12 research outputs found

    Proyecto de marketing verde para el municipio de Ibagué –Tolima – Colombia

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    Anexo B. Material de difusión y educación Fuente: www.google.com.co   Anexo C. Material de difusión y educación Fuente: www.google.com.co   Anexo D. Material de difusión y educación Fuente: www.google.com.co   Anexo E. Contenedores soterrados Fuente: www.google.com.co   Anexo F. Contenedores soterrados Fuente: www.google.com.coResumen El proyecto surge de la necesidad de crear conciencia ambiental en los habitantes del municipio de Ibagué ya que se logra observar poco sentido de los ciudadanos en la conservación del medio ambiente, esta problemática se evidencia en sus prácticas diarias, lo cual lleva a un desorden, una mala imagen de la ciudad la falta de valores, la actitud y el compromiso con el medio ambiente, este problema de contaminación por los residuos sólidos que presenta el municipio, debido a que las personas no cuentan con un manejo adecuado para depositar los residuos sólidos en los lugares que corresponden, no se cuenta con una educación ambiental para los ciudadanos. Por esta razón se pretende implementar este proyecto en conjunto con la comunidad Ibaguereña. En la actualidad el municipio de Ibagué se encuentra pasando por un proceso de transformación y cambios, que han hecho evidente las fallas existentes en la comunidad; entre ellos se destaca la escasa conciencia ecológica las actitudes y aptitudes por parte comunidad Ibaguereña. como consecuencia de la falta de educación, información, difusión y la poca existencia de iniciativas para el cuidado medio ambiente. El cuidado del medio ambiente en la actualidad es un tema de suma importancia y diálogo entre la comunidad Ibaguereña ante esta problemática surge el proyecto Marketing verde con el propósito de satisfacer y promover estrategias que permitan difundir conciencia verde. Mediante la realización de este proyecto se propone la creación e implementación de un Plan de Marketing verde para disminuir el impacto ambiental en la comunidad Ibaguereña estableciendo elementos y herramientas que le permitan al municipio mostrar una imagen de cuidado y responsabilidad con el medio ambiente.Abstract The project arises from the need to create environmental awareness in the inhabitants of the municipality of Ibague since it is possible to observe little sense of the citizens in the conservation of the environment, this problem is evident in their daily practices, which leads to disorder, a bad image of the city the lack of values, attitude and commitment to the environment, this problem of contamination by solid waste that the municipality presents, because people do not have adequate management to deposit solid waste in the corresponding places, there is no environmental education for citizens. For this reason, it is intended to implement this project in conjunction with the Ibaguereña community. At present, the municipality of Ibague is going through a process of transformation and changes, which have made evident the existing faults in the community; Among them, the scarce ecological awareness, attitudes and aptitudes by the Ibaguereña community stand out. As a consequence of the lack of education, information, diffusion and the little existence of initiatives for the care of the environment. At present, caring for the environment is a matter of utmost importance and dialogue among the Ibaguereña community, faced with this problem, the Green Marketing project arises with the purpose of satisfying and promoting strategies that allow spreading green awareness. By carrying out this project, the creation and implementation of a Green Marketing Plan is proposed to reduce the environmental impact in the Ibaguereña community, establishing elements and tools that allow the municipality to show an image of care and responsibility with the environment

    Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre, prospective audit.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: , (2018), Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi‐centre, prospective audit. Colorectal Dis, 20: 15-32. doi:10.1111/codi.14362, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14362. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsINTRODUCTION: The optimal bowel preparation strategy to minimise the risk of anastomotic leak is yet to be determined. This study aimed to determine whether oral antibiotics combined with mechanical bowel preparation (MBP+Abx) was associated with a reduced risk of anastomotic leak when compared to mechanical bowel preparation alone (MBP) or no bowel preparation (NBP). METHODS: A pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) 2017 Left Sided Colorectal Resection audit was performed. Patients undergoing elective left sided colonic or rectal resection with primary anastomosis between 1 January 2017 and 15 March 2017 by any operative approach were included. The primary outcome measure was anastomotic leak. RESULTS: Of 3676 patients across 343 centres in 47 countries, 618 (16.8%) received MBP+ABx, 1945 MBP (52.9%) and 1099 patients NBP (29.9%). Patients undergoing MBP+ABx had the lowest overall rate of anastomotic leak (6.1%, 9.2%, 8.7% respectively) in unadjusted analysis. After case-mix adjustment using a mixed-effects multivariable regression model, MBP+Abx was associated with a lower risk of anastomotic leak (OR 0.52, 0.30-0.92, P = 0.02) but MBP was not (OR 0.92, 0.63-1.36, P = 0.69) compared to NBP. CONCLUSION: This non-randomised study adds 'real-world', contemporaneous, and prospective evidence of the beneficial effects of combined mechanical bowel preparation and oral antibiotics in the prevention of anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection across diverse settings. We have also demonstrated limited uptake of this strategy in current international colorectal practice

    Safety of primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre prospective audit.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: group, T. E. S. o. C. c. (2018). "Safety of primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre prospective audit." Colorectal Disease 20(S6): 47-57., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.1437. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsINTRODUCTION: Some evidence suggests that primary anastomosis following left sided colorectal resection in the emergency setting may be safe in selected patients, and confer favourable outcomes to permanent enterostomy. The aim of this study was to compare the major postoperative complication rate in patients undergoing end stoma vs primary anastomosis following emergency left sided colorectal resection. METHODS: A pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology 2017 audit. Adult patients (> 16 years) who underwent emergency (unplanned, within 24 h of hospital admission) left sided colonic or rectal resection were included. The primary endpoint was the 30-day major complication rate (Clavien-Dindo grade 3 to 5). RESULTS: From 591 patients, 455 (77%) received an end stoma, 103 a primary anastomosis (17%) and 33 primary anastomosis with defunctioning stoma (6%). In multivariable models, anastomosis was associated with a similar major complication rate to end stoma (adjusted odds ratio for end stoma 1.52, 95%CI 0.83-2.79, P = 0.173). Although a defunctioning stoma was not associated with reduced anastomotic leak (12% defunctioned [4/33] vs 13% not defunctioned [13/97], adjusted odds ratio 2.19, 95%CI 0.43-11.02, P = 0.343), it was associated with less severe complications (75% [3/4] with defunctioning stoma, 86.7% anastomosis only [13/15]), a lower mortality rate (0% [0/4] vs 20% [3/15]), and fewer reoperations (50% [2/4] vs 73% [11/15]) when a leak did occur. CONCLUSIONS: Primary anastomosis in selected patients appears safe after left sided emergency colorectal resection. A defunctioning stoma might mitigate against risk of subsequent complications

    The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery: an international, multicentre prospective audit.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: The and E. S. o. C. c. groups (2018). "The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery: an international, multicentre prospective audit." Colorectal Disease 20(S6): 69-89., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14371. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.BACKGROUND: Laparoscopy has now been implemented as a standard of care for elective colonic resection around the world. During the adoption period, studies showed that conversion may be detrimental to patients, with poorer outcomes than both laparoscopic completed or planned open surgery. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether laparoscopic conversion was associated with a higher major complication rate than planned open surgery in contemporary, international practice. METHODS: Combined analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology 2017 and 2015 audits. Patients were included if they underwent elective resection of a colonic segment from the caecum to the rectosigmoid junction with primary anastomosis. The primary outcome measure was the 30-day major complication rate, defined as Clavien-Dindo grade III-V. RESULTS: Of 3980 patients, 64% (2561/3980) underwent laparoscopic surgery and a laparoscopic conversion rate of 14% (359/2561). The major complication rate was highest after open surgery (laparoscopic 7.4%, converted 9.7%, open 11.6%, P < 0.001). After case mix adjustment in a multilevel model, only planned open (and not laparoscopic converted) surgery was associated with increased major complications in comparison to laparoscopic surgery (OR 1.64, 1.27-2.11, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Appropriate laparoscopic conversion should not be considered a treatment failure in modern practice. Conversion does not appear to place patients at increased risk of complications vs planned open surgery, supporting broadening of selection criteria for attempted laparoscopy in elective colonic resection

    An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME)

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    IntroductionTransanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) has rapidly emerged as a novel approach for rectal cancer surgery. Safety profiles are still emerging and more comparative data is urgently needed. This study aimed to compare indications and short-term outcomes of TaTME, open, laparoscopic, and robotic TME internationally.MethodsA pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) 2017 audit was performed. Patients undergoing elective total mesorectal excision (TME) for malignancy between 1 January 2017 and 15 March 2017 by any operative approach were included. The primary outcome measure was anastomotic leak.ResultsOf 2579 included patients, 76.2% (1966/2579) underwent TME with restorative anastomosis of which 19.9% (312/1966) had a minimally invasive approach (laparoscopic or robotic) which included a transanal component (TaTME). Overall, 9.0% (175/1951, 15 missing outcome data) of patients suffered an anastomotic leak. On univariate analysis both laparoscopic TaTME (OR 1.61, 1.02-2.48, P=0.04) and robotic TaTME (OR 3.05, 1.10-7.34, P=0.02) were associated with a higher risk of anastomotic leak than non-transanal laparoscopic TME. However this association was lost in the mixed-effects model controlling for patient and disease factors (OR 1.23, 0.77-1.97, P=0.39 and OR 2.11, 0.79-5.62, P=0.14 respectively), whilst low rectal anastomosis (OR 2.72, 1.55-4.77, P<0.001) and male gender (OR 2.29, 1.52-3.44, P<0.001) remained strongly associated. The overall positive circumferential margin resection rate was 4.0%, which varied between operative approaches: laparoscopic 3.2%, transanal 3.8%, open 4.7%, robotic 1%.ConclusionThis contemporaneous international snapshot shows that uptake of the TaTME approach is widespread and is associated with surgically and pathologically acceptable results