96 research outputs found

    Frontostriatal Cognitive Staging in Parkinson's Disease

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    Cognitive impairment and behavioural disorders are often encountered in subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD). A simple PD-related frontostriatal cognitive dysfunction (PDFCD) staging is proposed. Executive dysfunction and mental fatigue (stage I), depression/anxiety (stage IIa), apathy/pain (stage IIb), and dementia (stage III) reflect a sequential process of dopamine depletion occurring in different regions of the striatum (stages I and II) and the frontal cortex (stage III). In addition to these nonmotor manifestations present in the unmedicated (OFF) state, the PDFCD model also predicts a number of complications related to dopaminergic treatment (ON state), from impulse control disorders (stages I and IIa) to hallucinations (stage IIb) and psychosis (stage III). Although the model admittedly needs further refinements, it provides a framework for hypothesis testing and may help clinicians optimize therapeutic strategies


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    Firstly, it was studied the relationship between relative force (Frel) of the lower limbs in a isotonic Lunge test, with the performance in a swimming kick start (SS). Afterwards, were applied two Postactivation-Potentiation (PAP) specific warm ups in order to analyze their effect in performance considering the Frel of the subjects. Trained swimmers (n=14) volunteered in this study. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to verify the relationship between relative force and kinematic variables of a SS. Results revealed high correlation between relative force and performance in SS (Dive Distance: R2=0.872,

    Effect of an activation protocol based on postactivation potentiation on swimming start performance

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    Introduction: There is a potentiation method called Postactivation Potentiation (PAP) which is based on the application of near maximal loads, conducted prior to the exercise performance, which improves the ballistic movement (Tillin & Bishop, 2009). The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of an activation protocol on swimming start performance (SS). Methods: Fourteen trained volunteer swimmers participated in the study. An intra-group design of randomized repetitive measurements was applied. A previous standard SS trial after a standard warm up served as reference (P1). One method of activation was applied: Four repetitions in the flywheel YoYo Squat (P2). Kinematic variable of SS were collected using video analysis Results: After P2, the subjects achieved a higher mean horizontal velocity during the flight (VxH) (4.89 ± 0.12 m/s) than after P1 (3.63 ± 0.11 m/s) (p < 0.001). After P2, it took the subjects less time to cover a distance of five meters (T5m) (1.65 ± 0.052 sec) compared to P1 (1.75 ± 0.057 sec) (p ≤ 0.001) Discussion: The use of the flywheel device was based on two clear objectives: taking advantage of the high lower limb activation which provokes potentiation; and the possibility to execute an activation gesture almost identical to the real action. The results obtained in this study are clear evidence that an improvement of the peak forces occurred on the block as was observed by Breed and Young (2003). We observed that VxH ostensibly improved, which means that the swimmer’s flight was longer and faster. T5m also showed to be shorter after P2 application, suggesting that take-off potentiation provokes that swimmer enter into the water with more velocity. These results suggest that a warm up based on the PAP by repetitions on the flywheel improves the SS.CTS-527: Actividad física y deportiva en el medio acuátic

    Relative force and PAP in swimming start performance

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    Firstly, it was studied the relationship between relative force (Frel) of the lower limbs in a isotonic Lunge test, with the performance in a swimming kick start (SS). Afterwards, were applied two Postactivation-Potentiation (PAP) specific warm ups in order to analyze their effect in performance considering the Frel of the subjects. Trained swimmers (n=14) volunteered in this study. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to verify the relationship between relative force and kinematic variables of a SS. Results revealed high correlation between relative force and performance in SS (Dive Distance: R2=0.872, p<0.001; Horizontal Hip Velocity: R2=0.308, p=0.049; Time to 15m: R2=-0.813, p<0.001). After PAP, swimmers with higher relative force showed a higher improvement on the kinematic variables of SS than those with lower values of strength.CTS-527: Actividad física y deportiva en el medio acuátic

    Accuracy of refractive index spectroscopy by broadband interferometry

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    Uncertainties of refractive and group index in dispersion measurement by spectrally resolved white light interferometry are deeply analyzed. First, the contribution to uncertainty of the different parameters affecting both indices is identified. Afterwards, results are presented for a 1.5 mm thick fused silica sample over a broad spectral range, from 400 to 1000 nm, and the effects that mostly deteriorate the measurement accuracy are established. Finally, the different contributions are quadratically combined to determine the total uncertainty of the two indicesThe financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the coordinated grants MAT2017-89239-C2-1-P is gratefully acknowledged. Moreover, this work was funded by the Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (ED431D 2017/06, ED431E2018/08, GRC 508 ED431C 2020/10)S

    Involvement of synaptonemal complex proteins in sex chromosome segregation during marsupial male meiosis

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    Marsupial sex chromosomes break the rule that recombination during first meiotic prophase is necessary to ensure reductional segregation during first meiotic division. It is widely accepted that in marsupials X and Y chromosomes do not share homologous regions, and during male first meiotic prophase the synaptonemal complex is absent between them. Although these sex chromosomes do not recombine, they segregate reductionally in anaphase I. We have investigated the nature of sex chromosome association in spermatocytes of the marsupial Thylamys elegans, in order to discern the mechanisms involved in ensuring their proper segregation. We focused on the localization of the axial/lateral element protein SCP3 and the cohesin subunit STAG3. Our results show that X and Y chromosomes never appear as univalents in metaphase I, but they remain associated until they orientate and segregate to opposite poles. However, they must not be tied by a chiasma since their separation precedes the release of the sister chromatid cohesion. Instead, we show they are associated by the dense plate, a SCP3-rich structure that is organized during the first meiotic prophase and that is still present at metaphase I. Surprisingly, the dense plate incorporates SCP1, the main protein of the central element of the synaptonemal complex, from diplotene until telophase I. Once sex chromosomes are under spindle tension, they move to opposite poles losing contact with the dense plate and undergoing early segregation. Thus, the segregation of the achiasmatic T. elegans sex chromosomes seems to be ensured by the presence in metaphase I of a synaptonemal complex-derived structure. This feature, unique among vertebrates, indicates that synaptonemal complex elements may play a role in chromosome segregation

    Descripción de los niveles de Burnout en diferentes colectivos profesionales

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    El interés en la investigación del Burnout proviene del hecho de tratarse de un problema social que afecta a muchas personas. Los datos epidemiológicos sobre el síndrome hablan de un pro- blema de tal magnitud, que conlleva consecuencias personales y laborales negativas. Este hecho justifica por sí mismo que el desarrollo investigador haya crecido de manera considerable en es- tos últimos años. Si bien es cierto que existen diversos colectivos profesionales de riesgo de pa- decimiento del síndrome de Burnout, también lo es, que los niveles del mismo en sus diferentes dimensiones, suelen cambiar, e incluso la secuenciación en las mismas en la aparición del pro- blema, se puede ver alterada. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir comparativamente los nive- les de Burnout en cuatro muestras, una de población general y tres de profesionales, docentes, sanitarios y miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas

    Divergent patterns of meiotic double strand breaks and synapsis initiation dynamics suggest an evolutionary shift in the meiosis program between American and Australian marsupials

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    In eutherian mammals, hundreds of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated at the onset of meiosis. The DNA damage response is then triggered. Although the dynamics of this response is well studied in eutherian mammals, recent findings have revealed different patterns of DNA damage signaling and repair in marsupial mammals. To better characterize these differences, here we analyzed synapsis and the chromosomal distribution of meiotic DSBs markers in three different marsupial species (Thylamys elegans, Dromiciops gliorides, and Macropus eugenii) that represent South American and Australian Orders. Our results revealed inter-specific differences in the chromosomal distribution of DNA damage and repair proteins, which were associated with differing synapsis patterns. In the American species T. elegans and D. gliroides, chromosomal ends were conspicuously polarized in a bouquet configuration and synapsis progressed exclusively from the telomeres towards interstitial regions. This was accompanied by sparse H2AX phosphorylation, mainly accumulating at chromosomal ends. Accordingly, RAD51 and RPA were mainly localized at chromosomal ends throughout prophase I in both American marsupials, likely resulting in reduced recombination rates at interstitial positions. In sharp contrast, synapsis initiated at both interstitial and distal chromosomal regions in the Australian representative M. eugenii, the bouquet polarization was incomplete and ephemeral, γH2AX had a broad nuclear distribution, and RAD51 and RPA foci displayed an even chromosomal distribution. Given the basal evolutionary position of T. elegans, it is likely that the meiotic features reported in this species represent an ancestral pattern in marsupials and that a shift in the meiotic program occurred after the split of D. gliroides and the Australian marsupial clade. Our results open intriguing questions about the regulation and homeostasis of meiotic DSBs in marsupials. The low recombination rates observed at the interstitial chromosomal regions in American marsupials can result in the formation of large linkage groups, thus having an impact in the evolution of their genomesThis work was supported by grants CGL 2014-53106-P to JP (Ministerio de Ecomonía y Competitividad, Spain), BIOUAM02- 2020 to JP and RG (Departamento de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), PID 2020-112557 GB-I00 to AR-H. (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain) and from the Australian Research Council to MBR, GS, and PDW. (DP21103512 and DP220101429). PW is also supported by the NHMRC (APP1182667 and APP2021172). LM-G was supported by a FPU predoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (FPU18/03867

    Synthesis, microstructure and volumetry of novel metal thiocyanate ionic liquids with [BMIM] cation

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    We present a new family of ionic liquids (ILs) with a common cation, 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium, the popular [BMIM]+ (also written C4C1Im+) and a variety of anionic complexes (also called adducts) based in thiocyanate (SCN)?: one blank compound, BMIM(SCN), and ten doped with metals having different oxidation states: Al+3, Mn+2, Fe+3, Cr+3, Ni+2, Hg+2, Zn+2, Co+2, Cd+2 and Cu+, forming, respectively, [BMIM]3[Al(SCN)6], [BMIM]4 Mn(SCN)6, [BMIM]3 Fe(SCN)6, [BMIM]3 Cr(SCN)6, [BMIM]4 Ni(SCN)6, [BMIM]2 Hg(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Zn(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Co(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Cd(SCN)4 and [BMIM]3 Cu(SCN)4. All of them were synthesized by us, except the blank IL and the Co thiocyanate, which are commercial. Obtained products have been characterized by NMR, and also by electrospray ionization, MS-ES, which allows the determination of the new ILs purities. Then, compounds have been analyzed using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, magnetic susceptibility and refractive index measurements were performed in some of the compounds studied, as well as thermal characterization using DSC and TGA. Finally, experimental measurements of density on all those ILs have been performed, and for some of the samples in a broad temperature range (about 100 K). In spite of being very similar compounds from the chemical point of view, they present quite different physical properties, including optical, thermal and magnetic ones? Also, they show different oxidation states (one with +1, six with +2 and other three with +3). We guess that this family of ILs will have interesting applications, mainly for photonic devices