75 research outputs found

    El Don de Sí

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    La Tendencia Codificadora en el Derecho del Trabajo.

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    La Tendencia Codificadora en el Derecho del Trabajo

    Homenaje a Arturo Ardao

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    Evocar hoy la memoria de Arturo Ardao no es para nosotros ocasión de tristeza sino actividad grata, cordial. A la vez, encierra una lección importante. Porque su figura, podemos decir, no deja de tener valor ejemplar, acaso más acentuado en nuestro día y hora. Agradezco a mis colegas del Departamento de Filosofía que me hayan encomendado rendir homenaje al ilustre amigo fallecido hace un par de meses en Montevideo, a la edad de noventa años. Asumo con gusto esta tarea; para cumplirla, intentaré proponer algunas breves reflexiones sobre el significado de su trayectoria, ahora completa, en la cual se han unido de alguna manera el norte y el sur del Continente

    Reducción al amor

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    Proper to Metaphysics is to perform a reduction to first principles. Such a foundational movement is described here as a reductio ad amorem, following the Spanish philosopher Carlos Cardona. This reductio comprises, therefore, not only logos but also telos. Thus, the transcendental notions ens, verum, bonum are considered in it, as well as the spiritual powers of memory, understanding and will.La reducción al fundamento propia de la metafísica no se limita solo al plano del logos, sino que debe incluir también el telos: para ello es preciso integrar la filosofía del espíritu en la filosofía del ser. El presente artículo incluye tres elementos de esa reducción al fundamento, entendida como reductio ad amorem: la captación de los trascendentales ens, verum, bonum; la primaria distinción algo-alguien; el ascenso a Dios. También se recuperan, para el hombre, las tres potencias espirituales clásicas: entendimiento, memoria y voluntad. &nbsp

    Misterio de lo Real / Vocación al amor

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    Es antigua, y ha de ser permanente.Ella está en el inicio de cuanto podamos saber. A ella vuelve la inteligencia en busca de una última respuesta satisfactoria acerca de todo. Podríamos decir que la inteligencia se halla ligada, de manera esencial, a esta pregunta que, más aún, se sitúa en la región donde apunta la búsqueda de la plenitud humana

    Genetic improvement of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using local germplasm assisted by molecular markers

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    The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important component of food security programs aiming to provide better human nutrition in developing countries. However, low yields, climate change affecting production and variable local demands of specific types of cultivars suggest that we should consider the utilization of local bean genetic resources with high market acceptance in local breeding programs. Those efforts would complement regional breeding agendas. In this study, the genetic diversity of a collection of landraces was found to be considerably higher (mean 8.9 alleles per microsatellite locus) than previously reported, with a population structure of three main clusters grouped according to seed weights. Of these landraces, two promising divergent sources of genetic variation, accessions PV0006 and PV0023, were chosen for single crosses. The hybridity of F1 generation was tested using polymorphic microsatellite markers. Computer simulations demonstrated that the selection of F1 individuals possessing the highest degree of allele recombination following the pedigree method, instead of using the whole set of F1 individuals as is usually done, could improve the selection gains for yield. Between 128 and 1024 pure lines could be obtained after a reasonable number of generations. Subsequently, 420 F2 plants originating from 15 marker-selected F1 plants were established in three augmented blocks together with both parents and check cultivar INTA ROJO . Variables PP, SP, SW and YP were measured for each plant. PP and YP were considered the most appropriate traits for selection based on ANOVAs, high heritability values, and genetic gains obtained for both traits. After conducting plant selection using mixed model analyses, 81 and 74 F2 plants (with 61 plants in common for both groups) were selected based on their superior yield potential compared with both parents and check cultivar. Resistance to BCMV, BGYMV, ANT and rust was confirmed in the segregating population, and their higher potential over 40 bean landraces was validated by computer simulations constructed using genotype frequencies. The level of resistance was unexpectedly found to be similar to that of current cultivars in use. However, further experiments to confirm resistance should be conducted. Moreover, resistance genes for BCMV (bc-3 and bc-12) absent in our segregating plants were detected in bean landraces PV0015, PV0016, PV0017, PV0026, PV0031, PA0001, PA0002, and PA0003. It would be beneficial to pyramid broader resistance to this seed-borne virus in our populations by means of new crosses. All these findings emphasize the feasibility of utilizing local landraces for genetic improvement using efficient statistical methods aided by molecular markers. Additionally, molecular markers were efficiently used to test the genetic purity of cultivar INTA ROJO . The detected significant changes in genotype frequencies in four seed categories were probably caused by inadequate roguing procedures during seed production. Similarly, molecular markers were able to discriminate off-type seeds and plants from INTA ROJO , opening the possibility to complement current phenotypic methods employed in the genetic quality testing of seed lots.Tarhapapu (Phaseolus vulgaris) on maailmanlaajuisesti tärkeä ravintokasvi ja se on erityisen tärkeä ravinnonlähde monissa kehitysmaissa. Valitettavasti pavuntuotanto kärsii alhaisesta sadosta, ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksista ja paikallisista mieltymyksistä, jolloin vain tietynlaisilla papulajikkeilla on hyvä markkina-arvo. On selvää, että paikallisilla geenivaroilla on merkitystä, kun jalostetaan paremmin tuottavia, paikallisiin oloihin sopeutuneita ja toivottuja ominaisuuksia omaavia tarhapapulajikkeita. Tässä nicaragualaiseen papumateriaaliin pohjautuvassa väitöskirjatyössä havaittiin, että paikalliset maatiaispavut omaavat paljon geneettistä muuntelua ja ne jakautuvat geneettisin perustein kolmeen ryhmään, jotka vastaavat samalla myös siemenpainoryhmittelyä. Tutkittujen maatiaislajikkeiden joukosta löytyi kaksi erityisen kiinnostavaa lajiketta, joita käytettiin risteytysmateriaalina. Mikrosatelliittigeenimerkkien avulla varmistettiin, että seuraavan sukupolven (F1) yksilöt olivat näiden kahden lajikkeen risteymiä. Tietokonesimulointien avulla osoitettiin, että parempaan satoon tähtäävä valinta on tehokkainta käytettäessä koko jälkeläistön sijasta vain jälkeläisiä, joiden alleelien rekombinaatioaste on erityisen korkea. Tällä menetelmällä voidaan tuottaa 128-1024 puhdasta linjaa muutaman sukupolven kuluessa. Seuraavaksi valittiin genotyyppien perusteella 15 F1-kasvia, joiden 420 jälkeläistä (F2) kasvatettiin yhdessä kahden vanhempaintyypin kasvien ja yleisesti käytetyn INTA ROJO lajikkeen kanssa. Kiinnostuksen kohteena olevat tuotanto-ominaisuudet määritettiin jokaiselle yksilölle. Tulosten perusteella valittiin jatkoon parhaat sato-ominaisuudet omaavat F2-kasvit. Kasvimateriaali on lupaavaa. Valituilta F2-kasveilta ja 40 maatiaislajikkeelta testattiin myös tautiresistanssien esiintymistä sekä resistanssiin kytkeytyneiden geenimerkkien että tietokonesimulaatioiden avulla. F2-kasvien resistanssitaso oli vastaava kuin nykyisin käytetyillä papulajikkeilla. Resistanssitasoa on mahdollista nostaa sopivan valintajalostuksen avulla. Kaiken kaikkiaan tulokset korostavat paikallisten maatiaislajikkeiden merkitystä pavunjalostuksessa. Mittavaa edistystä on odotettavissa jalostustoiminnassa, joka nojaa geenimerkkien ja tehokkaiden tilastollisten menetelmien käyttöön. Geenimerkkejä hyödynnettiin myös testattaessa suositun INTA ROJO lajikkeen geneettistä puhtautta. Tulokset osoittivat, että lajikepuhtauden toteuttaminen siementuotannossa ei tapahdu riittävän hyvin ja geenimerkkien avulla on mahdollista päästä parempaan tulokseen kuin pelkkien ilmiasuun perustuvien menetelmien avulla

    Entender es decir

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    Genetic purity of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. ‘INTA ROJO’) during seed production in Nicaragua

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important crops in Nicaraguan agriculture. Bean production is carried out on small scale farms, where farmers generally lack key inputs. Seeds have been identified as the most critical input in bean production. For this reason, national seed program will be a priority during next ten years. Among the four main seed quality components, genetic component has been the least studied. The occurrence of offtype seeds and plants in the cultivar ‘INTA ROJO’ during seed production has hindered the seed certification process and questioned the genetic quality of the cultivars produced in Nicaragua. The present study aimed to compare the genetic composition of different seed categories in the cultivar ‘INTA ROJO’, and to confirm the genetic identity of offtype seeds and plants found in this cultivar. The genotype frequencies of fourty individuals were analyzed using ten microsatellite markers in the following seed categories: Breeder’s seed, foundation seed, registered seed and certified seed. The genotype frequencies were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test, where breeder’s seed was assigned as a reference population. Additionally, twenty offtype seeds and plants, among them the offtype seeds known as “frijol viterra” and “frijol rojo oscuro”, were contrasted with breeder’s seed through pairwise comparisons of genetic distances. The results suggest that changes in genotype frequencies take place during seed production and they are ascribed to the selection pressures caused by environmental differences among production regions and inadequate varietal depuration procedures during seed production. In addition, the offtypes denominated “frijol rojo oscuro” were identified as an unknown cultivar probably derived from natural segregations, mutations and out-crossing among bean seed lots, and in less degree from accidental seed mixtures. In contrast, “frijol viterra” was confirmed to be the same cultivar ‘INTA ROJO’. Its differences in seed weights were associated rather to environmental effects than to genotypic ones. The seed technology implications of these findings and further perspectives are discussed