1,539 research outputs found

    Mental representations in clarinet performance : connections between auditory imagery and motor behaviors

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    "The purpose of this study was: (a) to investigate the relationship between auditory imagery and representations for action in musical performance and (b) to discuss implications for clarinet playing. The literature reviewed establishes the importance of auditory imagery in instrumental music performance, the importance of mental representations for execution of necessary motor actions in music performance and a possible link between the two. Research is presented which supports the notion that representations of expected sensory feedback may have a role in controlling voluntary motor actions. Expected sensory feedback in musical performance is the auditory image of the desired performance and the proprioceptive feedback from performing the actions necessary for manipulating a musical instrument. The document concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for clarinet playing. Clarinetists must to be able to anticipate the sound they desire to produce and have a corresponding action representation that includes the corresponding feel. While this study focused primarily on clarinet performance, the concepts can easily be applied to all types of musical performance. Musicians need to connect the sound they desire with a "feel" they know will produce that sound."--Abstract from author supplied metadata

    Digging by Debating: Linking massive datasets to specific arguments

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    We will develop and implement a multi-scale workbench, called "InterDebates", with the goal of digging into data provided by hundreds of thousands, eventually millions, of digitized books, bibliographic databases of journal articles, and comprehensive reference works written by experts. Our hypotheses are: that detailed and identifiable arguments drive many aspects of research in the sciences and the humanities; that argumentative structures can be extracted from large datasets using a mixture of automated and social computing techniques; and, that the availability of such analyses will enable innovative interdisciplinary research, and may also play a role in supporting better-informed critical debates among students and the general public. A key challenge tackled by this project is thus to uncover and represent the argumentative structure of digitized documents, allowing users to find and interpret detailed arguments in the broad semantic landscape of books and articles

    Evolutionary history of mammalian sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) are obligate, permanent ectoparasites of eutherian mammals, parasitizing members of 12 of the 29 recognized mammalian orders and approximately 20% of all mammalian species. These host specific, blood-sucking insects are morphologically adapted for life on mammals: they are wingless, dorso-ventrally flattened, possess tibio-tarsal claws for clinging to host hair, and have piercing mouthparts for feeding. Although there are more than 540 described species of Anoplura and despite the potential economical and medical implications of sucking louse infestations, this study represents the first attempt to examine higher-level anopluran relationships using molecular data. In this study, we use molecular data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of 65 sucking louse taxa with phylogenetic analyses and compare the results to findings based on morphological data. We also estimate divergence times among anopluran taxa and compare our results to host (mammal) relationships.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study represents the first phylogenetic hypothesis of sucking louse relationships using molecular data and we find significant conflict between phylogenies constructed using molecular and morphological data. We also find that multiple families and genera of sucking lice are not monophyletic and that extensive taxonomic revision will be necessary for this group. Based on our divergence dating analyses, sucking lice diversified in the late Cretaceous, approximately 77 Ma, and soon after the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (ca. 65 Ma) these lice proliferated rapidly to parasitize multiple mammalian orders and families.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The diversification time of sucking lice approximately 77 Ma is in agreement with mammalian evolutionary history: all modern mammal orders are hypothesized to have diverged by 75 Ma thus providing suitable habitat for the colonization and radiation of sucking lice. Despite the concordant timing of diversification events early in the association between anoplurans and mammals, there is substantial conflict between the host and parasite phylogenies. This conflict is likely the result of a complex history of host switching and extinction events that occurred throughout the evolutionary association between sucking lice and their mammalian hosts. It is unlikely that there are any ectoparasite groups (including lice) that tracked the early and rapid radiation of eutherian mammals.</p

    Effects of 16S rDNA sampling on estimates of the number of endosymbiont lineages in sucking lice

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    Phylogenetic trees can reveal the origins of endosymbiotic lineages of bacteria and detect patterns of co-evolution with their hosts. Although taxon sampling can greatly affect phylogenetic and co-evolutionary inference, most hypotheses of endosymbiont relationships are based on few available bacterial sequences. Here we examined how different sampling strategies of Gammaproteobacteria sequences affect estimates of the number of endosymbiont lineages in parasitic sucking lice (Insecta: Phthirapatera: Anoplura). We estimated the number of louse endosymbiont lineages using both newly obtained and previously sequenced 16S rDNA bacterial sequences and more than 42,000 16S rDNA sequences from other Gammaproteobacteria. We also performed parametric and nonparametric bootstrapping experiments to examine the effects of phylogenetic error and uncertainty on these estimates. Sampling of 16S rDNA sequences affects the estimates of endosymbiont diversity in sucking lice until we reach a threshold of genetic diversity, the size of which depends on the sampling strategy. Sampling by maximizing the diversity of 16S rDNA sequences is more efficient than randomly sampling available 16S rDNA sequences. Although simulation results validate estimates of multiple endosymbiont lineages in sucking lice, the bootstrap results suggest that the precise number of endosymbiont origins is still uncertain

    Workforce Characteristics, Perceptions, Stress, and Satisfaction among Staff in Green House and Other Nursing Homes

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare workforce characteristics and staff perceptions of safety, satisfaction, and stress between Green House (GH) and comparison nursing homes (CNHs). DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Primary data on staff perceptions of safety, stress, and satisfaction from 13 GHs and 8 comparison NHs in 11 states; secondary data from human resources records on workforce characteristics, turnover, and staffing from 01/01/2011-06/30/2012. STUDY DESIGN: Observational study. DATA COLLECTION METHODS: Workforce data were from human resources offices; staff perceptions were from surveys. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Few significant differences were found between GH and CNHs. Exceptions were GH direct caregivers were older, provided twice the normalized hours per week budgeted per resident than CNAs in CNHs or Legacy NHs, and trended toward lower turnover. CONCLUSIONS: GH environment may promote staff longevity and does not negatively affect worker's stress, safety perceptions, or satisfaction. Larger studies are needed to confirm findings

    Seeing the way: visual sociology and the distance runner's perspective

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    Employing visual and autoethnographic data from a two‐year research project on distance runners, this article seeks to examine the activity of seeing in relation to the activity of distance running. One of its methodological aims is to develop the linkage between visual and autoethnographic data in combining an observation‐based narrative and sociological analysis with photographs. This combination aims to convey to the reader not only some of the specific subcultural knowledge and particular ways of seeing, but also something of the runner's embodied feelings and experience of momentum en route. Via the combination of narrative and photographs we seek a more effective way of communicating just how distance runners see and experience their training terrain. The importance of subjecting mundane everyday practices to detailed sociological analysis has been highlighted by many sociologists, including those of an ethnomethodological perspective. Indeed, without the competence of social actors in accomplishing these mundane, routine understandings and practices, it is argued, there would in fact be no social order

    On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to The United States Court of Appeals for The Eighth Circuit, Brief of Law Professors Paul F. Rothstein, et. al., Office of the President v. Office of Independent Counsel

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    This Court should grant review not only because this is a case of national importance and prominence, but also because the decision below is a conspicuous departure from settled principles of evidence law. The panel majority concluded that communications between government lawyers and government officials are not protected by the attorney-client privilege, at least when those communications are sought by a federal grand jury. That conclusion conflicts with the predominant common-law understanding that the attorney-client privilege applies to government entities and that where the privilege applies, it is absolute (i.e., it protects against disclosure in all types of legal and investigative proceedings). In particular, the Court of Appeals\u27 decision rests on a fundamental misunderstanding of this Court\u27s decisions in Upjohn Co. v. United States, 449 U.S. 383 (1981), and United States v. Nixon, 418 U.s. 683 (1974). Moreover, this case warrants further review because the decision below has profound implications beyond the parties to this dispute. The Court of Appeals\u27 ruling, if allowed to stand, will create widespread uncertainty among federal, state, and local officials concerning the extent to which their communications with their agency lawyers, for the purpose of seeking legal advice in the conduct of governmental affairs, are protected by the attorney-client privilege. Unless this Court grants review and resolves this uncertainty, the decision below will likely have an adverse effect on the current and future operation of not only the Office of the President of the United States, but also government at all levels. At the very least, a decision of such vast implications (as in the present case) should be made by the highest court in the land. We accordingly urge the Court to grant the petition for review

    From Big Data to Argument Analysis and Automated Extraction: A Selective Study of Argument in the Philosophy of Animal Psychology from the Volumes of the Hathi Trust Collection

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    The Digging by Debating (DbyD) project aimed to identify, extract, model, map and visualise philosophical arguments in very large text repositories such as the Hathi Trust. The project has: 1) developed a method for visualizing points of contact between philosophy and the sciences; 2) used topic modeling to identify the volumes, and pages within those volumes, which are ‘rich’ in a chosen topic; 3) used a semiformal discourse analysis technique to manually identify key arguments in the selected pages; 4) used the OVA argument mapping tool to represent and map the key identified arguments and provide a framework for comparative analysis; 5) devised and used a novel analysis framework applied to the mapped arguments covering role, content and source of propositions, and the importance, context and meaning of arguments; 6) created a prototype tool for identifying propositions, using naive Bayes classifiers, and for identifying argument structure in chosen texts, using propositional similarity; 7) created tools to apply topic modeling to tasks of rating similarity of papers in the PhilPapers repository. The methods from 1 to 5 above, have enabled us to locate and extract the key arguments from each text. It is significant that, in applying the methods, a nonexpert with limited or no domain knowledge of philosophy has both identified the volumes of interest from a key ‘Big Data Set’ (Hathi Trust) AND identified key arguments within these texts. This provided several key insights about the nature and form of arguments in historical texts, and is a proofofconcept design for a tool that will be usable by scholars. We have further created a dataset with which to train and test prototype tools for both proposition and argument extraction. Though at an early stage, these preliminary results are promising given the complexity of the task. Specifically, we have prototyped a set of tools and methods that allow scholars to move between macroscale, global views of the distributions of philosophical themes in such repositories, and microscale analyses of the arguments appearing on specific pages in texts belonging to the repository. Our approach spans bibliographic analysis, science mapping, and LDA topic modeling conducted at Indiana University and machineassisted argument markup into Argument Interchange Format (AIF) using the OVA (Online Visualization of Argument) tool from the University of Dundee, where the latter has been used to analyse and represent arguments by the team based at the University of East London, who also performed a detailed empirical analysis of arguments in selected texts. This work has been articulated as a proof of concept tool – linked to the repository PhilPapers – designed by members linked to the University of London. This project is showing for the first time how big data text processing techniques can be combined with deep structural analysis to provide researchers and students with navigation and interaction tools for engaging with the large and rich resources provided by datasets such as the Hathi Trust and PhilPapers. Ultimately our efforts show how the computational humanities can bridge the gulf between the “big data” perspective of firstgeneration digital humanities and the close readings of text that are the “bread and butter” of more traditional scholarship in the humanities

    A Measure of Person-Centered Practices in Assisted Living: The PC-PAL

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    Develop self-administered questionnaires of person-centeredness for completion by residents and staff in assisted living (AL), in response to concerns that AL is not person-centered; also, demonstrated person-centeredness is necessary for Medicaid support as a home and community-based services provider

    The Observed Growth of Massive Galaxy Clusters III: Testing General Relativity on Cosmological Scales

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    This is the third of a series of papers in which we derive simultaneous constraints on cosmological parameters and X-ray scaling relations using observations of the growth of massive, X-ray flux-selected galaxy clusters. Our data set consists of 238 clusters drawn from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, and incorporates extensive follow-up observations using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Here we present improved constraints on departures from General Relativity (GR) on cosmological scales, using the growth index, gamma, to parameterize the linear growth rate of cosmic structure. Using the method of Mantz et al. (2009a), we simultaneously and self-consistently model the growth of X-ray luminous clusters and their observable-mass scaling relations, accounting for survey biases, parameter degeneracies and systematic uncertainties. We combine the cluster growth data with gas mass fraction, SNIa, BAO and CMB data. This combination leads to a tight correlation between gamma and sigma_8. Consistency with GR requires gamma~0.55. Under the assumption of self-similar evolution and constant scatter in the scaling relations, and for a flat LCDM model, we measure gamma(sigma_8/0.8)^6.8=0.55+0.13-0.10, with 0.79<sigma_8<0.89. Relaxing the assumptions on the scaling relations by introducing two additional parameters to model possible evolution in the normalization and scatter of the luminosity-mass relation, we obtain consistent constraints on gamma that are only ~20% weaker than those above. Allowing the dark energy equation of state, w, to take any constant value, we simultaneously constrain the growth and expansion histories, and find no evidence for departures from either GR or LCDM. Our results represent the most robust consistency test of GR on cosmological scales to date. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. New figure added: Fig. 4 shows the tight constraints on gamma from the cluster growth data alone compared with those from the other data sets combined