44 research outputs found

    Open Source ImmGen: network perspective on metabolic diversity among mononuclear phagocytes

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    We dissect metabolic variability of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subpopulations across different tissues through integrative analysis of three large scale datasets. Specifically, we introduce ImmGen MNP Open Source dataset that profiled 337 samples and extended previous ImmGen effort which included 202 samples of mononuclear phagocytes and their progenitors. Next, we analysed Tabula Muris Senis dataset to extract data for 51,364 myeloid cells from 18 tissues. Taken together, a compendium of data assembled in this work covers phagocytic populations found across 38 different tissues. To analyse common metabolic features, we developed novel network-based computational approach for unbiased identification of key metabolic subnetworks based on cellular transcriptional profiles in large-scale datasets. Using ImmGen MNP Open Source dataset as baseline, we define 9 metabolic subnetworks that encapsulate the metabolic differences within mononuclear phagocytes, and demonstrate that these features are robustly found across all three datasets, including lipid metabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis, glycolysis, and a set of fatty acid related metabolic pathways, as well as nucleotide and folate metabolism. We systematically define major features specific to macrophage and dendritic cell subpopulations. Among other things, we find that cholesterol synthesis appears particularly active within the migratory dendritic cells. We demonstrate that interference with this pathway through statins administration diminishes migratory capacity of the dendritic cells in vivo. This result demonstrates the power of our approach and highlights importance of metabolic diversity among mononuclear phagocytes

    Network analysis of large-scale ImmGen and Tabula Muris datasets highlights metabolic diversity of tissue mononuclear phagocytes

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    The diversity of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subpopulations across tissues is one of the key physiological characteristics of the immune system. Here, we focus on understanding the metabolic variability of MNPs through metabolic network analysis applied to three large-scale transcriptional datasets: we introduce (1) an ImmGen MNP open-source dataset of 337 samples across 26 tissues; (2) a myeloid subset of ImmGen Phase I dataset (202 MNP samples); and (3) a myeloid mouse single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) dataset (51,364 cells) assembled based on Tabula Muris Senis. To analyze such large-scale datasets, we develop a network-based computational approach, genes and metabolites (GAM) clustering, for unbiased identification of the key metabolic subnetworks based on transcriptional profiles. We define 9 metabolic subnetworks that encapsulate the metabolic differences within MNP from 38 different tissues. Obtained modules reveal that cholesterol synthesis appears particularly active within the migratory dendritic cells, while glutathione synthesis is essential for cysteinyl leukotriene production by peritoneal and lung macrophages

    Dendritic cell migration through the lymphatic vasculature to lymph nodes

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    The mobilization of antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) from peripheral tissues to draining lymph nodes drives the initiation of adaptive immune responses. Recent advances have been made in understanding how and where DCs enter the lymphatic vasculature and what mechanisms control this process. In this chapter, we highlight these advances. Delineating DC–lymphatic vessel interactions is critical for our fundamental understanding of DC trafficking in states of health and disease and for efforts to manipulate DC mobilization for immunotherapy and vaccination

    The lymphatic vasculature in the 21st century: novel functional roles in homeostasis and disease

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    Mammals have two specialized vascular circulatory systems: the blood vasculature and the lymphatic vasculature. The lymphatic vasculature is a unidirectional conduit that returns filtered interstitial arterial fluid and tissue metabolites to the blood circulation. It also plays major roles in immune cell trafficking and lipid absorption. As we discuss in this review, the molecular characterization of lymphatic vascular development and our understanding of this vasculature's role in pathophysiological conditions has greatly improved in recent years, changing conventional views about the roles of the lymphatic vasculature in health and disease. Morphological or functional defects in the lymphatic vasculature have now been uncovered in several pathological conditions. We propose that subtle asymptomatic alterations in lymphatic vascular function could underlie the variability seen in the body's response to a wide range of human diseases.Guillermo Oliver, Jonathan Kipnis, Gwendalyn J. Randolph and Natasha L. Harve

    Monocyte trafficking in acute and chronic inflammation

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    Environmental signals at the site of inflammation mediate rapid monocyte mobilization and dictate differentiation programs whereby these cells give rise to macrophages or dendritic cells. Monocytes participate in tissue healing, clearance of pathogens and dead cells, and initiation of adaptive immunity. However, recruited monocytes can also contribute to the pathogenesis of infection and chronic inflammatory disease, such as atherosclerosis. Here, we explore monocyte trafficking in the context of acute inflammation, relying predominantly on data from microbial infection models. These mechanisms will be compared to monocyte trafficking during chronic inflammation in experimental models of atherosclerosis. Recent developments suggest that monocyte trafficking shares common themes in diverse inflammatory diseases; however, important differences exist between monocyte migratory pathways in acute and chronic inflammation

    Normal dendritic cell mobilization to lymph nodes under conditions of severe lymphatic hypoplasia

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    To address the requirement for lymphatic capillaries in dendritic cell (DC) mobilization from skin to lymph nodes (LNs), we used mice bearing one inactivated allele of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3) where skin lymphatic capillaries are reported absent. Unexpectedly, DC mobilization from the back skin to draining LNs was similar in magnitude, and kinetics to control mice and humoral immunity appeared intact. By contrast, DC migration from body extremities, including ear and forepaws, was ablated. An evaluation in different regions of skin revealed rare patches of lymphatic capillaries only in body trunk areas where migration was intact. That is, whereas the ear skin was totally devoid of lymphatic capillaries, residual capillaries in the back skin were present though retained only at ∼10% normal density. This reduction in density markedly reduced the clearance of soluble tracers, indicating that normal cell migration was spared under conditions when lymphatic transport function was poor. Residual lymphatic capillaries expressed slightly higher levels of CCL21 and migration of skin DCs to LNs remained dependent on CCR7 in Chy mice. DC migration from the ear could be rescued by the introduction of a limited number of lymphatic capillaries through skin transplantation. Thus, the development of lymphatic capillaries in the skin of body extremities was more severely impacted by a mutant copy of VEGFR3 than trunk skin, but lymphatic transport function was markedly reduced throughout the skin, demonstrating that even under conditions when a marked loss in lymphatic capillary density reduces lymph transport, DC migration from skin to LNs remains normal

    Imaging systemic inflammatory networks in ischemic heart disease.

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    While acute myocardial infarction mortality declines, patients continue to face reinfarction and/or heart failure. The immune system, which intimately interacts with healthy and diseased tissues through resident and recruited leukocytes, is a central interface for a global host response to ischemia. Pathways that enhance the systemic leukocyte supply may be potential therapeutic targets. Pre-clinically, imaging helps to identify immunity's decision nodes, which may serve as such targets. In translating the rapidly-expanding pre-clinical data on immune activity, the difficulty of obtaining multiple clinical tissue samples from involved organs is an obstacle that whole-body imaging can help overcome. In patients, molecular and cellular imaging can be integrated with blood-based diagnostics to assess the translatability of discoveries, including the activation of hematopoietic tissues after myocardial infarction, and serve as an endpoint in clinical trials. In this review, we discuss these concepts while focusing on imaging immune activity in organs involved in ischemic heart disease