283 research outputs found

    Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud: pensadores del (des)orden

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    This paper traces how two authors from seemingly different theoretical fields address the tragedy of Modernity in similar ways. The concept of tragedy indicates that the order of the world is no longer pre-determined by a divine will, but is instead the outcome of human action. To illustrate this point, Thomas Hobbes’ natural condition and Sigmund Freud’s primal horde will be revisited to examine the contingent character of that which is human. Following these two perspectives this paper will account for the notion of order as required —though impossible— social production. In Freud’s work this notion stems from the idea of Kultur whereas Hobbes connects it to the Leviathan itself. According to both theoretical perspectives the State and Culture constitute social artifacts intended to put in order the constitutive disorder of Society.En este trabajo nos proponemos rastrear la manera en que dos teóricos provenientes de campos disciplinares en apariencia distintos, interpretan en términos comunes la tragedia de la modernidad. Se trata de la tragedia que viene a mostrarnos que el orden del mundo ya no está predeterminado por ninguna voluntad divina y que su construcción deviene objeto de la acción humana. Para ilustrar esto nos referiremos al modo en que Thomas Hobbes y Sigmund Freud indagan el carácter contingente de lo humano en las respectivas representaciones del estado de naturaleza y de la horda primitiva. Al mismo tiempo veremos cómo se articula en ambos planteos la idea de orden como producción social necesaria pero al mismo tiempo imposible. en el caso de Freud esta operación se asocia a la figura de la Kultur y en Hobbes a la del Leviathan. De este modo mostraremos que el estado y la Cultura se constituyen en el artificio para dar un orden —institucional y simbólico— al desorden constitutivo de la sociedad

    Cultura política y democracia: el debate intelectual en la revista Controversia para el análisis de la realidad argentina.

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    Este artigo revisa os debates da revista acadêmica Controvérsia para a análise da realidade argentina sobre a questão da democracia. Esses debates articulam tradições políticas antigas e novos significados em torno de um conceito de democracia que leva em consideração suas dimensões formal e susbtantiva. Argumentamos que o significado da democracia argentina – formalmente iniciada em 1983 – herdou um debate entre tradições políticas distintas e conceitos contraditórios. Estes embates tornam altamente complexos a cultura política e o papel dos intelectuais no processo de reconstrução democrática.This article reviews the Controversia (journal) debates about the democracy idea. We will account for the strenuous required efforts to connect old political traditions and the new meanings surrounding a concept that encompassed democracy‟s formal and real dimensions. It will be argued that the meaning of Argentinian democracy –formally initiated in 1983– contains a debate between contradictory traditions and political conceptions. These contradictions turned the political culture and the role of the intellectuals highly controversial in the process of democratic reconstruction.Fil: Reano, Ariana. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The origin of Peruvian professional militarism

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    The process of professionalization initiated by the Peruvian army in 1896 under French influence did not withdraw the military from political involvement. On the contrary, as the process of professionalization advanced, the army developed a “professional militarism,” that is, military political participation for reasons based on the institution’s professional ethos. The Peruvian army had traditionally claimed a broad military jurisdiction including extra-military roles. French instructors reinforced such claimed incorporating a broad military jurisdiction into the army’s professional ethos, which justified military coups during the twentieth-century as well as the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces (1968-1980). Historians Frederick M. Nunn and Daniel M. Masterson do not take sufficiently into account the impact of nineteenth-century militarism on Peruvian military thought. These scholars argued that Peruvian officers were aping their French mentors when twentieth-century military magazines claimed nation building as a defense prerequisite or when “Francophile” officers declared a civilizing and social mission for the army. However, in 1888, over 120 Peruvian officers established the Centro Militar del Perú and published the Revista Militar y Naval, which systematized the “military mind” born from the century’s military experience. The articles in the Revista demonstrate that before the process of professionalization initiated in 1896, the Peruvian military mind consisted of attitudes and perspectives stressing the necessity of a strong military, the supremacy of society over the individual, the destructiveness of civilian partisan politics, and a broad military jurisdiction, which included administrative, nation-building, civilizing, and constitutional guardian functions. Consequently, this thesis focuses on nineteenth-century militarism and political culture arguing that by late 1880s the essential elements of the Peruvian military mind behind twentieth-century “professional militarism” had already come together

    Using Indigenous Research Frameworks in the Multiple Contexts of Research, Teaching, Mentoring, and Leading

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    Indigenous research frameworks can be used to effectively engage Indigenous communities and students in Western modern science through transparent and respectful communication. Currently, much of the academic research taking place within Indigenous communities marginalizes Indigenous Knowledge, does not promote long-term accountability to Indigenous communities and their relations, and withholds respect for the spiritual values that many Indigenous communities embrace. Indigenous research frameworks address these concerns within the academic research process by promoting values such as: relationality, multilogicality, and the centralization of Indigenous perspectives. Indigenous research frameworks provide a framework that can be used in multiple contexts within higher education to bring equitable practices to research, teaching, mentoring, and organizational leadership. In this article, as a researcher who uses Indigenous research frameworks, I utilize autoethnography to engage in critical, reflexive thinking about how my perspective as an Indigenous researcher has developed over time. The purpose of this autoethnography is to reveal how Indigenous research frameworks may enhance higher education, especially for Indigenous students

    Multi-Tenant Virtual GPUs for Optimising Performance of a Financial Risk Application

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are becoming popular accelerators in modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. Installing GPUs on each node of the cluster is not efficient resulting in high costs and power consumption as well as underutilisation of the accelerator. The research reported in this paper is motivated towards the use of few physical GPUs by providing cluster nodes access to remote GPUs on-demand for a financial risk application. We hypothesise that sharing GPUs between several nodes, referred to as multi-tenancy, reduces the execution time and energy consumed by an application. Two data transfer modes between the CPU and the GPUs, namely concurrent and sequential, are explored. The key result from the experiments is that multi-tenancy with few physical GPUs using sequential data transfers lowers the execution time and the energy consumed, thereby improving the overall performance of the application.Comment: Accepted to the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 10 June 201

    Acceleration-as-a-Service: Exploiting Virtualised GPUs for a Financial Application

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    'How can GPU acceleration be obtained as a service in a cluster?' This question has become increasingly significant due to the inefficiency of installing GPUs on all nodes of a cluster. The research reported in this paper is motivated to address the above question by employing rCUDA (remote CUDA), a framework that facilitates Acceleration-as-a-Service (AaaS), such that the nodes of a cluster can request the acceleration of a set of remote GPUs on demand. The rCUDA framework exploits virtualisation and ensures that multiple nodes can share the same GPU. In this paper we test the feasibility of the rCUDA framework on a real-world application employed in the financial risk industry that can benefit from AaaS in the production setting. The results confirm the feasibility of rCUDA and highlight that rCUDA achieves similar performance compared to CUDA, provides consistent results, and more importantly, allows for a single application to benefit from all the GPUs available in the cluster without loosing efficiency.Comment: 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience (IEEE eScience) - Munich, Germany, 201

    L'immagine dell'Italia nelle riviste di architettura inglesi (1830-1870)

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    L’obiettivo della mia ricerca di dottorato è stato lo studio dell’immagine dell’Italia così come tracciata dai periodici d’architettura vittoriani, veicoli mediatici che più hanno rappresentato la complessa società ottocentesca inglese. Il lavoro è stato condotto attraverso un articolato spoglio delle riviste che interessano dieci titoli nell'arco di quarant'anni: all'interno di una mole considerevole di articoli, trafiletti e illustrazioni è stato possibile delineare il rapporto tra Italia e Inghilterra. I quattro decenni scelti come arco cronologico vanno dalla nascita dei primi architectural periodicals a partire dagli anni trenta dell’Ottocento, sino al 1870, data individuata come termine per indicare il periodo di profonde trasformazioni che cambiano l’ambiente professionale e la società inglese. L’anno coincide, inoltre, con il completamento dell’unificazione del Regno d’Italia e l’apertura del tunnel del Frejus: tali eventi mutano il Paese intero e la percezione che gli inglesi hanno del patrimonio culturale di quest’ultimo. Lo spoglio delle testate d’architettura permette allo sguardo del ricercatore di svariare su diversi temi, ma soprattutto concede un punto di vista ancora poco esplorato. I periodici inglesi nascono in un complesso contesto poggiando le proprie fondamenta sull'associazionismo vittoriano, espressione della nascente classe professionale di architetti. Si è quindi esaminato questo ambiente eterogeneo studiando gli scritti inglesi, i corrispondenti italiani, i loro contributi e i loro rapporti con il panorama inglese, cercando, in ultimo, di capire se le riviste oggetto di studio fossero lette in Italia. L’immagine che affiora è dunque un complesso ritratto del Paese descritto dai corrispondenti inglesi, in cui, alla classica rappresentazione del patrimonio architettonico italiano decadente e in rovina, si affiancano ammodernamenti e infrastrutture del nuovo Regno d’Italia


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    The sequence of sedimentary rocks at Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, are important both in terms of their cultural significance for the Native people of Acoma Pueblo and the insight they provide into the long term geologic history of the Colorado Plateau. In this thesis we present the first stratigraphic and provenance analysis of the Mesozoic strata at Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, based on field observations and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology. Acoma Pueblo was located in the distal part (i.e. backbulge) of a foreland basin system during most of the Mesozoic. Acoma Pueblo has not been included in previous regional studies of the Colorado Plateau, which focused on proximal (i.e. foredeep) portions of the Cordilleran foreland basin system. However, field observations and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology provide insight into how the sources of sediment for depositional environments at Acoma Pueblo changed throughout the Mid-Late Mesozoic as the Cordilleran foreland basin system evolved. The depositional environments of strata exposed at Acoma Pueblo, include aeolian dunes (Entrada Sandstone and Zuni Sandstone), lacustrine, fluvial playa (Morrison Formation), and shallow marine environments (Dakota Sandstone). Key provenance findings include: The end of sediment delivery from the East Mexico Magmatic Arc after Entrada time, an increase in Cordilleran Arc grains after Entrada time, an increase in Yavapai and Mazatzal age grains after Entrada time, and a more uniform distribution of zircon peak ages within the Dakota Sandstone. In addition to this western science geologic knowledge, this thesis also integrates the traditional cultural perspectives of a trained geologist who is a member of Acoma Pueblo. Thus, in describing/recognizing geologic formations we also draw on the cultural knowledge a tribal member has of the significance and value of the strata exposed at Acoma Pueblo


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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of job involvement (X1) and organizational support (X2) on innovative work behavior (Y) mediated by job satisfaction (M). The population in this study were Local Government Employees in Bengkulu Province. Sampling used random sampling, for 240 respondents who were taken through a google form questionnaire using the structural equation modeling (SEM)-partial least squares (PLS) data analysis method. The results showed that work involvement had a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior. Organizational support also has a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior and job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior. Mediation of job satisfaction can strengthen the effect of job involvement on innovative behavior with a positive and significant. Mediation of job satisfaction can also strengthen the effect of organizational support on innovative behavior with a positive and significant.. Keywords: innovative work behavior,  job involvement, job satisfaction and organizational support   Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh keterlibatan kerja terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif, 2) untuk menganalisis pengaruh dukungan organisasi terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif, 3) untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif, 4) untuk menganalisis pengaruh keterlibatan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, 5) untuk menganalisis pengaruh dukungan organisasi terhadap  kepuasan kerja, 6) untuk menganalisis pengaruh keterlibatan kerja terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja dan 7) untuk menganalisis pengaruh dukungan organisasi terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja pada pegawai Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, Penelitian kuantitatif umumnya ditujukan untuk membuat generalisasi dari hasil analisis dan penelitiannya dapat di replikasi, Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Pemerintah Daerah di Propinsi Bengkulu, pengambilan sample menggunakan accidental sampling,.  Jumlah data sebanyak 240 responden yang diambil melalui kuisioner google form dengan menggunakan metode analisis data partial least square (PLS). Berdasarkan  uji statistik, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keterlibatan kerja berpengaruh secara signifikan dan bernilai positif terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif. Hal ini bermakna jika keterlibatan kerja yang dirasakan pegawai meningkat maka perilaku kerja inovatif juga semakin meningkat. Variabel dukungan organisasi juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif, hal ini bermakna bahwa jika dukungan organisasi meningkat maka perilaku kerja inovatif juga semakin meningkat. Begitu juga dengan kepuasan kerja, memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif, hal ini bermakna bahwa jika kepuasan kerja meningkat maka perilaku kerja inovatif juga semakin meningkat. Variabel kepuasan kerja memiliki peran memediasi penuh pada pengaruh keterlibatan kerja dan dukungan organisasi terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif, hal ini berarti pula jika keterlibatan kerja meningkat, dukungan organisasi meningkat yang diikuti pula oleh kepuasan kerja yang meningkat maka perilaku kerja inovatif juga akan semakin meningkat. Kata Kunci : Dukungan Organisasi, Kepuasan Kerja, Keterlibatan Kerja dan  Perilaku Kerja Inovatif   &nbsp

    Changing Future Faculty\u27s Conceptions of SoTL

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    Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) programs provide graduate students across all disciplines with professional development that addresses a range of faculty responsibilities. The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) combines education research with the practice of teaching by implementing, disseminating, and applying research on educational practice and interventions. During a PFF program at a public university, we used a pre-post writing prompt to examine changes in future faculty’s conceptions of SoTL. Pre-workshop responses included misconceptions that indicated unfamiliarity with SoTL. Post-workshop responses had an increased emphasis on sharing outcomes from educational interventions. Only 8% of pre-workshop responses included all main elements of SoTL, and this increased to 44% for post-workshop responses. We suggest that graduate programs should include training in SoTL so that future faculty are prepared to develop and advance their teaching programs using both existing pedagogical research as well as scholarly approaches to research in to their own teaching
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