60 research outputs found
Launch Procedures for Offshore Flights
The Linn-Benton Community College Space Exploration Team held two successful offshore high-altitude balloon launches from the deck of the research vessel Pacific Storm. The payload filmed the umbra casted by the total eclipse as it passed across the Oregon coastline on August 21, 2017. Assigning roles and having a set procedure made the launch process operate more efficiently. Approximately ten onshore launches were conducted to rehearse procedures in preparation for the launch. During these launches, members became more familiar with their roles and the roles of others on the team to prepare for any and all situations that may occur. Completing an offshore flight differs from a standard onshore launch given that the sea produces various weather conditions such as; sizable waves, increased chance of precipitation, higher wind speed, and the possibility of limited visibility. Seasickness, internet accessibility, and offshore communication are among other factors. A sudden change in wind direction caused a tear in the latex of the balloon which caused the payload to not achieve the desired altitude. The launch did not achieve 28,000 meters, however the team learned from its successes and failures, and anticipate that the next launch will be successful
Modeling of fluid flow in pipeline and the difference scheme stability investigation
A mathematical model of viscous fluid flow in the pipeline with the presence of flow across the surface and the
narrowing of pipeline section, which is based on a system of Navier-Stokes equations in two-dimensional rectangular
region with a special type of boundary conditions has been designed. The geometric configuration of the leakage zone
is taken into the account. It is believed that the fluid motion is under the influence of constant length of pressure
difference. For the solving of this system, the numerical method of finite differences was developed by which the finite
differences scheme is realized – the first step is implicit in longitudinal coordinate, and the second – on the
transversal. The study on the stability of the spectral features method, stability conditions are established for the case
of flow calculation with specified parameters and for the given type of the pipeline geometry. The criterion of
numerical stability is presented taking to account the model’s parameters.Побудовано математичну модель течії в’язкої рідини в трубопроводі за наявності перетікання рідини
через поверхню та звуження поперечного перерізу, яка базується на системі рівнянь Нав’є – Стокса в
двовимірній прямокутній системі координат зі спеціальним типом граничних умов. Враховано просторову
конфігурацію зон перетікання. Рух рідини здійснюється під дією постійного перепаду тиску по довжині
труби. Для розв’язання задачі використано метод скінчених різниць, розроблено чисельний метод його
реалізації – перший крок ітераційного процесу здійснюється по повздовжній, другий – по поперечній
координатах. Вивчення стійкості проводиться за спектральною ознакою, встановлено умови стійкості для
розрахунку течії зі спеціальними параметрами і для заданого типу геометрії труби. Критерії стійкості
розрахунків представлено з урахуванням параметрів моделі.Построено математическую модель течения вязкой жидкости в трубопроводе при наличии
перетекания жидкости через поверхность и сужения поперечного сечения, основанная на использовании
двухмерной системе уравнений Навье – Стокса в прямоугольной системе координат со специальным типом
граничних условий. Учтена пространственная конфигурация зон перетекания. Движение жидкости
обусловлено постоянным перепадом давления по длине трубы. Для решения задачи используется метод
конечних різностей, создан численный метод его реализации – первуй шаг итерационного процесса
осуществляется по продольной, второй – по поперечной координатах. Изучение устойчивости проводится с
использованим спектрального признака устойчивости, установлены условия устойчивости для расч.та
течений со специальными параметрами и для данного типа геометрии трубы. Критерии устойчивости
представлены с уч.том параметров модели
Ly-alpha emitters in the GOODS-S field: a powerful pure nebular SED with N IV] emission at z=5.563
[abridged] From a sample of Ly-alpha emitters in the GOODS-S field with
uncontaminated photometry and optical (red) spectroscopy, we select a spatially
compact object at a redshift of 5.563 (Ly-alpha) that shows a second emission
line, identified as N IV] 1486 A. The SED is modelled in a way that accounts
for both the N IV] line emission and the photometry in a self-consistent way.
The photoionization code CLOUDY is used to calculate a range of nebular models
as a function of stellar ionizing source temperature, ionization parameter,
density and nebular metallicity. We compare the theoretical and observed
magnitudes and search for the model parameters that also reproduce the observed
N IV] luminosity and equivalent width. A nebular model with a hot blackbody
ionizing source of around 100 kK and a nebular metallicity of ~5% of solar is
able to fit the observed SED and, in particular, explain the large apparent
Balmer break which is inferred from the pure stellar population model fitting
conventionally applied to multi-band photometric observations. In our model, an
apparent spectral break is produced by strong [O III] 4959, 5007 A emission
falling in one of the IR bands (IRAC1 in this case). A lower limit on the total
baryonic mass of a model of this type is 3.2 x 10^8 Msun . It is argued that
objects with Ly-alpha emission at high redshift that show an apparent Balmer
break may have their SED dominated by nebular emission and so could possibly be
identified with very young starbursting galaxies rather than massive evolved
stellar populations. Detailed studies of these emission nebulae with large
telescopes will provide a unique insight into very early chemical evolution.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, A & A accepte
The unusual NIV]-emitter galaxy GDS J033218.92-275302.7: star formation or AGN-driven winds from a massive galaxy at z=5.56
Aims: We investigate the nature of the source GDS J033218.92-275302.7at
redshift ~ 5.56. Methods: The SED of the source is well sampled by 16 bands
photometry, from UV-optical, near infrared and mid-infrared (MID-IR).The
detection of signal in the MID-IR Spitzer/IRAC bands 5.8, 8.0 um -- where the
nebular emission contribution is less effective -- suggests the presence of a
Balmer break, signature of an underlying stellar population formed at earlier
epochs. The optical spectrum shows a clear Lya emission line together with
semi-forbidden NIV] 1483.3-1486.5 also in emission. Results: From the SED
fitting and the Lya modelling it turns out that the source seems to have an
evolved component with stellar mass of ~5 x10^(10) Msolar and age ~ 0.4 Gyrs,
and a young component with an age of ~ 0.01 Gyrs and SFR in the range of 30-200
Msolar yr^(-1). The limits on the effective radius derived from the ACS/z850
and VLT/Ks bands indicate that this galaxy is denser than the local ones with
similar mass. A relatively high nebular gas column density is favored from the
Lya line modelling (NHI>=10^(21) cm^(-2)). A vigorous outflow (~ 450 km/s) has
been measured from the optical spectrum,consistent with the Lya modelling. From
ACS observations it turns out that the region emitting Lya photons is spatially
compact and of the same order of the effective radius estimated at the ~1400A
rest-frame wavelength, whose emission is dominated by the stellar continuum
and/or AGN. The gas is blown out from the central region,but given the mass of
the galaxy it is uncertain whether it will pollute the IGM to large distances.
We argue that a burst of star formation in a dense gas environment is active
(possibly containing hot and massive stars and/or a low luminosity AGN),
superimposed to an already formed fraction of stellar mass (abridged).Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures (published on A&A). Here replaced with a typo
fixed in the footnote of Sect. 4.2 and with four updated references. Results
The involvement of hormones, microRNAs and cytokines in breast cancer pathogenesis has been well established. Lymph picks up secretory products of breast cancer cells. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the levels of hormones, microRNAs and cytokines in lymph. Wistar rats were injected with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea to induce breast cancer. The rats were subjected to either surgery alone or chemotherapy alone (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil). In some animals, surgery was followed by chemotherapy. The levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2) and thyroglobulin (TG), microRNA-21, microRNA-221, microRNA-222, microRNA-429 and 24 cytokines were determined. Chemotherapy was shown to result in the reduction in the levels of prolactin, thyroglobulin, FSH and estradiol. In rats with breast cancer, the expression levels of microRNA-21, microRNA-221 and microRNA-222 were increased, and the expression levels of microRNA-429 were decreased. In breast cancer rats, the levels of most cytokines were found to be increased. Correlations between the levels of cytokines, hormones, and microRNAs in lymph were identified. Differences in the expression levels of cytokines, hormones, and microRNAs in lymph with respect to treatment option were detected.Цель исследования – оценка уровней гормонов, микроРНК и цитокинов в лимфе.Материал и методы. Экспериментальный рак молочной железы индуцировали введением N-метил-N-нитрозомочевины у крыс Wistar. Часть животных подвергалась только оперативному вмешательству или только химиотерапии (циклофосфан, метотрексат, 5-фторурацил). У части животных сочетали оперативное вмешательство с последующим курсом ХТ. В лимфе исследовали содержание фолликулостимулирующего гормона (ФСГ), пролактина, лютеинизирующего гормона (ЛГ), эстрадиола (Е2) и тириоглобулина (ТГ), микроРНК-21, микроРНК-221, микроРНК-222, микроРНК-429 и 24 цитокинов.Результаты. Показано, что на фоне ХТ снижаются уровни пролактина, тиреоглобулина, ФСГ и эстрадиола. В группе животных с РМЖ увеличены уровни экспрессии микроРНК-21, микроРНК-221, микроРНК-222 и снижены уровни экспрессии микроРНК-429. При РМЖ в лимфе увеличены уровни большинства цитокинов. Между уровнями в лимфе цитокинов, гормонов и микроРНК определены взаимосвязи. В лимфе выявляются различные уровни цитокинов, гормонов и микроРНК с учетом вида проведенного лечения
Predicted UV properties of very metal-poor starburst galaxies
Aims. We study the expected properties of starburst galaxies in order to
provide the point of reference for interpretation of high-z galaxy
surveys and of very metal-poor galaxies. We concentrate mainly on the UV characteristics
such as the ionizing spectra, the UV continuum, the Lyα and He i
Launch Procedures for Offshore Flights
The Linn-Benton Community College Space Exploration Team held two successful offshore high-altitude balloon launches from the deck of the research vessel Pacific Storm. The payload filmed the umbra casted by the total eclipse as it passed across the Oregon coastline on August 21, 2017. Assigning roles and having a set procedure made the launch process operate more efficiently. Approximately ten onshore launches were conducted to rehearse procedures in preparation for the launch. During these launches, members became more familiar with their roles and the roles of others on the team to prepare for any and all situations that may occur. Completing an offshore flight differs from a standard onshore launch given that the sea produces various weather conditions such as; sizable waves, increased chance of precipitation, higher wind speed, and the possibility of limited visibility. Seasickness, internet accessibility, and offshore communication are among other factors. A sudden change in wind direction caused a tear in the latex of the balloon which caused the payload to not achieve the desired altitude. The launch did not achieve 28,000 meters, however the team learned from its successes and failures, and anticipate that the next launch will be successful
Programa. Leer para Comprender. Desarrollo de la comprension de textos. Libro de actividades.
Programa. Leer para Comprender. Desarrollo de la comprension de textos. Libro de actividades
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