27 research outputs found

    Unbounded boundaries and shifting baselines: estuaries and coastal seas in a rapidly changing world

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    This Special Issue of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science presents contributions from ECSA 55; an international symposium organised by the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and Elsevier on the broad theme of estuaries and coastal seas in times of intense change. The objectives of the SI are to synthesise, hypothesise and illustrate the impacts of global change on estuaries and coastal seas through learning lessons from the past, discussing the current and forecasting for the future. It is highlighted here that establishing impacts and assigning cause to the many pressures of global change is and will continue to be a formidable challenge in estuaries and coastal seas, due in part to: (1) their complexity and unbounded nature; (2) difficulties distinguishing between human-induced changes and natural variations and; (3) multiple pressures and effects. The contributing authors have explored a number of these issues over a range of disciplines. The complexity and connectivity of estuaries and coastal seas have been investigated through studies of physicochemical and ecological components, whilst the human imprint on the environment has been identified through a series of predictive, contemporary, historical and palaeo approaches. The impact of human activities has been shown to occur over a range of spatial and temporal scales, requiring the development of integrated management approaches. These 30 articles provide an important contribution to our understanding and assessment of the impacts of global change. The authors highlight methods for essential management/mitigation of the consequences of global change and provide a set of directions, ideas and observations for future work. These include the need to consider: (1) the cumulative, synergistic and antagonistic effects of multiple pressures; (2) the importance of unbounded boundaries and connectivity across the aquatic continuum; (3) the value of combining cross-disciplinary palaeo, contemporary and future modelling studies and; (4) the importance of shifting baselines on ecosystem functioning and the future provision of ecosystem services

    Importance of nitrate reduction in benthic carbon mineralization in two eutrophic estuaries : Modeling, observations and laboratory experiments

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    Estuaries are important nutrient filters between rivers and coastal zones. However, the quantification of the nutrient mitigation capacity related to benthic diagenesis is still poorly quantified. In this paper, we investigated carbon mineralization and the contribution of benthic nitrate reduction in two macrotidal eutrophic estuaries (Elorn and Aulne, Brittany, France) during winter and spring. These anthropized estuaries exhibited large variations of bottom water nitrate concentrations from very high values in upstream waters (up to 500 ÎŒM) to low values downstream (< 10 ÎŒM). Bottom water oxygen concentrations presented small gradients compared to nitrate concentrations gradients resulting in large variation in nitrate to oxygen ratios NOx −/O2 between downstream and upstream (0.03–1.6). We combined the use of diagenesis modeling with field data (porosity, organic carbon and nitrogen, pore water profiles of dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, iron, manganese and sulfide concentrations, published in Khalil et al., 2013) and experimentally-determined nitrate reduction rates, in order to investigate the different organic carbon mineralization pathways in these estuarine sediments including denitrification and the contribution of benthic nitrate reduction to the estuarine N budget. Overall a good agreement between pore water data (organic carbon, oxygen, nitrate and ammonium) and model simulations was observed. The modeled organic matter mineralization rates were high in the upstream estuary and low in the saline estuary for the two estuaries Aulne and Elorn. This decrease may be related to the dilution and the trapping of allochtonous organic matter in estuarine sediments and its subsequent recycling in the upper estuary. Organic carbon mineralization rates were higher in the Elorn than in the Aulne estuary, which is most likely related to the labile character of the organic matter from urban origin exported from the Elorn watershed. The contribution of nitrate reduction to the total mineralization was generally high in upstream sediments (15–35%) of both Aulne and Elorn estuaries and decreased consistently downstream to 5–10%. The relative large contribution of nitrate reduction to organic matter degradation was to a large extent related to high bottom water nitrate concentrations that fueled 37–78% of total nitrate reduction in the upstream part of the estuaries. Overall, the reduction of bottom water nitrate by denitrification to N2 represented 3–13% of the river flux of nitrate in these estuaries in winter and spring, and could reach ~ 50% during summer. These results highlight that nitrate reduction in the sediment attenuate the high river nitrate flux, despite the huge quantities of anthropogenic nitrate discharged by the two rivers to the estuaries

    Nitrifying Kinetics and the Persistence of Nitrite in the Seine River, France

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    International audienceAlthough a higher oxidation rate for nitrite than for ammonia generally prevents nitrite accumulation in oxic waters, nitrite concentrations in the Seine River (1-31 mM) exceed European norms. We investigated the kinetics of in situ ammonia-and nitrite-oxidizing communities in river water and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents to determine the role of pelagic nitrification in the origin and persistence of nitrite downstream of Paris. The main source of nitrite is the major Parisian WWTP, and its persistence, up to tens of kilometers downstream of the plant, is explained by low ammonia and nitrite oxidation rates and high river flow. Furthermore, similar nitrite and ammonia oxidation rates preclude a rapid consumption of both preexisting nitrite and nitrite produced by ammonia oxidation. Maximum ammonia oxidation rates are two to three times higher downstream than upstream of the WWTP, indicating the input of ammonia oxidizers and ammonia from the WWTP. In both river water and WWTP effluents, nitrite oxidizers were unable to oxidize all available nitrite. In the human-impacted Seine River, this phenomenon might be due to mixotrophy. This study highlights the low resilience of the river to nitrite contamination as well as the importance of managing nitrite, nitrifiers, and organic matter concentrations in WWTP effluents to avoid nitrite persistence in rivers

    Modelling the fate of nitrite in an urbanized river using experimentally obtained nitrifier growth parameters

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    International audienceMaintaining low nitrite concentrations in aquatic systems is a major issue for stakeholders due to nitrite's high toxicity for living species. This study reports on a cost-effective and realistic approach to study nitrite dynamics and improve its modelling in human-impacted river systems. The implementation of different nitrifying biomasses to model riverine communities and waste water treatment plant (WWTP)-related communities enabled us to assess the impact of a major WWTP effluent on in-river nitrification dynamics. The optimal kinetic parameters and biomasses of the different nitrifying communities were determined and validated by coupling laboratory experiments and modelling. This approach was carried out in the Seine River, as an example of a large human-impacted river with high nitrite concentrations. The simulation of nitrite fate was performed at a high spatial and temporal resolution (Δt = 10 min, View the MathML sourcedx¯ = 500 m) including water and sediment layers along a 220 km stretch of the Seine River for a 6-year period (2007–2012). The model outputs were in good agreement with the peak of nitrite downstream the WWTP as well as its slow decrease towards the estuary. Nitrite persistence between the WWTP and the estuary was mostly explained by similar production and consumption rates of nitrite in both water and sediment layers. The sediment layer constituted a significant source of nitrite, especially during high river discharges (0.1–0.4 mgN h−1 m−2). This points out how essential it is to represent the benthic layer in river water quality models, since it can constitute a source of nitrite to the water-column. As a consequence of anthropogenic emissions and in-river processes, nitrite fluxes to the estuary were significant and varied from 4.1 to 5.5 TN d−1 in low and high water discharge conditions, respectively, over the 2007–2012 period. This study provides a methodology that can be applied to any anthropized river to realistically parametrize autochthonous and WWTP-related nitrifier communities and simulate nitrite dynamics. Based on simulation analysis, it is shown that high spatio-temporal resolution hydro-ecological models are efficient to 1) estimate water quality criteria and 2) forecast the effect of future management strategies. Process-based simulations constitute essential tools to complete our understanding of nutrient cycling, and to decrease monitoring costs in the context of water quality and eutrophication management in river ecosystems

    Benthic nitrite exchanges in the Seine River (France) An early diagenetic modeling analysis

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    International audienceNitrite is a toxic intermediate compound in the nitrogen (N) cycle. Elevated concentrations of nitrite have been observed in the Seine River, raising questions about its sources and fate. Here, we assess the role of bottom sediments as potential sources or sinks of nitrite along the river continuum. Sediment cores were collected from two depocenters, one located upstream, the other downstream, from the largest wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) servicing the conurbation of Paris. Pore water profiles of oxygen, nitrate, nitrite and ammonium were measured. Ammonium, nitrate and nitrite fluxes across the sediment-water interface (SWI) were determined in separate core incubation experiments. The data were interpreted with a one-dimensional, multi-component reactive transport model, which accounts for the production and consumption of nitrite through nitrification, denitrification, anammox and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). In all core incubation experiments, nitrate uptake by the sediments was observed, indicative of high rates of denitrification. In contrast, for both sampling locations, the sediments in cores collected in August 2012 acted as sinks for nitrite, but those collected in October 2013 released nitrite to the overlying water. The model results suggest that the first step of nitrification generated most pore water nitrite at the two locations. While nitrification was also the main pathway consuming nitrite in the sediments upstream of the WWTP, anammox dominated nitrite removal at the downstream site. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the magnitude and direction of the benthic nitrite fluxes most strongly depend on bottom water oxygenation and the deposition flux of labile organic matter

    Spatial and temporal variability of sediment organic matter recycling in two temperate eutrophicated estuaries

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    This paper deals with the spatial and seasonal recycling of organic matter in sediments of two temperate small estuaries (Elorn and Aulne, France). The spatio-temporal distribution of oxygen, nutrient and metal concentrations as well as the organic carbon and nitrogen contents in surficial sediments were determined and diffusive oxygen fluxes were calculated. In order to assess the source of organic carbon (OC) in the two estuaries, the isotopic composition of carbon (ÎŽ 13C) was also measured. The temporal variation of organic matter recycling was studied during four seasons in order to understand the driving forces of sediment mineralization and storage in these temperate estuaries. Low spatial variability of vertical profiles of oxygen, nutrient, and metal concentrations and diffusive oxygen fluxes were monitored at the station scale (within meters of the exact location) and cross-section scale. We observed diffusive oxygen fluxes around 15 mmol m−2 day−1 in the Elorn estuary and 10 mmol m−2 day−1 in the Aulne estuary. The outer (marine) stations of the two estuaries displayed similar diffusive O2 fluxes. Suboxic and anoxic mineralization was large in the sediments from the two estuaries as shown by the rapid removal of very high bottom water concentrations of NO x − (>200 ÎŒM) and the large NH4 + increase at depth at all stations. OC contents and C/N ratios were high in upstream sediments (11–15 % d.w. and 4–6, respectively) and decreased downstream to values around 2 % d.w. and C/N ≀ 10. ÎŽ 13C values show that the organic matter has different origins in the two watersheds as exemplified by lower ÎŽ 13C values in the Aulne watershed. A high increase of ÎŽ 13C and C/N values was visible in the two estuaries from upstream to downstream indicating a progressive mixing of terrestrial with marine organic matter. The Elorn estuary is influenced by human activities in its watershed (urban area, animal farming) which suggest the input of labile organic matter, whereas the Aulne estuary displays larger river primary production which can be either mineralized in the water column or transferred to the lower estuary, thus leaving a lower mineralization in Aulne than Elorn estuary. This study highlights that (1) meter scale heterogeneity of benthic biogeochemical properties can be low in small and linear macrotidal estuaries, (2) two estuaries that are geographically close can show different pattern of organic matter origin and recycling related to human activities on watersheds, (3) small estuaries can have an important role in recycling and retention of organic matter

    Carbon and silica megasink in deep-sea sediments of the Congo terminal lobes

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    International audienceCarbon and silicon cycles at the Earth surface are linked to long-term variations of atmospheric CO2 and oceanic primary production. In these cycles, the river-sea interface is considered a biogeochemical hotspot, and deltas presently receive and preserve a major fraction of riverine particles in shallow water sediments. In contrast, periods of glacial maximum lowstand were characterized by massive exports of sediments to the deep-sea via submarine canyons and accumulation in deep-sea fans. Here, we calculate present-day mass balances for organic carbon (OC) and amorphous silica (aSi) in the terminal lobe complex of the Congo River deep-sea fan as an analogue for glacial periods. We show that this lobe complex constitutes a megasink with the current accumulation of 18 and 35% of the OC and aSi river input, respectively. This increases the estimates of organic carbon burial by 19% in the South Atlantic Ocean in a zone representing less than 0.01% of the basin. These megasinks might have played a role in carbon trapping in oceanic sediments during glacial times

    Les visions de la Seine et de son bassin par le PIREN-Seine : outils et approches d'hier Ă  demain

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    International audienceThe aim of this chapter is to provide a critical assessment of the approaches and production of tools within the PIREN-Seine programme over the past 30 years, as well as their use for river basin management and river quality improvement, and to analyse the challenges for the future. Three types of tools used in the PIREN-Seine programme are presented: metrology and fieldwork; model construction, simulation and their use in scenarios; and participatory science tools. These tools have been gradually built by the PIREN-Seine researchers and often developed together with the partners of the research programme, the main managers of the Seine River basin. Three issues raised by scientists and their partners are identified: (1) for metrology, how it has been improved to measure the state of waterbodies and to avoid their degradation; (2) for models, what they currently do and do not do and how they share common knowledge with practitioners; and (3) the place of researchers in the use of participatory devices in territories and their view of the effects of these tools to improve the quality of rivers and aquifers