86 research outputs found

    The Competition Between Thermal Contraction and Differentiation in the Stress History of the Moon

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    The scarcity of both extension and compression features on the Moon strongly constrains the history of the lunar radius—to variations of less than ±1 km over the past 3.8 Gyr. This limit has traditionally been interpreted as requiring a delicate balance between thermal contraction of the near-surface and expansion of a substantial cold interior region. Recent theories of lunar origin (e.g., giant impact), in contrast, favor a “hot” initial state. We propose that a reconciliation may be possible by taking account of the volume change ΔV/V|_d due to differentiation. We calculate STP densities based on simplified normative mineralogies for a suite of estimates of the bulk lunar composition, of primary lunar basalt, and of the residuum left when the maximum amount of the latter is extracted from the former. Typically ΔV/V|_d ≃ 2 to 5%—an expansion equivalent to heating by ∌10^(3)K. Provided the timing of differentiation is correct, one might offset the cooling of a magma ocean as much as 630 km deep by differentiation of the remainder of the Moon (which need not start much below the solidus temperature). A large but not impossible amount of gabbroic melt production is implied: ∌100 times the volume of mare basalts known to have been extruded. We do not address the detailed genetic relationship of this melt to the basalts observed on the lunar surface but point out that it need not have reached the surface directly or even have entered the crust in order for the expansion to have occurred. To assess the timing of melt formation, we investigate a simple conductive lunar thermal model which takes account of both ΔV/V|_d and thermal contraction. Our initial state is characterized by a central temperature T_c and a depth Z_0 above which the material (derived from the magma ocean) is already at the solidus and is not suceptible to volume changes upon further differentiation. We find a range of models satisfying the limits on radius increase and decrease. The hottest has T_c = 1210 K, Z_0 = 400 km; without ΔV/V|d, we would need a larger or colder (or both) core, e.g., T_c â‰Č 700 K for Z0 = 200–400 km, in agreement with previous investigators. Our modeling thus lends credence to the idea that the Moon could have been initially ≳50% molten (with the remainder relatively close to the solidus) and yet experienced little volume change over the last 3.8 Gyr

    Relative age of interior layered deposits in southwest Candor Chasma based on high-resolution structural mapping

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    High-resolution topography generated from stereo HiRISE (High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) imagery reveals the meter-scale structure of interior layered deposits (ILD) in southwest Candor Chasma. This study seeks to determine the age of the local ILD relative to any normal faults that can be attributed to chasma formation. The study area is located near the contact of these ILD and the wall rock and is in an area where chasma-forming normal faults have been proposed. We find that while normal faults are found in the study area, these faults are not sufficiently large nor appropriately located or oriented to accommodate the roughly northeast-southwest extension that is required for normal faults that can be attributed to chasma formation. Additionally, bedding exposed in the local ILD generally dips toward the center of Candor Chasma, consistent with sediment deposition in a preexisting basin. Further, pit craters of Tithonia Catena, presumed to predate or be contemporaneous with the formation of west Candor Chasma, do not cut into the ILD within the study area. These independent lines of evidence support a postchasma age for the ILD exposed within the study area. Chasma-related normal faults may exist within these ILD at depth but are not exposed at the surface. Approximately 2 km of conformable stratigraphy is exposed in the study area, and therefore at least several kilometers of the local ILD were deposited subsequent to any chasma-related normal faulting that may have occurred in this part of Candor Chasma

    Insights into Titan’s geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data

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    The Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar has been acquiring images of Titan's surface since October 2004. To date, 59% of Titan's surface has been imaged by radar, with significant regions imaged more than once. Radar data suffer from speckle noise hindering interpretation of small-scale features and comparison of reimaged regions for change detection. We present here a new image analysis technique that combines a denoising algorithm with mapping and quantitative measurements that greatly enhance the utility of the data and offers previously unattainable insights. After validating the technique, we demonstrate the potential improvement in understanding of surface processes on Titan and defining global mapping units, focusing on specific landforms including lakes, dunes, mountains, and fluvial features. Lake shorelines are delineated with greater accuracy. Previously unrecognized dissection by fluvial channels emerges beneath shallow methane cover. Dune wavelengths and interdune extents are more precisely measured. A significant refinement in producing digital elevation models is shown. Interactions of fluvial and aeolian processes with topographic relief is more precisely observed and understood than previously. Benches in bathymetry are observed in northern sea Ligeia Mare. Submerged valleys show similar depth suggesting that they are equilibrated with marine benches. These new observations suggest a liquid level increase in the northern sea, which may be due to changes on seasonal or longer timescales

    Nebulae: A Proposed Concept of Operation for Deep Space Computing Clouds

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    In this paper, we describe an ongoing multi-institution study in using emplaced computational resources such as high-volume storage and fast processing to enable instruments to gather and store much more data than would normally be possible, even if it cannot be downlinked to Earth in any reasonable time. The primary focus of the study is designing science pipelines for on-site summarization, archival for future downlink, and multisensor fusion. A secondary focus is on providing support for increasingly autonomous systems, including mapping, planning, and multi-platform collaboration. Key to both of these concepts is treating the spacecraft not as an autonomous agent but as an interactive batch processor, which allows us to avoid “quantum leaps” in machine intelligence required to realize the concepts. Our goal is to discuss preliminary results and technical directions for the community, and identify promising new opportunities for multi-sensor fusion with the help of planetary researchers


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    We previously reported an initial determination of Titan's rotational state from fits to overlapping radar images. We have since discovered a coding error in software used to make these fits, which led to systematic offsets of 1-2 km in recovered positions. While our principal results remain qualitatively unchanged, with this error corrected, the pole movement we previously reported (our weakest result) is now counterindicated. Our revised best fit is essentially the same as the "best-fit no pole wobble" result discussed at the top of the second column on page 1675. The determined pole location did not change significantly after the bug fix and thus we still conclude that the spin axis is not in the plane formed by Titan's orbit normal and the normal to the Laplace plane. Due to the correlations between pole wobble and spin rate (see Figure 3 on page 1672), the new best fit has a spin rate that differs from the synchronous value by an amount that is three times smaller than the value reported in the paper. The pole location changed by less than 0.01 deg (~500 m on the surface) and rate of increase in spin decreased by a factor of 2 from the previous fit. The new best-fit parameter values with 1σ error bars are: pole right ascension 39.4934 ± 0.0249 deg, pole declination 83.4368 ± 0.0024 deg, spin rate 22.57731 ± 0.00011 deg/day (0.00033 deg/day greater than synchronous spin rate), derivative of pole right ascension –6.52 ± 4.20 deg/century, derivative of pole declination –0.2212 ± 0.3567 deg/century, and derivative of spin rate 0.0247 ± 0.0050 deg/day/century. The corrected version of Table 3 (below) shows the residual systematic and random error of the several candidate models discussed in the paper. Fixing the bug reduced the residual systematic error of all the fitted models. The four models in which spin rate is allowed to vary from synchronous either due to a change in spin rate (Column 5, numbered from the left) or a change in its time derivative (Column 6) or both (Columns 7 and 8) have lower residual systematic errors and thus better represent the data than do the purely synchronous fit (Column 3). For this reason, an asynchronous spin rate is still supported by the data, although efforts (e.g., Mitchell 2009) to quantitatively interpret the asynchroneity should take our revised determination into account. On the other hand, as depicted by Columns 7 and 8, allowing the pole movement terms to vary from the predicted (IAU Titan) values results in no significant improvement in the fit, thus large short-term pole movement is not supported by the data. In fact, the best-fit values and error bars for the pole movement are consistent with the long-term pole trends that were predicted prior to the Cassini mission

    The effects of an extensive exercise programme on the progression of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Exercise interventions to prevent dementia and delay cognitive decline have gained considerable attention in recent years. Human and animal studies have demonstrated that regular physical activity targets brain function by increasing cognitive reserve. There is also evidence of structural changes caused by exercise in preventing or delaying the genesis of neurodegeneration. Although initial studies indicate enhanced cognitive performance in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) following an exercise intervention, little is known about the effect of an extensive, controlled and regular exercise regimen on the neuropathology of patients with MCI. This study aims to determine the effects of an extensive exercise programme on the progression of MCI. Methods/design This randomised controlled clinical intervention study will take place across three European sites. Seventy-five previously sedentary patients with a clinical diagnosis of MCI will be recruited at each site. Participants will be randomised to one of three groups. One group will receive a standardised 1-year extensive aerobic exercise intervention (3 units of 45 min/week). The second group will complete stretching and toning (non-aerobic) exercise (3 units of 45 min/week) and the third group will act as the control group. Change in all outcomes will be measured at baseline (T0), after six months (T1) and after 12 months (T2). The primary outcome, cognitive performance, will be determined by a neuropsychological test battery (CogState battery, Trail Making Test and Verbal fluency). Secondary outcomes include Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), cardiovascular fitness, physical activity, structural changes of the brain, quality of life measures and measures of frailty. Furthermore, outcome variables will be related to genetic variations on genes related to neurogenesis and epigenetic changes in these genes caused by the exercise intervention programme. Discussion The results will add new insights into the prevailing notion that exercise may slow the rate of cognitive decline in MCI
