19 research outputs found


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    The establishment of pastures in Amazonia is made to replace the woody vegetation by slash and burn process in chemically poor and low available phosphorus soils. The recovery of degraded areas is required and can contribute to reducing deforestation in the region. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of doses of Arad and NPK combinations in the management of maize in soil with low productive capacity. The experiment was conducted in Santo Antonio do Taua, Pará State, in an area with degraded pasture, in a dys- trophic Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block split plot design with four replications. The plots were four phosphate: 50, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 of P2O5 as Arad and sub-plots combination with NPK, NK, NK liming, and control ( no match ). We evaluated the growth characteristics and productivity of corn. Doses of Arad influenced the plant height and number of kernels per row cob. The application of Arad com- bined with NPK increased grain yield

    Fosfato de Arad, NPK e calagem na cultura do milho em área de pastagem degradada

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    The establishment of pastures in Amazonia is made to replace the woody vegetation by slash and burn process in chemically poor and low available phosphorus soils. The recovery of degraded areas is required and can contribute to reducing deforestation in the region. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of doses of Arad and NPK combinations in the management of maize in soil with low productive capacity. The experiment was conducted in Santo Antonio do Taua, Para State, in an area with degraded pasture, in a dystrophic Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block split plot design with four replications. The plots were four phosphate: 50, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha(-1) of P2O5 as Arad and sub-plots combination with NPK, NK, NK liming, and control (no match ). We evaluated the growth characteristics and productivity of corn. Doses of Arad influenced the plant height and number of kernels per row cob. The application of Arad combined with NPK increased grain yield

    Comportamento das Águas Superficiais nos Oceanos Pacifico e Atlântico Durante o Período de 1982 a 2014

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    Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o comportamento das temperaturas da superfície do mar (TSM) nas áreas dos Niños no oceano Pacífico e nas áreas correspondente ao Dipolo (N-S), no oceano Atlântico, durante o período de 1982 a 2014. Os dados utilizados foram do National Weather Service/Climate Prediction Center do National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NWS/CPC/NOAA). Foi utilizado o método dos quantis para classificar os desvios normalizados da TSM acumulada de janeiro a junho como anos quentes, normais e frios. Como era de se esperar em todas as regiões dos oceanos Pacífico e Atlântico, os desvios normalizados foram positivos e acima de 1 para os anos quentes, próximo de zero para os anos normais, onde apenas a região do Niño1+2 apresentou um valor de −0,28 e valores negativos menores que −1 para os anos frios. Também foi utilizado o teste não-paramétrico de Mann Kendall para avaliar as tendências das séries temporais aos níveis de 1 e 5% de probabilidades. E de acordo com o teste, apenas as áreas do Atlântico Norte e do Dipolo apresentaram uma tendência crescente, ao nível de significância de 1%

    How superoxide reductases and flavodiiron proteins combat oxidative stress in anaerobes

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