44 research outputs found

    Validitaet und schriftliche Sprachkompetenz

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    Die ValiditĂ€t bei der Bewertung sprachlicher Kompetenzen im Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache steht in der vorliegenden Studie im Mittelunkt. Untersucht wird auf welche sprachlichen, textuellen und aufgabenbezogenen Aspekte die Bewertenden Wert legen, die BewerterĂŒbereinstimmung schwedischer Bewertenden sowie wie sich schwedische Bewertungen schriftlicher Kompetenz zu den Niveaus des GER verhalten. Neben einer qualitativen thematischen Inhaltsanalyse bietet die Arbeit auch quantitativ angelegte statistische Berechnungen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen werden didaktische Empfehlungen fĂŒr den schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht in Schweden gegeben. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Forschende und Praktiker im fremdsprachlichen Bereich, an Lernende, LehrkrĂ€fte, Lehrwerksautoren und -autorinnen, Lehramtstudierende sowie weitere Akteure schulischer Bildung

    Chemical features of Ganoderma polysaccharides with antioxidant, antitumor and antimicrobial activities

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    Review aricleGanoderma genus comprises one of the most commonly studied species worldwide, G. lucidum. However, other Ganoderma species have been also reported as important sources of bioactive compounds. Polysaccharides are important contributors to the medicinal properties reported for Ganoderma species, as demonstrated by the numerous publications, including reviews, on this matter. Yet, what are the chemical features of Ganoderma polysaccharides that have bioactivity? In the present manuscript, the chemical features of Ganoderma polysaccharides with reported antioxidant, antitumor and antimicrobial activities (the most studied worldwide) are analyzed in detail. The composition of sugars (homo- versus hetero-glucans and other polysaccharides), type of glycosidic linkages, branching patterns, and linkage to proteins are discussed. Methods for extraction, isolation and identification are evaluated and, finally, the bioactivity of polysaccharidic extracts and purified compounds are discussed. The integration of data allows deduction of structure-activity relationships and gives clues to the chemical aspects involved in Ganoderma bioactivity

    Measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.20 ppm

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    Il naturalismo oggi. Abbozzo di una mappa e alcune riflessioni

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    This paper tries to draw a map of the various versions of naturalism to which the current philosophical debate aims – from the most radical, or ‘hard’ ones, to the mild-est, or liberal ones – and of the different projects of naturalization that are associated to them. In particular, in the first paragraphs, the present article will consider Timothy Williamson’s and Penelope Maddy’s attempts to inherit the demands of naturalism with-out declaring to be a naturalist (Williamson), or without making naturalism an empty slogan or a kind of masked first philosophy (Maddy). In the second part, the connec-tions between epistemological naturalism and ontological or metaphysical naturalism will be analysed. The questions will be: (1) is it possible to be naturalist with regard to epistemology without being naturalist with regard to ontology?; (2) is it possible to be ontologically naturalist without being epistemologically naturalist

    Some teachers' beliefs concerning form and function in connection with their teaching

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    This study aims to investigate Some English teachers’ beliefs concerning form and function in connection to their teaching. The investigation was carried out through qualitative in-depth interviews and classroom observations focusing on critical incidents. During the study, it became clear that all the participating teachers found that both form and function were important parts in their teaching of English as a second language (L2). Nevertheless it was interesting to notice that they had different ideas about which of the two concepts was the most important one when it comes to language learning. Some of the teachers emphasized the need to put stress on form, arguing that knowledge about form makes it possible for the learner to understand how the language is built, while some believed that too much focus on form might block the communicative competence and thus affect the function

    Suicidal adolescents: what should clinicians look for?

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    Background: Over the past decades, suicidal behaviour has increased among adolescents. We wanted to explore what characterises adolescents who come in to see a general practitioner prior to a suicide attempt. Material and method: 87 % of a group of adolescents below the age of 20 (N = 92) who were admitted to hospital after attempted suicide were interviewed and compared to a non-suicidal control group. Results: 41 out of the 92 saw a doctor within six weeks prior to the attempt; 27 presented with purely physical problems, 6 with psychological problems and eight with a combination of both. Only 2 brought up suicidal thoughts with their doctors. Those who saw a doctor prior to the suicide attempt were older and more frequently had eating disorders than those who did not. No other significant differences were found. Compared to the control group, suicidal adolescents who came in to see a general practitioner more often reported divorced parents, fewer siblings, little support from family and peers, having sex at an early age, frequent use of tobacco and illegal drugs, low self-esteem, loneliness and depressive symptoms (p < 0.01). Interpretation: Adolescents who saw a doctor prior to a suicide attempt differed significantly from the non-suicidal controls. General practitioners need to have extensive knowledge about risk factors in order to recognise suicidal adolescents. Active inquiry about psychosocial problems, psychopathology and suicidal ideation is necessary

    Validitetsaspekter vid bedömning av eleversskriftliga kompetens i tyska : Relationen till en B1-nivÄ

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    Inte minst genom inflytande frĂ„n EuroparĂ„dets Gemensam europeisk referensram försprĂ„k: lĂ€rande, undervisning och bedömning, GERS (Council of Europe, 2001) harsprĂ„klig kompetens och hur denna lĂ€rs in, undervisas och bedöms fĂ„tt ökaduppmĂ€rksamhet av aktörer inom utbildning och bedömning i sprĂ„k. Att enbedömning Ă€r giltig, och dĂ€rmed ocksĂ„ valid, Ă€r en del av kvalitetssĂ€kringen vidbedömning och har stor betydelse för om man med trovĂ€rdighet ska kunna tolkaoch anvĂ€nda bedömningens resultat för att uttala sig om inlĂ€rares sprĂ„kligaförmĂ„ga, till exempel nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att kommunicera pĂ„ mĂ„lsprĂ„ket i skrift. Idenna artikel presenteras ett delresultat frĂ„n min avhandling om validitet ochskriftlig sprĂ„kkompetens (HĂ„kansson Ramberg, 2023) dĂ€r bland annat relationenmellan elevers skriftliga kompetens i tyska pĂ„ gymnasienivĂ„ och en uppfylld B1.2-nivĂ„ enligt den europeiska referensramen undersökts. Artikeln fokuserar aspekterav validitet och beaktar sĂ€rskilt den delaspekt av validitet som knyter an till ettexternt kriterium, sĂ„ kallad kriterierelaterad validitet. Det handlar i detta fall omatt jĂ€mföra resultatet av bedömningar med en uppnĂ„dd referensnivĂ„ enligt deneuropeiska referensramen. Sammantaget indikerar studiens resultat att detföreligger ett samband mellan bedömningar av skriftlig kompetens i tyska pĂ„gymnasienivĂ„ och den förvĂ€ntade referensnivĂ„n B1.2 enligt det etableradeeuropeiska ramverket.Title in english: Language in practice – in a changing world. Papers from the ASLA symposium.Stockholm University, 7–8 April, 2022</p