165 research outputs found

    Qualitätsvergleich von Regenbogenforellen aus konventioneller und ökologisch zertifizierter Aufzucht als Voraussetzung für eine Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Bioforellen

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    Die Studie umfasste die Untersuchung der Aufzuchtsbedingungen sowie Futterversuche und vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Produktqualität. Es wurden 2 ökologisch zertifizierte und 3 konventionelle Forellenzuchtbetriebe verglichen. Tagesgänge verschiedener wasserchemischer Parameter an Zu- und Ablauf der Teiche umfassten die Bestimmung von Temperatur, Sauerstoff, pH-Wert, Ammonium-, Nitrit-, Gesamt- und ortho-Phosphatgehalt sowie CSB- und Feststoffgehalt. In zwei Futterversuchen wurden Ökofutter für Forellen mit konventionellen Futtern hinsichtlich Wachstum, Futterverwertung und Proteinausnutzung verglichen. Die zwei untersuchten ökologischen Futtermittel zeigten im Vergleich ein schlechteres Protein-/Energieverhältnis, das sich in niedrigeren Rohfettgehalten ausdrückte. Zusätzlich wurden futterbedingte Stickstoffexkretionsmuster von Forellen im Tagesgang untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass die Ökofutter im Vergleich zu den konventionellen Futtern zu einer stärkeren Umweltbelastung und einem geringerem Wachstum bei schlechterer Futterverwertung führten. Die Qualitätsuntersuchungen der Forellen beinhalteten die Erfassung der biologischen Para-meter, die mikrobiologische und sensorische Beurteilung der Ware, Farb- und Texturmessun-gen, die Bestimmung der chemischen Zusammensetzung einschließlich der Rückstände sowie bildverarbeitende Methoden und die Aufnahme des Aromaprofils. Insgesamt waren die Produktqualität und der mikrobiologische Status aller untersuchten Forellen sehr gut. In ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung unterschieden sich die Fische vor allem im Fettgehalt. Alle ermittelten Rückstandsgehalte lagen weit unter den zulässigen Höchstwerten. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Aufzuchtsform und der Qualität konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Bei den Projektergebnissen handelt es sich um eine Abschätzung der Situation ausgewählter Forellenzuchtbetriebe, repräsentative Aussagen können aus den Ergebnissen nicht abgeleitet werden

    Biofisch – Qualitätsvergleich zwischen konventionellen und ökologisch produzierten Forellen

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    Die Studie umfasste die Untersuchung der Aufzuchtsbedingungen sowie Futterversuche und vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Produktqualität an Portionsforellen. Es wurden 2 ökologisch zertifizierte und 3 konventionelle Forellenzuchtbetriebe verglichen. In dieser Arbeit werden nur die Ergebnisse der Qualitätsuntersuchungen wiedergegeben. Die Untersuchungen der Portionsforellen beinhalteten die Erfassung der biologischen Parameter, die mikrobiologische und sensorische Beurteilung der Ware, Farb- und Texturmessungen, die Bestimmung der chemischen Zusammensetzung einschließlich der Rückstände sowie bildverarbeitende Methoden und die Aufnahme des Aromaprofils. Insgesamt waren die Qualität und der mikrobiologische Status aller untersuchten Forellen sehr gut. In ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung unterschieden sich die Fische vor allem im Fettgehalt. Alle ermittelten Rückstandsgehalte lagen weit unter den zulässigen Höchstwerten. Unterschiede zwischen den Aufzuchtsformen wurden nicht gefunden

    Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavor hadron decays in Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200, 62.4, and 39 GeV

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    We present measurements of elliptic flow (v2v_2) of electrons from the decays of heavy-flavor hadrons (eHFe_{HF}) by the STAR experiment. For Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV we report v2v_2, for transverse momentum (pTp_T) between 0.2 and 7 GeV/c using three methods: the event plane method (v2v_{2}{EP}), two-particle correlations (v2v_2{2}), and four-particle correlations (v2v_2{4}). For Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 62.4 and 39 GeV we report v2v_2{2} for pT<2p_T< 2 GeV/c. v2v_2{2} and v2v_2{4} are non-zero at low and intermediate pTp_T at 200 GeV, and v2v_2{2} is consistent with zero at low pTp_T at other energies. The v2v_2{2} at the two lower beam energies is systematically lower than at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV for pT<1p_T < 1 GeV/c. This difference may suggest that charm quarks interact less strongly with the surrounding nuclear matter at those two lower energies compared to sNN=200\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV.Comment: Version accepted by PR

    Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: the need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective

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    The proposed introduction of gaming disorder (GD) in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) has led to a lively debate over the past year. Besides the broad support for the decision in the academic press, a recent publication by van Rooij et al. (2018) repeated the criticism raised against the inclusion of GD in ICD-11 by Aarseth et al. (2017). We argue that this group of researchers fails to recognize the clinical and public health considerations, which support the WHO perspective. It is important to recognize a range of biases that may influence this debate; in particular, the gaming industry may wish to diminish its responsibility by claiming that GD is not a public health problem, a position which maybe supported by arguments from scholars based in media psychology, computer games research, communication science, and related disciplines. However, just as with any other disease or disorder in the ICD-11, the decision whether or not to include GD is based on clinical evidence and public health needs. Therefore, we reiterate our conclusion that including GD reflects the essence of the ICD and will facilitate treatment and prevention for those who need it

    Natural course of behavioral addictions: A 5-year longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: Resolving the theoretical controversy on the labeling of an increasing number of excessive behaviors as behavioral addictions may also be facilitated by more empirical data on these behavioral problems. For instance, an essential issue to the classification of psychiatric disorders is information on their natural course. However, longitudinal research on the chronic vs. episodic nature of behavioral addictions is scarce. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to provide data on prevalence, substance use comorbidity, and five-year trajectories of six excessive behaviors—namely exercising, sexual behavior, shopping, online chatting, video gaming, and eating. METHODS: Analyses were based on the data of the Quinte Longitudinal Study, where a cohort of 4,121 adults from Ontario, Canada was followed for 5 years (2006 to 2011). The response rate was 21.3%, while retention rate was 93.9%. To assess the occurrence of each problem behavior, a single self-diagnostic question asked people whether their over-involvement in the behavior had caused significant problems for them in the past 12 months. To assess the severity of each problem behavior reported, the Behavioral Addiction Measure was administered. A mixed design ANOVA was used to investigate symptom trajectories over time for each problem behavior and whether these symptom trajectories varied as a function of sex. RESULTS: The large majority of people reported having problematic over-involvement for just one of these behaviors and just in a single time period. A main effect of time was found for each problem behavior, indicating a moderately strong decrease in symptom severity across time. The time x sex interaction was insignificant in each model indicating that the decreasing trend is similar for males and females. The data also showed that help seeking was very low in the case of excessive sexual behavior, shopping, online chatting, and video gaming but substantially more prevalent in the case of excessive eating and exercising. CONCLUSIONS: The present results indicate that self-identified excessive exercising, sexual behavior, shopping, online chatting, video gaming, and/or eating tend to be fairly transient for most people. This aspect of the results is inconsistent with conceptualizations of addictions as progressive in nature, unless treated. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12888-015-0383-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    School-based prevention for adolescent Internet addiction: prevention is the key. A systematic literature review

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    Adolescents’ media use represents a normative need for information, communication, recreation and functionality, yet problematic Internet use has increased. Given the arguably alarming prevalence rates worldwide and the increasingly problematic use of gaming and social media, the need for an integration of prevention efforts appears to be timely. The aim of this systematic literature review is (i) to identify school-based prevention programmes or protocols for Internet Addiction targeting adolescents within the school context and to examine the programmes’ effectiveness, and (ii) to highlight strengths, limitations, and best practices to inform the design of new initiatives, by capitalizing on these studies’ recommendations. The findings of the reviewed studies to date presented mixed outcomes and are in need of further empirical evidence. The current review identified the following needs to be addressed in future designs to: (i) define the clinical status of Internet Addiction more precisely, (ii) use more current psychometrically robust assessment tools for the measurement of effectiveness (based on the most recent empirical developments), (iii) reconsider the main outcome of Internet time reduction as it appears to be problematic, (iv) build methodologically sound evidence-based prevention programmes, (v) focus on skill enhancement and the use of protective and harm-reducing factors, and (vi) include IA as one of the risk behaviours in multi-risk behaviour interventions. These appear to be crucial factors in addressing future research designs and the formulation of new prevention initiatives. Validated findings could then inform promising strategies for IA and gaming prevention in public policy and education

    S100P enhances the motility and invasion of human trophoblast cell lines

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    S100P has been shown to be a marker for carcinogenesis where its expression in solid tumours correlates with metastasis and a poor patient prognosis. This protein’s role in any physiological process is, however, unknown. Here we first show that S100P is expressed both in trophoblasts in vivo as well as in some corresponding cell lines in culture. We demonstrate that S100P is predominantly expressed during the early stage of placental formation with its highest expression levels occurring during the first trimester of gestation, particularly in the invading columns and anchoring villi. Using gain or loss of function studies through overexpression or knockdown of S100P expression respectively, our work shows that S100P stimulates both cell motility and cellular invasion in different trophoblastic and first trimester EVT cell lines. Interestingly, cell invasion was seen to be more dramatically affected than cell migration. Our results suggest that S100P may be acting as an important regulator of trophoblast invasion during placentation. This finding sheds new light on a hitherto uncharacterized molecular mechanism which may, in turn, lead to the identification of novel targets that may explain why significant numbers of confirmed human pregnancies suffer complications through poor placental implantation

    Constraining the initial conditions and temperature dependent viscosity with three-particle correlations in Au+Au collisions

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    We present three-particle mixed-harmonic correlations cos(m\u3c6a + n\u3c6b 12 (m + n)\u3c6c ) for harmonics m, n = 1 12 3 for charged particles in 1a sNN = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. These measurements provide information on the three-dimensional structure of the initial collision zone and are important for constraining models of a subsequent low-viscosity quark\u2013gluon plasma expansion phase. We investigate correlations between the first, second and third harmonics predicted as a consequence of fluctuations in the initial state. The dependence of the correlations on the pseudorapidity separation between particles show hints of a breaking of longitudinal invariance. We compare our results to a number of state-of-the art hydrodynamic calculations with different initial states and temperature dependent viscosities. These measurements provide important steps towards constraining the temperature dependent viscosity and longitudinal structure of the initial state at RHIC

    Hybrid cosmic ray measurements using the IceAct telescopes in coincidence with the IceCube and IceTop detectors

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    IceAct is a proposed surface array of compact (50 cm diameter) and cost-effective Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes installed at the site of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the geographic South Pole. Since January 2019, two IceAct telescope demonstrators, featuring 61 silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) pixels have been taking data in the center of the IceTop surface array during the austral winter. We present the first analysis of hybrid cosmic ray events detected by the IceAct imaging air-Cherenkov telescopes in coincidence with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, including the IceTop surface array and the IceCube in-ice array. By featuring an energy threshold of about 10 TeV and a wide field-of-view, the IceAct telescopes show promising capabilities of improving current cosmic ray composition studies: measuring the Cherenkov light emissions in the atmosphere adds new information about the shower development not accessible with the current detectors, enabling significantly better primary particle type discrimination on a statistical basis. The hybrid measurement also allows for detailed feasibility studies of detector cross-calibration and of cosmic ray veto capabilities for neutrino analyses. We present the performance of the telescopes, the results from the analysis of two years of data, and an outlook of a hybrid simulation for a future telescope array
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