689 research outputs found

    A model for the percolation effect in the magnetic susceptibility of HTSC composites

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    A simple model is proposed to explain the nature of the screening properties of superconducting composites. The percolation effect in the susceptibility and the maximum in shielding efficiency are interpreted as a consequence of the encapsulation of nonsuperconducting areas by the superconducting material. A three dimensional simulation based on site-bond percolation theory was conducted to test this model, using the calculated fraction of bonds that become superconducting at low temperatur

    Spectroscopic Study of the Effects of Bioprotectant Systems on the Protein Stability

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    In the present article the effect of kosmotrope compounds, i.e. systems having the capability to stabilize biological macromolecules, is investigated by using complementary techniques. The attention is focused on the kosmotrope character of trehalose, a glucose disaccharide, compared to its homologous maltose and sucrose. Complementary techniques of neutron scattering, such as Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) and Quasi Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) allow to point out the capability of trehalose to strongly affect both the structural and dynamical properties of water. Finally the stabilization effect of trehalose on a well know protein, lysozyme, is studied as a function of temperature by Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)

    The Economics of the Public Option: Evidence from Local Pharmaceutical Markets

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    We study the effects of competition by state-owned firms, leveraging the decentralized entry of public pharmacies to local markets in Chile. Public pharmacies sell the same drugs at a third of private pharmacy prices, because of stronger upstream bargaining and market power in the private sector, but are of lower quality. Public pharmacies induced market segmentation and price increases in the private sector, which benefited the switchers to the public option but harmed the stayers. The countrywide entry of public pharmacies would reduce yearly consumer drug expenditure by 1.6 percent

    Inelastic neutron scattering study of binding of para-hydrogen in an ultra-microporous metal-organic framework

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    Metal-organic framework (MOF) materials show promise for H2 storage and it is widely predicted by computational modelling that MOFs incorporating ultra-micropores are optimal for H2 binding due to enhanced overlapping potentials. We report the investigation using inelastic neutron scattering of the interaction of H2 in an ultra-microporous MOF material showing low H2 uptake capacity. The study has revealed that adsorbed H2 at 5 K has a liquid recoil motion along the channel with very little interaction with the MOF host, consistent with the observed low uptake. The low H2 uptake is not due to incomplete activation or decomposition as the desolvated MOF shows CO2 uptake with a measured pore volume close to that of the single crystal pore volume. This study represents a unique example of surprisingly low H2 uptake within a MOF material, and complements the wide range of studies on systems showing higher uptake capacities and binding interactions

    The use of direct geometry spectrometers in molecular spectroscopy

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    The advantages and disadvantages of the use of direct geometry spectrometers for molecular spectroscopy and catalysis studies are described. We show that both direct and indirect geometry INS spectrometers are important tools for the study of industrially relevant areas such as catalysis, proton conductors and gas separation. We propose a novel hybrid instrument, Cerberus, that would offer high sensitivity and high-to-reasonable resolution across the entire 'mid-infrared' spectral range that would effectively advance research in these areas

    Direct observation of H\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e binding to a metal oxide surface

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    Inelastic neutron scattering is used to probe the dynamical response of H2 films adsorbed on MgO(100) as a function of film thickness. Concomitant diffraction measurements and a reduced-dimensionality quantum dynamical model provide insight into the molecule-surface interaction potential. At monolayer thickness, the rotational motion is strongly influenced by the surface, so that the molecules behave like quasiplanar rotors. These findings have a direct impact on understanding how molecular hydrogen binds to the surface of materials used in catalytic and storage applications

    Сіверські князі Наримунтовичі

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    У статті досліджується генеалогія та діяльність сіверських Наримунтовичів – однієї з гілок литовсько-руської династії Гедиміновичів, представники якої наприкінці XIV – початку XV ст. володіли кількома удільними князівствами у Сіверській землі.В статье исследуется генеалогия и деятельность северских Наримунтовичей – одной из ветвей литовско-русской династии Гедиминовичей, представители которой в конце XIV – начале XV вв. владели несколькими удельными княжествами в Северской земле.The article deals with genealogy and activity of the seversky Narimuntoviches as one of branches of the Lithuanian-Russian dynasty of the Gediminoviches, representatives of which at the end XIV – beginning of XV centuries owned some specific principalities in the Seversky land