274 research outputs found

    A temporal switch model for estimating transcriptional activity in gene expression

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    Motivation: The analysis and mechanistic modelling of time series gene expression data provided by techniques such as microarrays, NanoString, reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction and advanced sequencing are invaluable for developing an understanding of the variation in key biological processes. We address this by proposing the estimation of a flexible dynamic model, which decouples temporal synthesis and degradation of mRNA and, hence, allows for transcriptional activity to switch between different states. Results: The model is flexible enough to capture a variety of observed transcriptional dynamics, including oscillatory behaviour, in a way that is compatible with the demands imposed by the quality, time-resolution and quantity of the data. We show that the timing and number of switch events in transcriptional activity can be estimated alongside individual gene mRNA stability with the help of a Bayesian reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. To demonstrate the methodology, we focus on modelling the wild-type behaviour of a selection of 200 circadian genes of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The results support the idea that using a mechanistic model to identify transcriptional switch points is likely to strongly contribute to efforts in elucidating and understanding key biological processes, such as transcription and degradation

    H-alpha and Free-Free Emission from the WIM

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    Recent observations have found the ratio of H-alpha to free-free radio continuum to be surprisingly high in the diffuse ionized ISM (the so-called WIM), corresponding to an electron temperature of only ~3000K. Such low temperatures were unexpected in gas that was presumed to be photoionized. We consider a 3-component model for the observed diffuse emission, consisting of a mix of (1) photoionized gas, (2) gas that is recombining and cooling, and (3) cool H I gas. This model can successfully reproduce the observed intensities of free-free continuum, H-alpha, and collisionally-excited lines such as NII 6583. To reproduce the low observed value of free-free to H-alpha, the PAH abundance in the photoionized regions must be lowered by a factor ~3, and ~20% of the diffuse H-alpha must be reflected from dust grains, as suggested by Wood & Reynolds (1999).Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, single column, details of the calculation and atomic physics added, accepted by Ap

    Social group size affects Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles)

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    1. In most social animals, the prevalence of directly transmitted pathogens increases in larger groups and at higher population densities. Such patterns are predicted by models of Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles). 2. We investigated the relationship between badger abundance and M. bovis prevalence, using data on 2696 adult badgers in 10 populations sampled at the start of the Randomized Badger Culling Trial. 3. M. bovis prevalence was consistently higher at low badger densities and in small social groups. M. bovis prevalence was also higher among badgers whose genetic profiles suggested that they had immigrated into their assigned social groups. 4. The association between high M. bovis prevalence and small badger group size appeared not to have been caused by previous small-scale culling in study areas, which had been suspended, on average, 5 years before the start of the current study. 5. The observed pattern of prevalence might occur through badgers in smaller groups interacting more frequently with members of neighbouring groups; detailed behavioural data are needed to test this hypothesis. Likewise, longitudinal data are needed to determine whether the size of infected groups might be suppressed by disease-related mortality. 6. Although M. bovis prevalence was lower at high population densities, the absolute number of infected badgers was higher. However, this does not necessarily mean that the risk of M. bovis transmission to cattle is highest at high badger densities, since transmission risk depends on badger behaviour as well as on badger density

    High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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    Leaf senescence is an essential developmental process that impacts dramatically on crop yields and involves altered regulation of thousands of genes and many metabolic and signaling pathways, resulting in major changes in the leaf. The regulation of senescence is complex, and although senescence regulatory genes have been characterized, there is little information on how these function in the global control of the process. We used microarray analysis to obtain a highresolution time-course profile of gene expression during development of a single leaf over a 3-week period to senescence. A complex experimental design approach and a combination of methods were used to extract high-quality replicated data and to identify differentially expressed genes. The multiple time points enable the use of highly informative clustering to reveal distinct time points at which signaling and metabolic pathways change. Analysis of motif enrichment, as well as comparison of transcription factor (TF) families showing altered expression over the time course, identify clear groups of TFs active at different stages of leaf development and senescence. These data enable connection of metabolic processes, signaling pathways, and specific TF activity, which will underpin the development of network models to elucidate the process of senescence

    ReTrOS : a MATLAB toolbox for reconstructing transcriptional activity from gene and protein expression data

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    This work was supported through providing funds by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/F005806/1, BB/F005237/1]; and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/C544587/1 to DAR].BACKGROUND: Given the development of high-throughput experimental techniques, an increasing number of whole genome transcription profiling time series data sets, with good temporal resolution, are becoming available to researchers. The ReTrOS toolbox (Reconstructing Transcription Open Software) provides MATLAB-based implementations of two related methods, namely ReTrOS-Smooth and ReTrOS-Switch, for reconstructing the temporal transcriptional activity profile of a gene from given mRNA expression time series or protein reporter time series. The methods are based on fitting a differential equation model incorporating the processes of transcription, translation and degradation. RESULTS: The toolbox provides a framework for model fitting along with statistical analyses of the model with a graphical interface and model visualisation. We highlight several applications of the toolbox, including the reconstruction of the temporal cascade of transcriptional activity inferred from mRNA expression data and protein reporter data in the core circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana, and how such reconstructed transcription profiles can be used to study the effects of different cell lines and conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The ReTrOS toolbox allows users to analyse gene and/or protein expression time series where, with appropriate formulation of prior information about a minimum of kinetic parameters, in particular rates of degradation, users are able to infer timings of changes in transcriptional activity. Data from any organism and obtained from a range of technologies can be used as input due to the flexible and generic nature of the model and implementation. The output from this software provides a useful analysis of time series data and can be incorporated into further modelling approaches or in hypothesis generation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Is the Sun Embedded in a Typical Interstellar Cloud?

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    The physical properties and kinematics of the partially ionized interstellar material near the Sun are typical of warm diffuse clouds in the solar vicinity. The interstellar magnetic field at the heliosphere and the kinematics of nearby clouds are naturally explained in terms of the S1 superbubble shell. The interstellar radiation field at the Sun appears to be harder than the field ionizing ambient diffuse gas, which may be a consequence of the low opacity of the tiny cloud surrounding the heliosphere. The spatial context of the Local Bubble is consistent with our location in the Orion spur.Comment: "From the Outer Heliosphere to the Local Bubble", held at International Space Sciences Institute, October 200

    CERTIFICATION REPORT: The certification of Amyloid β1-42 in CSF in ERM®-DA480/IFCC, ERM®-DA481/IFCC and ERM®-DA482/IFCC

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    This report describes the production of ERM®-DA480/IFCC, ERM®-DA481/IFCC and ERM®-DA482/IFCC, which are human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) materials certified for the mass concentration of amyloid β1-42 peptide (Aβ1-42). These materials were produced by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) in collaboration with the International Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) following ISO Guide 34:2009 and are certified in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006. The starting material used to prepare ERM-DA480/IFCC, ERM-DA481/IFCC and ERM-DA482/IFCC was human CSF collected from normal pressure hydrocephalus patients by continuous lumbar drainage. After collection, the CSF was aliquoted and frozen at -80 °C. For the preparation of each certified reference material (CRM) a selected number of CSF donations were thawed, pooled, mixed, filled in microvials and stored at (-70 ± 10) °C immediately thereafter. Between unit-homogeneity was quantified and stability during dispatch and storage were assessed in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006 [ ]. The material was characterised by an interlaboratory comparison of laboratories of demonstrated competence and adhering to ISO/IEC 17025 [ ]. Technically invalid results were removed but no outlier was eliminated on statistical grounds only. Uncertainties of the certified values were calculated in accordance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [ ] and include uncertainties related to possible inhomogeneity, instability and characterisation. The materials are intended for the calibration of methods, quality control and/or the assessment of method performance. As with any reference material, they can be used for establishing control charts or validation studies. The CRMs are available in microvials containing at least 0.5 mL of frozen liquid. The minimum amount of sample to be used is 15 µL.JRC.F.6-Reference Material

    The Interstellar Environment of our Galaxy

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    We review the current knowledge and understanding of the interstellar medium of our galaxy. We first present each of the three basic constituents - ordinary matter, cosmic rays, and magnetic fields - of the interstellar medium, laying emphasis on their physical and chemical properties inferred from a broad range of observations. We then position the different interstellar constituents, both with respect to each other and with respect to stars, within the general galactic ecosystem.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures (including 3 figures in 2 parts

    Conducting interactive experiments online

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    Online labor markets provide new opportunities for behavioral research, but conducting economic experiments online raises important methodological challenges. This particularly holds for interactive designs. In this paper, we provide a methodological discussion of the similarities and differences between interactive experiments conducted in the laboratory and online. To this end, we conduct a repeated public goods experiment with and without punishment using samples from the laboratory and the online platform Amazon Mechanical Turk. We chose to replicate this experiment because it is long and logistically complex. It therefore provides a good case study for discussing the methodological and practical challenges of online interactive experimentation. We find that basic behavioral patterns of cooperation and punishment in the laboratory are replicable online. The most important challenge of online interactive experiments is participant dropout. We discuss measures for reducing dropout and show that, for our case study, dropouts are exogenous to the experiment. We conclude that data quality for interactive experiments via the Internet is adequate and reliable, making online interactive experimentation a potentially valuable complement to laboratory studies

    A blind HI survey in the Canes Venatici region

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    We have carried out a blind HI survey using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope to make an inventory of objects with small HI masses (between 10^6 and 10^8 Msol) and to constrain the low-mass end of the HI mass function. The survey has been conducted in a part of the volume containing the nearby Canes Venatici groups of galaxies. The surveyed region covers an area on the sky of about 86 square degrees and a range in velocity from about -450 to about 1330 km/s. We find 70 sources in the survey by applying an automated searching algorithm. Two of the detections have not been catalogued previously, but they can be assigned an optical counterpart, based on visual inspection of the second generation Digital Sky Survey images. Only one of the HI detections is without an optical counterpart. This object is detected in the vicinity of NGC4822 and it has been already detected in previous HI studies. Nineteen of the objects have been detected for the first time in the 21-cm emission line in this survey. The distribution of the HI properties of our detections confirms our ability to find low mass objects. 86% of the detections have profile widths less than 130 km/s and can be considered dwarf galaxy candidates. The HI fluxes measured imply that this survey goes about 10 times deeper than any previous blind HI survey. The HI mass function and the optical properties of the detected sources will be discussed in future papers.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures (including the atlas of HI observations); accepted for publication in MNRAS; the high resolution pdf available at http://www.exp-astro.phys.ethz.ch/kovac/public/WSRTCVn