1,969 research outputs found

    Contribuciones al uso de marcadores para Navegación Autónoma y Realidad Aumentada

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    Square planar markers are a widely used tools for localization and tracking due to their low cost and high performance. Many applications in Robotics, Unmanned Vehicles and Augmented Reality employ these markers for camera pose estimation with high accuracy. Nevertheless, marker-based systems are affected by several factors that limit their performance. First, the marker detection process is a time-consuming task, which is intensified as the image size increases. As a consequence, the current high-resolution cameras has weakened the processing efficiency of traditional marker systems. Second, marker detection is affected by the presence of noise, blurring and occlusion. The movement of the camera produces image blurriness, generated even by small movements. Furthermore, the marker may be partially or completely occluded in the image, so that it is no longer detected. This thesis deals with the above limitations, proposing novel methodologies and strategies for successful marker detection improving both the efficiency and robustness of these systems. First, a novel multi-scale approach has been developed to speed up the marker detection process. The method takes advantage of the different resolutions at which the image is represented to predict at runtime the optimal scale for detection and identification, as well as following a corner upsampling strategy necessary for an accurate pose estimation. Second, we introduce a new marker design, Fractal Marker, which using a novel keypoint-based method achieves detection even under severe occlusion, while allowing detection over a wider range of distance than traditional markers. Finally, we propose a new marker detection strategy based on Discriminative Correlation Filters (DCF), where the marker and its corners represented in the frequency domain perform more robust and faster detections than state-ofthe- art methods, even under extreme blur conditions.Los marcadores planos cuadrados son una de las herramientas ampliamente utilizadas para la localización y el tracking debido a su bajo coste y su alto rendimiento. Muchas aplicaciones en Robótica, Vehículos no Tripulados y Realidad Aumentada emplean estos marcadores para estimar con alta precisión la posición de la cámara. Sin embargo, los sistemas basados en marcadores se ven afectados por varios factores que limitan su rendimiento. En primer lugar, el proceso de detección de marcadores es una tarea que requiere mucho tiempo y este incrementa a medida que aumenta el tamaño de la imagen. En consecuencia, las actuales cámaras de alta resolución han debilitado la eficacia del procesamiento de los sistemas de marcadores tradicionales. Por otra parte, la detección de marcadores se ve afectada por la presencia de ruido, desenfoque y oclusión. El movimiento de la cámara produce desenfoque de la imagen, generado incluso por pequeños movimientos. Además, el marcador puede aparecer en la imagen parcial o completamente ocluido, dejando de ser detectado. Esta tesis aborda las limitaciones anteriores, proponiendo metodologías y estrategias novedosas para la correcta detección de marcadores, mejorando así tanto la eficiencia como la robustez de estos sistemas. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un novedoso enfoque multiescala para acelerar el proceso de detección de marcadores. El método aprovecha las diferentes resoluciones en las que la imagen está representada para predecir en tiempo de ejecución la escala óptima para la detección e identificación, a la vez que sigue una estrategia de upsampling de las esquinas necesaria para estimar la pose con precisión. En segundo lugar, introducimos un nuevo diseño de marcador, Fractal Marker, que, mediante un método basado en keypoints, logra detecciones incluso en casos de oclusión extrema, al tiempo que permite la detección en un rango de distancias más amplio que los marcadores tradicionales. Por último, proponemos una nueva estrategia de detección de marcadores basada en Discriminate Correlation Filters (DCF), donde el marcador y sus esquinas representadas en el dominio de la frecuencia realizan detecciones más robustas y rápidas que los métodos de referencia, incluso bajo condiciones extremas de emborronamiento

    Utilización del chapulixtle (Dodonae viscosa) en los procesos agrícolas de la comunidad de Progreso Hidalgo, Estado de México

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    Progreso Hidalgo es una comunidad ru ral ubicada en una zona de transición ecológica del Estado de México que se dis tingue por la amplia diversidad de paisajes que, de acuerdo a las condiciones fisiográficas, ambientales y ecológicas, presentan características que explican y favorecen la agrodiversidad y el manejo de los recursos naturales, principalmente de la vegetación silvestre, como es el caso de Dodonae viscosa. El uso de esta planta ha contribuido significativamente en la economía de las familias campesinas, ya que es utilizada en la elaboración de tutores para cultivos de riego con fines comerciales como tomate, zarzamora, chile y jitomate. Las condiciones ambientales, geográficas y ecológicas presentes en Progreso Hidalgo favorecen la existencia de Dodonae viscosa en las laderas, lomeríos y barrancas, y al mismo tiempo su utilización en la agricultura. En este artículo se muestra, mediante entrevistas aplicadas a 60 campesinos de la comunidad, la importancia de esta planta para la elaboración de diversas herramientas utilizadas en la vida diaria de sus pobladores

    Església i convent de les Saleses

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    Aixecament arquitectònic de l'església de les Saleses d'Antoni Gaudí.Aixecament arquitectònic de l'església de les Saleses de l'arquitecte Antoni Gaudí. El projecte està dividit en dos blocs: anàlisi contextual de l'obra i del seu creador, història i restauracions que ha patit l'edifici. En segon lloc, l'anàlisis i metodologia de l'aixecament pròpiament dit

    sSLAM: Speeded-Up Visual SLAM Mixing Artificial Markers and Temporary Keypoints

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    Environment landmarks are generally employed by visual SLAM (vSLAM) methods in the form of keypoints. However, these landmarks are unstable over time because they belong to areas that tend to change, e.g., shadows or moving objects. To solve this, some other authors have proposed the combination of keypoints and artificial markers distributed in the environment so as to facilitate the tracking process in the long run. Artificial markers are special elements (similar to beacons) that can be permanently placed in the environment to facilitate tracking. In any case, these systems keep a set of keypoints that is not likely to be reused, thus unnecessarily increasing the computing time required for tracking. This paper proposes a novel visual SLAM approach that efficiently combines keypoints and artificial markers, allowing for a substantial reduction in the computing time and memory required without noticeably degrading the tracking accuracy. In the first stage, our system creates a map of the environment using both keypoints and artificial markers, but once the map is created, the keypoints are removed and only the markers are kept. Thus, our map stores only long-lasting features of the environment (i.e., the markers). Then, for localization purposes, our algorithm uses the marker information along with temporary keypoints created just in the time of tracking, which are removed after a while. Since our algorithm keeps only a small subset of recent keypoints, it is faster than the state-of-the-art vSLAM approaches. The experimental results show that our proposed sSLAM compares favorably with ORB-SLAM2, ORB-SLAM3, OpenVSLAM and UcoSLAM in terms of speed, without statistically significant differences in accuracy

    sSLAM: Speeded-Up Visual SLAM Mixing Artificial Markers and Temporary Keypoints

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    Environment landmarks are generally employed by visual SLAM (vSLAM) methods in the form of keypoints. However, these landmarks are unstable over time because they belong to areas that tend to change, e.g., shadows or moving objects. To solve this, some other authors have proposed the combination of keypoints and artificial markers distributed in the environment so as to facilitate the tracking process in the long run. Artificial markers are special elements (similar to beacons) that can be permanently placed in the environment to facilitate tracking. In any case, these systems keep a set of keypoints that is not likely to be reused, thus unnecessarily increasing the computing time required for tracking. This paper proposes a novel visual SLAM approach that efficiently combines keypoints and artificial markers, allowing for a substantial reduction in the computing time and memory required without noticeably degrading the tracking accuracy. In the first stage, our system creates a map of the environment using both keypoints and artificial markers, but once the map is created, the keypoints are removed and only the markers are kept. Thus, our map stores only long-lasting features of the environment (i.e., the markers). Then, for localization purposes, our algorithm uses the marker information along with temporary keypoints created just in the time of tracking, which are removed after a while. Since our algorithm keeps only a small subset of recent keypoints, it is faster than the state-of-the-art vSLAM approaches. The experimental results show that our proposed sSLAM compares favorably with ORB-SLAM2, ORB-SLAM3, OpenVSLAM and UcoSLAM in terms of speed, without statistically significant differences in accuracy.This research was funded by the project PID2019-103871GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, FEDER, Project 1380047-F UCOFEDER-2021 of Andalusia and by the European Union–NextGeneration EU for requalification of Spanish University System 2021–2023

    Educational Innovation with a Multicultural Perspective

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    [EN] Knowledge Society challenges and issues require of complex technological systems that may evolve and interoperate each other. This complexity means to reorganize these systems as a set of components that may offer services, interact and evolve in very different ways including capabilities such as adaptation and intelligent behaviors. Also, the users should be considered as other important components of these so called technological ecosystems. The Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality – TEEM Conference is an event that studies the most significant advances in this research area, in which the Engineering approach is always a key factor. From the last edition of this event, TEEM 2014, that was held in the University of Salamanca in October 1-3, 2014, were selected seven papers that have extended and reviewed again. Three of these papers were finally accepted for publication in VAEP-RITA / IEEE RITA journal

    Educational Innovation with a Multicultural Perspective

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    [EN] Knowledge Society challenges and issues require of complex technological systems that may evolve and interoperate each other. This complexity means to reorganize these systems as a set of components that may offer services, interact and evolve in very different ways including capabilities such as adaptation and intelligent behaviors. Also, the users should be considered as other important components of these so called technological ecosystems. The Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality – TEEM Conference is an event that studies the most significant advances in this research area, in which the Engineering approach is always a key factor. From the last edition of this event, TEEM 2014, that was held in the University of Salamanca in October 1-3, 2014, were selected seven papers that have extended and reviewed again. Three of these papers were finally accepted for publication in VAEP-RITA / IEEE RITA journal

    El proyecto “Cartagena Puerto de Culturas”: un modelo de gestión urbana sostenible basado en la recuperación del patrimonio cultural

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    El bien cultural constituye un modo de identidad social y juega un importante papel en el desarrollo de la economía española. La reflexión sobre la necesidad de intervención en este patrimonio, además de establecer qué y cómo se debe hacer, plantea la necesidad de definir el porqué y para qué como decisions imprescindibles para determinar si es sostenible económicamente su mantenimiento. Nos enfrentamos ante una discusión sobre los modos de integración del patrimonio cultural en el proyecto urbano de ciudad, como elemento regenerador del modelo adoptado de manera que se garantice la sostenibilidad del conjunto. Su anàlisis puede tener dos perspectivas diferentes de acuerdo a su escala.Peer Reviewe

    Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Neuroimaging

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    This chapter is intended to provide an overview to the most used methods for computer-aided diagnosis in neuroimaging and its application to neurodegenerative diseases. The fundamental preprocessing steps, and how they are applied to different image modalities, will be thoroughly presented. We introduce a number of widely used neuroimaging analysis algorithms, together with a wide overview on the recent advances in brain imaging processing. Finally, we provide a general conclusion on the state of the art in brain imaging processing and possible future developments