132 research outputs found


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    In this study, we sought to identify ecomorphological patterns of ten species of sympatric small fish (Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax fasciatus, Bryconamericus stramineus, B. iheringi, Cheirodon stenodon, Characidium fasciatum, Geophagus brasiliensis, Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Piabina argentea and Steindachnerina insculpta) in a stretch of the Veados River (23º16’80’’S/48º38’67’’W), under the influence of the Jurumirim reservoir (Paranapanema River, Brazil). Samples were collected monthly between August/96 and December/97 using seine nests. Biometric measurements were taken from fifteen individuals of each species following the criteria proposed by Lagler et al. (1977) for determination of the sixteen ecomorphological attributes used in ordination techniques (Principal Component Analysis - PCA). The first axis of the component explained 36.63% of the total variance and the second axis explained 25.96%. The ecological variables that influenced the disposition of the species in the morphological space were swimming ability, distribution in the water column and position of the mouth (where food is ingested). These variables separated nektonic species from benthic species. The attributes related to swimming ability and position of the species in the water column distinguished two groups of species. The nektonic species were continuous and active swimmers occupying the intermediate and upper region of the water column (A. altiparanae, A. fasciatus, B. stramineus, B. iheringi, C. stenodon, H. anisitsi, P. argentea and S. insculpta), and the nectobenthic species were identified as stationary (C. fasciatum and G. brasiliensis), obtaining food from the substrate. These analyses showed that species that share morphological similarities were also similar with regard to habitat occupation, which was to be expected. This reinforces the hypothesis that the period of feeding activity and food availability minimize the effects of competition by the species studied. The results demonstrate the importance of applying the Principal Component Analysis in ecomorphological studies, revealing its use as an excellent tool to estimate the ecological relationship between fish species and their distribution in the water column


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the trophic ecology of the principal species of fish (Astyanax altiparanae, A. fasciatus, Bryconamericus stramineus, B. iheringii, Cheirodon stenodon, Characidium fasciatum, Geophagus brasiliensis, Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Piabina argentea and Steindachnerina insculpta) captured in the littoral region of the Rio dos Veados (23º16’80’’S/48º38’67’’W), an affluent of the Rio Paranapanema, SP. The collections were conducted monthly with a seine-type trawling net with a 5.0mm mesh size, taking place between August, 1996 and December, 1997. This collection time was subdivided into the dry (April to September) and rainy (October to March) seasons. The food contents were analyzed by a volumetric method, and the food overlap determined by the Morisita-Horn index. The ten species of fish consumed different food resources, which varied in abundance (volume percentage): detritus/sediment (30.0%), aquatic insects (23.4%), microcrustaceans (17.6%), terrestrial insects (13.9%), higher plants (6.2%), algae (5.6%), fish (1.8%), and macroinvertebrates and microinvertebrates grouped together (1.5%). Patterns of similarity among the species were constructed utilizing Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) with removal of the arch effect and tested by analysis of variance (unifactorial ANOVA), showing that there was no significant variation in the composition of food resources utilized by the species during the dry and rainy seasons. The main  resources consumed by the ten species were classified into three trophic categories: omnivores, detritivores and insectivores. Interspecies food overlap revealed indices of 0.059 to 0.961, showing it to be independent of the period studied, since the resources utilized were similar, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Intraspecies food overlap in the different periods was minimal for A. altiparanae (0.662) and maximal for S. insculpta (1.0). The species studied showed little variation in relative length of intestine, with the exception of S. insculpta which had an elevated intestinal index. The variations in food resources utilized between the periods were of little relevance, indicating that the temporal factor did not influence the resources utilized by the species studied. Of the ten species  studied, nine could be viewed as generalists, considering the food resources utilized during the two periods, and only  S. insculpta behaved as a specialist

    Electricity consumption forecasting using singular spectrum analysis

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    Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) is a non-parametric technique that allows the decomposition of a time series into signal and noise. Thus, it is a useful technique to trend extraction, smooth and filter a time series. The effect on performance of both Box and Jenkins' and Holt-Winters models when applied to the time series filtered by SSA is investigated in this paper. Three different methodologies are evaluated in the SSA approach: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Cluster Analysis and Graphical Analysis of Singular Vectors. In order to illustrate and compare the methodologies, in this paper, we also present the main results of a computational experiment with the monthly residential consumption of electricity in Brazil

    Validity And Reliability Of The Neonatal Tongue Screening Test

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    Verificar as propriedades psicométricas de validade e confiabilidade, bem como a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos da Triagem Neonatal proposta a partir do Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua em Bebês. Métodos: estudo experimental retrospectivo, utilizando os dados de 100 bebês. Os bebês foram avaliados nas primeiras 48 horas por meio da triagem e com 30 dias utilizando o Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua em Bebês. As imagens e dados de todos os bebês foram coletados pela fonoaudióloga (A1) e analisados pela fonoaudióloga (A2). Os casos com alteração do frênulo foram submetidos à frenotomia, reavaliados 30 dias após o procedimento e acompanhados até o 6º mês. Os dados foram utilizados para as etapas de validação: análise de concordância entre examinadores; análise de concordância intra-examinador; validade de critério; análise da validade de construto; análise de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo. Os dados foram submetidos ao tratamento estatístico. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em pesquisa sob o número CAAE 40784315.9.0000.5538. Resultados: a Triagem Neonatal identificou os bebês com alteração do frênulo e as mudanças ocorridas após a frenotomia e apresentou bons índices de sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos. A confiabilidade entre e intra-examinadores permite afirmar que os dados obtidos com a triagem são confiáveis e podem ser reproduzidos. Conclusão: a Triagem Neonatal do Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua em Bebês mostrou ser um instrumento válido e confiável, assegurando acurácia no diagnóstico das alterações do frênulo lingual em bebês.1861323133


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    Dados citogenéticos de duas espécies de peixes do gênero Hypostomus de dois pequenostributários da bacia do Alto Rio Paraguai no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, são apresentados. Não há relatosna literatura sobre as características citogenéticas das espécies de Hypostomus destas localidades.Hypostomus aff. cochliodon apresentou o número diplóide de 2n=64 cromossomos (18M+20SM+26ST/A) eHypostomus sp. 2n=74 (12M+20SM+42ST/A) cromossomos. Várias regiões organizadoras de nucléolosforam evidenciadas pela coloração de nitrato de prata nas espécies analisadas. Hypostomus aff. cochliodonexibiu grandes segmentos de heterocromatina nas regiões terminais de três pares de cromossomos. Estesresultados confirmam dados anteriores relativos ao gênero Hypostomus e reforçam a importância dos estudosda ictiofauna de riachos do estado de Mato Grosso, de forma a proporcionar perspectivas para pesquisasfuturas na área de biologia molecular e citogenética com a finalidade de elucidar questões não resolvidas deevolução e taxonomia

    Meat Production in a Feedlot System of Zebu—Holstein Steers and Heifers with Dairy Genetics: Productive and Biological Analyses

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the productive and biological efficiency of steers and heifers from dairy genetics in a feedlot system in terms of meat production. Twenty-four steers and 24 heifers at 10 monthes of age, (3/4) Zebu × (1/4) Holstein were utilized. They were distributed over four feedlot times, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days with four replications for each sex, and were slaughtered at the end of each period. The productive and biological analyses were performed through comparative slaughter to determine the body composition. Heifers presented with greater intakes (P<0.05) of dry matter in grams per kg of body weight. Steers presented with a greater (P<0.05) final empty body weight, carcass gain, cold carcass weight, and meat proportion in the carcass; however, heifers presented with a greater subcutaneous fat thickness (P<0.05) and, consequently, a greater (P<0.05) fat proportion in the carcass. We conclude that steers are more efficient in their productive performance than heifers in a feedlot. For the finishing carcass fat cover, heifers need 90 days in the feedlot. The net energy requirements for maintenance are 67 kcal/EBW0.75/d, and the net requirements of energy (NEg) and protein (NPg) for gain can be estimated by the following equations: NEg(Mcal/d)=0.067×EBW0.75×  EBG1.095 and NPg=162×EBG-5.62×RE for the two sexes

    Acrilamida en patatas fritas: Revisión actualizada

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    The announcement made by Swedish researches in April 2002 concerning the detection of acrylamide in many different foods, has generated a great deal of scientific publications coming from different parts of the world. The wide spectra of subjects studied includes: the kinetics of the formation and degradation of the acrylamide, the mechanisms proposed for its reduction; the analytical methods and techniques used for its determination and the experimental results obtained either with model systems or by industrial processing in the case of potato crisps and french fries.This review is focused on the state-of-the-art related to the occurrence of acrylamide in foods submitted to heat treatments in industrial operations such as frying, baking, toasting and extrusion. This review also considers the application of potato pre-treatments such as washing, blanching, and immersion in acid solutions. Special emphasis is placed on the differences between atmospheric frying and vacuum frying and on the health risks related to acrylamide intake through common foods.Con posterioridad al anuncio efectuado por investigadores suecos en Abril del año 2002 sobre la detección de acrilamida en un amplio grupo de alimentos, se han originado decenas de trabajos de investigación en diferentes partes del mundo, donde se estudian diversas temáticas de gran importancia, entre las que se pueden mencionar la cinética de la formación y degradación de la acrilamida; los mecanismos propuestos para su reducción; los métodos instrumentales empleados para su determinación y los resultados experimentales generados tanto en modelos experimentales, como en el procesamiento habitual de patatas crisps y french.En este trabajo se revisan los estudios relacionados con la formación de acrilamida en alimentos sometidos a tratamientos térmicos, en operaciones industriales básicas de fritura, horneo, tostado y extrusión. Esta revisión comprende además la aplicación de pretratamientos de lavado previo, escaldado e inmersión en soluciones ácidas de la patata y, finalmente, discute con especial énfasis la diferencia de los resultados obtenidos entre el proceso de fritura de patatas a presión atmosférica y a presión reducida así como la reciente información sobre probables riesgos para la salud humana


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    O presente trabalho apresenta dados sobre a ocorrência da fauna de mamíferos num fragmento florestal de Cerrado do perímetro urbano de Rondonópolis-MT. O levantamento da mastofauna foi realizado mensalmente, por um período de 17 meses entre agosto/2008 e dezembro/2009, na Reserva Florestal do 18o Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha (18º GAC) do Exército Brasileiro, com área de 890 hectares. O estudo foi feito por meio de exploração direta das trilhas. Na coleta dos dados utilizamos os métodos direto e indireto, além das informações prestadas por frequentadores do local. Os trabalhos de campo foram realizados uma vez por mês ao anoitecer (20hs00m- 22hs00m) e ao amanhecer (04hs00m-06hs00m) totalizando 108 horas de trabalho de campo. Foram obtidos 62 registros entre visualização, pegadas e fezes. Foram identificadas sete ordens e 12 espécies de mamíferos silvestres. A lista apresentada neste estudo foi composta por espécies detectadas, principalmente, pelo método indireto (pegadas) e método direto (visualizações). As pegadas somaram 46 registros e as visualizações totalizaram 11 observações, indicando uma maior presença de mamíferos voadores da ordem Chiroptera (n=4). A observação de fezes e vocalizações foi inexpressiva. A ordem mais representativa foi Perissodactyla, representada pela espécie Tapirus terrestris. Registros de pegadas de Procyon cancrivorus foram comuns na trilha principal tendo contribuído para que a ordem Carnívora representasse 16,1% dos registros. Chiroptera e Rodentia foram as ordens com menor número de registros. Concluímos que a Reserva Florestal do 18º GAC de Rondonópolis desempenha um papel importante para a conservação da mastofauna da região, atuando como área de refúgio. Estudos futuros sobre a mastofauna local são necessários para verificar as variações populacionais, além de auxiliar na determinação das taxas de extinção e/ou aparecimento de novas espécies

    Intestinal Parasites in Free-Living Puma concolor

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    Background: Studies on intestinal parasites in cougars Puma concolor are scarce, and most of the available information on the species has been derived from individuals in captivity. One of the greatest threats to the survival of wild cats is habitat loss caused by urban sprawl, agricultural matrix, and linear developments such as highways and railways, which expose animals to direct contact with humans and to a high risk of death. Given the lack of scientific data the objective of this study was to report on the occurrence of intestinal parasites in a cougar (P. concolor) specimen from the northwestern region of Paraná State, Brazil.Case: The carcass of a free-living cougar (P. concolor) individual was sent to the Interdisciplinary Science Museum (Museu Interdisciplinar de Ciências – MIC) of Paranaense University (Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR); an individual was killed during a collision with an unidentified vehicle on highway PR-486, in the municipality of Mariluz (PR, Brazil). The geographical coordinates of the location where the animal was found are: 23°59′29″S, 53°8′47″W. This region is characterized by semi-deciduous seasonal forest remnants. After being identified on site and collected by the inspectors of the Paraná Environmental Institute (Instituto Ambiental do Paraná - IAP), the cadaver was donated to the MIC (by the IAP) for a necropsy to elucidate the cause of death. In this context, the cadaver was sent to the Animal Pathology section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at UNIPAR. The animal was necropsied by performing the standard necropsy technique for carnivores: opening the intestine through the mesentery and exposing the mucosa from the duodenum to the colon. The necropsy showed that the cause of death was hypovolemic shock due to trauma. During necropsy, parasites in the intestinal lumen were visible to the naked eye. Parasites and feces were collected and stored in sterile flasks containing 10% formaldehyde and saline. The parasites were subjected to Faust and Hoffman techniques, micrometry, and morphological analysis, resulting in the identification of the roundworm Toxocara cati and the tapeworm Spirometra decipiens.Discussion: Identifying the roadkill species along highways is of paramount importance, since they are living very close to man and, consequently, reservoirs and disseminators of different infectious and parasitic zoonoses may be possible. Infection by protozoa and helminths in animals usually occurs by ingesting the infective form present in food or water. Toxocara cati and the tapeworm Spirometra decipiens were only reported in captivity before. Research on parasites in free-living wild animals is not common in the scientific literature and this is due to the difficulty of capturing this animal category as they live in difficult to access places such as forests and forests, therefore, research projects in partnership with museums are extremely important for the recognition of wild animal species that circulate in the region, in addition to the parasitic identification of these animals for future sanitary measures and for the preservation of the animal species in the environment. The Parasitological studies of wild animals are highly relevant for expanding this knowledge, especially considering the possible transfer risk of specific parasitic diseases to other animals, as well as to humans