67 research outputs found

    La objetividad y el conocimiento de la realidad

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    Tradicionalmente se distinguen dos polos en toda relación de conocimiento:el objeto y el sujeto. Algunas veces se considera que uno de los doses determinante por sobre el otro. Cuando se habla sin decir nada sobre elcarácter ontológico del objeto y del sujeto, entonces estamos en una soluciónpremetafísica del problema. En este caso, cuando se opta por dar mayorprioridad al sujeto se habla de subjetivismo y cuando se da mayor énfasis alobjeto se habla de objetivismo. Cuando se hace intervenir el carácter ontológicodel objeto, se abren dos posibilidades: que el objeto posea un ser ideal(idealismo) o que el objeto pueda existir independientemente del sujeto y, ental caso, nos encontramos con objetos reales (realismo)

    La construcción social de la realidad: La posición de Peter L. Berger y Thomas Luckmann

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    El autor expone el pensamiento de los autores Peter L. Berger y Thomas Luckmann, en base a la obra la construcción social de la realidad. Para estos autores, la realidad se establece como consecuencia de un proceso dialéctico entre  relaciones sociales, hábitos tipificados y estructuras sociales, mirado desde un punto de vista social. El sentido y carácter de esta realidad es comprendido y explicado por medio del conocimiento. El autor señala y critica las definiciones de las tesis principales de la obra de los sociólogos en comento, y estructura el trabajo en dos partes, en la primera, trata de la sociedad como realidad objetiva, y en la segunda, a la sociedad como realidad subjetiva

    Liderazgo pedagógico del profesor en la Institución Educativa Parroquial "Virgen Niña”-Rimac, 2015

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    La investigación, que se ha titulado: Liderazgo pedagógico del profesor en la Institución Educativa Parroquial "Virgen Niña”, 2015, ha dado respuesta al problema ¿Cuál es el nivel de liderazgo pedagógico del profesor en la Institución Educativa Parroquial "Virgen Niña”, 2015? Cuyo objetivo es determinar el nivel de liderazgo pedagógico del docentes en la Institución Educativa Parroquial "Virgen Niña”, 201 5. La metodología empleada para la elaboración de esta tesis está relacionada al enfoque cuantitativo. La investigación es básica con un nivel descriptivo, en vista que está orientada al conocimiento de la realidad tal y como se presenta en una situación espacio temporal dada. El diseño de la investigación es descriptivo simple. La muestra estará constituida por 60 estudiantes del 4° y 5° año en la Institución Educativa Parroquial. La técnica empleada es a través de una encuesta y su instrumento es el cuestionario que es aplicada a los estudiantes del 4° y 5° año. Entre los resultados obtenidos, en la presente investigación de acuerdo la encuesta aplicada a los estudiantes se tiene: en la variable liderazgo pedagógico que presentan los docentes, el 33,3% (20) estudiantes indican que el nivel es malo, el 60% (36) estudiantes indican que el nivel es regular y el 6,7% (4) estudiantes indican que el nivel es bueno. Esto nos indica que la mayoría de los docentes tienen cierta dificultad en la aplicación metodológica para lograr su fin o el objetivo del desarrollo del aprendizaje significativo

    Hacia el diseño de una descomposición genética de los valores y vectores propios en R2 desde una perspectiva geométrica

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    Basados en la teoría APOE como marco teórico y metodológico, investigamos, desde una postura cognitiva, las estructuras mentales necesarias para modelar la construcción cognitiva de los valores y vectores propios en R2 desde un aspecto geométrico. El diseño de una descomposición genética (DG) para este fin, mostró que los elementos desde el ámbito geométrico –la Rotación en 180° con centro en el origen y la Homotecia– son conceptos matemáticos previos para la construcción del concepto valor/vector propio en R2 como objeto, en estudiantes de primer año de universidad

    Production of (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid from methane by in vivo depolymerization of polyhydroxybutyrate in Methylocystis parvus OBBP

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    Producción CientíficaMethylocystis parvus OBBP accumulates polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) using methane as the sole carbon and energy source. In this work, the feasibility of producing (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid (R3HBA) via intracellularly accumulated PHB through depolymerization (in-vivo) was investigated. Results showed that a PHB to R3HBA conversion of 77.2 ± 0.9% (R3HBA titer of 0.153 ± 0.002 g L-1) can be attained in a mineral medium containing 1 g L-1 KNO3 at 30 °C with shaking at 200 rpm and a constant pH of 11 for 72 h. Nitrogen deprivation and neutral or acidic pHs strongly reduced the excreted R3HBA concentration. Reduced oxygen availability negatively affected the R3HBA yield, which decreased to 73.6 ± 4.9% (titer of 0.139 ± 0.01 g L-1) under microaerobic conditions. Likewise, the presence of increasing concentrations of R3HBA in the medium before the onset of PHB depolymerization reduced the initial R3HBA release rate and R3HBA yield.Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects CLU 2017-09 and UIC 315)Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (projects ANID/CONICYT Fondecyt Regular 1211434 and ANID/CONICYT Fondecyt Regular 1190521)Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica - PCI (grant REDES190137

    Lifelong Learning from Sustainable Education: An Analysis with Eye Tracking and Data Mining Techniques

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    The use of learning environments that apply Advanced Learning Technologies (ALTs) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is increasingly frequent. In this study, eye-tracking technology was used to analyze scan-path differences in a History of Art learning task. The study involved 36 participants (students versus university teachers with and without previous knowledge). The scan-paths were registered during the viewing of video based on SRL. Subsequently, the participants were asked to solve a crossword puzzle, and relevant vs. non-relevant Areas of Interest (AOI) were defined. Conventional statistical techniques (ANCOVA) and data mining techniques (string-edit methods and k-means clustering) were applied. The former only detected differences for the crossword puzzle. However, the latter, with the Uniform Distance model, detected the participants with the most effective scan-path. The use of this technique successfully predicted 64.9% of the variance in learning results. The contribution of this study is to analyze the teaching–learning process with resources that allow a personalized response to each learner, understanding education as a right throughout life from a sustainable perspective.uropean Project “Self-Regulated Learning in SmartArt” 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065615 and the Research Funding Program (Funding of dissemination of research results, 2020) of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Burgos to the Recognized Investigation Group DATAHES

    Pidotimod for Covid-19

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    Covid-19 was the third leading cause of death in all of 2020, but in December 2020 and the beginning of 2021, the disease suddenly spiked and briefly became the number one cause of death in the United States (u.s.), particularly among those aged 35 years or older even though as of June 30, 2021, about 66% of adults in the u.s. have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine dose. At present, there is no drug to treat Covid-19 that can reduce the morbidity and mortality significantly, which has brought great panic to the society and scientific community. Antiviral agents and immune-modulating treatments are currently being trialed. Searches were conducted in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Academic, LitCovid, and MedRxiv for studies published from the beginning of 2000 through April 2021 that tested the clinical uses of pidotimod. Articles were selected prioritizing randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines. Research results showed that Immunotherapy proved to be an effective method for fighting against similar viral infections to Covid-19 such as sars-cov, and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (mers-cov). studies aimed to dilucidated the mechanism of action of pidotimod, as well as randomized clinical trials that evaluate the security and utility of the drug are needed. In this scenario, the administration of Pidotimod could represent a potentially innovative strategy. In conclusion, in patients with Covid-19 without pneumonia, pidotimod could be considered an option, well-tolerated, and associated with a rapid reduction of systemic symptoms of the diseas

    Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Resistance to Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus Identifies Candidate Genes Involved in Viral Replication and Immune Response in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a viral disease with considerable negative impact on the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) aquaculture industry. The aim of the present work was to detect genomic regions that explain resistance to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in rainbow trout. A total of 2,278 fish from 58 full-sib families were challenged with IPNV and 768 individuals were genotyped (488 resistant and 280 susceptible), using a 57K SNP panel Axiom, Affymetrix. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed using the phenotypes time to death (TD) and binary survival (BS), along with the genotypes of the challenged fish using a Bayesian model (Bayes C). Heritabilities for resistance to IPNV estimated using genomic information, were 0.53 and 0.82 for TD and BS, respectively. The Bayesian GWAS detected a SNP located on chromosome 5 explaining 19% of the genetic variance for TD. The proximity of Sentrin-specific protease 5 (SENP5) to this SNP makes it a candidate gene for resistance against IPNV. In case of BS, a SNP located on chromosome 23 was detected explaining 9% of the genetic variance. However, the moderate-low proportion of variance explained by the detected marker leads to the conclusion that the incorporation of all genomic information, through genomic selection, would be the most appropriate approach to accelerate genetic progress for the improvement of resistance against IPNV in rainbow trout

    RIAM-VASP module relays integrin complement receptors in outside-in signaling driving particle engulfment

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    The phagocytic integrins and complement receptors M 2/CR3 and X 2/CR4 are classically associated with the phagocytosis of iC3b-opsonized particles. The activation of this receptor is dependent on signals derived from other receptors (inside-out signaling) with the crucial involvement of the Rap1-RIAM-Talin-1 pathway. Here, we analyze the implication of RIAM and its binding partner VASP in the signaling events occurring downstream of 2 integrins (outside-in) during complement-mediated phagocytosis. To this end, we used HL-60 promyelocytic cell lines deficient in RIAM or VASP or overexpressing EGFP-tagged VASP to determine VASP dynamics at phagocytic cups. Our results indicate that RIAM-deficient HL-60 cells presented impaired particle internalization and altered integrin downstream signaling during complement-dependent phagocytosis. Similarly, VASP deficiency completely blocked phagocytosis, while VASP overexpression increased the random movement of phagocytic particles at the cell surface, with reduced internalization. Moreover, the recruitment of VASP to particle contact sites, amount of pSer157-VASP and formation of actin-rich phagocytic cups were dependent on RIAM expression. Our results suggested that RIAM worked as a relay for integrin complement receptors in outside-in signaling, coordinating integrin activation and cytoskeletal rearrangements via its interaction with VASPThis work has been supported by Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) grants: SAF2016-77096-R (ELD and CC), BIO2014:54164-R (PAR), BIO2017-86500-R (MY-M), EI/MICIU EXPLORA BIO2017-91272-EXP & FEDER (PI17/02303) (S.R.-P). AT-G is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from MINECO, JLS-T is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, RT-R is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC

    Indicadores de la modernización mexicana

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    Se sostiene aquí la hipótesis de que el proyecto neoliberal mexicano perjudica a las grandes mayorías y favorece fundamentalmente a los ya privilegiados, al menos a corto y mediano plazos. La obra presenta el marco internacional en que se está produciendo la modernización nacional; informa sobre algunos indicadores de la modernización económica a nivel macro; reflexiona sobre los procesos de reforma educativa que el modelo exige, promueve e impone; habla del papel de los medios de comunicación en el proceso y aterriza las consecuencias de la modernización en el caso de los obreros e indígenas.ITESO, A.C.Centro de Reflexión y Acción SocialCentro de Reflexión Teológic