaborada per un comitè d‟experts amb una àmplia trajectòria en el camp de l'atenció a pacients amb problemes respiratoris. El document comença fent una posada al dia de l‟epidemiologia i l‟etiopatogènia de les infeccions respiratòries nosocomials i, sense voler repetir capítols de la monografia d'aïllaments, continua fent una pinzellada de les mesures que cal dur a terme per evitar la transmissió de les infeccions respiratòries dins dels centres sanitaris. Tot seguit, s‟aborden de manera pràctica situacions quotidianes, com el maneig de la via aèria, i es fan algunes recomanacions sobre com dur-les a terme. Una part important i poc coneguda per molts professionals és la prevenció de la infecció respiratòria de causa instrumental, motiu pel qual en el darrer capítol es fa una revisió minuciosa de com procedir per reutilitzar aquests aparells.Monografía sobre temas concretos relacionados con la prevención de la infección respiratoria con la atención sanitaria. Ha sido elaborada por un comité de expertos con una amplia trayectoria en el campo de la atención a pacientes con problemas respiratorios. El documento empieza haciendo una puesta al día de la epidemiologia y la etiopatogenia de las infecciones respiratorias nosocomiales y, sin querer repetir capítulos de la monografía de aislamientos, continua haciendo una pincelada de las medidas que son necesarias para evitar la transmisión de las infecciones respiratorias dentro de los centros sanitarios. Seguidamente se tratan de manera práctica situaciones cotidianas, como el manejo de la vía aérea y se hacen algunas recomendaciones sobre como llevarlas a cabo. Una parte importante y poco conocida para muchos profesionales es la prevención de la infección respiratoria de causa instrumental, motivo por el cual en el último capítulo se hace una revisión minuciosa de como proceder para reutilizar estos aparatos

    What is the recovery rate and risk of long-term consequences following a diagnosis of COVID-19?:A harmonised, global longitudinal observational study protocol

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    Introduction: Very little is known about possible clinical sequelae that may persist after resolution of acute COVID-19. A recent longitudinal cohort from Italy including 143 patients followed up after hospitalisation with COVID-19 reported that 87% had at least one ongoing symptom at 60-day follow-up. Early indications suggest that patients with COVID-19 may need even more psychological support than typical intensive care unit patients. The assessment of risk factors for longer term consequences requires a longitudinal study linked to data on pre-existing conditions and care received during the acute phase of illness. The primary aim of this study is to characterise physical and psychosocial sequelae in patients post-COVID-19 hospital discharge. Methods and analysis: This is an international open-access prospective, observational multisite study. This protocol is linked with the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) and the WHO’s Clinical Characterisation Protocol, which includes patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 during hospitalisation. This protocol will follow-up a subset of patients with confirmed COVID-19 using standardised surveys to measure longer term physical and psychosocial sequelae. The data will be linked with the acute phase data. Statistical analyses will be undertaken to characterise groups most likely to be affected by sequelae of COVID-19. The open-access follow-up survey can be used as a data collection tool by other follow-up studies, to facilitate data harmonisation and to identify subsets of patients for further in-depth follow-up. The outcomes of this study will inform strategies to prevent long-term consequences; inform clinical management, interventional studies, rehabilitation and public health management to reduce overall morbidity; and improve long-term outcomes of COVID-19. Ethics and dissemination: The protocol and survey are open access to enable low-resourced sites to join the study to facilitate global standardised, longitudinal data collection. Ethical approval has been given by sites in Colombia, Ghana, Italy, Norway, Russia, the UK and South Africa. New sites are welcome to join this collaborative study at any time. Sites interested in adopting the protocol as it is or in an adapted version are responsible for ensuring that local sponsorship and ethical approvals in place as appropriate. The tools are available on the ISARIC website (www.isaric.org)

    Th1 and Th17 hypercytokinemia as early host response signature in severe pandemic influenza

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    Abstract Introduction Human host immune response following infection with the new variant of A/H1N1 pandemic influenza virus (nvH1N1) is poorly understood. We utilize here systemic cytokine and antibody levels in evaluating differences in early immune response in both mild and severe patients infected with nvH1N1. Methods We profiled 29 cytokines and chemokines and evaluated the haemagglutination inhibition activity as quantitative and qualitative measurements of host immune responses in serum obtained during the first five days after symptoms onset, in two cohorts of nvH1N1 infected patients. Severe patients required hospitalization (n = 20), due to respiratory insufficiency (10 of them were admitted to the intensive care unit), while mild patients had exclusively flu-like symptoms (n = 15). A group of healthy donors was included as control (n = 15). Differences in levels of mediators between groups were assessed by using the non parametric U-Mann Whitney test. Association between variables was determined by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient. Viral load was performed in serum by using real-time PCR targeting the neuraminidase gene. Results Increased levels of innate-immunity mediators (IP-10, MCP-1, MIP-1β), and the absence of anti-nvH1N1 antibodies, characterized the early response to nvH1N1 infection in both hospitalized and mild patients. High systemic levels of type-II interferon (IFN-γ) and also of a group of mediators involved in the development of T-helper 17 (IL-8, IL-9, IL-17, IL-6) and T-helper 1 (TNF-α, IL-15, IL-12p70) responses were exclusively found in hospitalized patients. IL-15, IL-12p70, IL-6 constituted a hallmark of critical illness in our study. A significant inverse association was found between IL-6, IL-8 and PaO2 in critical patients. Conclusions While infection with the nvH1N1 induces a typical innate response in both mild and severe patients, severe disease with respiratory involvement is characterized by early secretion of Th17 and Th1 cytokines usually associated with cell mediated immunity but also commonly linked to the pathogenesis of autoimmune/inflammatory diseases. The exact role of Th1 and Th17 mediators in the evolution of nvH1N1 mild and severe disease merits further investigation as to the detrimental or beneficial role these cytokines play in severe illness

    Host adaptive immunity deficiency in severe pandemic influenza

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    INTRODUCTION: Pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza causes severe lower respiratory complications in rare cases. The association between host immune responses and clinical outcome in severe cases is unknown. METHODS: We utilized gene expression, cytokine profiles and generation of antibody responses following hospitalization in 19 critically ill patients with primary pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza pneumonia for identifying host immune responses associated with clinical outcome. Ingenuity pathway analysis 8.5 (IPA) (Ingenuity Systems, Redwood City, CA) was used to select, annotate and visualize genes by function and pathway (gene ontology). IPA analysis identified those canonical pathways differentially expressed (P < 0.05) between comparison groups. Hierarchical clustering of those genes differentially expressed between groups by IPA analysis was performed using BRB-Array Tools v.3.8.1. RESULTS: The majority of patients were characterized by the presence of comorbidities and the absence of immunosuppressive conditions. pH1N1 specific antibody production was observed around day 9 from disease onset and defined an early period of innate immune response and a late period of adaptive immune response to the virus. The most severe patients (n = 12) showed persistence of viral secretion. Seven of the most severe patients died. During the late phase, the most severe patient group had impaired expression of a number of genes participating in adaptive immune responses when compared to less severe patients. These genes were involved in antigen presentation, B-cell development, T-helper cell differentiation, CD28, granzyme B signaling, apoptosis and protein ubiquitination. Patients with the poorest outcomes were characterized by proinflammatory hypercytokinemia, along with elevated levels of immunosuppressory cytokines (interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-1ra) in serum. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest an impaired development of adaptive immunity in the most severe cases of pandemic influenza, leading to an unremitting cycle of viral replication and innate cytokine-chemokine release. Interruption of this deleterious cycle may improve disease outcome.The study was scientifically sponsored by the Spanish Society for Critical Care Medicine (SEMICYUC). Funding: MICCIN-FIS/JCYL-IECSCYL-SACYL (Spain): Programa de Investigación Comisionada en Gripe, GR09/0021-EMER07/050- PI081236-RD07/0067. CIHR-NIH-Sardinia Recherché-LKSF Canada support DJK.S

    An international multicenter retrospective study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa nosocomial pneumonia: Impact of multidrug resistance

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    Introduction: Pseudomonas aeruginosa nosocomial pneumonia (Pa-NP) is associated with considerable morbidity, prolonged hospitalization, increased costs, and mortality. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of adult patients with Pa-NP to determine 1) risk factors for multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains and 2) whether MDR increases the risk for hospital death. Twelve hospitals in 5 countries (United States, n = 3; France, n = 2; Germany, n = 2; Italy, n = 2; and Spain, n = 3) participated. We compared characteristics of patients who had MDR strains to those who did not and derived regression models to identify predictors of MDR and hospital mortality. Results: Of 740 patients with Pa-NP, 226 patients (30.5%) were infected with MDR strains. In multivariable analyses, independent predictors of multidrug-resistance included decreasing age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.91, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.96-0.98), diabetes mellitus (AOR 1.90, 95% CI 1.21-3.00) and ICU admission (AOR 1.73, 95% CI 1.06-2.81). Multidrug-resistance, heart failure, increasing age, mechanical ventilation, and bacteremia were independently associated with in-hospital mortality in the Cox Proportional Hazards Model analysis. Conclusions: Among patients with Pa-NP the presence of infection with a MDR strain is associated with increased in-hospital mortality. Identification of patients at risk of MDR Pa-NP could facilitate appropriate empiric antibiotic decisions that in turn could lead to improved hospital survival