3,234 research outputs found

    Seven Percussion Compositions, Standard and New

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    The modern percussionist sees further by standing on the shoulders of standard percussion composers and by composing, commissioning, and performing new works. Achieving an enriched performance of both standard and new percussion pieces occurs through proper research and analysis. By examining repertoire through historical, theoretical, and executional lenses, a performer gains insight into the deep meaning and context of a composition. Careful study of a composer and his or her canon of works also affects comprehension and performance

    Development of Root and Shoot of Winter Wheat Under Field Environment

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    Numerous studies have been made on the winter killing of cereals, but few data are available on their actual growth rates during fall, winter, and early spring. No attempt has been made to correlate growth with environmental conditions, at least in the great wheat belt of the Mississippi Valley and Great Plains. During the fall of 1921 a study of the development of winter wheat both above and below ground was begun. A strain of Turkey Red winter wheat recently developed at the Kansas Agricultural College and known as Kanred was grown. A plat of one tenth acre of fertile silt-loam soil was secured in the city of Lincoln. It was conveniently located near the University of Nebraska where living plants could be easily transferred for careful study to the laboratories of the department of botany. The field had been formed by breaking the native sod four years previously, and four crops had been grown. The 1921 crop was corn which had been cut during the latter part of August. The soil, which was in excellent tilth, was plowed to a depth of about four inches on September 20 and repeatedly harrowed until a good seed bed was obtained. The wheat was immediately drilled at a depth of 1.5 to 2 inches, the rate being 75 pounds per acre. Immediately before plowing, all stubble and weeds were removed in order to prevent them from interfering later with root excavations

    Wind Signatures In The X-Ray Emission-Line Profiles Of The Late-O Supergiant Zeta Orionis

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    X-ray line-profile analysis has proved to be the most direct diagnostic of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the very hot plasma around O stars. The Doppler-broadened line profiles provide information about the velocity distribution of the hot plasma, while the wavelength-dependent attenuation across a line profile provides information about the absorption to the hot plasma, thus providing a strong constraint on its physical location. In this paper, we apply several analysis techniques to the emission lines in the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) spectrum of the late-O supergiant zeta Ori (O9.7 Ib), including the fitting of a simple line-profile model. We show that there is distinct evidence for blueshifts and profile asymmetry, as well as broadening in the X-ray emission lines of zeta Ori. These are the observational hallmarks of a wind-shock X-ray source, and the results for zeta Ori are very similar to those for the earlier O star, zeta Pup, which we have previously shown to be well fit by the same wind-shock line-profile model. The more subtle effects on the line-profile morphologies in zeta Ori, as compared to zeta Pup, are consistent with the somewhat lower density wind in this later O supergiant. In both stars, the wind optical depths required to explain the mildly asymmetric X-ray line profiles imply reductions in the effective opacity of nearly an order of magnitude, which may be explained by some combination of mass-loss rate reduction and large-scale clumping, with its associated porosity-based effects on radiation transfer. In the context of the recent reanalysis of the helium-like line intensity ratios in both zeta Ori and zeta Pup, and also in light of recent work questioning the published mass-loss rates in OB stars, these new results indicate that the X-ray emission from zeta Ori can be understood within the framework of the standard wind-shock scenario for hot stars

    Wind signatures in the X-ray emission line profiles of the late O supergiant ζ\zeta Orionis

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    X-ray line profile analysis has proved to be the most direct diagnostic of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the very hot plasma around O stars. In this paper we apply several analysis techniques to the emission lines in the Chandra HETGS spectrum of the late-O supergiant zeta Ori (O9.7 Ib), including the fitting of a simple line-profile model. We show that there is distinct evidence for blue shifts and profile asymmetry, as well as broadening in the X-ray emission lines of zeta Ori. These are the observational hallmarks of a wind-shock X-ray source, and the results for zeta Ori are very similar to those for the earlier O star, zeta Pup, which we have previously shown to be well-fit by the same wind-shock line-profile model. The more subtle effects on the line-profile morphologies in zeta Ori, as compared to zeta Pup, are consistent with the somewhat lower density wind in this later O supergiant. In both stars, the wind optical depths required to explain the mildly asymmetric X-ray line profiles imply reductions in the effective opacity of nearly an order of magnitude, which may be explained by some combination of mass-loss rate reduction and large-scale clumping, with its associated porosity-based effects on radiation transfer. In the context of the recent reanalysis of the helium-like line intensity ratios in both zeta Ori and zeta Pup, and also in light of recent work questioning the published mass-loss rates in OB stars, these new results indicate that the X-ray emission from zeta Ori can be understood within the framework of the standard wind-shock scenario for hot stars.Comment: MNRAS, accepted; 16 pages, 5 figure

    HONO Measurement by Differential Photolysis

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    Nitrous acid (HONO) has been quantitatively measured in situ by differential photolysis at 385 and 395 nm, and subsequent detection as nitric oxide (NO) by the chemiluminescence reaction with ozone (O3). The technique has been evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to provide a direct HONO measurement in a simulation chamber and compared side by side with a long absorption path optical photometer (LOPAP) in the field. The NO-O3 chemiluminescence technique is robust, well characterized, and capable of sampling at low pressure, whilst solid-state converter technology allows for unattended in situ HONO measurements in combination with fast time resolution and response

    Five principles for the practice of knowledge exchange in environmental management

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    This paper outlines five principles for effective practice of knowledge exchange, which when applied, have the potential to significantly enhance the impact of environmental management research, policy and practice. The paper is based on an empirical analysis of interviews with 32 researchers and stakeholders across 13 environmental management research projects, each of which included elements of knowledge co-creation and sharing in their design. The projects focused on a range of upland and catchment management issues across the UK, and included Research Council, Government and NGO funded projects. Preliminary findings were discussed with knowledge exchange professionals and academic experts to ensure the emerging principles were as broadly applicable as possible across multiple disciplines. The principles suggest that: knowledge exchange needs to be designed into research; the needs of likely research users and other stakeholders should be systematically represented in the research where possible; and long-term relationships must be built on trust and two-way dialogue between researchers and stakeholders in order to ensure effective co-generation of new knowledge. We found that the delivery of tangible benefits early on in the research process helps to ensure continued motivation and engagement of likely research users. Knowledge exchange is a flexible process that must be monitored, reflected on and continuously refined, and where possible, steps should be taken to ensure a legacy of ongoing knowledge exchange beyond initial research funding. The principles have been used to inform the design of knowledge exchange and stakeholder engagement guidelines for two international research programmes. They are able to assist researchers, decision-makers and other stakeholders working in contrasting environmental management settings to work together to co-produce new knowledge, and more effectively share and apply existing knowledge to manage environmental change

    Plane waves in quantum gravity: breakdown of the classical spacetime

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    Starting with the Hamiltonian formulation for spacetimes with two commuting spacelike Killing vectors, we construct a midisuperspace model for linearly polarized plane waves in vacuum gravity. This model has no constraints and its degrees of freedom can be interpreted as an infinite and continuous set of annihilation and creation like variables. We also consider a simplified version of the model, in which the number of modes is restricted to a discrete set. In both cases, the quantization is achieved by introducing a Fock representation. We find regularized operators to represent the metric and discuss whether the coherent states of the quantum theory are peaked around classical spacetimes. It is shown that, although the expectation value of the metric on Killing orbits coincides with a classical solution, its relative fluctuations become significant when one approaches a region where null geodesics are focused. In that region, the spacetimes described by coherent states fail to admit an approximate classical description. This result applies as well to the vacuum of the theory.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Induced Disjoint Paths in Circular-Arc Graphs in Linear Time

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    The Induced Disjoint Paths problem is to test whether a graph G with k distinct pairs of vertices (si,ti) contains paths P1,…,Pk such that Pi connects si and ti for i=1,…,k, and Pi and Pj have neither common vertices nor adjacent vertices (except perhaps their ends) for 1≤
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