222 research outputs found

    Effects of the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Valproic Acid on Human Pericytes In Vitro

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    Microvascular pericytes are of key importance in neoformation of blood vessels, in stabilization of newly formed vessels as well as maintenance of angiostasis in resting tissues. Furthermore, pericytes are capable of differentiating into pro-fibrotic collagen type I producing fibroblasts. The present study investigates the effects of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor valproic acid (VPA) on pericyte proliferation, cell viability, migration and differentiation. The results show that HDAC inhibition through exposure of pericytes to VPA in vitro causes the inhibition of pericyte proliferation and migration with no effect on cell viability. Pericyte exposure to the potent HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A caused similar effects on pericyte proliferation, migration and cell viability. HDAC inhibition also inhibited pericyte differentiation into collagen type I producing fibroblasts. Given the importance of pericytes in blood vessel biology a qPCR array focusing on the expression of mRNAs coding for proteins that regulate angiogenesis was performed. The results showed that HDAC inhibition promoted transcription of genes involved in vessel stabilization/maturation in human microvascular pericytes. The present in vitro study demonstrates that VPA influences several aspects of microvascular pericyte biology and suggests an alternative mechanism by which HDAC inhibition affects blood vessels. The results raise the possibility that HDAC inhibition inhibits angiogenesis partly through promoting a pericyte phenotype associated with stabilization/maturation of blood vessels

    Relations between lipoprotein(a) concentrations, LPA genetic variants, and the risk of mortality in patients with established coronary heart disease: a molecular and genetic association study

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    BACKGROUND: Lipoprotein(a) concentrations in plasma are associated with cardiovascular risk in the general population. Whether lipoprotein(a) concentrations or LPA genetic variants predict long-term mortality in patients with established coronary heart disease remains less clear. METHODS: We obtained data from 3313 patients with established coronary heart disease in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study. We tested associations of tertiles of lipoprotein(a) concentration in plasma and two LPA single-nucleotide polymorphisms ([SNPs] rs10455872 and rs3798220) with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality by Cox regression analysis and with severity of disease by generalised linear modelling, with and without adjustment for age, sex, diabetes diagnosis, systolic blood pressure, BMI, smoking status, estimated glomerular filtration rate, LDL-cholesterol concentration, and use of lipid-lowering therapy. Results for plasma lipoprotein(a) concentrations were validated in five independent studies involving 10 195 patients with established coronary heart disease. Results for genetic associations were replicated through large-scale collaborative analysis in the GENIUS-CHD consortium, comprising 106 353 patients with established coronary heart disease and 19 332 deaths in 22 studies or cohorts. FINDINGS: The median follow-up was 9·9 years. Increased severity of coronary heart disease was associated with lipoprotein(a) concentrations in plasma in the highest tertile (adjusted hazard radio [HR] 1·44, 95% CI 1·14-1·83) and the presence of either LPA SNP (1·88, 1·40-2·53). No associations were found in LURIC with all-cause mortality (highest tertile of lipoprotein(a) concentration in plasma 0·95, 0·81-1·11 and either LPA SNP 1·10, 0·92-1·31) or cardiovascular mortality (0·99, 0·81-1·2 and 1·13, 0·90-1·40, respectively) or in the validation studies. INTERPRETATION: In patients with prevalent coronary heart disease, lipoprotein(a) concentrations and genetic variants showed no associations with mortality. We conclude that these variables are not useful risk factors to measure to predict progression to death after coronary heart disease is established. FUNDING: Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development (AtheroRemo and RiskyCAD), INTERREG IV Oberrhein Programme, Deutsche Nierenstiftung, Else-Kroener Fresenius Foundation, Deutsche Stiftung fĂŒr Herzforschung, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Saarland University, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Willy Robert Pitzer Foundation, and Waldburg-Zeil Clinics Isny

    Recurrent Die-Offs of Adult Coho Salmon Returning to Spawn in Puget Sound Lowland Urban Streams

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    Several Seattle-area streams in Puget Sound were the focus of habitat restoration projects in the 1990s. Post-project effectiveness monitoring surveys revealed anomalous behaviors among adult coho salmon returning to spawn in restored reaches. These included erratic surface swimming, gaping, fin splaying, and loss of orientation and equilibrium. Affected fish died within hours, and female carcasses generally showed high rates (>90%) of egg retention. Beginning in the fall of 2002, systematic spawner surveys were conducted to 1) assess the severity of the adult die-offs, 2) compare spawner mortality in urban vs. non-urban streams, and 3) identify water quality and spawner condition factors that might be associated with the recurrent fish kills. The forensic investigation focused on conventional water quality parameters (e.g., dissolved oxygen, temperature, ammonia), fish condition, pathogen exposure and disease status, and exposures to metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and current use pesticides. Daily surveys of a representative urban stream (Longfellow Creek) from 2002–2009 revealed premature spawner mortality rates that ranged from 60–100% of each fall run. The comparable rate in a non-urban stream was <1% (Fortson Creek, surveyed in 2002). Conventional water quality, pesticide exposure, disease, and spawner condition showed no relationship to the syndrome. Coho salmon did show evidence of exposure to metals and petroleum hydrocarbons, both of which commonly originate from motor vehicles in urban landscapes. The weight of evidence suggests that freshwater-transitional coho are particularly vulnerable to an as-yet unidentified toxic contaminant (or contaminant mixture) in urban runoff. Stormwater may therefore place important constraints on efforts to conserve and recover coho populations in urban and urbanizing watersheds throughout the western United States

    Wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) use social information to learn new foraging techniques

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    Recent research has claimed that traditions are not a unique feature of human culture, but that they can be found in animal societies as well. However, the origins of traditions in animals studied in the wild are still poorly understood. To contribute comparative data to begin filling this gap, we conducted a social diffusion experiment with four groups of wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons). We used a ‘two-option’ feeding box, where these Malagasy primates could either pull or push a door to get access to a fruit reward to study whether and how these two behavioural traits spread through the groups. During a pre-training phase, two groups were presented with boxes in which one technique was blocked, whereas two groups were presented with unblocked boxes. During a subsequent unconstrained phase, all four groups were confronted with unblocked boxes. Nearly half of the study animals were able to learn the new feeding skill and individuals who observed others needed fewer unsuccessful task manipulations until their first successful action. Animals in the two groups with pre-training also discovered the corresponding alternative technique but preferred the seeded technique. Interestingly, animals in the two groups without pre-training discovered both techniques, and one group developed a group preference for one technique whereas the other did not. In all groups, some animals also scrounged food rewards. In conclusion, redfronted lemurs appear to use social information in acquiring a novel task, and animals in at least in one group without training developed a group preference for one technique, indicating that they have the potential to develop behavioural traditions and conformity

    Another beauty of analytical chemistry: chemical analysis of inorganic pigments of art and archaeological objects

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    [EN] This lecture text shows what fascinating tasks analytical chemists face in Art Conservation and Archaeology, and it is hoped that students reading it will realize that passions for science, arts or history are by no means mutually exclusive. This study describes the main analytical techniques used since the eighteenth century, and in particular, the instrumental techniques developed throughout the last century for analyzing pigments and inorganic materials, in general, which are found in cultural artefacts, such as artworks and archaeological remains. The lecture starts with a historical review on the use of analytical methods for the analysis of pigments from archaeological and art objects. Three different periods can be distinguished in the history of the application of the Analytical Chemistry in Archaeometrical and Art Conservation studies: (a) the "Formation'' period (eighteenth century1930), (b) the "Maturing'' period (1930-1970), and (c) the "Expansion'' period (1970-nowadays). A classification of analytical methods specifically established in the fields of Archaeometry and Conservation Science is also provided. After this, some sections are devoted to the description of a number of analytical techniques, which are most commonly used in routine analysis of pigments from cultural heritage. Each instrumental section gives the fundamentals of the instrumental technique, together with relevant analytical data and examples of applications.Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from Spanish ‘‘I+D+I MINECO’’ projects CTQ2011-28079-CO3-01 and CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P supported by ERDEF funds.Domenech Carbo, MT.; Osete Cortina, L. (2016). Another beauty of analytical chemistry: chemical analysis of inorganic pigments of art and archaeological objects. ChemTexts. 2:1-50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40828-016-0033-5S1502Wilks H (ed) (1987) Science for conservators: a conservation science teaching series. The Conservation Unit Museums and Galleries Commission, LondonSan AndrĂ©s Moya M, Viña Ferrer S (2004) Fundamentos de quĂ­mica y fĂ­sica para la conservaciĂłn y restauraciĂłn. SĂ­ntesis, MadridDomĂ©nech-CarbĂł MT (2013) Principios fĂ­sico-quĂ­micos de los materiales integrantes de los bienes culturales, Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšnciaMills JS, White R (1987) The organic chemistry of museum objects. Butterworths, London, pp 141–159Matteini M, Moles A (1991) La Quimica nel Restauro. I materiali dell’arte pittorica. Nardini, FirenzeGomez MA (1998) La RestauraciĂłn. Examen cientĂ­fico aplicado a la conservaciĂłn de obras de arte. CĂĄtedra, MadridTaft WS Jr, Mayer JW (2000) The science of paintings. 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Clay Miner 36:403–419DomĂ©nech-CarbĂł A, DomĂ©nech-CarbĂł MT, LĂłpez-LĂłpez F, Valle-Algarra FM, Osete-Cortina L, Arcos-Von Haartman E (2013) Electrochemical characterization of egyptian blue pigment in wall paintings using the voltammetry of microparticles methodology. Electroanalysis 25:2621–2630DomĂ©nech-CarbĂł MT, Edwards HGM, DomĂ©nech-CarbĂł A, del Hoyo-MelĂ©ndez JM, de la Cruz-Cañizares J (2012) An authentication case study: Antonio Palomino vs. Vicente Guillo paintings in the vaulted ceiling of the Sant Joan del Mercat church (Valencia, Spain). J Raman Spectrosc 43:1250–1259Lovric M, Scholz F (1999) A model for the coupled transport of ions and electrons in redox conductive microcrystals. J Solid State Electrochem 3:172–175Oldham KB (1998) Voltammetry at a three phase junction. 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    Association of Chromosome 9p21 with Subsequent Coronary Heart Disease events:A GENIUS-CHD study of individual participant data

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    BACKGROUND:Genetic variation at chromosome 9p21 is a recognized risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD). However, its effect on disease progression and subsequent events is unclear, raising questions about its value for stratification of residual risk. METHODS:A variant at chromosome 9p21 (rs1333049) was tested for association with subsequent events during follow-up in 103,357 Europeans with established CHD at baseline from the GENIUS-CHD Consortium (73.1% male, mean age 62.9 years). The primary outcome, subsequent CHD death or myocardial infarction (CHD death/MI), occurred in 13,040 of the 93,115 participants with available outcome data. Effect estimates were compared to case/control risk obtained from CARDIoGRAMPlusC4D including 47,222 CHD cases and 122,264 controls free of CHD. RESULTS:Meta-analyses revealed no significant association between chromosome 9p21 and the primary outcome of CHD death/MI among those with established CHD at baseline (GENIUS-CHD OR 1.02; 95% CI 0.99-1.05). This contrasted with a strong association in CARDIoGRAMPlusC4D OR 1.20; 95% CI 1.18-1.22; p for interaction Conclusions: In contrast to studies comparing individuals with CHD to disease free controls, we found no clear association between genetic variation at chromosome 9p21 and risk of subsequent acute CHD events when all individuals had CHD at baseline. However, the association with subsequent revascularization may support the postulated mechanism of chromosome 9p21 for promoting atheroma development

    Measurement of energetic single-photon production at LEP

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    Search for neutral B meson decays to two charged leptons

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    The decays Bd0, Bs0→e+e−, Ό+Ό−, e±Ό∓\mathrm{B_d^0,\,B_s^0 \rightarrow e^+e^-,\,\mu^+\mu^-,\, e^\pm\mu^\mp} are searched for in 3.5 million hadronic Z{\mathrm{Z}} events, which constitute the full LEP I data sample collected by the L3 detector. No signals are observed, therefore upper limits at the 90\%(95\%) confidence levels are set on the following branching fractions: % \begin{center}% {\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} \begin{tabular}{lccccclcccc}% % Br(Bd0→e+e−)({\mathrm{B_d^0 \rightarrow {\mathrm{e^+e^-}}}}) & << & 1.4(1.8)1.4(1.8) & ×\times & 10−5 10^{-5}; & \hspace*{5mm} & Br(Bs0→e+e−)({\mathrm{B_s^0 \rightarrow {\mathrm{e^+e^-}}}}) & << & 5.4(7.0)5.4(7.0) & ×\times & 10−5 10^{-5}; \\% Br(Bd0→Ό+Ό−)({\mathrm{B_d^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-}}) & << & 1.0(1.4)1.0(1.4) & ×\times & 10−5 10^{-5}; & \hspace*{5mm} & Br(Bs0→Ό+Ό−)({\mathrm{B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-}}) & << & 3.8(5.1)3.8(5.1) & ×\times & 10−5 10^{-5}; \\% Br(Bd0→e±Ό∓)({\mathrm{B_d^0 \rightarrow {\mathrm{e^\pm\mu^\mp}}}}) & << & 1.6(2.0)1.6(2.0) & ×\times & 10−5 10^{-5}; & \hspace*{5mm} & Br(Bs0→e±Ό∓)({\mathrm{B_s^0 \rightarrow {\mathrm{e^\pm\mu^\mp}}}}) & << & 4.1(5.3)4.1(5.3) & ×\times & 10−5 10^{-5}. \\% % \end{tabular}% } \end{center}% % The results for Bs0→e+e−{\mathrm{B_s^0\rightarrow{\mathrm{e^+e^-}}}} and Bs0→e±Ό∓{\mathrm{B_s^0 \rightarrow {\mathrm{e^\pm\mu^\mp}}}} are the first limits set on these decay modes

    Search for neutral charmless B decays at LEP

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    A search for rare charmless decays of \Bd and \Bs mesons has been performed in the exclusive channels \Bd_{(\mathrm s)}\ra\eta\eta, \Bd_{(\mathrm s)}\ra\eta\pio and \Bd_{(\mathrm s)}\ra\pio\pio. The data sample consisted of three million hadronic \Zo decays collected by the L3 experiment at LEP from 1991 through 1994. No candidate event has been observed and the following upper limits at 90\% confidence level on the branching ratios have been set \begin{displaymath} \mathrm{Br}(\Bd\ra\eta\eta)<4.1\times 10^{-4},\,\, \mathrm{Br}(\Bs\ra\eta\eta)<1.5\times 10^{-3},\,\, \end{displaymath} \begin{displaymath} \mathrm{Br}(\Bd\ra\eta\pio)<2.5\times 10^{-4},\,\, \mathrm{Br}(\Bs\ra\eta\pio)<1.0\times 10^{-3},\,\, \end{displaymath} \begin{displaymath} \mathrm{Br}(\Bd\ra\pio\pio)<6.0\times 10^{-5},\,\, \mathrm{Br}(\Bs\ra\pio\pio)<2.1\times 10^{-4}. \end{displaymath} These are the first experimental limits on \Bd\ra\eta\eta and on the \Bs neutral charmless modes
