473 research outputs found

    Leaf traits and gas exchange in saplings of native tree species in the Central Amazon

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    Global climate models predict changes on the length of the dry season in the Amazon which may affect tree physiology. The aims of this work were to determine the effect of the rainfall regime and fraction of sky visible (FSV) at the forest understory on leaf traits and gas exchange of ten rainforest tree species in the Central Amazon, Brazil. We also examined the relationship between specific leaf area (SLA), leaf thickness (LT), and leaf nitrogen content on photosynthetic parameters. Data were collected in January (rainy season) and August (dry season) of 2008. A diurnal pattern was observed for light saturated photosynthesis (Amax) and stomatal conductance (g s), and irrespective of species, Amax was lower in the dry season. However, no effect of the rainfall regime was observed on g s nor on the photosynthetic capacity (Apot, measured at saturating [CO2]). Apot and leaf thickness increased with FSV, the converse was true for the FSV-SLA relationship. Also, a positive relationship was observed between Apot per unit leaf area and leaf nitrogen content, and between Apot per unit mass and SLA. Although the rainfall regime only slightly affects soil moisture, photosynthetic traits seem to be responsive to rainfall-related environmental factors, which eventually lead to an effect on Amax. Finally, we report that little variation in FSV seems to affect leaf physiology (Apot) and leaf anatomy (leaf thickness).Os modelos climáticos globais prevêem mudanças na extensão da época seca na Amazônia, o que pode afetar a fisiologia das árvores. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o efeito da sazonalidade da precipitação e fração de céu visível (FSV) no sub-bosque da floresta nas características foliares e trocas gasosas de 10 espécies florestais da Amazônia Central. Também examinou-se a relação entre área foliar específica (SLA), espessura da folha (LT) e nitrogênio foliar em parâmetros fotossintéticos. Os resultados foram coletados nos meses de janeiro (época chuvosa) e agosto (época seca) de 2008. Observou-se um padrão de variação diurna na fotossíntese saturada por luz (Amax) e na condutância estomática (g s). Independente da espécie, Amax foi menor na época seca. No entanto, não houve efeito da sazonalidade das chuvas em g s nem na capacidade fotossintética (Apot medida em [CO2] saturante). Apot e a espessura da folha (LT) aumentaram com FSV, o contrário foi observado para a relação FSV-SLA. Também, observou-se uma relação positiva entre Apot por unidade de área e conteúdo de nitrogênio foliar, e entre Apot, por unidade de massa e SLA. Embora o regime das chuvas apenas levemente influenciou a umidade do solo, características fotossintéticas parecem responderem a fatores relacionados com as chuvas, o que repercute em Amax. Finalmente, relata-se que pequenas variações em FSV parecem afetar a fisiologia da folha (Apot) e a anatomia foliar (espessura da folha)

    A clínica pulsional de Wilhelm Reich: uma tentativa de atualização

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    On propose une base de psychothérapie corporelle d'inspiration reichienne dans le cadre de référence de la première théorie freudienne des pulsions. On cherche à expliquer les éléments propres à l'abordage reichinien à partir de l'idée d'une dynamique psychique basée sur le conflit entre pulsion et défense. On discute aussi, brièvement, des possibilités d'extension de ce modèle à partir des propositions venant d'autres façons de voir.Busca-se propor uma fundamentação da psicoterapia corporal de inspiração reichiana dentro do quadro de referência da primeira teoria freudiana das pulsões. Tenta-se explicar os elementos próprios da abordagem reichiana a partir da idéia de uma dinâmica psíquica baseada no conflito entre pulsão e defesa. Também são discutidas, brevemente, algumas possibilidades de ampliação desse modelo a partir de propostas oriundas de outras abordagens.The aim of this article is to understand the Reichian body psychotherapy within the framework of the first Freudian drive theory. We try to explain specific elements of the Reichian approach starting from the idea of a psychodynamic based on the conflict between drive and defense. Some possibilities of expanding this model through the integration of proposals from other theories are also briefly discussed

    Interactions among grapevine disease-causing fungi. The role of reactive oxygen species

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    Botryosphaeria parva, Eutypa lata and Phomopsis viticola are ascomyceteous fungi responsible for severe canker and dieback in numerous woody plants. In grapevine, these pathogens colonise the wood mainly through pruning wounds, and the diseases gradually develop, leading to partial or total vine death. In the present study, the three fungal species were grown in Czapek Dox modifi ed medium. Under these conditions, fungal colonies are able to distinguish self from non-self. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was analysed by specifi cally staining for superoxide (O2 .-) or peroxide (O2 2-) radicals. The presence of ROS in both isolated cultures and fungal interactions was confi rmed. All fungi produced both radicals, in every interaction. However, the patterns of ROS production depend on the fungus itself and on the fungal species with which it is interacting, being also dependent on the presence of antioxidant compounds in the surrounding medium. It is as though a fungal species hierarchy could be established for every interaction under each set of conditions (i.e. habitat). The results obtained suggest that fungi display more complex behaviours than generally acknowledged. They are able to recognize potential contestants and built up defence reactions, as well as weaken plant defences and structures to induce infection

    Where@UM: collaborative positioning application based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting for PC

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e InformáticaA utilização do posicionamento, no âmbito das aplicações fornecidas aos utilizadores, tem vindo a aumentar exponencialmente. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos na área do posicionamento indoor têm vindo a aumentar com o aumento da mobilidade dos utilizadores. As possibilidades de uso destas tecnologias são imensas: aumentar a experiência do utilizador e a lealdade, aumentar as vendas através de marketing de proximidade, ajudar a movimentação de utilizadores em locais públicos, o uso de geofencing para encontrar pessoas, etc. De forma a reaproveitar as infraestruturas já existentes nos edifícios, a tecnologia de Wi-Fi fingerprinting tem sido uma escolha frequente por parte das equipas de investigadores e programadores. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é desenvolver uma aplicação para computadores pessoais usando um sistema de posicionamento baseado em Wi-Fi fingerprinting, integrando-a no sistema Where@UM. A solução apresentada detalhadamente na dissertação implementa funcionalidades já disponibilizadas na aplicação Android. Foram também desenvolvidas novas respostas a problemas já existentes e integrados novos módulos na arquitetura, como a integração com as redes sociais e o suporte multiplataforma, tendo especial cuidado em manter alguma homogeneidade no ambiente aplicacional Where@UM, através do uso de interfaces de utilizador similares.The positioning usage in desktop and mobile applications have been increasing exponentially. New applications and research in the indoor positioning field area are increasing proportionally with the intensification of the user’s mobility. The use of positioning creates endless possibilities for example: increase user experience and loyalty, increase sales through proximity marketing, navigation to location inside public buildings, geofencing to find friends in public spaces, etc. Buildings existent infrastructures can be used, if the positioning technology is Wi-Fi fingerprinting. This has been a frequent choice by teams and developers worldwide. The main goal of this thesis is to develop a desktop application using a positioning system based in Wi-Fi fingerprinting, the application will be integrated with the Where@UM system. The detailed solution that will be presented implements functionalities already provided by the Android application. Of course that new solutions answering problems were, also, implemented with the creation of new modules in the architecture such as: social networks integration and multiplatform support. During the implementation it was one objective to create homogeneity in the Where@UM environment, using similar user interfaces

    An active learning approach to model solid-electrolyte interphase formation in Li-ion batteries

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    Li-ion batteries store electrical energy by electrochemically reducing Li ions from a liquid electrolyte in a graphitic electrode. During these reactions, electrolytic species in contact with the electrode particles form a solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI), a layer between the electrode and electrolyte. This interphase allows the exchange of Li ions between the electrode and electrolyte while blocking electron transfer, affecting the performance and life of the battery. A network of reactions in a small region determines the final structure of this interphase. This complex problem has been studied using different multi-scale computational approaches. However, it is challenging to obtain a comprehensive characterization of these models in connection with the effects of model parameters on the output, due to the computational costs. In this work, we propose an active learning workflow coupled with a kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) model for formation of a SEI as a function of reaction barriers including electrochemical, diffusion, and aggregation reactions. This workflow begins by receiving an initial database from a design-of-experiment approach to train an initial Gaussian process classification model. By iterative training of this model in the proposed workflow, we gradually extended the model\u27s validity over a larger subset of reaction barriers. In this workflow, we took advantage of statistical tools to reduce the uncertainty of the model. The trained model is used to study the features of the reaction barriers in the formation of a SEI, which allows us to obtain a new and unique perspective on the reactions that control the formation of a SEI

    O Terceiro Elemento - A concretização dos limites do espaço.

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    O trabalho foca-se no estudo sobre o que é o espaço, o que o compõe e na identificação dos métodos e ferramentas que nos auxiliam na arte de moldar o ambiente que nos rodeia. Desenvolve-se assim no âmbito da consciencialização das nossas capacidades e limites de acção, procurando ter repercussões no acto de pensar o projecto. Logo, apesar de não abordar assumidamente nem de uma forma holística o processo criativo, é precisamente aí que se enquadra ao tentar apoiar esse processo um pouco mais. Quando redireccionamos a atenção do estudo do espaço - entidade singular - para o estudo da organização de espaços, percebemos uma alteração de paradigma com o papel que cada elemento espacial assume na composição. Devido à contiguidade das entidades espaciais e à necessidade de concretizar as suas extremidades surge a simbiose de limites e o relativismo entre cada dois espaços confrontados. É neste novo enquadramento que surge o terceiro elemento da organização espacial. Um elemento de uma certa autonomia e intimidade, pois ao mesmo tempo que confere corpo aos limites, medeia os lados que confronta. Trata-se, assim, do momento em que os espaços se tornam reais e concentra em si todos os fenómenos sensitivos.The essay focuses on the study of what is the space, what it comprises and the identification of methods and tools that assist us in the art of shaping the environment around us. It develops thus in the awareness of our capabilities and limitations of action, trying to have repercussions in the act of thinking the project. Therefore, though not openly addressed nor in a holistic way to the creative process, is precisely here that it fits when trying to support this process a bit more. When we redirection the attention of the study of space - singular entity - for the study of organization of spaces, we realize a paradigm change with the role that each spatial element assumes in the composition. Due to the contiguity of the spatial entities and the need to implement their extremities arises the symbiosis of limits and the relativism between each two confronted spaces. It's in this new framework that emerges the third element of the spatial organization. An element of a certain autonomy and intimacy, because while conferring body to the limits, mediates confronting sides. It is, thus, the moment in which the spaces become real and concentrates in itself all sensory phenomena

    Mar dos Açores, mar de Portugal, mar da Europa : aprofundar o passado para projectar o futuro : resumos

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    Colóquio Internacional "Mar dos Açores, Mar de Portugal, Mar da Europa", Ponta Delgada, 27-29 de Novembro de 2014.Desde sempre o mar foi fundamental na definição da identidade e das fronteiras de Portugal e os Açores, por força do mar, foram sustentáculo da expansão de Portugal no Mundo, sendo igualmente o mar dos Açores um dos elementos determinantes da dimensão oceânica da União Europeia. Cientes desta importância e impelidos pelo repto lançado em 1982 pela convenção da Nações Unidas, que "todos os assuntos do mar estão interligados e devem ser tratados como um todo", o Centro de História d'Aquém e d'Além Mar da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e da Universidade dos Açores promove o Colóquio Internacional Mar dos Açores, Mar de Portugal e Mar da Europa. Aprofundar o passado e projetar o futuro, que assenta no cruzamento dos saberes da História com os demais contributos das ciências sociais, humanas, naturais e tecnológicas. Neste desafio o CHAM conta com importantes parcerias científicas e institucionais, nomeadamente o da Universidade de Pablo de Olavide (UPO), o do Governo Regional dos Açores, Secretaria Regional do Mar, Ciência e Tecnologia, assim como dos municípios da Ribeira Grande (CMRG) e Lagoa (CML). [da Nota de Apresentação

    Super rogue wave generation in the linear regime

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    Extreme or rogue waves are large and unexpected waves appearing with higher probability than predicted by Gaussian statistics. Although their formation is explained by both linear and nonlinear wave propagation, nonlinearity has been considered a necessary ingredient to generate super rogue waves, i.e., an enhanced wave amplification, where the wave amplitudes exceed by far those of ordinary rogue waves. Here we show, experimentally and theoretically, that optical super rogue waves emerge in the simple case of linear light diffraction in one transverse dimension. The underlying physics is a long-range correlation on the random initial phases of the light waves. When subgroups of random phases appear recurrently along the spatial phase distribution, a more ordered phase structure greatly increases the probability of constructive interference to generate super rogue events (non-Gaussian statistics with superlong tails). Our results consist in a significant advance in the understanding of extreme waves formation by linear superposition of random waves, with applications in a large variety of wave systems