136 research outputs found

    Prejuicios islamófobos en los Tribunales Supranacionales Europeos

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    Since the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January 2015, Islamophobia has continued to increase among all areas of society: education, access to employment and housing and in the participation in public affairs. The two Supranational European Courts, both the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) have also been influenced by the general tendency, more and more pronounced, of rejection towards "the Muslim". In the first part, this article will analyze the concept and manifestations of the term "Islamophobia" in Europe. The second part will examine how the two Supranational European Courts have justified some limitations to the manifestation of religious freedom, particularly on Muslim women, by relying on Islamophobic prejudices.Desde los ataques en las oficinas de Charlie Hebdo, en enero de 2015, la islamofobia no ha dejado de aumentar en los diferentes sectores de la sociedad: en el ámbito educativo, en el acceso al empleo, a la vivienda y en la participación en los asuntos públicos. Los tribunales supranacionales europeos, tanto el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) como el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH) se han visto también influidos por la acusada tendencia general de rechazo hacia “lo musulmán”. En la primera parte, este artículo analizara el concepto y las diferentes manifestaciones del término “islamofobia” en Europa. Y, en la segunda parte, se examinará como determinados prejuicios islamófobos han justificado la limitación del ejercicio del derecho de libertad religiosa, en concreto de las mujeres musulmanas, en la jurisprudencia de los dos tribunales supranacionales europeos

    Gatekeeping the interactional order:Field access and linguistic ideologies in CLIL-type bilingual education programs in Spanish secondary schools

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    This article reflexively discusses field access as a continuous process in linguistic ethnographic fieldwork and illustrates how interactions generated during negotiations to establish a research collaboration, initial contacts with participants or data gathered to complement audio-visual recordings of naturally occurring interaction can, in fact, become rich sources to answer research questions. The discussion is based on a critical sociolinguistic ethnography on the implementation of English-Spanish ‘bilingual programs’ in a mid-sized city in central Spain. To build this discussion we propose a framework in which particular research stances held by participants become closely intertwined with particular research processes, spaces and techniquesResearch reported in this article was supported by the project "The appropriation of English as a global language in Castilla-La Mancha secondary schools: A multilingual, situated and comparative approach", funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Plan Nacional I+D+I 2014 / Reference: FFI2014-54179-C2-2-P). It has also been possible thanks to the funds granted to the Research Consolidated Group LADIC - UCLM, co-financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund (Ref: 2019-GRIN-26973

    Axisymmetric smoothed particle hydrodynamics with self-gravity

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    The axisymmetric form of the hydrodynamic equations within the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) formalism is presented and checked using idealized scenarios taken from astrophysics (free fall collapse, implosion and further pulsation of a sun-like star), gas dynamics (wall heating problem, collision of two streams of gas) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF, -ablative implosion of a small capsule-). New material concerning the standard SPH formalism is given. That includes the numerical handling of those mass points which move close to the singularity axis, more accurate expressions for the artificial viscosity and the heat conduction term and an easy way to incorporate self-gravity in the simulations. The algorithm developed to compute gravity does not rely in any sort of grid, leading to a numerical scheme totally compatible with the lagrangian nature of the SPH equations.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 Table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    <i>We don't do anything</i>: analyzing the construction of legitimate knowledge in multilingual schools

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    This article explores the ways in which what counts as legitimate knowledge is produced and negotiated in two multilingual classrooms of two different programs designed to “attend to diversity” at secondary schools in the Madrid region. Following a sociolinguistic approach, the article focuses on the ways in which local identities, beliefs and social relations emerging from situated practice become a window through which to understand how different social experiences and academic trajectories are institutionally constructed in connection with broader social processes. For this reason, the article seeks to connect recorded and observed classroom interactional patterns, through which legitimate knowledge is produced, with social actors’ (teachers and students) positioning-s, and the academic trajectories of students enrolled in such programs. We end with a discussion about the possible consequences of such practices for migrant students, recently arrived in the Madrid classrooms, in terms of academic success and school participation

    Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): The enigmatic X-ray emission from IC131

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    We present the first X-ray analysis of the diffuse hot ionized gas and the point sources in IC131, after NGC604 the second most X-ray luminous giant HII region in M33. The X-ray emission is detected only in the south eastern part of IC131 (named IC131-se) and is limited to an elliptical region of ~200pc in extent. This region appears to be confined towards the west by a hemispherical shell of warm ionized gas and only fills about half that volume. Although the corresponding X-ray spectrum has 1215 counts, it cannot conclusively be told whether the extended X-ray emission is thermal, non-thermal, or a combination of both. A thermal plasma model of kT_e=4.3keV or a single power law of Gamma=2.1 fit the spectrum equally well. If the spectrum is purely thermal (non-thermal), the total unabsorbed X-ray luminosity in the 0.35-8keV energy band amounts to L_X = 6.8(8.7)x10^35erg/s. Among other known HII regions IC131-se seems to be extreme regarding the combination of its large extent of the X-ray plasma, the lack of massive O stars, its unusually high electron temperature (if thermal), and the large fraction of L_X emitted above 2keV (~40-53%). A thermal plasma of ~4keV poses serious challenges to theoretical models, as it is not clear how high electron temperatures can be produced in HII regions in view of mass-proportional and collisionless heating. If the gas is non-thermal or has non-thermal contributions, synchrotron emission would clearly dominate over inverse Compton emission. It is not clear if the same mechanisms which create non-thermal X-rays or accelerate CRs in SNRs can be applied to much larger scales of 200pc. In both cases the existing theoretical models for giant HII regions and superbubbles do not explain the hardness and extent of the X-ray emission in IC131-se.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. For a high resolution version of the paper see http://hea-www.harvard.edu/vlp_m33_public/publications.htm

    Photoionization Models of NGC 346

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    We present spherically symmetric and plane parallel photoionization models of NGC 346, an HII region in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The models are based on CLOUDY and on the observations of Peimbert, Peimbert, & Ruiz (2000). We find that approximately 45% of the H ionization photons escape from the HII region providing an important ionizing source for the low density interstellar medium of the SMC. The predicted I(4363)/I(5007) value is smaller than that observed, probably implying that there is an additional source of energy not taken into account by the models. From the ionization structure of the best model and the observed line intensities we determine the abundances of N, Ne, S, Ar, and Fe relative to O.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap