240 research outputs found

    Choosing a Career: The Fascination of Entomology

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    LIS Journals\u27 Lack of Participation in Wikidata Item Creation

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    There are many items in Wikidata representing scholarly articles. However, these items have been created mostly by volunteer Wikidata editors and not systematically by journal publishers or editors, which can lead to gaps and inconsistencies in the datasets. This article presents findings from a survey investigating practices of library and information studies (LIS) journals in Wikidata item creation. Believing that a significant number of LIS journal editors would be aware of Wikidata and some would be creating Wikidata items for their publications, the authors sent a survey asking 138 English-language LIS journal editors if they created Wikidata items for materials published in their journal and follow-up questions. With a response rate of 41 percent, respondents overwhelmingly indicated that they did not create Wikidata items for materials published in their journal and were completely unaware of or only somewhat familiar with Wikidata. Respondents indicated that more familiarity with Wikidata and its benefits for scholarly journals as well as institutional support for the creation of Wikidata items could lead to greater participation; however, a campaign of education about Wikidata, documentation of benefits, and support for creation would be a necessary first step. The article presents and discusses the results of the survey, but the conclusions that can be drawn are minimal; therefore, the authors also discuss the benefits of creating Wikidata items for LIS journals as a first step in this educational campaign for editors and publishers

    The signature of a double quantum-dot structure in the I-V characteristics of a complex system

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    We demonstrate that by carefully analyzing the temperature dependent characteristics of the I-V measurements for a given complex system it is possible to determine whether it is composed of a single, double or multiple quantum-dot structure. Our approach is based on the orthodox theory for a double-dot case and is capable of simulating I-V characteristics of systems with any resistance and capacitance values and for temperatures corresponding to thermal energies larger than the dot level spacing. We compare I-V characteristics of single-dot and double-dot systems and show that for a given measured I-V curve considering the possibility of a second dot is equivalent to decreasing the fit temperature. Thus, our method allows one to gain information about the structure of an experimental system based on an I-V measurement.Comment: 12 pages 7 figure


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    Pellonyssus nidicolus Baker, Delfinado, and Abbatiello, 1976 is relegated to the status of a junior synonym of Pellonyssus reedi (Zumpt and Patterson, 1952). The synonymy of Pellonyssus passeri Clark and Yunker, 1956 with P. reedi is sustained. The Pellonyssus specimens reported by EstĂ©banes-GonzĂĄlez (1997) are identified here as belonging in part to P. reedi and in part to P. marui Yunker and Radovsky, 1966, the first records of these species in Mexico. The third identified species of Pellonyssus known in the New World is a parasite of hummingbirds, Pellonyssus gorgasi Yunker and Radovsky, 1966, previously reported from Mexico. Keys to identify the females, males, and protonymphs of these 3 species are given. A character grid is given to compare features of females of the 9 valid species of Pellonyssus in the world. The subspecies Ornithonyssus sylviarum utrechtensis Micherdzinski, 1980 is synonymized with the nominal subspecies O. s. sylviarum (Canestrini and Fanzago, 1877).Pellonyssus nidicolus Baker, Delfinado, and Abbatiello, 1976 es un nuevo sinĂłnimo de Pellonyssus reedi (Zumpt y Patterson, 1952). La sinonimia de Pellonyssus passeri Clark y Yunker, 1956 con P. reedi se mantiene. Los ejemplares de Pellonyssus reportados por EstĂ©banes-GonzĂĄlez (1997) son identificados aquĂ­ como pertenecientes en parte a P. reedi y en parte a P. marui Yunker y Radovsky, 1966, es el primer reporte de estas especies en MĂ©xico. La tercera especie identificada de Pellonyssus conocida en el Nuevo Mundo es un parĂĄsito de colibrĂ­s Pellonyssus gorgasi Yunker y Radovsky, 1966, previamente reportado de MĂ©xico. Las claves para identificaciĂłn de hembras, machos y protoninfas de estas 3 especies se incluyen. Un carĂĄcter comĂșn se da para comparar rasgos distintivos de las hembras de 9 especies validas de Pellonysssus en el mundo. La subespecie Ornithonyssus sylviarum utrechtensis Micherdzinski, 1980 es sinonimizada con la subespecie nominal O. s. sylviarum (Canestrini y Fanzago, 1877)

    Does it matter who's reading? An investigation of the reception of literature represented by a "celebrity reader"

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    Does reading a book aloud to children affect children's reception of the literature, and further, is a child's perception of the individual reading? In an attempt to begin to address these questions, three groups of third graders were presented with a picture book. One group was read aloud to by a uniformed law enforcement officer, members of another group were each given a copy of the book at on their own, and the last group was read aloud to by the same law enforcement officer, but not in uniform or introduced as a law enforcement officer. Children were observed during their interaction with the literature and subsequently answered questions about what they thought about the story. Results suggest children's reception of literature may be affected by the manner in which literature is presented although the content of the literature plays a more significant role

    Surgical Treatment of Aortic Valve Papillary Fibroelastoma in Combination With Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

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    Objective: To describe a rare case of surgical treatment of aortic valve papillary fibroelastoma in combination with coronary artery bypass grafting.   Clinical case: The patient was hospitalized with a suspected mass on the left coronary cusp of the aortic valve and complained of retrosternal pain that appeared during moderate exertion and brisk walking and went away with rest. The patient history revealed that these clinical manifestations began in February 2022 and were treated by coronary stenting. Since May 2022 the patient noticed symptoms of recurrent angina. Transthoracic echocardiogram dated June 14, 2022 revealed a 13 × 12 mm additional mobile mass on the left coronary cusp. On June 30, 2022 the patient had an open surgery: mass removal, coronary artery bypass grafting of the anterior descending artery, and coronary artery bypass grafting of the circumflex artery. During the aortic valve exploration, the mass was visualized on the left coronary cusp on the side of the left ventricle. The mass was removed by precision marginal excision.   Conclusions: To timely examine patients, refer them for surgical treatment, preserve and prolong their life, and improve its quality, clinical practitioners should know clinical manifestations and challenges in screening for aortic valve papillary fibroelastoma

    Nonclinical and pharmacokinetic assessments to evaluate the potential of tedizolid and linezolid to affect mitochondrial function

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    Prolonged treatment with the oxazolidinone linezolid is associated with myelosuppression, lactic acidosis, and neuropathies, toxicities likely caused by impairment of mitochondrial protein synthesis (MPS). To evaluate the potential of the novel oxazolidinone tedizolid to cause similar side effects, nonclinical and pharmacokinetic assessments were conducted. In isolated rat heart mitochondria, tedizolid inhibited MPS more potently than did linezolid (average [± standard error of the mean] 50% inhibitory concentration [IC50] for MPS of 0.31 ± 0.02 ΌM versus 6.4 ± 1.2 ΌM). However, a rigorous 9-month rat study comparing placebo and high-dose tedizolid (resulting in steady-state area under the plasma concentration-time curve values about 8-fold greater than those with the standard therapeutic dose in humans) showed no evidence of neuropathy. Additional studies explored why prolonged, high-dose tedizolid did not cause these mitochondriopathic side effects despite potent MPS inhibition by tedizolid. Murine macrophage (J774) cell fractionation studies found no evidence of a stable association of tedizolid with eukaryotic mitochondria. Monte Carlo simulations based on population pharmacokinetic models showed that over the course of a dosing interval using standard therapeutic doses, free plasma concentrations fell below the respective MPS IC50 in 84% of tedizolid-treated patients (for a median duration of 7.94 h) and 38% of linezolid-treated patients (for a median duration of 0 h). Therapeutic doses of tedizolid, but not linezolid, may therefore allow for mitochondrial recovery during antibacterial therapy. The overall results suggest that tedizolid has less potential to cause myelosuppression and neuropathy than that of linezolid during prolonged treatment courses. This, however, remains a hypothesis that must be confirmed in clinical studies

    Shakedown solutions for pavements with materials following associated and non-associated plastic flow rules

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    Existing lower-bound shakedown solutions for pavement problems are generally obtained by assuming that materials obey an associated flow rule, whereas plasticity of real materials is more inclined to a non-associated flow. In this paper, a numerical step-by-step approach is developed to estimate shakedown limits of pavements with Mohr–Coulomb materials. In particular, influences of a non-associated flow rule on the shakedown limits are examined by varying material dilation angle in the numerical calculations. It is found that the decrease of dilation angle will lead to accelerated reduction of pavement shakedown limits, and the reduction is most significant when the material friction angle is high. Furthermore, existing lower-bound shakedown solutions for pavements are extended, in an approximate manner, to account for the change of material dilation angle and the shakedown results obtained in this way agree well with those obtained through the numerical step-by-step approach. An example of pavement design using shakedown theory is also presented

    Diversity of Phylogenetic Information According to the Locus and the Taxonomic Level: An Example from a Parasitic Mesostigmatid Mite Genus

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    Molecular markers for cladistic analyses may perform differently according to the taxonomic group considered and the historical level under investigation. Here we evaluate the phylogenetic potential of five different markers for resolving evolutionary relationships within the ectoparasitic genus Dermanyssus at the species level, and their ability to address questions about the evolution of specialization. COI provided 9–18% divergence between species (up to 9% within species), 16S rRNA 10–16% (up to 4% within species), ITS1 and 2 2–9% (up to 1% within species) and Tropomyosin intron n 8–20% (up to 6% within species). EF-1α revealed different non-orthologous copies within individuals of Dermanyssus and Ornithonyssus. Tropomyosin intron n was shown containing consistent phylogenetic signal at the specific level within Dermanyssus and represents a promising marker for future prospects in phylogenetics of Acari. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the generalist condition is apomorphic and D. gallinae might represent a complex of hybridized lineages. The split into hirsutus-group and gallinae-group in Dermanyssus does not seem to be appropriate based upon these results and D. longipes appears to be composed of two different entities
