1,711 research outputs found

    No Due Process: How the Death Penalty Violates the Constitutional Rights of the Family Members of Death Row Prisoners

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    The article makes the case for a novel theory that the death penalty violates the constitutional rights of the family members of death row prisoners. First, the article establishes that Americans are entitled to a fundamental “right to family,” based on a long history of Supreme Court jurisprudence that has established substantive due process rights such as the right to marry, to use contraceptives, to have children, to make educational decisions for children, and decisions about how to configure ones’ household. Next, the article makes the case that the death penalty interferes with the constitutional right to family by harming family members, whether or not the prisoner is ever executed. Finally, the article examines each of these justifications in the context of the myriad problems with the death penalty -- convicting innocent people, racial bias, unfairness in the prosecution of death penalty cases, unequal access to attorneys, higher costs than long-term incarceration – and argues that these problems cannot survive a strict scrutiny analysis, especially when there are alternatives such as long-term incarceration that can adequately accomplish the goals of retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and reaffirmation of social norms. This article is a timely contribution to an issue of important social importance

    Teacher, Advocate, Friend: Remembering David Bederman

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    David Bederman was a superb teacher, a skilled advocate, and a gracious human being. The three of us saw each of these qualities firsthand when Professor Bederman invited us to work with him on a case he argued before the Supreme Court of the United States, Lapides v. Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, while we were third-year law students

    Unlocking Structure-Self-Assembly Relationships in Cationic Azobenzene Photosurfactants.

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    Azobenzene photosurfactants are light-responsive amphiphiles that have garnered significant attention for diverse applications including delivery and sorting systems, phase transfer catalysis, and foam drainage. The azobenzene chromophore changes both its polarity and conformation (trans-cis isomerization) in response to UV light, while the amphiphilic structure drives self-assembly. Detailed understanding of the inherent relationship between the molecular structure, physicochemical behavior, and micellar arrangement of azobenzene photosurfactants is critical to their usefulness. Here, we investigate the key structure-function-assembly relationships in the popular cationic alkylazobenzene trimethylammonium bromide (AzoTAB) family of photosurfactants. We show that subtle changes in the surfactant structure (alkyl tail, spacer length) can lead to large variations in the critical micelle concentration, particularly in response to light, as determined by surface tensiometry and dynamic light scattering. Small-angle neutron scattering studies also reveal the formation of more diverse micellar aggregate structures (ellipsoids, cylinders, spheres) than predicted based on simple packing parameters. The results suggest that whereas the azobenzene core resides in the effective hydrophobic segment in the trans-isomer, it forms part of the effective hydrophilic segment in the cis-isomer because of the dramatic conformational and polarity changes induced by photoisomerization. The extent of this shift in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic balance is determined by the separation between the azobenzene core and the polar head group in the molecular structure. Our findings show that judicious design of the AzoTAB structure enables selective tailoring of the surfactant properties in response to light, such that they can be exploited and controlled in a reliable fashion

    Is Your Neighborhood Designed to Support Physical Activity? A Brief Streetscape Audit Tool.

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    INTRODUCTION:Macro level built environment factors (eg, street connectivity, walkability) are correlated with physical activity. Less studied but more modifiable microscale elements of the environment (eg, crosswalks) may also affect physical activity, but short audit measures of microscale elements are needed to promote wider use. This study evaluated the relation of a 15-item neighborhood environment audit tool with a full version of the tool to assess neighborhood design on physical activity in 4 age groups. METHODS:From the 120-item Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS) measure of street design, sidewalks, and street crossings, we developed the 15-item version (MAPS-Mini) on the basis of associations with physical activity and attribute modifiability. As a sample of a likely walking route, MAPS-Mini was conducted on a 0.25-mile route from participant residences toward the nearest nonresidential destination for children (n = 758), adolescents (n = 897), younger adults (n = 1,655), and older adults (n = 367). Active transportation and leisure physical activity were measured with age-appropriate surveys, and accelerometers provided objective physical activity measures. Mixed-model regressions were conducted for each MAPS item and a total environment score, adjusted for demographics, participant clustering, and macrolevel walkability. RESULTS:Total scores of MAPS-Mini and the 120-item MAPS correlated at r = .85. Total microscale environment scores were significantly related to active transportation in all age groups. Items related to active transport in 3 age groups were presence of sidewalks, curb cuts, street lights, benches, and buffer between street and sidewalk. The total score was related to leisure physical activity and accelerometer measures only in children. CONCLUSION:The MAPS-Mini environment measure is short enough to be practical for use by community groups and planning agencies and is a valid substitute for the full version that is 8 times longer

    Classification of occupational activity categories using accelerometry: NHANES 2003–2004

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    Background An individual’s occupational activity (OA) may contribute significantly to daily physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB). However, there is little consensus about which occupational categories involve high OA or low OA, and the majority of categories are unclassifiable with current methods. The purpose of this study was to present population estimates of accelerometer-derived PA and SB variables for adults (n = 1112, 20–60 years) working the 40 occupational categories collected during the 2003–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Methods ActiGraph accelerometer-derived total activity counts/day (TAC), activity counts/minute, and proportion of wear time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA [MVPA], lifestyle, and light PA organized by occupational category were ranked in ascending order and SB was ranked in descending order. Summing the ranks of the six accelerometer-derived variables generated a summary score for each occupational category, which was re-ranked in ascending order. Higher rankings indicated higher levels of OA, lower rankings indicated lower levels of OA. Tertiles of the summary score were used to establish three mutually exclusive accelerometer-determined OA groupings: high OA, intermediate OA, and low OA. Results According to their summary score, ‘farm and nursery workers’ were classified as high OA and ‘secretaries, stenographers, and typists’ were classified as low OA. Consistent with previous research, some low OA occupational categories (e.g., ‘engineers, architects, and scientists’, ‘technicians and related support occupations’, ‘management related occupations’, ‘executives, administrators, and managers’, ‘protective services’, and ‘writers, artists, entertainers, and athletes’) associated with higher education and income had relatively greater amounts of MVPA compared to other low OA occupational categories, likely due to the greater percentage of men in those occupations and/or the influence of higher levels of leisure time PA. Men had more TAC, activity counts/minute and time in MVPA, but similar proportions of SB compared to women in all three OA groupings. Conclusions Objectively measured PA allowed for a more precise estimate of the amount of PA and SB associated with different occupations and facilitated systematic classification of the 40 different occupational categories into three distinct OA groupings. This information provides new opportunities to explore the relationship between OA and health outcomes

    Early cephalopod evolution clarified through Bayesian phylogenetic inference

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    Background: Despite the excellent fossil record of cephalopods, their early evolution is poorly understood. Different, partly incompatible phylogenetic hypotheses have been proposed in the past, which reflected individual author's opinions on the importance of certain characters but were not based on thorough cladistic analyses. At the same time, methods of phylogenetic inference have undergone substantial improvements. For fossil datasets, which typically only include morphological data, Bayesian inference and in particular the introduction of the fossilized birth-death model have opened new possibilities. Nevertheless, many tree topologies recovered from these new methods reflect large uncertainties, which have led to discussions on how to best summarize the information contained in the posterior set of trees. Results: We present a large, newly compiled morphological character matrix of Cambrian and Ordovician cephalopods to conduct a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis and resolve existing controversies. Our results recover three major monophyletic groups, which correspond to the previously recognized Endoceratoidea, Multiceratoidea, and Orthoceratoidea, though comprising slightly different taxa. In addition, many Cambrian and Early Ordovician representatives of the Ellesmerocerida and Plectronocerida were recovered near the root. The Ellesmerocerida is para- and polyphyletic, with some of its members recovered among the Multiceratoidea and early Endoceratoidea. These relationships are robust against modifications of the dataset. While our trees initially seem to reflect large uncertainties, these are mainly a consequence of the way clade support is measured. We show that clade posterior probabilities and tree similarity metrics often underestimate congruence between trees, especially if wildcard taxa are involved. Conclusions: Our results provide important insights into the earliest evolution of cephalopods and clarify evolutionary pathways. We provide a classification scheme that is based on a robust phylogenetic analysis. Moreover, we provide some general insights on the application of Bayesian phylogenetic inference on morphological datasets. We support earlier findings that quartet similarity metrics should be preferred over the Robinson-Foulds distance when higher-level phylogenetic relationships are of interest and propose that using a posteriori pruned maximum clade credibility trees help in assessing support for phylogenetic relationships among a set of relevant taxa, because they provide clade support values that better reflect the phylogenetic signal.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of a workplace suicide prevention program in the Australian manufacturing industry : protocol for a cluster-randomised trial of MATES in manufacturing

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    Males are at higher risk of death by suicide than females in Australia, and among men, blue-collar males are at higher risk compared to other working males. In response, MATES in Construction developed a workplace suicide prevention program for the construction sector in 2007 that has been widely implemented in Australia. In the current project, this program is being adapted and trialled in the manufacturing sector. The common aims of MATES programs are to improve suicide prevention literacy, help-seeking intentions, and helping behaviours. The program will be evaluated using a cluster randomised-controlled trial design with waitlist controls across up to 12 manufacturing worksites in Australia. We hypothesise that after 8 months of the MATES in Manufacturing program, there will be significantly greater improvements in help-seeking intentions (primary outcome) compared to waitlist controls. The project is led by Deakin University in collaboration with the University of Melbourne, and in partnership with MATES in Construction and a joint labour-management Steering Group. Trial registration: The trial was registered retrospectively with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry on 25 January 2022 (ACTRN12622000122752)

    The clinical utility of lung clearance index in early cystic fibrosis lung disease is not impacted by the number of multiple-breath washout trials

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    © ERS 2018. The lung clearance index (LCI) from the multiple-breath washout (MBW) test is a promising surveillance tool for pre-school children with cystic fibrosis (CF). Current guidelines for MBW testing recommend that three acceptable trials are required. However, success rates to achieve these criteria are low in children aged < 7 years and feasibility may improve with modified pre-school criteria that accepts tests with two acceptable trials. This study aimed to determine if relationships between LCI and clinical outcomes of CF lung disease differ when only two acceptable MBW trials are assessed. Healthy children and children with CF aged 3–6 years were recruited for MBW testing. Children with CF also underwent bronchoalveolar lavage fluid collection and a chest computed tomography scan. MBW feasibility increased from 46% to 75% when tests with two trials were deemed acceptable compared with tests where three acceptable trials were required. Relationships between MBW outcomes and markers of pulmonary inflammation, infection and structural lung disease were not different between tests with three acceptable trials compared with tests with two acceptable trials. This study indicates that pre-school MBW data from two acceptable trials may provide sufficient information on ventilation distribution if three acceptable trials are not possible

    'It is like a tomato stall where someone can pick what he likes': structure and practices of female sex work in Kampala, Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Effective interventions among female sex workers require a thorough knowledge of the context of local sex industries. We explore the organisation of female sex work in a low socio-economic setting in Kampala, Uganda. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study with 101 participants selected from an epidemiological cohort of 1027 women at high risk of HIV in Kampala. Repeat in-depth life history and work practice interviews were conducted from March 2010 to June 2011. Context specific factors of female sex workers' day-to-day lives were captured. Reported themes were identified and categorised inductively. RESULTS: Of the 101 women, 58 were active self-identified sex workers operating in different locations within the area of study and nine had quit sex work. This paper focuses on these 67 women who gave information about their involvement in sex work. The majority had not gone beyond primary level of education and all had at least one child. Thirty one voluntarily disclosed that they were HIV-positive. Common sex work locations were streets/roadsides, bars and night clubs. Typically sex occurred in lodges near bars/night clubs, dark alleyways or car parking lots. Overall, women experienced sex work-related challenges at their work locations but these were more apparent in outdoor settings. These settings exposed women to violence, visibility to police, a stigmatising public as well as competition for clients, while bars provided some protection from these challenges. Older sex workers tended to prefer bars while the younger ones were mostly based on the streets. Alcohol consumption was a feature in all locations and women said it gave them courage and helped them to withstand the night chill. Condom use was determined by clients' willingness, a woman's level of sobriety or price offered. CONCLUSIONS: Sex work operates across a variety of locations in the study area in Kampala, with each presenting different strategies and challenges for those operating there. Risky practices are present in all locations although they are higher on the streets compared to other locations. Location specific interventions are required to address the complex challenges in sex work environments

    Contextual, structural, and mental health experiences of children of women engaged in high-risk sexual behaviour in Kampala: a mixed method study

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    Children born to women who sell sex for money or commodities may face economic and social insecurity because of their mother’s work, particularly in settings where sex work is illegal. From October 2020 to May 2021, we conducted a study with 60 children aged 12–24 years, born to sex workers in Kampala, Uganda. The children took part in 60 semi-structured interviews, 20 life history interviews, and 4 focus group discussions, which were used to explore their social, economic, and mental health experiences and investigate their vulnerabilities and resilience. Quantitative data were collected using REDcap, and descriptive analysis was done using Stata 14. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured topic guides, and data analysed thematically. We explored findings in relation to a wellbeing framework. The findings showed that children experienced contextual and structural hardships, including incomplete and irregular schooling, a lack of privacy at home, food insecurity, and physical and psychological violence from relatives and sometimes from their mothers. Some children reported mental wellbeing struggles with hopelessness, nervousness, and sadness. Alcohol and drug use were common in most families. Community social network support systems, including neighbours and grandparents, were important; most children had absentee fathers. Some children suspected or knew how their mother earned her income. Resilience for most children was tagged to support from close networks and financial support from the government and civil society. Children of sex workers in Kampala experience structural, contextual, and mental health challenges but have a positive attitude towards the future. It is important to strengthen community support systems for these children and those living in similar circumstances in low- and middle-income countries