30,264 research outputs found

    The effect of reciprocal teaching strategy toward reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangka Raya

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    ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to find out the effect of reciprocal teaching strategy on students reading comprehension of the tenth grader of MA Hidayatul InsanFiiTa’limiddin Palangkaraya. The study includes in quantitative research with Quasy Experimental Design.The writer designed the lesson plan, conducted the treatment and observed the students’ score by pre-test and post-test. The population of study was the tenth grade students at MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangka Raya which consisted of two classes. The writer took all students of two classes as the sample of the study. The sample were determined using cluster sampling technique. Based on the result of data analysis from reading comprehension scores which gained by students before and after conducting treatment, there were significant difference between reading comprehension score at the experimental group and control group by 61,65 and57,15. After getting the data were from pretest and posttest, the writer analyzed the data using ttest formula to test the hypothesis stated based on the result of analysis, it was found that the value of tobserved = 4,326 with ttable=2,01 at 5% level of significance and ttable=2,68 at 1% level of significance with degrees of freedom= 53. It showed that the tobserved = 4,326 was higher than the ttable =2,01 dan 2,68. The result of testing hypothesis determined that the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) stating that there was significant effect of Reciprocal teaching strategy for students’ reading comprehension of the tenth grader of MA Hidayatul Insan FiiTa’limiddin Palangkaraya was accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) stating that there was no significant effect of Reciprocal teaching strategy for students’ reading comprehension of the tenth grader of MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangkaraya was rejected. It meant that there was significant effect of using Reciprocal teaching strategy for students’ reading comprehension of the tenth grader of MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangkaraya. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur apakah ada pengaruh yang berarti dalam menggunaan strategi pembelajaran reciprokal untuk pembelajaran pemahaman bacaan terhadap siswa kelas sepuluh MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini termasukpenelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Kuasi Eksperimental. Penulis menyusunrencana pembelajaran, memberikan perlakuan dan mengobservasi skor siswa dengan Pra-uji dan Pasca-uji. Populasi dari studi ini adalah murid kelas sepuluh MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangka Raya yang tediri dari 2 kelas. Penulis memilih seluruh kelas sepuluh yaitu X-A dan X-B sebagai sample. Sample tersebut ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik Cluster sampling. Berdasarkan hasil data analisis dari nilai pemahamn bacaan yang diperoleh siswa dari sebelum dan setelah memperoleh perlakuan, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai pemahaman bacaan kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol adalah 57,15 dan 61,5. Setelah mendapatkan data dari Pra-uji dan Pasca-uji, penulis menganalisis data tersebut menggunakan rumus ttest untuk menguji hipotesis yang telah ditetapkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa nilai dari tobserved= 4,326 dan ttable= 2,01 pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan ttable= 2,68 pada taraf signifikansi 1%dengan derajat kebebasan= 53. Hasil dari penelitian ini menerapkan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimental. Penulis menyusun Rencana data analisis menunjukkan bahwa tobserved=4,326 lebih tinggi dari ttable=2,01 and 2,68. Hasil dari Pengujian Hipotesis menentukan bahwa Hipotesis Alternatif (Ha) yang menyatakan bahwa belajarpemahaman membaca menggunakan strategi pembelajaran resiprokal memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap murid kelas sepuluhMA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangka Raya telah diterima dan Hipotesis Nihil yang menyatakan bahwa belajar pemahaman membaca menggunakan strategi pembelajaran resiprokal tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap murid kelas sepuluh MA Hidayatul Insan Fii Ta’limiddin Palangka Ray


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    Basically there is no contradiction between Islamic law and Human Rights (HAM). Because the purpose of Islamic law is to realize the favor of human life, which includes basic human needs. The problem is, the formulation of maqasid sharia which is called by al-Ghazali as a real favor, in addition, maqasid al-khalq or maslahah gharĂŽbah currently still not accommodate the basic needs of people who live in the nation-state system, it is tend to give the favor to individual oriented (fardiyyah). While the nation-state paradigm is more oriented towards the realization of public benefit (ijtima'iyyah). In ijtihad fiqh nation state, maqasid al-syar'iah as a value ​​that guide the process of reasoning, because it is the final movement (al-'illah al-ghâiyyah). By making maqasid sharia as a value, it will affect a shift paradigm maqasid sharia from the principles of protection which tends to maintain the minimum boundaries to become a necessity for the  values of fundamental, which is oriented towards to realize a favor  maximall


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    Entrepreneurship education in Islamic Boarding Schools (Pondok Pesantren) is still growing in certain areas in various parts of Indonesia. According to data from Ministry of Religious Affairs Yogyakarta (2018), there are 288 Islamic Boarding Schools (Pondok Pesantren) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Although some Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren) still implement education traditionally and only in the form of religious education, some of them are already modern enough to introduce the importance of learning English to their santri. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people and observable behavior. This approach is directed towards the background and the whole individual. The first step is profiling all Pondok Pesantren in Sleman Regency. Then Pondok Pesantren Nawesea is selected because it has an area of excellence in English curriculum with various learning activities using English language. After collecting data and visiting Pondok Pesantren Nawesea, several conclusions and description were drawn and it influenced the implementation of English learning in the entrepreneurship education. The next step is to make observations about the understanding of students toward entrepreneurial competencies in enterprenurship education in Pondok Pesantren Nawesea. Regarding the result of the study, the researcher concludes that it is undeniable that Pondok Pesantren Nawesea (Nawesea Islamic boarding school) has an excellent implementation of English language learning for students, especially for its language intensive programs. The other main objective soon to be developed is to implement entrepreneurial competencies of santri in Pondok Pesantren Nawesea. The data from the observations of this research shown that the closest step that can be taken is to build Kopontren (Kooperasi Pesantren) in which the management activities can involve independent students (santri mandiri) in Pondok Pesantren Nawesea


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    The combination of cellular telephone technology with internet technology lately is increasingly rife discussed. The analysis in this study was criticized that the population was customers who had savings in BRI Surabaya and had not used BRI SMS banking services, with a sample requirement of 100 respondents. The results of the study indicate that the perceived benefits affect the intention to use SMS banking more strongly in men than women. Then the hypothesis is accepted, because it can be seen from the value of the beta coefficient in men the value of the beta coefficient (0.432) is greater than women whose beta coefficient value (0.225). Perceived ease of use affects the intention to use SMS banking more strongly in women than men. Then the hypothesis is accepted, with a beta coefficient value (-0.188) smaller than women whose beta coefficient value (0.286). Social norms affect the intention to use SMS banking more strongly in women than men. Then the hypothesis is rejected, because it can be seen from the value of the beta coefficient, where in men the value of the beta coefficient (0.314) is greater than women whose beta coefficient value (0.191). The perceived quality of the system influences the intention to use SMS banking more strongly in men than in women. Then the hypothesis is rejected, because it can be seen from the value of the beta coefficient, where in men the value of the beta coefficient (0.398) is smaller than women whose beta coefficient value (0.429). This is due to the fact that women in Surabaya are considered more to consider risk, safety and quality &nbsp

    Manajemen Sekolah Berbasis Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran Siswa Di SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik sumber daya tenaga kependidikan dalam peningkatan mutu pembelajaran siswa di SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang. (2) karakteristik Strategi peningkatan mutu pembelajaran siswa di SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan menggunakan desain etnografi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang. Subjek utama penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, dan guru di lingkungan SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisa data diawali dari (1) Pengumpulan Data, (2) reduksi data, (3) display data, dan (4) penarikan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan kredibilitas, tranferabilitas, konfirmabilitas dan dependabilitas. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah (1). Sumber daya tenaga kependidikan dalam peningkatan mutu pembelajaran siswa di SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang memiliki kompetensi profesional. Dalam melakukan pembelajarannya, guru SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang menggunakan prinsip student center dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran inovatif yang dilengkapi dnegan penggunaan media pembelajaran. Guru aktif dalam mengikuti program peningkatan komptensi seperti KKG, Pelatihan-pelatihan, dan kelanjutan study. IPTEK telah dikuasai oleh guru SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang yang terlihat dari kemampuannya dalam menggunakan internet dan penggunan LCD dalam pembelajaran. Siswa SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang diajak mengikuti kegiatan perlombaan baik akademik maupun non akademik. (2) Strategi peningkatan mutu pembelajaran siswa di SDN 2 Candimulyo Magelang dilakukan dnegan memperhatikan berbagai aspek yaitu input, proses, dan output. Strategi yang dilakukan dari aspek input dengan melakukan kegaitan seleksi dalam progarm PPDB yang meliputi seleksi umur, tes tertulis, dan wawancara. Strategi yang dilakukan dari aspek proses adalah penerapan pola kepemimpinan Ki Hajar Dewantara, membuat kebijakan lingkungan yang tertib dan nyaman, membudayakan ”Budaya Sadar”, melengkapi fasilitas dan membangun hubungan kerja sama dengan pihak luar, pembuatan program inovasi seperti kewajiban guru dalam membuat PTK, melakukan proses pembelajaran dengan sistem CBSA, serta memberdayakan masyarakat belajar. Startegi yang dilakukan dalam aspek output adalah melakukan kegaitan evaluasi secararutin baik untuk guru dan siswa dan dilakukan tindak lanjut dari hasil evaluasi tersebut

    Political Interconnection in the Operation of Digital Terrestrial Free-to- Air Television Broadcasting

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    Agent(s) role in the implementation of policies is frequently considered as the determining factor for the success of policy implementation. This is reflected quite clearly in the “principle- agent” theory that describes how self-interested agent influences the implementation process. However, is self-interested agent still relevant in explaining Indonesia’s broadcasting policy implementation? What if policy implementation involved many actors with their respective personal interests? How will agents position themselves amidst numerous personal interest- bearing actors? By using the political economy approach, this research aims to reveal the role of agents in the constellation of actors’ relation to Indonesia’s broadcasting policy implementation. The operation of digital terrestrial free-to-air television broadcasting case is used to provide a reflection of agents’ position and political behavior in responding to the interest among actors. This research was conducted using the qualitative approach by implementing the data collection technique through in-depth interviews and document analysis. The research result shows that broadcasting policy implementation is not merely influenced by a self-interested agent but is also influenced by political interconnection and multiple-principles’ political-economic interest


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    This study aimed: 1) to increase the interest in writing poems; and 2) to improve the ability to write poetry in grade VIII. This research was a classroom action research. This research has done around August until November 2016 at class VIII SMP at Sukoharjo. The data sources of this research were documents and field notes of the observation. The techniques of data collection were observation, in-depth interview, tests, and documents analysis. Data validation in this research were triangulation of the resources and methods as well as review of the informants. The results can be concluded that: 1) there is improvement of the students’ interest in writing poetries. The interest improvement can be explained in 1 cycle, 24 students or 47% of the students who joined the teaching and learning process increased to 75% of the students in 2 nd cycle; 2) In 1 st cycle, writing skills increased 81% (26 students) became 96% (31 students) in 2 nd cycle. s


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Keefektifan Pengendalian Internal, Ketaatan Aturan Akuntansi, Asimetri Informasi dan Moralitas Manajemen Terhadap Kecenderungan Kecurangan Akuntansi Pada Perbankan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Perwakilan di Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian bersifat kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari responden melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Keefektifan pengendalian internal berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. (2) Ketaatan aturan akuntansi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. (3) Asimetri informasi berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. (4) Moralitas manajemen tidak berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. (5) Keefektifan pengendalian internal, kesesuaian kompensasi, ketaatan aturan ekuntansi, asimetri informasi dan moralitas manajemen berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi


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    Research on Representation of the Powers of Informal People in Novel Dasamuka Karya Junaedi Setiyono is trying to reveal the power of informalleaders. The selection of Dasamuka's novel by Junaedi Setiyono is based on theidea that the novel comprehensively describes the power of informal leaders in thereality of life recorded in the form of literary works.The problems studied in this research are the representation of dominance and the strength of informal leaders. This is based on the consideration that both represent the power of informal leaders used to explore the power of informalleaders in a literary work. The theory used in this research is literary hegemony byAntonio Gramsci.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with approach ofsociology of literature. The source data is a novel titled Dasamuka Junaedi Setiyono work. The form of data in the form of sentences, excerpts and sequences of stories in novels relating to research problems. Data collection in this researchusing the technique of documentation and analyzing using qualitative descriptive technique.Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there presentation of informal leaders in Dasamuka novel by Junaedi Setiyono is are presentation of domination and strength. Representation of the dominance of informal leaders is reflected in the dominance of actions, attitudes, speeches andthe role of informal leaders who describe the things that informal leaders do incontrolling social groups. The representation of the power of informal figures is illustrated in the power of ideas / powers of thinking, the power of managing tactics, the power of convincing others, and the risk-taking power that describes the power within the informal leaders in creating power. The value of education relevant to all of this research is as a means of analysis of the subject of sociology of literature

    Penerapan Metode Pengujian White-box, Black-box dan User Acceptance Testing (UAT) pada website laser.umm.ac.id.

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) developed an application providing efficient search tools and sorting options to help users find the books or information needed quickly, namely the laser.umm.ac.id application or OPAC | Online Public Access Catalog. In this study, software testing techniques were used to evaluate the entire system prototype consisting of white box testing, black box testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). The purpose of the research is to find out bugs and errors that occur in internal and external systems or structural and functional testing. The testing stages begin with white-box basis path testing by testing the source code / program code of the Advance OPAC search feature on the website, then next with black-box decision table testing by testing the search form on the advance OPAC and the last stage is testing with user acceptance testing (UAT) by distributing questionnaires to students. In white box testing, it is obtained that the source code has a low degree of complexity, meaning that the system shows that this application can run well without any errors. In Black box testing from the sample obtained the test results show a pass where the expected result matches the actual result. In the UAT test which uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 5 scales, the respondents agree above 75,3% (116 respondents) that the OPAC | Online Public Access Catalog system is able to facilitate the use and usefulness of finding library materials / information
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