795 research outputs found

    Modelling of Fracture of Anisotropic Composite Materials Under Dynamic Loads

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    The object of research: marketing activities in higher education to remain competitive. Investigated problem: setting up a management system of relations with stakeholders in the educational services market, which can adjust quickly to any market changes. The main scientific results: trends in changes of higher education students in Ukraine in the last 20 years have been researched. Reasons, which supported growth of the number of universities and academies between 1991 and 2009, and their reduction between 2010 and 2019, have been analyzed. Distinctive features of the market creation, which led to the structural disproportions, have been identified. Conclusions made about the possibility of introducing a customer-orientated approach to manage marketing activities in Ukrainian higher educational services market. Considerable differences in concepts of “client” and “consumer” in operations of educational establishments have been analyzed. The area of practical use of the research results: higher education and professional education organizations Technological innovation: blueprint for process implementation of customer-oriented approach was suggested to be adopted by higher educational establishments, developed key basic principles for strategy implementation to achieve competitive advantages of higher educational establishments within the educational services market, given recommendations on setting up an organizational structure for managing marketing activities in higher educational establishments. Scope of application for technological innovation: practical activity in the marketing field and relations with stakeholders of educational organizations

    Neural Mechanisms of Temporal and Rhythmic Structure Processing in Non-Musicians

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    Music is increasingly being used as a therapeutic tool in the field of rehabilitation medicine and psychophysiology. One of the main key components of music is its temporal organization. The characteristics of neurocognitive processes during music perception of meter in different tempo variations technique have been studied by using the event-related potentials technique. The study involved 20 volunteers (6 men, the median age of the participants was 23 years). The participants were asked to listen to 4 experimental series that differed in tempo (fast vs. slow) and meter (duple vs. triple). Each series consisted of 625 audio stimuli, 85% of which were organized with a standard metric structure (standard stimulus) while 15% included unexpected accents (deviant stimulus). The results revealed that the type of metric structure influences the detection of the change in stimuli. The analysis showed that the N200 wave occurred significantly faster for stimuli with duple meter and fast tempo and was the slowest for stimuli with triple meter and fast pace

    Radio Broadcasting Experience and Development Prospects (European Scientific Dialogue)

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    The paper presents an analysis of various opinions concerning radio-industry development issues, given new IT processes implemented in mass media. The authors study the technological evolution of radio broadcasting in terms of analyzing its main development stages. They provide an assessment of listeners’ high confidence in radio broadcasts as compared to other mass media sources. Focus is placed on promoting sonic brands in the sphere of media-communication. The researchers also pay special attention to podcasting as a new way to listen to audio-content. The advantages and possible consequences of podcasting influence on radio-industry are assessed. The research is based on the expert discussion on radio broadcasting issues which took place at “Radiodays Europe 2019”

    Эффективность утилизации тепла комплекса автономного энерго- и хладообеспечения в климатических условиях Ливии

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    Рамзи Камел Эл Герби Эффективность утилизации тепла комплекса автономного энерго- и хладообеспечения в климатических условиях Ливии = Efficiency of heat recovery in the autonomous power supply and cooling complex in the climatic conditions of Libya / Рамзи Камел Эл Герби, А. Н. Радченко // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2016. – № 2 (464). – С. 55–63.Дана порівняльна оцінка ефективності трансформації теплоти випускних газів регенеративних газотурбінних двигунів з нагрівом стисненого повітря перед камерою згоряння газами в холод для різних варіантів холодопостачання. Показано, що для кліматичних умов Лівії ефективність двоступеневої абсорбційно-ежекторної трансформації теплоти відхідних газів ГТД в холод (з холодопостачанням систем комфортного кондиціювання та охолодження повітря на вході газотурбінних двигунів до температури 10ºС) на 10…30% вище, ніж існуючих систем одноступеневої трансформації теплоти в абсорбційній холодильній машині з комфортним кондиціюванням та охолодженням повітря на вході газотурбінних двигунів до температури 15ºС.The efficiency of transformation of the exhaust gas waste heat from the regenerative gas turbine engines with the compressed air heating before the combustion chamber by exhaust gases has been compared for various ways of cooling to choose the waste heat recovery systems for space air conditioning and gas turbine engine intake air cooling. The comparison of the efficiency of various methods of transforming the waste heat to cold was performed by the coefficient of performance of the waste heat recovery system, which is the ratio of the received cooling capacity to the waste heat of the exhaust gases of the regenerative gas turbine engine. The absorption lithium-bromide chiller and refrigerant ejector chiller are considered as thermotransformers. It was shown that for the climate conditions of Libya the efficiency of transformation of the exhaust gases waste heat from the gas turbine engines into cold by the two-stage absorption-ejector chiller (for the space air conditioning and gas turbine engine intake air cooling down to the temperature of 10ºС) is higher by 10…30% compared to the existing systems of one-stage heat transformation by the absorption chiller for the space air conditioning and gas turbine engine intake air cooling down to the temperature of 15ºС. The application of the two-stage waste heat transformation into cold for the space air conditioning and gas turbine engine intake air cooling provides the effective performance of the integrated energy system with limited heat potential of the regenerative gas turbine engine exhaust gases with the temperature of 250–280ºС.Дана сравнительная оценка эффективности трансформации теплоты выпускных газов регенеративных газотурбинных двигателей с нагревом сжатого воздуха перед камерой сгорания газами в холод для разных вариантов хладоснабжения. Показано, что для климатических условий Ливии эффективность двухступенчатой абсорбционно-эжекторной трансформации располагаемой теплоты уходящих газов ГТД в холод (с хладоснабжением систем комфортного кондиционирования и охлаждением воздуха на входе ГТД до температуры 10ºС) на 10…30% выше, чем существующих систем одноступенчатой трансформации теплоты в абсорбционной холодильной машине с комфортным кондиционированием и охлаждением воздуха на входе ГТД до температуры 15ºС

    The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass

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    International audienceForest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth's ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies such as REDD+, among others. Wall-to-wall mapping of aboveground biomass (aGB) is now possible with satellite remote sensing (RS). However, RS methods require extant, up-to-date, reliable, representative and comparable in situ data for calibration and validation. Here, we present the Forest Observation System (FOS) initiative, an international cooperation to establish and maintain a global in situ forest biomass database. aGB and canopy height estimates with their associated uncertainties are derived at a 0.25 ha scale from field measurements made in permanent research plots across the world's forests. all plot estimates are geolocated and have a size that allows for direct comparison with many RS measurements. The FOS offers the potential to improve the accuracy of RS-based biomass products while developing new synergies between the RS and ground-based ecosystem research communities

    Application of the erosion algorithm in modeling of structures behavior under impulse loads

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    The paper presents results of applying approach to simulation of contact surfaces fracture under high velocity interaction of solid bodies. The algorithm of erosion -the algorithm of elements removing, of new surface building and of mass distribution after elements fracture at contact boundaries is consider. The results of coordinated experimental and numerical studies of fracture of materials under impact are given. Authors own finite element computer software program EFES, allowing to simulate a three-dimensional setting behavior of complex structures under dynamic loads, has been used for the calculations

    Application of the erosion algorithm in modeling of structures behavior under impulse loads

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    The paper presents results of applying approach to simulation of contact surfaces fracture under high velocity interaction of solid bodies. The algorithm of erosion -the algorithm of elements removing, of new surface building and of mass distribution after elements fracture at contact boundaries is consider. The results of coordinated experimental and numerical studies of fracture of materials under impact are given. Authors own finite element computer software program EFES, allowing to simulate a three-dimensional setting behavior of complex structures under dynamic loads, has been used for the calculations