55 research outputs found

    Distances and parallax bias in Gaia DR2

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    We derive Bayesian distances for all stars in the radial velocity sample of Gaia DR2, and use the statistical method of Schönrich, Binney & Asplund to validate the distances and test the Gaia parallaxes. In contrast to other methods, which rely on special sources, our method directly tests the distances to all stars in our sample. We find clear evidence for a near-linear trend of distance bias f with distance s, proving a parallax offset ÎŽp. On average, we find ÎŽp=−0.054mas (parallaxes in Gaia DR2 need to be increased) when accounting for the parallax uncertainty underestimate in the Gaia set (compared to ÎŽp=−0.048mas on the raw parallax errors), with negligible formal error and a systematic uncertainty of about 0.006mas⁠. The value is in concordance with results from asteroseismic measurements, but differs from the much lower bias found on quasar samples. We further use our method to compile a comprehensive set of quality cuts in colour, apparent magnitude, and astrometric parameters. Lastly, we find that for this sample ÎŽp appears to strongly depend on σp (when including the additional 0.043mas⁠) with a statistical confidence far in excess of 10σ and a proportionality factor close to 1, though the dependence varies somewhat with σp. Correcting for the σp dependence also resolves otherwise unexplained correlations of the offset with the number of observation periods nvis and ecliptic latitude. Every study using Gaia DR2 parallaxes/distances should investigate the sensitivity of its results on the parallax biases described here and – for fainter samples – in the DR2 astrometry paper

    The SSS phase of RS Ophiuchi observed with Chandra and XMM-Newton I.: Data and preliminary Modeling

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    The phase of Super-Soft-Source (SSS) emission of the sixth recorded outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph was observed twice with Chandra and once with XMM-Newton. The observations were taken on days 39.7, 54.0, and 66.9 after outburst. We confirm a 35-sec period on day 54.0 and found that it originates from the SSS emission and not from the shock. We discus the bound-free absorption by neutral elements in the line of sight, resonance absorption lines plus self-absorbed emission line components, collisionally excited emission lines from the shock, He-like intersystem lines, and spectral changes during an episode of high-amplitude variability. We find a decrease of the oxygen K-shell absorption edge that can be explained by photoionization of oxygen. The absorption component has average velocities of -1286+-267 km/s on day 39.7 and of -771+-65 km/s on day 66.9. The wavelengths of the emission line components are consistent with their rest wavelengths as confirmed by measurements of non-self absorbed He-like intersystem lines. We have evidence that these lines originate from the shock rather than the outer layers of the outflow and may be photoexcited in addition to collisional excitations. We found collisionally excited emission lines that are fading at wavelengths shorter than 15A that originate from the radiatively cooling shock. On day 39.5 we find a systematic blue shift of -526+-114 km/s from these lines. We found anomalous He-like f/i ratios which indicates either high densities or significant UV radiation near the plasma where the emission lines are formed. During the phase of strong variability the spectral hardness light curve overlies the total light curve when shifted by 1000sec. This can be explained by photoionization of neutral oxygen in the line of sight if the densities of order 10^{10}-10^{11} cm^{-3}.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. Accepted by ApJ; v2: Co-author Woodward adde

    The K2 Galactic Archaeology Program Data Release 2: Asteroseismic Results from Campaigns 4, 6, and 7

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    Studies of Galactic structure and evolution have benefited enormously from Gaia kinematic information, though additional, intrinsic stellar parameters like age are required to best constrain Galactic models. Asteroseismology is the most precise method of providing such information for field star populations en masse, but existing samples for the most part have been limited to a few narrow fields of view by the CoRoT and Kepler missions. In an effort to provide well-characterized stellar parameters across a wide range in Galactic position, we present the second data release of red giant asteroseismic parameters for the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program (GAP). We provide V_{max} and Delta_{v} based on six independent pipeline analyses; first-ascent red giant branch (RGB) and red clump (RC) evolutionary state classifications from machine learning; and ready-to-use radius and mass coefficients, K_{R} and K_{M}, which, when appropriately multiplied by a solar-scaled effective temperature factor, yield physical stellar radii and masses. In total, we report 4395 radius and mass coefficients, with typical uncertainties of 3.3% (stat.) ± 1% (syst.) for K_{R} and 7.7% (stat.) ± 2% (syst.) for ÎșM among RGB stars, and 5.0% (stat.) ± 1% (syst.) for K_{R} nd 10.5% (stat.) ± 2% (syst.) for ÎșM among RC stars. We verify that the sample is nearly complete—except for a dearth of stars with V_{max} \leqslant 10-20 mHz-by comparing to Galactic models and visual inspection. Our asteroseismic radii agree with radii derived from Gaia Data Release 2 parallaxes to within 2.2% ± 0.3% for RGB stars and 2.0% ± 0.6% for RC stars

    The Dark Matter halo of the Milky Way, AD 2013

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    We derive the mass model of the Milky Way (MW) using a cored dark matter (DM) halo profile and recent data. The method used consists in fitting a spherically symmetric model of the Galaxy with a Burkert DM halo profile to available data: MW terminal velocities in the region inside the solar circle, circular velocity as recently estimated from maser star forming regions at intermediate radii, and velocity dispersions of stellar halo tracers for the outermost Galactic region. The latter are reproduced by integrating the Jeans equation for every modeled mass distribution, and by allowing for different velocity anisotropies for different tracer populations. For comparison we also consider a Navarro-Frenk-White profile. We find that the cored profile is the preferred one, with a shallow central density of rho_H~4x10^7M_s/kpc^3 and a large core radius R_H~10 kpc, as observed in external spirals and in agreement with the mass model underlying the Universal Rotation Curve of spirals. We describe also the derived model uncertainties, which are crucially driven by the poorly constrained velocity dispersion anisotropies of halo tracers. The emerging cored DM distribution has implications for the DM annihilation angular profile, which is much less boosted in the Galactic center direction with respect to the case of the standard \Lambda CDM, NFW profile. Using the derived uncertainties we discuss finally the limitations and prospects to discriminate between cored and cusped DM profile with a possible observed diffuse DM annihilation signal. The present mass model aims to characterize the present-day description of the distribution of matter in our Galaxy, which is needed to frame current crucial issues of Cosmology, Astrophysics and Elementary Particles

    Confirming chemical clocks: asteroseismic age dissection of the Milky Way disc(s)

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    Investigations of the origin and evolution of the Milky Way disc have long relied on chemical and kinematic identifications of its components to reconstruct our Galactic past. Difficulties in determining precise stellar ages have restricted most studies to small samples, normally confined to the solar neighbourhood. Here, we break this impasse with the help of asteroseismic inference and perform a chronology of the evolution of the disc throughout the age of the Galaxy. We chemically dissect the Milky Way disc population using a sample of red giant stars spanning out to 2 kpc in the solar annulus observed by the Kepler satellite, with the added dimension of asteroseismic ages. Our results reveal a clear difference in age between the low- and high-α populations, which also show distinct velocity dispersions in the V and W components. We find no tight correlation between age and metallicity nor [α/Fe] for the high-α disc stars. Our results indicate that this component formed over a period of more than 2 Gyr with a wide range of [M/H] and [α/Fe] independent of time. Our findings show that the kinematic properties of young α-rich stars are consistent with the rest of the high-α population and different from the low-α stars of similar age, rendering support to their origin being old stars that went through a mass transfer or stellar merger event, making them appear younger, instead of migration of truly young stars formed close to the Galactic bar

    A Study of T Cell Tolerance to the Tumor-Associated Antigen MDM2: Cytokines Can Restore Antigen Responsiveness, but Not High Avidity T Cell Function

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    BACKGROUND: Most tumor-associated antigens (TAA) currently used for immunotherapy of cancer are also expressed in normal tissues, which may induce tolerance and impair T cell-mediated immunity. However, there is limited information about how physiological expression in normal tissues alters the function of TAA-specific T cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used a T cell receptor transgenic model to study how MDM2 expression in normal tissues affects the function of T cells specific for this TAA that is found at high levels in many different types of tumors. We found that some MDM2-specific T cells escaped thymic deletion and persisted in the peripheral T cell pool. When stimulated with antigen, these T cells readily initiated cell division but failed to proliferate and expand, which was associated with a high rate of apoptosis. Both IL-2 and IL-15 efficiently rescued T cell survival and antigen-specific T cell proliferation, while IL-7 and IL-21 were ineffective. Antigen-stimulated T cells showed impaired expression of the effector molecules CD43, granzyme-B and IFN-Îł, a defect that was completely restored when T cells were stimulated in the presence of IL-2. In contrast, IL-15 and IL-21 only restored the expression of CD43 and granzyme-B, but not IFN-Îł production. Finally, peptide titration experiments with IL-2 rescued T cells indicated that they were of lower avidity than non-tolerant control T cells expressing the same TCR. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data indicate that cytokines can rescue the antigen-specific proliferation and effector function of MDM2-specific T cells, although this does not lead to the recovery of high avidity T cell function. This study sheds light on possible limitations of immunotherapy approaches that target widely expressed TAA, such as MDM2

    Itk Negatively Regulates Induction of  T Cell Proliferation by CD28 Costimulation

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    CD28 is a cell surface molecule that mediates a costimulatory signal crucial for T cell proliferation and lymphokine production. The signal transduction mechanisms of CD28 are not well understood. Itk, a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase specifically expressed in T cells and mast cells, has been implicated in the CD28 signaling pathway because of reports that it becomes phosphorylated on tyrosines and associates with CD28 upon cross-linking of the cell surface molecule. To determine whether Itk plays a functional role in CD28 signaling, we compared T cells from Itk-deficient mice and control mice for their responses to CD28 costimulation. T cells defective in Itk were found to be fully competent to respond to costimulation. Whereas the CD3-mediated proliferative response was severely compromised in the absence of Itk, the calcineurin-independent CD28-mediated response was significantly elevated when compared with cells from control animals. The augmented proliferation was not due to increased production of interleukin-2. The results suggest that Itk has distinct roles in the CD3 versus the CD28 signaling pathways. By negatively regulating the amplitude of signaling upon CD28 costimulation, Itk may provide a means for modulating the outcome of T cell activation during development and during antigen-driven immune responses

    Chemical tagging with APOGEE: discovery of a large population of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy

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    Formation of globular clusters (GCs), the Galactic bulge, or galaxy bulges in general is an important unsolved problem in Galactic astronomy. Homogeneous infrared observations of large samples of stars belonging to GCs and the Galactic bulge field are one of the best ways to study these problems. We report the discovery by APOGEE (Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment) of a population of field stars in the inner Galaxy with abundances of N, C, and Al that are typically found in GC stars. The newly discovered stars have high [N/Fe], which is correlated with [Al/Fe] and anticorrelated with [C/Fe]. They are homogeneously distributed across, and kinematically indistinguishable from, other field stars within the same volume. Their metallicity distribution is seemingly unimodal, peaking at [Fe/H] ∌ −1, thus being in disagreement with that of the Galactic GC system. Our results can be understood in terms of different scenarios. N-rich stars could be former members of dissolved GCs, in which case the mass in destroyed GCs exceeds that of the surviving GC system by a factor of ∌8. In that scenario, the total mass contained in so-called ‘first-generation’ stars cannot be larger than that in ‘second-generation’ stars by more than a factor of ∌9 and was certainly smaller. Conversely, our results may imply the absence of a mandatory genetic link between ‘second-generation’ stars and GCs. Last, but not least, N-rich stars could be the oldest stars in the Galaxy, the by-products of chemical enrichment by the first stellar generations formed in the heart of the Galaxy

    The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) began observations in July 2014. It pursues three core programs: APOGEE-2,MaNGA, and eBOSS. In addition, eBOSS contains two major subprograms: TDSS and SPIDERS. This paper describes the first data release from SDSS-IV, Data Release 13 (DR13), which contains new data, reanalysis of existing data sets and, like all SDSS data releases, is inclusive of previously released data. DR13 makes publicly available 1390 spatially resolved integral field unit observations of nearby galaxies from MaNGA,the first data released from this survey. It includes new observations from eBOSS, completing SEQUELS. In addition to targeting galaxies and quasars, SEQUELS also targeted variability-selected objects from TDSS and X-ray selected objects from SPIDERS. DR13 includes new reductions ofthe SDSS-III BOSS data, improving the spectrophotometric calibration and redshift classification. DR13 releases new reductions of the APOGEE-1data from SDSS-III, with abundances of elements not previously included and improved stellar parameters for dwarf stars and cooler stars. For the SDSS imaging data, DR13 provides new, more robust and precise photometric calibrations. Several value-added catalogs are being released in tandem with DR13, in particular target catalogs relevant for eBOSS, TDSS, and SPIDERS, and an updated red-clump catalog for APOGEE.This paper describes the location and format of the data now publicly available, as well as providing references to the important technical papers that describe the targeting, observing, and data reduction. The SDSS website, http://www.sdss.org, provides links to the data, tutorials and examples of data access, and extensive documentation of the reduction and analysis procedures. DR13 is the first of a scheduled set that will contain new data and analyses from the planned ~6-year operations of SDSS-IV.PostprintPeer reviewe
