3,124 research outputs found

    Spatial-temporal control of the early stages of somitogenesis in the chick embryo

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da SaúdeA segmentação é o processo que conduz à formação dos sómitos, estruturas embrionárias metaméricas que se formam na parte mais rostral da mesoderme presomítica (MPS) e que estão na base da segmentação do corpo dos vertebrados. Sabese actualmente que o processo de segmentação é controlado por um relógio molecular que opera ao nível das células da MPS e que se manifesta pela transcrição cíclica de vários genes, cujo tempo de ciclo corresponde precisamente ao tempo necessário para a formação de um sómito. O número de ciclos de expressão que ocorrem em cada célula pré-somítica confere-lhe uma informação temporal que se traduz numa informação posicional no eixo antero-posterior do embrião. No curso desta tese de doutoramento, mostramos que ciclos de expressão dos genes do relógio estão já a decorrer nas células do território somítico prospectivo. Este estudo, realizado em embriões de galinha no estadio de 6 sómitos, também mostrou que as futuras células medianas (Futura Mediana (FM)-MPS) e futuras células laterais (Futura Lateral (FL)-MPS) dos sómitos se encontram em territórios distintos e organizados no eixo antero-posterior da linha primitiva. O facto das oscilações dos genes cíclicos atravessarem estes dois territórios ao longo deste eixo, implica que o relógio da segmentação está a proporcionar uma informação posicional bidimensional (no eixo antero-posterior e no eixo médio-lateral) às celulas da MPS. Notavelmente, bandas oblíquas de expressão dos genes cíclicos foram também observadas na MPS. Experiências de transplantação de tecidos efectuadas no nosso laboratório revelaram que apenas as células do território FM-MPS contêm a informação para segmentar, a qual possivelmente lhes é transmitida pela região imediatamente anterior, denominada fenda mediana (FM). Transplantes heterotópicos e interespecíficos da FM e células FM-MPS entre a galinha e a codorniz permitiram-nos verificar que, de facto, a FM é um importante centro sinalizador, responsável pela instrução das células vizinhas mais caudais no processo de segmentação. Uma outra parte deste trabalho focou-se no estudo dos mecanismos moleculares responsáveis por activar o início do relógio da segmentação durante o desenvolvimento embrionário da galinha. Os nossos resultados mostraram que o relógio da segmentação não é activado por nenhum sinal derivado dos primeiros passos da formação do embrião, e propuseram que o nó de Hensen poderia ser o responsável por iniciar o programa da segmentação. O resultado de uma série de transplantes heterotópicos e isocrónicos do nó de Hensen revelaram que este transmite um sinal que é capaz de não só induzir as oscilações dos genes cíclicos em células cujo destino não era a formação de sómitos, mas também de reiniciar o programa da segmentação nestas células. A parte final desta tese consistiu em estudar as diferenças entre os sómitos mais anteriores e os sómitos mais posteriores do embrião. O facto dos sómitos mais rostrais não originarem estruturas segmentadas e de o fenótipo de várias mutações que afectam a somitogénese não apresentar defeitos ao nível destes sómitos, tem levado à ideia generalizada que os sómitos anteriores são diferentes dos mais posteriores. Uma análise detalhada da expressão de notch1, delta1, hairy1, hairy2, lunatic fringe and hey2 ao nível dos primeiros 10 sómitos mostrou que a sua expressão não é a mesma ao longo do eixo antero-posterior, e que as diferenças observadas não são sempre ao mesmo nível somítico. Por outro lado, a monitorização da formação dos primeiros sómitos in vivo, permitiu-nos concluir que os primeiros 2 sómitos se formam mais rapidamente, e de forma quasi-concomitante, que os sómitos mais posteriores. No seu conjunto, os resultados deste trabalho apontam para a existência de diferenças relevantes entre os sómitos rostrais e caudais no que se refere às suas características moleculares e temporais no embrião de galinha.Segmentation is built on repetitive structures, named somites, which are formed progressively from the most rostral part of presomitic mesoderm (PSM). This process is controlled by a molecular clock operating at the level of the PSM, being evident by the cyclic transcription of several genes. Remarkably, the transcription cycle of these genes is precisely the time required to form one somite. In the course of this PhD thesis it was shown that the molecular clock underlying somite formation already operates in the prospective somitic territory at 6-somite stage embryos. Furthermore, this work demonstrated that at this stage the medial (PM-PSM) and lateral (PL-PSM) prospective PSM cells present clearly segregated territories in the primitive streak. Interestingly, the fact that the oscillations of the cycling genes cross the PL-PSM and PM-PSM territories in a posterior to anterior direction implies that the segmentation clock provides the PSM cells with bidimensional positional information. In aggrement, cross-stripes of the molecular clock genes expression were observed in the PSM. Grafting experiments performed in our laboratory further revealed that only the PM-PSM cells contain the information for segmentation, that is possibly transmitted by the median pit (MP), which is the morphological Hensen’s node at the stage of 6-somites. To test this possibility, we performed heterochronic, heterotopic, interspecific quail-chick MP and PM-PSM grafts and checked for the capacity of the MP region to induce somite formation in an ectopic competent region of a younger host embryo. The analysis of these experiments revealed that in fact, the MP is able to induce the formation of ectopic somites as well as the expression of the cycling genes in induced PSM tissue. Hence, the MP seems to be an important signalling centre detaining the information for segmentation. These findings also propose that the MP is the functional organizer at the stage of 6-somites in chick embryos. Another important subject in the line of this thesis was to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying the onset of the segmentation clock during chick embryonic development. We showed that the segmentation clock was not activated at the very beginning of embryo formation, since both spontaneous and artificially generated double axis which derive from the same embryonic blastoderm, presented different phases of the expression of the cycling genes in their PSMs. Conversely, the phase of the cycle was always the same when the caudal part of the embryos was joined together. These results led us to verify whether Hensen’s node was responsible for triggering the initiation of the segmentation clock. So, a series of heterotopic interspecific quail-chick Hensen’s node grafts were performed and our results showed that the node is able to induce ectopic PSM tissue and to reinitiate the segmentation clock. The same observation was made when chick node grafts were transplanted to the lateral blastoderm of the same embryo. Taken together these findings revealed that the node emits a signal(s) able to induce the oscillations of the cycling genes in cells that are not fated to become somites and that it also has the capacity to restart the segmentation programme in these cells. In the final part of this thesis we focused on the study of possible differences between the formation of anterior and posterior somites, in the chick embryo. The fact that rostral somites do not give rise to segmented structures and are not disrupted in several somitogenesis-related mutants has led to the generally accepted idea that they are different from caudal somites. In addition, it was reported in zebrafish and mouse that the first somites appear to form faster than more posterior ones. We analysed the expression of notch1, delta1, hairy1, hairy2, lunatic fringe and hey2 at the level of the first 10 somites, and we found that the somitic expression pattern profile is not the same along the anterior-posterior axis and that the differences are not observed at the same somite level. We have additionally designed a time-lapse experiment that allowed us to monitor somite formation in vivo. A detailed analysis of the monitored embryos indicates that the first 2 to 3 somites form faster, almost concomitantly, than the more posterior ones. Thus, we conclude from this work that there are relevant differences in anterior versus posterior somites in what concerns their molecular and temporal characteristics in the chick embryo

    Understanding the Variations in Gibrat's Law with a Markov-Perfect Dynamic Industry Model

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    Gibrat's Law of proportionate effect, as applied to firms, states that the growth rate of a firm is independent of its size. Empirical work on firm dynamics finds crucial deviations from Gibrat's Law such as smaller firms growing faster than larger firms (Evans, 1987, and Hall, 1987), a negative relationship between the variance of growth rates and size (Dunne and Hughes, 1994), and first-order positive autocorrelation in the growth rates (Kumar, 1995). Moreover, the degree of deviation from Gibrat's Law varies across industries. This paper contributes to our understanding of the forces that make Gibrat's Law a close, but imperfect approximation of firm size distributions and seeks to determine potential sources of cross-industry variation. Here, we employ an extension of the Ericson-Pakes (1995) theoretical framework that allows for firm growth developed by Laincz (2004a). By varying key parameters, the simulations demonstrate potential sources for the various, and sometimes conflicting, results on Gibrat's Law uncovered in the empirical literatureGibrat's Law, Firm Size Distribution, Entry, Exit

    A Theoretical Foundation for Understanding Firm Size Distributions and Gibrat's Law

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    This paper presents a dynamic model of the firm size distribution. Empirical studies of the firm size distribution often compare the moments to a log-normal distribution as implied by Gibrat's Law and note important deviations. Thus, the first, and basic questions we ask are how well does the dynamic industry model reproduce Gibrat's Law and how well does it match the deviations uncovered in the literature. We show that the model reproduces these results when testing the simulated output using the techniques of the empirical literature. We then use the model to study how structural parameters affect the firm size distribution. We find that, among other things, fixed and sunk costs increase both the mean and variance of the firm size distribution while generally decreasing the skewness and kurtosis. The rate of growth in an industry also raises the mean and variance, but has non-monotonic effects on the higher moments.Firm size distribution; Gibrat's Law; R&D.

    Parametric identification of the dynamics of inter-sectoral balance: modelling and forecasting

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    This work is devoted to modelling and identification of the dynamics of the inter-sectoral balance of a macroeconomic system. An approach to the problem of specification and identification of a weakly formalized dynamical system is developed. A matching procedure for parameters of a linear stationary Cauchy problem with a decomposition of its upshot trend and a periodic component, is proposed. Moreover, an approach for detection of significant harmonic waves, which are inherent to real macroeconomic dynamical systems, is developed.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper accepted for publication 29-March-2019 as a book chapter in 'Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing' [https://www.springer.com/series/11156], Springe

    Comparison of the initial Ebola virus disease symptoms and subsequent sequelae of 10 survivors in the Koinadugu district of Sierra Leone during the 2014-2015 outbreak (a pilot study)

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    A epidemia pelo vírus Ébola que devastou a África Ocidental em 2014-2015 foi a maior que o Mundo testemunhou até hoje. Começou em Dezembro de 2013 e permaneuceu indetectável durante 3 meses, permitindo que o vírus se continuasse a espalhar de forma descontrolada e para a epidemia escalar até ao ponto em que foi declarada uma emergencia internacional em Agosto de 2014. Consequências a curto e longo prazo têm sido documentadas em sobreviventes, variando desde físicas, a psicológicas e sociais. Além disso, a permanência do vírus em determinados compartimentos biológicos de sobreviventes (ex: sémen) colocam os países em alto risco do vírus voltar a ser introduzido em comunidades onde este já foi eliminado. Este estudo procurou identificar os sintomas de 10 sobreviventes da doença pelo vírus Ébola, escolhidos de forma não aleatória, tanto no momento em que estavam com a doença na sua fase activa como nos meses de convalescença, e verificar se haveria alguma relação entre os dois. Os sintomas mais comuns durante a fase activa da doença foram perda de peso, artralgia e febre; e nos meses de convalescença foram cefaleias, fadiga, astenia e lombalgias. Sessenta por cento dos sobreviventes apresentavam na fase de convalescença, um ou mais dos sintomas que tinham durante a fase activa da doença, sendo as cefaleias o sintoma mais comum a persistir, seguido de astenia. No entanto, todos os sobreviventes apresentavam no mínimo um sintoma meses após a fase activa da doença, independentemente dos sintomas que haviam desenvolvido na fase activa. Os eventos biológicos e patogénicos que estão envolvidos no desenvolvimento do síndrome pós-Ébola ainda não são claros e mais estudos são necessários nesta área. No entanto, e tendo em consideração uma abordagem sindromática, este estudo em particular conclui que a gravidade da doença pelo vírus Ébola na sua fase aguda não parece estar associada com a gravidade das sequelas apresentadas, também conhecidas como síndrome pós-Ébola.The 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola Outbreak was the largest the World has ever seen. It started in December 2013 and was left unnoticed for 3 months, allowing for the virus to keep spreading uncontrollably and for the outbreak to keep escalating until it was declared an International emergency in August 2014. Both short and long term complications have been reported on EVD survivors, ranging from physical to psychological and social and, in addition, the persistence of EVD in selected body compartments of the survivors (i.e.: semen) poses a great risk of reintroduction of the virus in areas where transmission has previously been eliminated. This study aimed to identify the symptoms presented by 10 non-randomized EVD survivors both during the acute stage of the disease and months after recovery and understand if there was any relation between these two stages. The most common symptoms recorded during the active stage of EVD were weight loss, joint pain and fever; and months after were headache, fatigue, weakness and back pain. Sixty per cent of survivors presented months after recovery with one or more of the symptoms they had during the acute stage of the disease, being headache the most common symptom to persist, followed by weakness. However, all survivors presented with one or more symptom months after recovery, regardless of the symptoms existing during the acute stage of the disease. The pathogenic and biological events that lead to the development of PEVDS are still unclear and more studies still need to be done on that subject. However, taking in consideration a symptomatic approach, this particular study concludes that the severity of the disease in its acute stage doesn‟t seem to be associated with the severity of the sequelae, also known as post-EVD syndrome

    Credit VaR and VaR in credit default swaps

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    JEL Classification: C01, C02This thesis presents two applications of Value at Risk (VaR) estimation: Credit VaR and VaR in Credit Default Swaps (CDS). I compare Credit VaR estimates based on different correlation assumptions, using Gaussian and t copulas, with the observed loss in a credit portfolio of a Portuguese financial institution, for a time series of 72 monthly observations, covering the period between 2004 and 2009. I provide empirical evidence that some of the assumptions made by rating agencies to evaluate CDOs are inadequate in stress situations like the financial crisis observed in 2008. All Credit VaR estimates were compared using backtesting procedures. I find that the most accurate Credit VaR model for this portfolio is based on asset correlation given by the empirical estimator proposed by De Servigny and Renault (2002a) and assuming a dependence structure given by the t copula with 8 degrees of freedom. Regarding the application of VaR models to CDS, I estimate VaR using several methods: Quantile Regression, Historical Simulation, Filtered Historical Simulation, Extreme Value Theory and GARCH-based models. The analysis of the determinants of CDS spreads is based on 242 reference entities and the time period ranges from September 2001 to April 2011. All VaR models were compared using backtesting procedures. I find that Quantile Regression provides better results than the other models tested and that the financial ratios proposed by Campbell et al (2008) to determine the risk of bankruptcy contribute to explain the determinants of the price of CDS.Nesta tese são apresentadas duas aplicações de estimação de Value at Risk (VaR): VaR de Crédito e VaR em Credit Default Swaps (CDS). O VaR de crédito foi estimado com base em pressupostos de correlação diferentes, utilizando as cópulas Gaussiana e t, e comparado com a perda observada numa carteira de crédito de uma instituiçao financeira Portuguesa, num total de 72 observações mensais no período entre 2004 e 2009. Concluo que existe evidência empírica de que algumas das hipóteses assumidas pelas agências de rating para avaliar CDOs são desadequadas em situações de stress, como a crise financeira observada em 2008. As estimativas de VaR de crédito foram comparadas usando procedimentos de backtesting. O modelo que melhor se adequa ao portfolio em análise baseia-se no estimador empírico de correlação proposto por De Servigny e Renault (2002a), considerando a cópula t com 8 graus de liberdade. Relativamente à aplicação de modelos de VaR a CDS, o VaR foi estimado usando vários métodos: Regressão de Quantis, Simulação Histórica, Simulação Histórica Filtrada, Teoria dos Valores Extremos e vários modelos GARCH. A análise baseia-se em 242 entidades, no período entre setembro 2001 e abril 2011. As estimativas de VaR em CDS foram comparadas usando procedimentos de backtesting. Concluo que a Regressão de Quantis proporciona melhores resultados na estimaçãao de VaR que os restantes métodos e que os rácios financeiros propostos por Campbell et al (2008) para determinar o risco de falˆencia contribuem para explicar o preço do CDS.Financial support from bank Montepio and FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under project PTDC/EGE-GES/119274/201

    Why can't Banksy be a woman? The gendering of graffiti and street art atudies

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    In this article, the question ‘Why Can´t Banksy Be a Woman’ is a point of departure to approach some of the pressing challenges regarding sex and gender in graffiti and street art studies, in order to contribute on the matter of the presence/absence of women graffiti and street artists in this epistemological field. To this aim, I summon feminist contributions on the invisibility of women in the established art world, namely from art historians Linda Nochlin and Griselda Pollock. I map important contributions on the question of women in graffiti, by referring to graffiti scholars Nancy MacDonald and Jessica Pábon-Cólon. As street art has been considered more gender inclusive in regards to conditions of production, I locate restrictions mainly in terms of reception. Finally, I suggest that the question of women in graffiti and street art studies is larger than sex and gender.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cromossoma Philadelphia e leucemia : biologia e terapêutica

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    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraA Leucemia Mielóide Crónica (LMC) é uma neoplasia caraterizada por uma translocação cromossómica específica, entre os cromossomas 9 e 22(cromossoma Philadelphia), resultando desta translocação cromossómica, a proteína bcr-abl. Esta neoplasia se não for tratada antecipadamente evolui, rapidamente, de uma fase crónica para uma fase acelerada, terminando em crise blástica. Nas últimas décadas, a terapêutica desta doença tem evoluído no sentido de melhorar e contrariar as falhas que têm surgido nos doentes submetidos a tratamento, nomeadamente, os efeitos adversos e a resistência aos fármacos. Este trabalho pretende, não só abordar a biologia da doença e os seus métodos de diagnóstico, mas, também, apresentar, com base na literatura atual, as várias linhas terapêuticas e avaliá-las em termos de eficácia, tolerância, resposta e resistência. Assim, nesta monografia, destaca-se o papel dos inibidores de tirosina cinase, bem como as estratégias de tratamento a eles associados, de modo a identificar novos alvos terapêuticos.Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) is a neoplasia characterized by a specific chromosomal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22(Philadelphia chromosome), resulting from this chromosomal translocation, the bcr-abl protein. This disease, if not treated early, it evolves rapidly, from chronic phase to an accelerated phase, ending in blast crisis. In recent decades, the therapy of this disease has evolved to improve and to counter the shortcomings that have arisen in patients undergoing treatment, in particular, the adverse effects and the drug resistance. This work aims, not only to address the biology of the disease and its diagnostic methods, but also present, based on the current literature, several therapeutic lines and evaluate them in terms of efficacy, tolerance, response and resistance. Thus, in this monograph, it highlights the role of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, as well as, the treatment strategies associated with them to identify new therapeutic targets